【インタビュー】アップル幹部が語る次期iPad OSのメンタルモデルとマルチタスクの強化

今回は「【インタビュー】アップル幹部が語る次期iPad OSのメンタルモデルとマルチタスクの強化」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Apple、iPad、iPadOS、iPadOS 15、WWDC2021、インタビュー等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


2021年のWWDCカンファレンスで発表されたiPadの新しいソフトウェアに、非常に大きな期待が寄せられている。iPadのラインナップ、特に大型のiPad Proでは、ここ数年、驚異的なペースでハードウェアのイノベーションが行われてきた。その一方、iPadのソフトウェア、特に複数のアプリを同時に使用できる機能や、プロのソフトウェア開発者向けのプロセスで使用できる機能のイノベーションが明らかに遅いことに、厳しい視線が注がれている。

そのような意見に反論しようとするかのように、iOS 15とiPadOS 15に関する2021年の発表では、マルチタスク機能の使い勝手が大幅に改善されていることや、システム全体に関する機能のほぼすべてに開発者向けAPIが塔載されていることが紹介された。筆者は、Apple(アップル)のワールドワイド製品マーケティング担当VPのBob Borchers(ボブ・ボーチャーズ)氏と、Appleのインテリジェントシステムエクスペリエンス担当VPのSebastien(Seb)Marineau-Mes(セバスティアン[セブ]・マリノー・メス)氏に、iPadOS 15のリリースについて話を聞き、これらのさまざまな改善点について意見を交わす機会を得た。

マリノー・メス氏は、Appleのソフトウェア担当SVPであるCraig Federighi(クレイグ・フェデリギ)氏のチームメンバーであり、今回の新バージョンの開発において中心的な役割を果たした人物だ。

iPadには、SharePlay、Live Text、Focuses、Universal Control、オンデバイスのSiri処理、プロトタイプ作成ツールとして設計された新しいSwift Playgroundsなど、多くの新しいコア機能が搭載されている。ただし、iPad Proユーザーが最も期待しているのは、Appleのマルチタスクシステムの改善だ。


関連記事:最新iPad Proは旧モデルから乗り換えるほどではないが、マウスとキーボードは快適で便利


そこでボーチャーズ氏とマリノー・メス氏にマルチタスクについて少し話を伺った。具体的には、iPadOS 15のマルチタスクの設計におけるAppleの哲学と、旧バージョンからのアップデートについてである。旧バージョンでは、指のアクロバティックな動きと、画面の端から飛び出す物体に対する強い空間認識が必要だった。




マリノー・メス氏によると、Appleの今回の目標は、マルチタスクが選択肢の1つであることをユーザーに理解してもらうために、アフォーダンスを加えることだった。アフォーダンスはすべてのアプリとウィンドウの上部にある一連の小さな点であり、利用可能な構成を明示的に選べるためのものだ。これまではアプリをドックに追加して切り替えていた。同氏は続けて、このバージョンのOSでは一貫性が重要な指標だったと述べている。例えば、Slide Overアプリは、他のすべてのアプリと同じようにスイッチャービューに表示される。つまりボタンを使ってアプリの設定を選択しても、スイッチャーでドラッグ&ドロップしても同じ結果が得られるということだ。


この「ひと目でわかる」システムマップは、上級ユーザーにとっては歓迎すべきものだ。非常に積極的なプロのユーザーである筆者でさえ、開いているウィンドウの数と使用するタイミングを把握できないSlide Overアプリは、何よりも厄介だった。スイッチャー自体にSlide Overアプリを組み込む機能は、Appleが何年も前からOSに塔載したいと考えていた機能の1つであるが、今回ようやくiPadに塔載されることになった。組織の粘り強さこそが、取り組むべき重要な課題だったのだ。



iPadOS 15では、上級者の要望に応えて、システム全体で使える豊富なキーボードショートカットも提供されている。インターフェイスが矢印キーで操作できるようになった他、多くの高度なコマンドも用意されている。ゲームコントローラを使ってiPadを操作することも可能だ。



筆者がより興味深く便利だと感じた改善点の1つは、Center Window(センターウィンドウ)とそれに付随するAPIの導入である。メール、メモ、メッセージなどのいくつかのAppleアプリは、重なり合うウィンドウにアイテムをポップアウトできるようになった。


最も強力なクリエイティブアプリの多くはサードパーティーによって構築されており、これらのアプリを真に役立つものにするには、こうした技術を採用しなければならない。そう仮定すると、Appleが発表したiPadOS 15の新機能の早期導入には不安要素がある。しかしボーチャーズ氏によると、Appleは、これらの新しいパラダイムや技術がプロ向けアプリにできるだけ多く採用されるように懸命に取り組んでいるという。その結果、2021年秋頃になれば、iPadは、プロが望む高度な作業を行うための快適なホストとして認識されるだろう、とのことだ。


カリフォルニア州クパチーノ。2021年6月7日、Appleのソフトウェアエンジニアリング担当上級副社長クレイグ・フェデリギ氏が、Apple Parkで開催されたAppleのWorldwide Developers Conferenceの基調講演ビデオの中で、ユニバーサルコントロールの使いやすさを紹介している(画像クレジット:Apple Inc.)







iPadOS 15の有望な拡張機能が見られるもう1つの分野は「アプリ内」という考えを脱却した、システム全体に関わるアクティビティだ。例えば、アプリに埋め込まれるレコメンデーション機能、ビデオ通話が見つかると表示されるShareplay、あらゆる写真を、キーボードで検索可能なインデックス付きアーカイブに変えるLive Textなどである。

もう1つのシステム拡張機能はQuick Noteである。システムのどこからでも画面の下隅からスワイプして使用できる。

「Quick Noteではいくつかおもしろいことができます。1つはリンクです。SafariやYelpなどのアプリで作業しているときに、表示しているコンテンツへのリンクをすばやくQuick Noteに追加することができます。あなたはどうか知りませんが、私は調べものをするときに頻繁にこの動作をしています」とマリノー・メス氏はいう。


AppleがiPadOS 15とiOS 15に導入しているシステム全体にわたる機能の多くは、開発者が利用できるAPIを備えている。AppleのAPIは長い間、アプリを強化する手段として開発者に提供されるものではなく、多くの場合、フレームワークの一覧のプライベートセクションに存在していた。しかし最新のAPIは必ずしもそうではない。ボーチャーズ氏によると、これはシステム全体に「より広範なインテリジェンスの基盤」を提供する意図的な動きである。


Apple Neural Engine(ANE)がもたらすインテリジェンスをデバイスに導入することにより、システム全体、過去、現在、その瞬間のあらゆる写真に含まれるテキストをインデックス化することも可能だ。

「Live Text機能を使用できるのはカメラと写真だけでしたが、私たちは、Safariやクイックルックなど、画像があるところならどこでも、Live Textを使用できるようにしたかったのです」とマリノー・メス氏は語った。「私がLive Textのデモで気に入っているのが、Wi-Fi接続用の長く複雑なパスワードを入力するフィールドでLive Textを使用するデモです。キーボードでパスワードを表示して写真を撮り、写真の中のテキストをコピーしてフィールドに貼り付けるだけです。まさに魔法のようです」。

iPadOS 15の開発者向けサービスに関しては、筆者はSwift Playgroundsについて具体的に話を聞いた。Swift Playgroundsには、アプリを記述し、コンパイルし、App Storeでリリースできる機能が追加されている。iPadで初めての機能である。これは開発者が望んでいたネイティブのXcodeではない。しかしボーチャーズ氏によるとSwift Playgroundsは「単にプログラミングを教える」ためのものでから「多くの開発者が実務で使用する」ものへと進化しているという。

「ここで得られた有用な知見の1つは、多くのプロの開発者がSwift Playgroundsをプロトタイプ用プラットフォームとして利用していることです。何かを試してみたいとき、それがバスの中であろうが公園であろうが、場所を問わずに非常に簡単に使えるため、『コードを学びたい』ときに非常に便利です」。


I can’t be the only developer wondering just how much of my apps I could shoehorn into Swift Playgrounds now that it can build apps, just so I can tweak them on the go ? Especially since it supports UIKit development, not just SwiftUI, and Swift packages pic.twitter.com/vpsEMlVigs

— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) June 12, 2021

2018年に、筆者はAppleの新しいチームを紹介した。このチームは、(当時は明かされていなかった)新しいMac Pro、iMac、MacBook、iPadなどのマシンが関連するプロセスがうまく進むように、Appleが実世界のユースケースに対応していることを確認できるテスト装置を構築していた。当時注目を集めたデモの1つが、Logicなどの音楽アプリと緊密に連携することによってiPadの入力モデルがコアアプリを補完できるようにするものだった。タッチインターフェイスを使用して、より直感的にパッド上でリズムを刻んだり、色や音声を調整したりできるようにした。最近のAppleの取り組みの多くは、ユーザーがさまざまなコンピューティングプラットフォームをシームレスに行き来し、それぞれの強み(元々ある能力、携帯性、タッチなど)を活かしてワークフローを補完することを目的としているようだ。iPadOS 15の多くは、このような方向性を持っていると思われる。

「ソフトウェアが原因で十分に力を発揮できない作業デバイス」というiPadのイメージをiPadOS 15が覆せるかどうかの判断は、2021年後半にiPadOS 15がリリースされるまで保留にしたい。しかし筆者は、短期的には慎重ながら楽観的な見方をしており「アプリの枠」を超えた一連の機能強化、単一アプリの内外でマルチタスクを実行するためのより明確なアフォーダンス、そしてAPIサポートへの献身的な取り組みは、拡張を推進しようとするiPadソフトウェアチームの精神の表れだと感じている。概して良い兆候だと思う。

・マルチタスクが改善されたiPadOS 15、新Swift Playgroundsでアプリ作成から公開まで可能に
・iOSアプリ内でそれぞれのサブスクの管理や返金が可能に、アップルがStoreKit 2を発表
・iOS 15でSpotlightが大幅強化、アプリのインストールも可能に
・iOS 15ではさらにセキュリティとプライバシー保護機能が充実
・AppleマップがiOS 15アップグレードでより詳細な地図、交通機関ナビ、ARビューなど追加



The announcement of new iPad software at this year’s WWDC conference had an abnormally large expectation hung on it. The iPad lineup, especially the larger iPad Pro, has kept up an impressively frantic pace of hardware innovation over the past few years. In that same time frame, the software of the iPad, especially its ability to allow users to use multiple apps at once and in its onramps for professional software makers, has come under scrutiny for an apparently slower pace. 

This year’s announcements about iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 seemed designed to counter that narrative with the introduction of a broad number of quality of life improvements to multitasking as well as a suite of system-wide features that nearly all come complete with their own developer-facing APIs to build on. I had the chance to speak to Bob Borchers, Apple’s VP of Worldwide Product Marketing, and Sebastien (Seb) Marineau-Mes, VP, Intelligent System Experience at Apple about the release of iPadOS 15 to discuss a variety of these improvements. 

Marineau-Mes works on the team of Apple software SVP Craig Federighi and was pivotal in the development of this new version.

iPad has a bunch of new core features including SharePlay, Live Text, Focuses, Universal Control, on-device Siri processing and a new edition of Swift Playgrounds designed to be a prototyping tool. Among the most hotly anticipated for iPad Pro users, however, are improvements to Apple’s multitasking system. 

If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that the gesture-focused multitasking interface of iPadOS has had its share of critics, including me. Though it can be useful in the right circumstances, the un-discoverable gesture system and confusing hierarchy of the different kinds of combinations of apps made it a sort of floppy affair to utilize correctly for an apt user much less a beginner. 

Since the iPad stands alone as pretty much the only successful tablet device on the market, Apple has a unique position in the industry to determine what kinds of paradigms are established as standard. It’s a very unique opportunity to say, hey, this is what working on a device like this feels like; looks like; should be.

So I ask Borchers and Marineau-Mes to talk a little bit about multitasking. Specifically Apple’s philosophy in the design of multitasking on iPadOS 15 and the update from the old version, which required a lot of acrobatics of the finger and a strong sense of spatial awareness of objects hovering out off the edges of the screen. 

“I think you’ve got it,” Borchers says when I mention the spatial gymnastics, “but the way that we think about this is that the step forward and multitasking makes it easier discover, easier to use even more powerful. And, while pros I think were the ones who were using multitasking in the past, we really want to take it more broadly because we think there’s applicability to many, many folks. And that’s why the, the discovery and the ease of use I think were critical.”

“You had a great point there when you talked about the spatial model and one of our goals was to actually make the spatial model more explicit in the experience,” says Marineau-Mes, “where, for example, if you’ve got a split view, and you’re replacing one of the windows, we kind of open the curtain and tuck the other app to the side, you can see it — it’s not a hidden hidden mental model, it’s one that’s very explicit.

Another great example of it is when you go into the app switcher to reconfigure your windows, you’re actually doing drag and drop as you rearrange your new split views, or you dismiss apps and so on. So it’s not a hidden model, it’s one where we really try to reinforce a spatial model with an explicit one for the user through all of the animations and all of the kinds of affordances.”

Apple’s goal this time around, he says, was to add affordances for the user to understand that multitasking was even an option — like the small series of dots at the top of every app and window that now allows you to explicitly choose an available configuration, rather than the app-and-dock-juggling method of the past. He goes on to say that consistency was a key metric for them on this version of the OS. The appearance of Slide Over apps in the same switcher view as all other apps, for instance. Or the way that you can choose configurations of apps via the button, by drag and drop in the switcher and get the same results.

In the dashboard, Marineau-Mes says, “you get an at a glance view of all of the apps that you’re running and a full model of how you’re navigating that through the iPad’s interface.”

This ‘at a glance’ map of the system should be very welcome by advanced users. Even as a very aggressive Pro user myself, Slide Over apps became more of a nuisance than anything because I couldn’t keep track of how many were open and when to use them. The ability to combine them on the switcher itself is one of those things that Apple has wanted to get into the OS for years but is just now making its way onto iPads. Persistence of organization, really, was the critical problem to tackle.

“I think we believe strongly in building a mental model where people know where things are [on iPad],” says Marineau-Mes. “And I think you’re right when it comes persistence I think it also applies to, for example, home screen. People have a very strong mental model of where things are in the home screen as well as all of the apps that they’ve configured. And so we try to maintain a well maintained that mental model, and also allow people to reorganize again in the switcher.”

He goes on to explain the new ‘shelf’ feature that displays every instance or window that an app has open within itself. They implemented this as a per-app feature rather than a system-wide feature, he says, because the association of that shelf with a particular app fit the overall mental model that they’re trying to build. The value of this shelf may jump into higher relief when more professional apps that may have a dozen documents or windows open at once and active during a project ship later this year.

Another nod to advanced users in iPadOS 15 is the rich keyboard shortcut set offered across the system. The interface can be navigated by arrow keys now, many advanced commands are there and you can even move around on an iPad using a game controller. 

“One of the key goals this year was to make basically everything in the system navigable from the keyboard,” says Marineau-Mes, “so that if you don’t want to, you don’t have to take your hands off the keyboard. All of the new multitasking affordances and features, you can do through the keyboard shortcuts. You’ve got the new keyboard shortcut menu bar where you can see all the shortcuts that are available. It’s great for discoverability. You can search them and we even, you know, and this is a subtle point, but we even made a very conscious effort to rationalize the shortcuts across Mac and iPadOS. So that if you’re using universal control, for example, you’re going to go from one environment to the other seamlessly. You want to ensure that consistency as you go across.”

The gestures, however, are staying as a nod to consistency for existing users that may be used to those. 

To me, one of the more interesting and potentially powerful developments is the introduction of the Center Window and its accompanying API. A handful of Apple apps like Mail, Notes and Messages now allow items to pop out into an overlapping window.

“It was a very deliberate decision on our part,” says Marineau-Mes about adding this new element. “This really brings a new level of productivity where you can have, you know, this floating window. You can have content behind it. You can seamlessly cut and paste. And that’s something that’s just not possible with the traditional [iPadOS] model. And we also really strive to make it consistent with the rest of multitasking where that center window can also become one of the windows in your split view, or full size, and then go back to to being a center window. We think it’s a cool addition to the model and we look really look forward to 3rd parties embracing it.”

Early reception of the loop Apple gave at iPadOS 15 has an element of reservation about it still given that many of the most powerful creative apps are made by third parties that must adopt these technologies in order for them to be truly useful. But Apple, Borchers says, is working hard to make sure that pro apps adopt as many of these new paradigms and technologies as possible, so that come fall, the iPad will feel like a more hospitable host for the kinds of advanced work pros want to do there.

One of the nods to this multi-modal universe that the iPad exists in is Universal Control. This new feature uses Bluetooth beaconing, peer-to-peer WiFi and the iPad’s touchpad support to allow you to place your devices close to one another and — in a clever use of reading user intent — slide your mouse to the edge of a screen and onto your Mac or iPad seamlessly. 

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA – June 7, 2021: Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering Craig Federighi showcases the ease of Universal Control, as seen in this still image from the keynote video of AppleÕs Worldwide Developers Conference at Apple Park. Image Credits: Apple Inc.

“I think what we have seen and observed from our users, both pro and and otherwise, is that we have lots of people who have Macs and they have iPads, and they have other iPhones and and we believe in making these things work together in ways that are that are powerful,” says Borchers. “And it just felt like a natural place to be able to go and extend our Continuity model so that you could make use of this incredible platform that is iPadOS while working with your Mac, right next to it. And I think the big challenge was, how do you do that in kind of a magical, simple way. And that’s what Seb and his team and been able to accomplish.

“It really builds on the foundation we made with Continuity and Sidecar,” adds Marineau-Mes. “We really thought a lot about how do you make the experience — the set up experience — as seamless as possible. How do you discover that you’ve got devices side by side.?

The other thing we thought about was what are the workflows that people want to have and what capabilities that will be essential for that. That’s where thinks like the ability to seamlessly drag content across the platforms or cut and paste was we felt to be really, really important. Because I think that’s really what brings to the magic to the experience.”

Borchers adds that it makes all the continuity features that much more discoverable. Continuity’s shared clipboard, for instance, is an always on but invisible presence. Expanding that to visual and mouse-driven models made some natural sense.

“It’s just like, oh, of course, I can drag that all the way across all the way across here,” he says.

“Bob, you say, of course,” Marineau-Mes laughs. “And yet for those of us working in platforms for a long time, the ‘of course’, is technically very, very challenging. Totally non obvious.”

Another area where iPadOS 15 is showing some promising expansionary behavior is in system-wide activities that allow you to break out of the box of in-app thinking. These include embedded recommendations that seed themselves into various apps, Shareplay, which makes an appearance wherever video calls are found and Live Text, which turns all of your photos into indexed archives searchable with a keyboard. 

Another is Quick Note, a system extension that lets you swipe from the bottom corner of your screen wherever you are in the system.

“There are, I think a few interesting things that we did with with Quick Note,” says Marineau-Mes. “One is this idea of linking. So, that if I’m working in Safari or Yelp or another app, I can quickly insert a link to whatever content I’m viewing. I don’t know about you, but it’s something that I certainly do a lot when I do research. 

“The old way was, like, cut and paste and maybe take a screenshot, create a note and jot down some notes. And now we’ve made that very, very seamless and fluid across the whole system. It even works the other way where, if I’m now in Safari and I have a note that refers to that page in Safari, you’ll see it revealed as a thumbnail at the bottom of the screen’s right hand side. So, we’ve really tried to bring the notes experience to be something that just permeates the system and is easily accessible from, from everywhere.” 

Many of the system-wide capabilities that Apple is introducing in iPadOS 15 and iOS 15 have an API that developers can tap into. That is not always the case with Apple’s newest toys, which in years past have often been left to linger in the private section of its list of frameworks rather than be offered to developers as a way to enhance their apps. Borchers says that this is an intentional move that offers a ‘broader foundation of intelligence’ across the entire system. 

This broader intelligence includes Siri moving a ton of commands to its local scope. This involved having to move a big chunk of Apple’s speech recognition to an on-device configuration in the new OS as well. The results, says Borchers, are a vastly improved day-to-day Siri experience, with many common commands executing immediately upon request — something that was a bit of a dice roll in days of Siri past. The removal of the reputational hit that Siri was taking from commands that went up to the cloud never to return could be the beginning of a turnaround for the public perception of Siri’s usefulness.

The on-device weaving of the intelligence provided by the Apple Neural Engine (ANE) also includes the indexing of text across photos in the entire system, past, present and in-the-moment.

“We could have done live text only in camera and photos, but we wanted it to apply to anywhere we’ve got images, whether it be in in Safari or quick look or wherever,” says Marineau-Mes. “One of my favorite demos of live text is actually when you’ve got that long complicated field for a password for a Wi-Fi network. You can just actually bring it up within the keyboard and take a picture of it, get the text in it and copy and paste it into into the field. It’s one of those things that’s just kind of magical.”

On the developer service front of iPadOS 15, I ask specifically about Swift Playgrounds, which add the ability to write, compile and ship apps on the App Store for the first time completely on iPad. It’s not the native Xcode some developers were hoping for, but, Borchers says, Playgrounds has moved beyond just ‘teaching people how to code’ and into a real part of many developer pipelines.

“ think one of the big insights here was that we also saw a number of kind of pro developers using it as a prototyping platform, and a way to be able to be on the bus, or in the park, or wherever if you wanted to get in and give something a try, this was super accessible and easy way to get there and could be a nice adjunct to hey, I want to learn to code.”

“If you’re a developer,” adds Marineau-Mes, “it’s actually more productive to be able to run that app on the device that you’re working on because you really get great fidelity. And with the open project format, you can go back and forth between Xcode and Playgrounds. So, as Bob said, we can really envision people using this for a lot of rapid prototyping on the go without having to bring along the rest of their development environment so we think it’s a really, really powerful addition to our development development tools this year.”

I can’t be the only developer wondering just how much of my apps I could shoehorn into Swift Playgrounds now that it can build apps, just so I can tweak them on the go ? Especially since it supports UIKit development, not just SwiftUI, and Swift packages pic.twitter.com/vpsEMlVigs

— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) June 12, 2021

Way back in 2018 I profiled a new team at Apple that was building out a testing apparatus that would help them to make sure they were addressing real-world use cases for flows of process that included machines like the (at the time un-revealed) new Mac Pro, iMacs, MacBooks and iPads. One of the demos that stood out at the time was a deep integration with music apps like Logic that would allow the input models of iPad to complement the core app. Tapping out a rhythm on a pad, brightening or adjusting sound more intuitively with the touch interface. More of Apple’s work these days seems to be aimed at allowing users to move seamlessly back and forth between its various computing platforms, taking advantage of the strengths of each (raw power, portability, touch, etc) to complement a workflow. A lot of iPadOS 15 appears to be geared this way.

Whether it will be enough to turn the corner on the perception of iPad as a work device that is being held back by software, I’ll reserve judgement until it ships later this year. But, in the near term, I am cautiously optimistic that this set of enhancements that break out of the ‘app box’, the clearer affordances for multitasking both in and out of single apps and the dedication to API support are pointing towards an expansionist mentality on the iPad software team. A good sign in general.

(文:Matthew Panzarino、翻訳:Dragonfly)


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Apple's award-winning global hit comedy "Ted Lasso" debuts ...

Apple TV+ is available on the Apple TV app in over 100 countries and regions, on over 1 billion screens, including iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mac, popular smart TVs from Samsung, LG, Sony, VIZIO, TCL and others, Roku and Amazon Fire TV devices, Chromecast with Google TV, PlayStation and Xbox gaming consoles, and at tv.apple.com, for $4.99 per month with a seven-day free trial.

Bernstein" Wait for this price to buy Apple shares before ...

The struggles for Apple shares in 2021 have set the stage for a boost from the new iPhone, but investors should wait for a lower stock price before jumping in, according to investment firm ...

Apple Added to German Watchdog's Big Tech Hit List

Apple Inc. became the latest target of a German antitrust crackdown on tech giants’ market power with a wide-ranging probe examining the company’s “digital ecosystem.”

Engineering Product Specialist, Internet ... - jobs.apple.com

Apply for a Engineering Product Specialist, Internet Services Hardware Engineering job at Apple. Read about the role and find out if it’s right for you.

Hong Kong's Apple Daily newspaper says it may shut down ...

Hong Kong pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily says its board of directors has asked authorities to unfreeze some assets so that it can pay salaries

Apple Stock: No Returns Ahead (NASDAQ:AAPL) | Seeking Alpha

Apple is one of the strongest companies trading on the market today. But, at these prices, the stock offers -4 to 5% annual returns.

German regulators launch antitrust probe into Apple ...

German regulators have launched an antitrust probe into Apple,  the news was announced in a press release by the Bundeskartellamt in Germany.

HK pro-democracy tabloid Apple Daily may shut down this ...

The pro-democracy Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily looked set to close for good by Saturday following police raids and the arrest of executives - a move that rights groups say would undermine the city's reputation as a free and open society as Beijing tightens its grip.

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Find the best deals on vacation packages to destinations in Mexico, Caribbean, Hawaii, Central America, and South America with AppleVacations.com. Your All-Inclusive Apple Vacation includes round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations, round-trip airport transfers, and the services of an in-resort Apple representative. Book online or call 1 (800) 517-2000.

iPhone production to rise 12.3% YoY in 2021, 'iPhone 12s ...

iPhone production to rise 12.3% YoY in 2021, 'iPhone 12s' removes focus from mini

iCloud error: There was a problem loading… - Apple Community

Apple Footer. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee as to the ...

Germany Opens Antitrust Probe Against Apple

Germany on Monday opened an investigation against Apple over anti-competition practices, making the iPhone maker the fourth US tech giant to be hit by such probes. The antitrust authority had in ...

The best Prime Day 2021 Apple deals | Macworld

Amazon's two-day sale starts Monday but there are already deals to be found on Apple products.

Apple Stock: What Are The Next Catalysts? - Apple Maven

Apple stock has had a solid June so far, but which way will shares go next? The Apple Maven presents the catalysts that will most likely nudge AAPL higher or lower in the next several weeks.

Apple M1 MacBook Pro On Sale for $199 Off [Prime Day Deal]

Apple's new M1 MacBook Pro is on sale for $199 off today. That brings its price down from $1299 to $1099.99, the lowest price ever. The Apple M1 chip gives the 13-inch MacBook Pro speed and power ...

Germany Opens Antitrust Probe Against Apple | Barron's

Germany on Monday opened an investigation against Apple over anti-competition practices, as the iPhone maker became the fourth US tech giant to be hit by such probes.

Amazon Prime Day 2021: The best Apple deals on AirPods ...

Here are the best Amazon Prime Day 2021 deals on Apple devices you can get, including AirPods, MacBooks and more..

‎Morning Joe: Morning Joe 6/21/21 on Apple Podcasts

‎The Morning Joe panel breaks down the latest in infrastructure negotiations and President Biden marking 300 million Covid-19 shots.

Hong Kong Pro-democracy Paper Apple Daily To Decide ...

Hong Kong pro-democracy paper Apple Daily to decide closure on Friday

Tax paid by Apple, Google, and others to rise; Ireland ...

The 12.5% corporate tax paid by Apple, Google, Microsoft, and other companies to Ireland would have to end under a global tax plan ...

Don't miss these official Apple iPhone cable and charger ...

This range of Apple-branded iPhone accessories will save you some money on cables for charging, Apple's 20W adapter, and the 3.5mm headphone jack adapter.

Amazon Has TK Apple AirPods Sales for Prime Day 2021 ...

Amazon dropped four Apple AirPods deals for Prime Day 2021, including sales on the AirPods Pro, wired charging AirPods, wireless charging AirPods, and the new AirPods Max headphones. These are some of the best Prime Day deals on Apple tech and wireless earbuds that are likely to sell out fast

Best Apple AirPods deals: Prime Day, Target and other ...

And while Apple products rarely go on sale, many retailers have matched Amazon's Apple prices, including Target, Walmart and Best Buy, and have prepared for their own iterations of Prime Day sales.

Apple 2021 Back-to-School Student Discount Launch | HYPEBEAST

Apple Announces 2021 Back-to-School Student Discounts: Getting you ready for the next semester.

Monday's stock analyst calls: Amazon, Apple, Uber, Nike ...

Here are Monday's biggest analyst calls of the day: Amazon, Apple, Uber, Nike, Hershey & more Published Mon, Jun 21 2021 8:23 AM EDT Updated 22 Min Ago Michael Bloom

You can't afford to miss Amazon's $80 Prime Day discount ...

New to Apple TV or want a secondary streamer for another TV in your house? This is the deal for you.

Hong Kong's Apple Daily newspaper says it may shut down ...

Apple Daily has been outspoken in defending Hong Kong's freedoms, and in recent years has often criticized the Chinese and Hong Kong governments for limiting the city's democratic freedoms as well ...

Best Apple Pencil 2nd generation cases and covers | Pocketnow

We've collected the best Apple Pencil cases we could find to help your protect your purchase, and offer improved looks when using the pen.

WWDC21 - Apple Developer

Join the Apple worldwide developer community for an all-online WWDC21.

WWDC 2021 impilcatins for iOS developers with Justin ...

In this episode we're covering the Apple's WWDC 2021 conference implications for app marketers. As well as how iOS 14.5 has been impacting the app industry.

Pent-up demand could drive strong 'iPhone 13' cycle into ...

Ahead of the potential launch of the "iPhone 13" later in 2021, Wedbush believes there is still "massive" pent-up demand for new smartphones within Apple's customer base.

Apple's competitors weren't mentioned in WWDC 2021 keynote ...

With the WWDC 2021 keynote, CEO Tim Cook, Senior Vice President of Software Engineering Craig Federighi, and Apple's merry band of executives delivered an evolutionary roadmap and features that are aimed at multiple competitors. And although Apple rarely names those competitors, the likes of Google, Facebook, Amazon, Zoom, the ad industry, VPNs, and even Peloton

Apple 2021 Back-to-School Student Discount Launch | HYPEBEAST

Apple Announces 2021 Back-to-School Student Discounts: Getting you ready for the next semester.

Classic Macintosh Re-Imagined in Modern Fan-Made Ad ...

A Macintosh 128K fan has created a fun video that re-imagines the original Mac from 1984 in a modern-style advert. The project comes from...

Features of Mac mini, which Apple is expected to introduce ...

The brand new Mac mini, which will use the M1X processor, is additionally expected to be launched at WWDC, Apple's annual developer convention the place it introduces new services and products. Right now, some essential options of Mac mini have been shared. Apple's developer convention, which is eagerly awaited by followers and builders of the…

TechPost | 21-06-21 | Highlights from the keynote from ...

Join Seanie Ryan & Dave O'Neill for some chat about what is happening in the world of Technology This week we discuss all the highlights from the keynote from Apple at WWDC 2021 Tech Post is brought to you in association with Limerick City Community Radio www.lccr.ie Theme Music kindly supplied by Limerick's Dylan Flynn […]

Will iPhone 8 Get iOS 15? When Does Apple Support End?

The ideal thing to do is wait for the general release, which according to Apple's announcement at the WWDC 2021 event, is expected around September 2021. Apple will launch the latest iPhone models around this time and plans to simultaneously roll out the OS update for the older models. Here's how you can get iOS 15 for iPhone 8 as part of ...

Naked American entered the house in California and killed ...

While the owner of the house called the police, the perpetrator tried on his clothes and swam in the pool. Then he killed the pets. A naked man entered

AppleTV 4K won't download new screensavers | MacRumors Forums

Has anyone else experienced this issue? My new Apple TV 4K (latest gen) is "stuck" on the Downtown LA screensaver, after a week of owning the unit and...

How to enable Apple Music Lossless Audio on iPhone

Launched as part of Apple's WWDC 2021 keynote, lossless audio refers to audio up to 48kHz, they are very large files and use much more bandwidth and storage

German antitrust watchdog opens investigation into Apple

Apple details new privacy features for Mail, Siri and more at WWDC 2021. May 30, 2021. 1:01 PM EDT. Google reportedly made it harder for users to find privacy settings. May 26, 2021. 12:37 PM EDT. Canada Post discloses data breach following malware attack on supplier. May 18, 2021. 1:47 PM EDT.

WWDC 2021 : 5 nouveautés à retenir ! - MBA DMB

WWDC 2021 : 5 nouveautés à retenir !conférence apple, ios 15, toutes les nouveautés apple pour iphone, ipad, airpods, applewatch...

how to download and set up beta on Apple iphone

iOS 15 is available in beta variation. This is how to download and put in this update on your Iphone. Screenshot throughout the presentation of iOS 15 at

ASCII.jp:WWDC2021 トピックの時間配分から浮かび上がるアップルのプライオリティ (1/5)


Apple WWDC 2021 Aankondigingen - priemo

Apple WWDC 2021 Aankondigingen Voor de tweede keer op jaar heeft Apple hun befaamde World Wide Developer Conference volledig digitaal laten plaatsvinden, vanwege de situatie rondom COVID-19. Op 7 juni 2021 was het alweer de 32ste keer dat Apple de conferentie organiseerde. We nemen je mee in de belangrijkste highlights.

ASCII.jp:WWDC2021 トピックの時間配分から浮かび上がるアップルのプライオリティ (4/5)


'Slap in the face' for Macron as his party scores poorly ...

The regional elections in France were regarded by some as a testing ground for next year's presidential election.

蘋果資深副總 Eddy Cue 接受採訪時坦承他聽不出無損音質差異,表示空間音訊才是 Apple Music 的大 ...

Chevelle.fu發佈蘋果資深副總 Eddy Cue 接受採訪時坦承他聽不出無損音質差異,表示空間音訊才是 Apple Music 的大未來,留言30篇於2021-06-21 23:48:以及基於 Dolby Atmos 的 Spatial Audio 空間音訊,而在官方的新聞稿當中,蘋果將焦點...#杜比,Dolby Atmos,蘋果,Apple Music,Spatial Audio,空間音訊,Loseless Audio(162454)

애플 'Wwdc 2021' 페이스타임

비기너를 위한 보카의이해, 필리핀영어, 필리핀어학, 필리핀유학, 주니어영어 컨설팅, 화상영어교육, 영어교육, 영어공부안내

苹果wwdc2021开发者大会速览 - 4563博客@每日更新,本地保留

#数码 #iOS ▎苹果WWDC2021开发者大会速览 ?IOS15: -通知优先级排序 -全新的免打扰模式和专注模式 -OCR实况文本(深度神经网络) -全新的聚焦搜索界面 -相册...

Users Underwhelmed by iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, Survey ...

Users appear to be underwhelmed by Apple's upcoming iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 updates, according to the findings of a new survey by SellCell. ...

Three upcoming Apple features that matter more than ...

Many of the new features announced at WWDC won't matter all that much to Apple users. These three likely will.

iPhone 13 & iOS 15 Survey: 1-in-5 Apple Users Put Off By ...

74% think next-gen iPhone should be named something else as our Survey reveals that 1 in 5 Apple users feel the iPhone 13 name could be unlucky

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS ...

iPadOS 15 brings the App Library to dock, but here's how to disable it; Enjoy the podcast?: Shop Apple at Amazon to support 9to5Mac Daily! Follow Chance: Twitter: @ChanceHMiller. Listen & Subscribe:

Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS 15 tidbits

Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our dedicated RSS feed for Overcast and other podcast players. Sponsored by Calory: The quickest way to count calories, track macros, water, and all of your food […]

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS ...

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS 15 tidbits - 9to5Mac; 9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS 15 tidbits - 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac - Chance Miller • 1h. Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily is available on iTunes and Apple's Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn ...

Wallpapers for iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 (with CarPlay ...

On June 7, 2021, Apple lifted the veil on the future variations of iOS and iPadOS: iOS 15 Y iPad 15. Shortly soon after the announcement, a initial trial

Users Underwhelmed by iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, Survey ...

Users appear to be underwhelmed by Apple's upcoming iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 updates, according to the findings of a new survey by SellCell.The survey asked 3,000 iPhone and iPad users, evenly split between men and women, aged 18 or over in the United States, what they thought of ‌iOS 15‌, ‌iPa ...

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS ...

Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our dedicated RSS feed for Overcast and other podcast players....

How Apple JUST Ruined the M1 iPad Pro with iPadOS 15 - All ...

Apple's WWDC 2021 just ended and iPadOS 15 has been fully revealed. Why did Apple do this?

How to Use Tab Groups in Safari on iOS 15 (2021) | Beebom

Safari tab groups let you organize tabs efficiently on iPhone and iPad. Let's take a look at how to use tab groups in Safari on iOS 15.

iOS 15 Photos gives you better access to your EXIF data

Tim Hardwick, MacRumors, points out the new, enriched Info pane in the iOS and iPadOS Photos app. This new version of the Info pane is a huge improvement,...

Users Underwhelmed by iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, Survey ...

Plenty of people use their iPad as their main machine. Not people who need laptops. That isn't changing anytime in the near future.

6 New Features iOS 15 Brings To Spotlight Search - iOS Hacker

With iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 Apple has made big and meaningful changes to the Spotlight search. All of these new Spotlight features make sure you can find

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS ...

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS 15 tidbits. June 21, 2021. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily is available on iTunes and Apple's Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our dedicated RSS feed for Overcast and other ...

Apple's iCloud+ subscription comes with a VPN called ...

Apple announced a new iOS 15, iPadOS 15, macOS Monterey, and other software updates with loads of new features and exciting improvements earlier this month. In addition, Apple also introduced new privacy features to not only strengthen users’ online privacy on mobile but also on the web. Therefore, to prevent users’ data from landing in the wrong hands, Apple offers a new iCloud Private Relay as part of the updated iCloud+ subscription.

How to downgrade from iOS 15 beta to iOS 14 - News Live Bangla

When you've got put in the beta of iOS 15 in your iPhone, or the beta of iPadOS 15 in your iPad, you'll already be testing all the brand new options

Dimostrazione completa del nuovo iPadOS 15 per iPad - YouTube

YouTube でお気に入りの動画や音楽を楽しみ、オリジナルのコンテンツをアップロードして友だちや家族、世界中の人たちと共有しましょう。

GoodTask: Get It Done With the Task Manager Based on Apple ...

GoodTask is the powerful, customizable task manager for getting things done on the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. That's because it's built on top of Apple's Reminders app and integrates with Calendars too. It's a solid foundation that GoodTask extends with fast, reliable syncing, Siri and Shortcuts support, widgets, and much more.

Notities in iOS 15 en iPadOS 15 worden handiger op deze 6 ...

Met Notities in iOS 15 is er meer mogelijk, vooral op het gebied van samenwerken aan en ordenen van notities.

Как да инсталирам iOS 15 Beta? | Как се прави

Как да инсталирам iOS 15 Beta? Как да инсталирам iOS 15 Developer Beta и iOS 15 Public Beta? Ние сме тук с подробностите, които ви интересуват в това ръководство. Как да инсталирам iOS 15...

Protected: Test - apple-stock-news.com

Test - Apple Stock News | . Learn more about I Know First.

macOS 12 Monterey Beta 1 is Out! - What's New? - All Tech News

macOS 12 Monterey Beta 1 released for developers and soon to public beta testers. Also, iOS 15 Beta 1,iPadOS 15 Beta 1, tvOS 15 Beta 1, and watchOS 8 Beta 1

ผู้ใช้ที่ตกเป็นเหยื่อของ iOS 15 และ iPadOS 15 การสำรวจ ...

ดูเหมือนว่าผู้ใช้จะรู้สึกไม่สบายใจกับ iOS 15 และ iPadOS 15 อัปเดตตามผลการสำรวจใหม่โดย SellCell. แบบสำรวจถาม iPhone และ ผู้ใช้ iPad ที่แบ่งเท่าๆ กันระหว่างชายและ ...

iHungary | Egyre inkább az okostelefonjaikról szörföznek ...

iPhone, Hungary, Apple, iHungary, iPhoneHungary, iPad, Mac, MacBook, iMac, iOS, OS X, Játékok, Programok, App, Appok, Alkalmazások

Prime Day 2021 iPad deals: $60 off on iPad Air and $30 off ...

The eighth-gen iPad features a 10.2-inch display powered by the A12 chip. The 32GB model has a list price of $329 but it's down to $299 at Amazon. We saw it dip to $279 last year at Costco, ...

Shop Amazon's 5 Apple iPad Prime Day 2021 Deals While They ...

Amazon Prime Day 2021 is underway, and includes Apple iPad deals that are likely to sell out. While supplies last, shoppers can get the newest iPad Pro devices, the iPad Air, and the iPad Mini on sale

This is the Best Place to Buy an iPad This Amazon Prime ...

The new iPad Air is the iPad to buy, with all the power and good looks of its more powerful cousins but without the high price tag. It's even cheaper thanks to this discount from Amazon. More Less

Amazon Prime Day: Apple's 64GB iPad Air Drops to New Low ...

In an ongoing effort to highlight the best Prime Day deals on Apple products, in this post we're spotlighting Amazon's current record low...

Entire Apple iPad Lineup Discounted For Prime Day 2021 ...

With Amazon's Prime Day in full swing, we want to ensure that you get access to the best deals going. This time, we want to expose the best Apple iPad deals for you so that you can grab yourself an absolute steal on Apple's iPadOS-powered tablet.

Best Prime Day iPad Deals 2021: Apple iPad Air, Pro & mini ...

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Prime Day iPad deals are underway.Review the best discounts on 12.9 & 11-inch iPad Pro, 4th Gen iPad Air & 5th Gen iPad mini. Links to the top deals are listed below. Best ...

Best Prime Day iPad Deals 2021: Apple iPad Air, Pro & mini ...

BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Prime Day iPad deals are underway. Review the best discounts on 12.9 & 11-inch iPad Pro, 4th Gen iPad Air &

Best Prime Day iPad Deals 2021: Apple iPad Air, Pro & mini ...

The iPad Pro also impresses with a liquid retina XDR display for brighter colors and sharper images. The iPad Air is another powerful tablet from Apple. Running on the A14 Bionic chip, it's the ...

Apple Prime Day Deals 2021: Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad ...

BOSTON, Jun 21, 2021--Prime Day Apple deals for 2021, including Apple Watch (6, 5, SE), iPhone (12, 11), iPad (Pro, Mini) & AirPods Pro discounts

Apple Prime Day Deals 2021: Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad ...

Apple Prime Day Deals 2021: Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad & AirPods Deals Rated by The Consumer Post Prime Day Apple deals for 2021, including Apple Watch (6, 5, SE), iPhone (12, 11), iPad (Pro, Mini ...

Turn your iPad into a laptop for less with these Brydge ...

Brydge makes some excellent wireless iPad keyboards that will boost your productivity. Here are some of the best Brydge Prime Day deals so far.

Best Prime Day Apple Deals 2021: M1 MacBook For $1100 ...

Prime Day Apple deals are bringing the lowest prices yet on Apple's M1-powered MacBooks and iPads, the AirPods Pro, and more.

The best Prime Day 2021 Apple deals | Macworld

Amazon's two-day sale starts Monday but there are already deals to be found on Apple products.

Best Prime Day iPad Deals 2021: Apple iPad Air, Pro & mini ...

Prime Day iPad Pro, Air & mini deals for 2021 have arrived, review the best Prime Day Apple iPad (WiFi & WiFi + cellular) sales right here on this ...

Apple Prime Day Deals 2021: Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad ...

Save on the iPad at Amazon - the 2020 10.2-inch iPad is powered by Apple's A12 Bionic chip and is compatible with the Apple Pencil and Smart Keyboard

Apple Prime Day Deals 2021: Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad ...

Best Apple iPad deals: Save up to 28% on the iPad Pro at Amazon - the 2021 12.9-inch iPad Pro is powered by Apple's revolutionary M1 chip

Best Prime Day iPad Deals 2021: Apple iPad Air, Pro & mini ...

Best Prime Day iPad Deals 2021: Apple iPad Air, Pro & mini Deals Published by Consumer Walk

Ditch Prime Day for Walmart's iPad mini deal offering $70 ...

Now's the perfect time to pick up Apple's diminutive tablet if you've been holding out for a solid price drop.

iPhone & iPad App Price Drops - June 21, 2021 | iOSnoops

iPhone, iPad and iPod touch apps now on sale, including Beat Workers, Juicy Realm, Hyperspace Delivery Service, KEV, Clima - Beautifully simple and many more

Apple Prime Day Deals 2021: Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad ...

Prime Day Apple deals for 2021, including Apple Watch (6, 5, SE), iPhone (12, 11), iPad (Pro, Mini) & AirPods Pro discounts Amazon Prime Day Apple deals ...

iPhone & iPad Apps Gone Free - June 21, 2021 | iOSnoops

iPhone, iPad and iPod touch apps now free, including Brainjection, Calculator Keyboard - Calku, digiID, ScannerLens+, Navigate to Photo, True Skate, PPBrowser for Web Video, Calculator Easy and many more

Save more than $30 on this 11-inch iPad Pro Magic Keyboard

Now is your chance to bag yourself that Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro that you've always wanted.

The best USB-C hubs for the iPad Pro and iPad Air | Macworld

If you're not using your iPad's USB-C port, you're not taking full advantage of your tablet.

Best Walmart Prime Day Deals 2021: Lenovo, iPad, Roborock ...

Here are the best Prime Day deals from Walmart’s Deals for Days, including TVs, laptops, smartphones, vacuums, and more.

YouTube Apple iPhone iPad Picture-in-Picture Mode | HYPEBEAST

YouTube Finally To Support Picture-in-Picture Mode on iPhone and iPad: And you don't need to be a Premium subscriber to use it.

The best USB-C hubs for the iPad Pro and iPad Air ...

As such, iPad Pro and iPad Air owners have a wide range of USB-C accessories available to them. Choosing a USB-C hub With a hub you can add extra USB ports (Type-C and the older Type-A), SD and MicroSD card readers, gigabit ethernet, wired headphones, cameras, keyboards, and more.

How To Fix iPad And iPhone Not Charging Properly Issue ...

Refer the tips here to fix iPad and iPhone not charging properly issue with the help from Bitwar Data Recovery Software!

Users Underwhelmed by iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, Survey ...

Users appear to be underwhelmed by Apple's upcoming iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 updates, according to the findings of a new survey by SellCell. ...

App Store (iOS/iPadOS) - Wikipedia

The App Store is an app store platform, developed and maintained by Apple Inc., for mobile apps on its iOS and iPadOS operating systems. The store allows users to browse and download apps developed within Apple's iOS Software Development Kit.Apps can be downloaded on the iPhone smartphone, the iPod Touch handheld computer, or the iPad tablet computer, and some can be transferred to the Apple ...

Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS 15 tidbits

Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily is available on iTunes and Apple’s Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our dedicated RSS feed for Overcast and other podcast players. Sponsored by Calory: The quickest way to count calories, track macros, water, and all of your food […]

Wallpapers for iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 (with CarPlay ...

On June 7, 2021, Apple lifted the veil on the future variations of iOS and iPadOS: iOS 15 Y iPad 15. Shortly soon after the announcement, a initial trial

Entire Apple iPad Lineup Discounted For Prime Day 2021 ...

With Amazon's Prime Day in full swing, we want to ensure that you get access to the best deals going. This time, we want to expose the best Apple iPad deals for you so that you can grab yourself an absolute steal on Apple's iPadOS-powered tablet.

How Apple JUST Ruined the M1 iPad Pro with iPadOS 15 - All ...

Apple's WWDC 2021 just ended and iPadOS 15 has been fully revealed. Why did Apple do this?

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS ...

Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily is available on iTunes and Apple's Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our dedicated RSS feed for ...

My iPad for Seniors (covers all iPads running iPadOS 14 ...

Click Here : https://fubbooks.info/?book=0136824293 Covers All iPads Running iPadOS 14Easy, clear, readable, and focused on what you want to do. Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through getting and keeping your iPad working just the way you want.Learn how to Discover all the new features of iPadOS 14 Wirelessly connect to and browse the Internet, at home or away Personalize the way your iPad looks and works--including Dark Mode Make your iPad easier to use if you have trouble seeing or tapping the screen Use Siri voice commands to control your iPad and find useful information Communicate with friends and family via email, text messaging, and FaceTime and Zoom video chats Shoot, share, and view photos and videos Listen to streaming music and watch streaming movies and TV shows online Connect and use the Apple Pencil, external keyboards, trackpads, and mice Use iCloud to store and share your photos and other important data online Troubleshoot common iPad problems

Watch: Top 5 most annoying computing things | Boing Boing

MacOS on the iPad Pro would be nice but iPadOS still has its charms . With the iPad Pro now using the same core M1 hardware as MacBooks and iMacs, the shortcomings of iPadOS are standing out in ...

Protected: Test - apple-stock-news.com

Test - Apple Stock News | . Learn more about I Know First.

Three upcoming Apple features that matter more than ...

Many of the new features announced at WWDC won't matter all that much to Apple users. These three likely will.

Dimostrazione completa del nuovo iPadOS 15 per iPad - YouTube

YouTube でお気に入りの動画や音楽を楽しみ、オリジナルのコンテンツをアップロードして友だちや家族、世界中の人たちと共有しましょう。

How to Use Tab Groups in Safari on iOS 15 (2021) | Beebom

Safari tab groups let you organize tabs efficiently on iPhone and iPad. Let's take a look at how to use tab groups in Safari on iOS 15.

Raise your hand within Microsoft Teams with IOS 14.6 ...

iOS & iPadOS; Raise your hand within Microsoft Teams with IOS 14.6. Submitted by BlackCat on Monday, June 21, 2021. Forum. iOS & iPadOS. Hello On my iPhone 11 running IOS 14.6, I find Microsoft Teams easy and accessible with VoiceOver apart from 1 option: During a Q&A session, where can I find the raise your hand option? Sighted users tap on a ...

ผู้ใช้ที่ตกเป็นเหยื่อของ iOS 15 และ iPadOS 15 การสำรวจ ...

ดูเหมือนว่าผู้ใช้จะรู้สึกไม่สบายใจกับ iOS 15 และ iPadOS 15 อัปเดตตามผลการสำรวจใหม่โดย SellCell. แบบสำรวจถาม iPhone และ ผู้ใช้ iPad ที่แบ่งเท่าๆ กันระหว่างชายและ ...

Users Underwhelmed by iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, Survey ...

Plenty of people use their iPad as their main machine. Not people who need laptops. That isn't changing anytime in the near future.

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS ...

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS 15 tidbits - 9to5Mac; 9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS 15 tidbits - 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac - Chance Miller • 1h. Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily is available on iTunes and Apple's Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn ...

iPhone 13 & iOS 15 Survey: 1-in-5 Apple Users Put Off By ...

74% think next-gen iPhone should be named something else as our Survey reveals that 1 in 5 Apple users feel the iPhone 13 name could be unlucky

GoodTask: Get It Done With the Task Manager Based on Apple ...

GoodTask is the powerful, customizable task manager for getting things done on the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. That's because it's built on top of Apple's Reminders app and integrates with Calendars too. It's a solid foundation that GoodTask extends with fast, reliable syncing, Siri and Shortcuts support, widgets, and much more.

YouTube บน iOS, iPadOS สามารถรองรับภาพซ้อนภาพเป็นครั้งแรก ...

ข่าวไอที ข่าวไอทีเปิดตัวมือถือในไทย ข่าวไอทีเทคโนโลยี ข่าวสารวงการอีสปอร์ต ข่าวไอทีดิจิตอลในไทย ข่าวไอทีเกม

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS ...

9to5Mac Daily: June 21, 2021 - MacBook Pro rumors, iPadOS 15 tidbits. June 21, 2021. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Listen to a recap of the top stories of the day from 9to5Mac. 9to5Mac Daily is available on iTunes and Apple's Podcasts app, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Play, or through our dedicated RSS feed for Overcast and other ...

Samsung MWC 2021 date announced | Oyprice Tech News

For current situation like other Tech Companies, Samsung is not attending Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, physically. The Samsung Galaxy MWC Event will happen virtually on 28th June. The Products Samsung will Showcase On June 28, Samsung will showcase “how the Galaxy ecosystem of connected devices is set to provide people with even greater possibilities […]

YouTube App Now Supports Picture In Picture Mode On IOS ...

વીડિયો સ્ટ્રીમિંગ એપ YouTubeએ એક લાંબા સમય બાદ પહેલીવાર iOS અને iPadOS માટે પિક્ચર ઈન પિક્ચર (pip) મોડ રિલીઝ કરી દીધું છે. આ ફીચર પહેલાથી જ એન્ડ્રૉઈડ યુઝર્સ માટે છે.

Το YouTube φέρνει επιτέλους την υποστήριξη Picture-in ...

Το YouTube επιβεβαίωσε ότι θα κυκλοφορήσει τη λειτουργία για τους υπόλοιπους χρήστες αργότερα.

iPadOS 14 - अपनी पठन सूची से किसी साइट को कैसे जोड़ें/निकालें?

आप डाकघर में लाइन में हैं, और आपके सामने कुछ ही लोग हैं, लेकिन आप अभी भी ऑनलाइन जाकर देखते हैं कि क्या आपको कुछ दिलचस्प मिलता है। आपको एक लेख मिल जाता है जिसे आप पढ़ना चाहते हैं, लेकिन हो सकता है कि आपके पास उसे पढ़ने के लिए पर्याप्त समय न हो। उस स्थिति में आप इसे बाद के लिए अपनी पठन सूची में सहे...

Zum: Tipkovni prečaci za Windows 10 i iPadOS

Zahvaljujući sljedećim tipkovnim prečacima Zoom, zasigurno ćete postati Zoom master. Težak dio pokušat će ih se sjetiti, ali to nije ništa što neka praksa ne može popraviti. Možete započeti pokušavanjem pamćenja naredbi za najvažnije funkcije. Nakon toga možete prijeći na speci...

インタビュー/住友建機社長・数見保暢氏 低価格機とは一線 | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

■ICT対応、VBとの連携も  コロナ禍で落ち込んだ建設機械需要が上向いてきている。北米や欧州、オセアニア市場などが回復。一方、2020年の需要をけん引した中国市場が反動減で落ち込み、現地大手建機メ...

木造勇人 優勝インタビュー「今まで一番練習した。結果につながって嬉しい」【アジア卓球選手権 代表選考合宿】|テレビ ...

6月19・20日(男子)に千葉県 旭市総合体育館で行われた、2021アジア卓球選手権ドーハ大会 日本代表選手選考合宿。 優勝した木造勇人選手(愛知工業大学/21歳)に、インタビューを行った。木造勇人選手インタビューーー今の気持ちはどうです…

インタビュー:これからの地銀に必要なのは、「エクイティ、デジタル、コンサル」の三つ=五味広文・元金融庁長官 | 週刊 ...

りそな銀行や足利銀行の再生に尽力し、現在は福島銀行の社外取締役やSBIホールディングスの顧問を務める五味広文・元金融庁長官に、地銀経営のあるべき姿を聞いた。 (聞き手=稲留正英/大堀達也/中園敦二・編集部)

波瑠、田中圭への絶大な信頼「自分がかっこ悪くても大丈夫という安心感がある」月9初主演のプレッシャーも語る<「ナイト ...


訓練兵募集!? Inei・富安健一郎氏に聞く、3日間の短期集中 "アート訓練"「Boot Camp Summer ...

2021/05/31 インタビュー 『eBASEBALLパワフルプロ野球2020』のオープニング映像など、多彩な映像を手がけるKOO-KIの3DCGクリエイターがMSIノートPC「Creator 17」を検証!

調布・晃華学園中学生が地域団体にインタビュー SDGsの観点で地域を学ぶ - 調布経済新聞


【Ja全農 部長インタビュー 2021年度事業計画】小林茂雄 畜産総合対策部長 生販一体化の事業方式構築へ|Ja全農 ...


地域MaaSが実証実験で終わってしまう理由…リブ・コンサルティング マネージャー 西口恒一郎 氏[インタビュー ...


【裏話】韓国でインタビューがしたいですね、、、 - YouTube


Twistzzのインタビュー、FaZeでの感触、Liquid脱退の経緯について語る - CSGO4JP | 国内外の ...

今年1月、LiquidからFaZeへの移籍を発表したTwistzzのインタビューが、 Dot Esports より公開されています。 FaZeでの感触 Liquid在籍時よりFaZeでの方が自分のパフォーマンスを最大限に発揮できると感じています。FaZeでは自分の意見も聞いてもら...

星野源、本日6月21日発売「Aera」表紙に登場。ニュー・シングル『不思議/創造』で伝えたかったことなどを語る ...

星野源、本日6月21日発売「AERA」表紙に登場。ニュー・シングル『不思議/創造』で伝えたかったことなどを語るインタビューも - タワーレコード

【トップインタビュー】Berlitz - オンラインでも学べる実用的な語学 - さらさオンライン


大阪市立大学名誉教授 井上正康先生_「日本人にとって新型コロナウイルス 対策とは」Brand Story Lab ...

studio air チャンネル登録者数 935人 「本当はこわくない 新型コロナウイルス」「コロナワクチン幻想を切る」などの著書である井上正康先生のインタビュー。感染学、生化学、分子生理学などの専門家。多彩なエビデンスをもとにしたセミナー、講演会は一般の人にもわかりやすく、多くの医療従事者にも慕われている。

#ウチ壱 インタビュー「クラブとマスコット 新たな関係性の始まり」ささゆかさん マリノスケ : 宇都宮徹壱ウェブマガジン

「Jマスコット ウチの子が一番!」の告知を開始してから、2週間が過ぎた。第1回の課題は、横浜F・マリノスの「マリノスケ」。うれしいことに、マリサポの皆さんやマスコットファンの皆さんがRTしていただいたおかげもあり、なんとか企画を成立させるくらいの点数は集まった(ご応募いただいた皆さん、ありがとうございます)。とはいえ。



【インタビュー】映画『ピーターラビット2/ バーナバスの誘惑』ウィル・グラック監督「今回は、アイデンティティー ...


Hard Nips (バンド)[インタビュー in ブルックリン vol.8]|4533 STUDIO (Yoko ...

ブルックリンを拠点に活動する、4ピース日本人ガールズバンド「ハードニップス」。2010年からのオリジナルメンバーYoko Nips(ボーカル) と Gooch(ベース), 2013年から加入した Saki Nips(ギター) の3人に、ニューアルバム"Master Cat"の制作についてインタビュー。 Saki : サキ・ニップスです。ニューヨークのロングアイランドで育ちました。今はクイーンズに住んでいます。 Yoko: ヨーコ・ニップスです。歌とキーボードと、時々踊ったりなど。大阪出身です。ニューヨークには、、、長く住んでいます。 Gooch: グーチで

チュウォン表紙「もっと知りたい!韓国tvドラマ」新刊発売 ソン・ジュンギ巻頭インタビューも | ラジトピ ラジオ関西 ...

韓流情報雑誌「もっと知りたい!韓国TVドラマ」vol.103 (MEDIABOY MOOK)が6月21日に発売された。 表紙は、実力派の美男俳優チュウォン。注目の除隊後の復帰作『アリス』で失感情症の役を熱演した彼を独占インタビュー。SF ...

【インタビュー】映画『ピーターラビット2/ バーナバスの誘惑』ウィル・グラック監督「今回は、アイデンティティー ...

【インタビュー】映画『リカ ~自称28歳の純愛モンスター~』市原隼人「リカが夢に出てきそうです(笑)」 映画 2021年6月17日 第2回ホラーサスペンス大賞を受賞した『リカ』シリーズが、ドラマ化を経て、ついに映画化。

《インタビュー》 『おあきと春団治~お姉ちゃんにまかしとき~』 サーベル役 金子昇 | シアターテイメントnews

※インタビューは2021年4月12日収録。 <物語> 明治中期。おあきと藤吉の姉弟は大阪・高津で父と親子3人で暮らしていた。 父親の友七(西川きよし)は腕は良いが売れない職人、いつも2人にきつく当たっていた。

【インタビュー】映画『ピーターラビット2/ バーナバスの誘惑』ウィル・グラック監督「今回は、アイデンティティー ...


チュウォン表紙「もっと知りたい!韓国tvドラマ」新刊発売 ソン・ジュンギ巻頭インタビューも

さらに巻頭インタビューには、日本でも話題の『ヴィンチェンツォ』のソン・ジュンギをはじめ、コン・ユ、カン・ハヌル、ヨ・ジング、ユン ...

【インタビュー】日本ゴム協会 斎藤拓会長(東京農工大学教授) | ゴム報知新聞next | ゴム業界の専門紙

中小企業が参加しやすい雰囲気を作る 【インタビュー】日本ゴム協会 斎藤拓会長(東京農工大学教授) 会員限定 その他 New! 2021-06-21

Wto改革、「全力で支援」 日本人初の上級補佐官インタビュー:時事ドットコム


飲食業界の埋もれた価値をデジタル化する。- Ginkan シンクロライフ | インタビュー | Mugenlabo ...

KDDIはトークンエコノミー型グルメSNS「シンクロライフ」を運営しているベンチャー企業 GINKANに出資したことを公表しました。「KDDI Open Innovation Fund 3号」を通じたもので、出資額や評価額などの詳細は非公開…

乃木坂46 秋元真夏 表紙のblt graph.(vol.68) 写真集クオリティーのグラビア&インタビュー新型マガ ...

表紙:秋元真夏(乃木坂46) 別冊付録:秋元真夏(乃木坂46) 特大ポスター3種 「blt graph.vol.68」の表紙・巻頭は乃木坂46・秋元真夏 キャプテンが初表紙で魅せる10年目の美ーー。 blt graph.(vol.68) 写真集クオリティーのグラビア&インタビュー新型マガ きみに会えて、よかった。秋元真夏 乃木坂46 (B.L.T.MOOK) 6月16日(水)発売の「blt graph.vol.68」の表紙・巻頭に乃木坂46の秋元真夏が登場するこ…

Vogue Japan on Instagram: "『VOGUE JAPAN』8月号のカバーガールは、大阪なおみ ...

5,104 Likes, 42 Comments - Vogue Japan (@voguejapan) on Instagram: "『VOGUE JAPAN』8月号のカバーガールは、大阪なおみ選手!彼女が挑戦し続ける理由、そして自由について特別インタビューで語る。今月号は「Here I…"

熊谷知事インタビュー 県のスピード感「不満ない」(朝日新聞デジタル) 熊谷俊人千葉県知事の就任2カ月の千葉版連…|d ...

熊谷知事インタビュー 県のスピード感「不満ない」(朝日新聞デジタル) 熊谷俊人千葉県知事の就任2カ月の千葉版連載に合わせ、朝日新聞では知事の単独インタビューを実施した。取材を通して見えてきた…

ヨドバシ.com - Ice Jewels(アイスジュエルズ)Vol.14~羽生結弦スペシャルインタビュー ...

Ice Jewels(アイスジュエルズ)Vol.14~羽生結弦スペシャルインタビュー~(KAZIムック) [ムックその他]の通販ならヨドバシカメラの公式サイト「ヨドバシ.com」で!レビュー、Q&A、画像も盛り沢山。ご購入でゴールドポイント取得!今なら日本全国へ全品配達料金無料、即日・翌日お届け実施中。



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