和牛、ヘラジカ、羊の細胞株で培養肉を高級化するY Combinatorスタートアップ「Orbillion Bio」

今回は「和牛、ヘラジカ、羊の細胞株で培養肉を高級化するY Combinatorスタートアップ「Orbillion Bio」」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Orbillion Bio、Y Combinator、培養肉等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



この夕食会は、Y Combinator(Yコンビネーター)の最新デモデイに参加する新しいスタートアップOrbillion Bio(オルビリオン・バイオ)のお披露目パーティーだ。同社はスーパーマーケットではなく、高級精肉専門店で売られるような培養肉の普及を目指している。




「Orbillionでは、小さな組織サンプルを作りだす独自の加速開発プロセスを使い、 最適な組織と培地の組み合わせを常に探しています」とHolly Jacobus(ホリー・ジャコバス)氏。同氏の企業Joyance Partners(ジョイアンスパートナーズ)はOrbillionの初期の投資企業だ。「これは従来の方法よりもはるかに安価で効率的であり、すでに実感している目覚ましい需要に迅速に対応できるようになります」と言及している。


Orbillionは、ドイツの製薬大手Boehringer Ingelheim(ベーリンガーインゲルハイム)の研究員であったPatricia Bubner(パトリシア・バブナー)氏が率いる高度な技術と経験豊富な経営陣によって共同創業した。バブナー氏に参加したのは、American Institute of Chemical Engineers(アメリカン・インスティテュート・オブ・ケミカル・エンジニアズ)の元ディレクターGabriel Levesque-Tremblay(ガブリエル・ラベスク・トレンブレイ)氏だ。同氏はバブナー氏とともにバークレーで博士号を取得しており、同社の最高テクノロジー責任者を務めている。そして経営陣を締めくくるのは、最高業務責任者のSamet Yildirim(サメット・ユルドゥルム)氏だ。同氏はBoehringer Ingelheimの役員でバブナー氏の上司であった。

Orbillion Bio共同創業者でCTOのガブリエル・レべスク・トレンブレイ氏、CEOのパトリシア・バブナー氏、COOのサメット・ユルドゥルム氏()(画像クレジット:Orbillion Bio)





バブナー氏にとってBoehringer Ingelheimへの入社は、巨大なバイオプロセスの世界に土台を作り、培養肉に着手するための準備であったという。



ということは、Future Fields(フューチャーフィールズ)、Matrix Meats(マトリックスミーツ)、Turtle Tree Scientific(タートルツリー・サイエンティフィック)などの企業にとって、最終的なブランド製品に組み込まれる要素を提供するチャンスがまだあるということだ。






同社はまだ始まったばかりだが、すでにサンフランシスコで最も有名な精肉店の1つと意向書を交わしている。「肉屋のガイ」として知られるGuy Crims(ガイ・クリムズ)氏は自身の店でOrbillion Bioの和牛培養肉を仕入れる契約内示書に署名している。「クリムズ氏は培養肉の熱心な支持者です」とバブナー氏はいう。



画像クレジット:Getty Images

画像クレジット:RJ Sangosti/The Denver Post via Getty Images / Getty Images


Last week a select group of 20 employees and guests gathered at an event space on the San Francisco Bay, and, while looking out at the Bay Bridge, dined on a selection of choice elk sausages, Wagyu meatloaf and lamb burgers — all of which were grown from a petri dish.

The dinner was a coming out party for Orbillion Bio, a new startup pitching today in Y Combinator’s latest demo day, that’s looking to take lab-grown meats from the supermarket to high-end, bespoke butcher shops.

Instead of focusing on pork, chicken and beef, Orbillion is going after so-called heritage meats — the aforementioned elk, lamb and Wagyu beef to start.

By focusing on more expensive-end products, Orbillion doesn’t have as much pressure to slash costs as dramatically as other companies in the cellular meat market, the thinking goes.

But there’s more to the technology than its bougie beef, elite elk and luscious lamb meat.

“Orbillion uses a unique accelerated development process producing thousands of tiny tissue samples, constantly iterating to find the best tissue and media combinations,” according to Holly Jacobus, whose firm, Joyance Partners, is an early investor in Orbillion. “This is much less expensive and more efficient than traditional methods and will enable them to respond quickly to the impressive demand they’re already experiencing.”

The company runs its multiple cell lines through a system of small bioreactors. Orbillion couples that with a high throughput screening and machine learning software system to build out a database of optimized tissue and media combinations. “The key to making lab grown meat work scalably is choosing the right cells cultured in the most efficient way possible,” Jacobus wrote.

Orbillion is co-founded by a deeply technical and highly experienced team of executives that’s led by Patricia Bubner, a former researcher at the German pharmaceutical giant Boehringer Ingelheim. Joining Bubner is Gabriel Levesque-Tremblay, a former director of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, who was a post-doc at Berkeley with Bubner and serves as the company’s chief technology officer. Rounding out the senior leadership is Samet Yildirim, the chief operating officer and a veteran executive of Boehringer Ingelheim (he actually served as Bubner’s boss).

Orbillion Bio co-founders Gabriel Levesque-Tremblay, CTO; Patricia Bubner, CEO; and Samet Yildirim, COO. Image Credit: Orbillion Bio

For Bubner, the focus on heritage meats is as much a function of her background growing up in rural Austria as it is about economics. A longtime, self-described foodie and a nerd, Bubner went into chemistry because she ultimately wanted to apply science to the food business. And she wants Orbillion to make not just meat, but the most delicious meats.

It’s an aim that fits with how many other companies have approached the market when they’re looking to commercialize a novel technology. Higher-end products, or products with unique flavor profiles that are unique to the production technologies available, are more likely to be commercially viable sooner than those competing with commodity products. Why focus on angus beef when you can focus on a much more delicious breed of animal?

For Bubner, it’s not just about making a pork replacement, it’s about making the tastiest pork replacement.

“I’m just fascinated and can see the future in us being able to further change the way we produce food to be more efficient,” she said. “We’re at this inflection point. I’m a nerd, I’m a foodie, and I really wanted to use my skills to make a change. I wanted to be part of that group of people that can really have an impact on the way we eat. For me there’s no doubt that a large percentage of our food will be from alternative proteins — plant based, fermentation and lab-grown meat.”

Joining Boehringer Ingelheim was a way for Bubner to become grounded in the world of big bioprocessing. It was preparation for her foray into lab-grown meat, she said.

“We are a product company. Our goal is to make the most flavorful steaks. Our first product will not be whole cuts of steak. The first product is going to be a Wagyu beef product that we plan on putting out in 2023,” Bubner said. “It’s a product that’s going to be based on more of a minced product. Think Wagyu sashimi.”

To get to market, Bubner sees the need not just for a new approach to cultivating choice meats, but a new way of growing other inputs as well, from the tissue scaffolding needed to make larger cuts that resemble traditional cuts of meat, or the fats that will need to be combined with the meat cells to give flavor.

That means there are still opportunities for companies like Future Fields, Matrix Meats and Turtle Tree Scientific to provide inputs that are integrated into the final, branded product.

Bubner’s also thinking about the supply chain beyond her immediate potential partners in the manufacturing process. “Part of my family were farmers and construction workers and the others were civil engineers and architects. I hold farmers in high respect… and think the people who grow the food and breed the animals don’t get recognition for the work that they do.”

She envisions working in concert with farmers and breeders in a kind of licensing arrangement, potentially, where the owners of the animals that produce the cell lines can share in the rewards of their popularization and wider commercial production.

That also helps in the mission of curbing the emissions associated with big agribusiness and breeding and raising livestock on a massive scale. If you only need a few animals to make the meat, you don’t have the same environmental footprint for the farms.

“We need to make sure that we don’t make the mistakes that we did in the past that we only breed animals for yield and not for flavor,” said Bubner. 

Even though the company is still in its earliest days, it already has one letter of intent, with one of San Francisco’s most famous butchers. Guy Crims, also known as “Guy the Butcher,” has signed a letter of intent to stock Orbillion Bio’s lab-grown Wagyu in his butcher shop, Bubner said. “He’s very much a proponent of lab-grown meat.”

Now that the company has its initial technology proven, Orbillion is looking to scale rapidly. It will take roughly $3.5 million for the company to get a pilot plant up and running by the end of 2022, and that’s in addition to the small $1.4 million seed round the company has raised from Joyant and firms like VentureSouq.

“The way I see an integrated model working later on is to have the farmers be the breeders of animals for cultivated meat. That can reduce the number of cows on the planet to a couple of hundred thousand,” Bubner said of her ultimate goal. “ There’s a lot of talking about if you do lab-grown meat you want to put me out of business. It’s not like we’re going to abolish animal agriculture tomorrow.”

Image Credit: Getty Images

(文:Jonathan Shieber、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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和牛、ヘラジカ、羊の細胞株で培養肉を高級化するY Combinatorスタートアップ「Orbillion Bio ...

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Orbillion Bio

At Orbillion Bio, we bring healthy, ethical and flavorful meats with a complete farm-to-table story to the modern consumer. Thrilled to announce that Orbillion Bio joins YC Winter 21 Cohort!

Orbillion - Home | Facebook

Orbillion Bio's mission is to bring healthy, ethical, and flavorful meats with a complete Orbillion Bio been selected to join Y Combinator, becoming the prestigious accelerator's first cell-cultured meat...

Orbillion Bio | Y Combinator

Intro to Orbillion Bio: https After only 4 months of development time, Orbillion has four different flavorful meats growing in the lab: wagyu beef, elk, sheep and American bison.

Y Combinator Backs Orbillion Bio In First Cell-Cultured Meat Investment

Orbillion Bio been selected to join Y Combinator, becoming the prestigious accelerator’s first cell-cultured meat investment.

Orbillion Bio | Твиттер

Orbillion Bio's CEO and Co-founder, Patricia Bubner, is looking forward to presenting on a panel with Matrix Meats, Nate Crosser from GFI and so many others! Join us for this one-day summit on...

Orbillion Bio - Wiki | Golden | Premium cultivated meat at low cost

Orbillion Bio is a premium cultivated meat at low cost founded in 2019.

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Meet Patricia Bubner from Orbillion Bio - By applying lab-on-the-chip technology to cultured meat production, Orbillion Bio will create premium cell-based me...

Orbillion Bio - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

Orbillion Bio is a provider of healthy, ethical, and flavorful meats with a complete farm-to-table story to the modern consumer.

This Y Combinator startup is taking lab-grown meat... | TechCrunch

Last week a select group of 20 employees and guests gathered at an event space on the San Francisco Bay, and, while looking out at the Bay Bridge, dined on a selection of choice elk sausages, Wagyu meatloaf and lamb burgers — all of which were grown from a petri dish. The dinner was a […]

Orbillion Bio | AngelList Talent

Orbillion Bio: Orbillion Bio will create premium cultivated meat products directly sourced from farmers. View company info, jobs, team members, culture, funding and more.

Orbillion @Orbillion1 Twitter profile | Twuko

Explore tweets of Orbillion @Orbillion1 on Twitter. Orbillion Bio | Twuko

Orbillion Bio | LinkedIn

Orbillion Bio | 424 followers on LinkedIn. Our mission is to bring healthy, ethical and flavorful meats with a complete farm-to-table story Orbillion Bio. Biotechnology. Berkeley, California 424 followers.

'Premium' Cultured Meat Company Orbillion Bio Joins...

Orbillion's focus is on cultivating higher-end meat products such as elk, lamb, and Wagyu beef. To develop these products, the company runs multiple cell lines through bioreactors, screening the cells...

Orbillion Bio | Protein Report

Orbillion Bio’s mission is to bring healthy, ethical and flavorful meats with a complete farm-to-table story to the modern consumer.

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Orbillion Bio.



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OpenAI、よく考えて回答する新AIモデル「OpenAI o1」を発表
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HashiCorp、「Terraform Cloud」のプロジェクトにカスタマイズ機能
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