

関連ワード (SF、インタビュー等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


マーク・トウェインが「Truth is stranger than fiction(真実は小説より奇なり)」という言葉を残しているが、私たちはこの1年、極めて奇妙な現実を経験してきたと言っても過言ではない。このような混乱と変化の中で、私たちは根本的な疑問に導かれた。それは、スペキュレイティブ・フィクション(現実世界と異なった世界を推測、追求したもの)、そして隣接するジャンルのSFやファンタジーが向かうところだ。私たちの世界の大部分が、これらの作品が描くファンタスティックな世界をすでに体現しているように見える。

そこで筆者は、Eliot Peper(エリオット・ぺーパー)氏とGmailを介して対談する機会を得て、2020年の振り返りと、スペキュレイティブ・フィクションの意義、そして芸術の未来について語り合った。ぺーパー氏は不定期に執筆活動をするフィクションコラムニストで、著書に「Veil」やAnalogシリーズ3部作などのスペキュレイティブ・フィクション小説がある。


Danny Crichton(ダニー・クライトン):スペキュレイティブ・フィクションの将来に注目しています。私たちは、パンデミックと数々の深刻な気候変動という、このジャンルの素材ともいえる出来事に直面する1年を経験しました。現実が想像の生み出す扁桃体と隣り合わせのように思われる中で、どのように推測(スペキュレーション)を続けていますか?

エリオット・ぺーパー氏: 現在の事象を通して痛感することは、現実は、フィクションと違って現実的である必要はないということです。世界は複雑であり、いかに理知に富んだ人でも、実際に起きていることをほんのわずかしか理解していません。次に何が起こるかは、誰にもわからないのです。サイエンス・フィクションの中で生きているように感じるかもしれませんが、それは私たちが常にサイエンス・フィクションの中で過ごしてきたからです。あるいは、スペキュレイティブ・フィクションは、いわゆる現実的なフィクションよりも現実的かもしれません。明日は今日とは異なり、私たちが予想するものとは異なるという唯一の確実性があるからです。根本的な変化のない世界を描写することが、空想的なものとなっています。





ぺーパー氏:スペキュレイティブ・フィクションは「what if?(もし~だとしたら)」という問いにまつわるものです。もし宇宙飛行士がひとり火星に取り残されたらどうなるか?遺伝子工学者が恐竜を復活させ、アミューズメントパークに閉じ込めたら?すべての人がシミュレーションの世界で生活しているとしたら?私の最新小説Veilのもとになった問いは「億万長者が地球工学を駆使して地球の気候を支配したらどうなるか」というものでしたが、こうした問いは人の心を引きつけます。想像力を呼び起こし、好奇心を刺激します。これも良いことですが、出発点に過ぎません。

スペキュレーション的な設定を成功させるには、ストーリー全体に2次、3次、4次の効果が波及するようにドミノを配置する必要があります。モメンタムを構築するのです。漸進的な複雑性がラチェットのように締め付ける働きを担います。予期しない逆転により、読者を前に進めます。地震がサンフランシスコを平らにするというストーリーであれば、ベイブリッジの崩壊、湾岸高速鉄道の洪水、停電、ガス漏れ、火災など、物理的な影響の可能性を想像するのは簡単です。社会的影響の可能性を想像することは、あまり明確なものではありませんが、少なくとも同等の重要性はあります。人々は隣人を救出するために命を危険にさらすのか、それとも限られた緊急物資のために戦いを繰り広げるのか。知事や大統領は、それぞれの個性、インセンティブ、選挙区を考慮しながら、どのように対応するのか。こうした事象は、ベイエリアの社会構造をどのように再構築していくのだろうか。(これも重要なことだが、Dwayne Johnson[ドウェイン・ジョンソン]氏はどこにいるのか?)人々が事象にどのように反応するかは、事象がどのように展開するかにとって欠かせない要素です。

2020年4月に発表されたLawrence Wright(ローレンス・ライト)氏の「The End of October」は、世界的なパンデミックに対する社会的・政治的反応の複雑で連鎖的な事象の推定という点で不気味なほど的確な作品となっています。Kurt Vonnegut(カート・ヴォネガット)氏の「Galápagos」は、現実的であることが不条理と感じるような世俗的で荒廃した人間の近視眼によって導かれる終末論的なシナリオを描いています。サイエンス・フィクションの中にはテクノロジーの変化における指標に主眼に置くものもありますが、Ada Palmer(エイダ・パーマー)氏の秀逸な「Terra Ignota」シリーズは、想像を絶する厳格さを持つ架空の未来の文化的、政治的、社会学的側面を映し出しています。人間の行動は往々にして、元のシナリオの影響に変化と増幅をもたらし、その過程で新しい世界を形作るXファクターとなるのです。



Neil Gaiman(ニール・ゲイマン)は、おとぎ話は真実以上のものだと好んで主張しています。それは、ドラゴンが存在することを伝えているからではなく、ドラゴンを倒すことができることを伝えているからです。スペキュレイティブ・フィクションでは、私は深い感情的な真実を明らかにしたり、歴史の流れを形作る根底にある力を明らかにしたりするストーリーに惹かれます。たとえそれが、壮大でありながら、文字通りの詳細についてはおかしいくらい間違っていたとしてもです。これは、テクノロジー的な正確性を追求することが悪いということではなく、単にそれが常に重要なことではないということです。重要なことは、世界の違いを考えさせ、感じさせ、想像させることではないでしょうか。







・現実に追いつかれた? 未来の民主主義を描いたマルカ・オールダーの最新SF小説『State Tectronics』

画像クレジット:Bonnie Tarpey – Wronski / EyeEm / Getty Images


There’s an old saw from Mark Twain about how truth is stranger than fiction, and I think it’s fair to say we’ve lived through a very strange reality this past year. With all the chaos and change, we’re led to a foundational question: what’s the purpose of speculative fiction and its adjacent genres of science fiction and fantasy when so much of our world seems to already embody the fantastical worlds these works depict?

So I got our occasional fictional columnist Eliot Peper and the author of Veil, the three part Analog Series and other speculative fiction novels on the Gmail for an epistolary conversation on digesting 2020, the meaning of speculative fiction, and the future of art.

This conversation has been lightly edited and condensed.

Danny Crichton: I’m curious about the future of speculative fiction. We just went through a devastating year with the pandemic and a number of major climate disorders – the types of events that are among the fodder for this genre. How do you keep speculating when reality always seems to catch up with the amygdala of our imaginations?

Eliot Peper: Current events are a painful reminder that unlike fiction, reality needn’t be plausible. The world is complex and even the wisest of us understand only a tiny sliver of what’s really going on. Nobody knows what comes next. So while it may feel like we’re living in a science fiction novel, that’s because we’ve always been living in a science fiction novel. Or maybe speculative fiction is more real than so-called realist fiction because the only certainty is that tomorrow will be different from today and from what we expect. Depicting a world without fundamental change has become fantastical.

As a writer of speculative fiction, I’m an enthusiastic reader of history. And in reading about the past to slake my curiosity and imagine possible futures, I’ve learned that the present is exceedingly contingent, fascinating, and fleeting. For me, speculative fiction is less about prediction than it is about riffing on how the world is changing like a jazz musician might improvise over a standard. Accuracy only happens by mistake. The most interesting rendition wins because it makes people think, dream, feel. And thanks to technological leverage, to a greater and greater extent people are inventing the future – for better and for worse.

So I’m not worried about reality catching up with speculative fiction because speculative fiction is rooted in the human experience of reality. Every black swan event is simply new material.

Crichton: So this gets at a challenge that I think blurs the line between realist and speculative fiction and makes these works so hard to categorize. To me, the reality of the pandemic isn’t the black swan that a novel virus could take hold across the planet (after all, pandemics are actually quite common in history), but rather the black swan of the completely shambolic response that we witnessed, one that was not at all well-coordinated.

If I were designing a speculative fiction scenario, I don’t think I could come up with “we develop a cure extremely rapidly thanks to the progress of medical science, but the general day-to-day response of people is to massively inflate the death totals through their own actions.” When I think speculative, I think spectacular — something exceptional, but this particular black swan shows the power of the mundane actions of our lives to influence the course of events.

Peper: Speculative fiction is all about asking “what if?” What if a lone astronaut got stranded on Mars? What if genetic engineers resurrected dinosaurs and stuck them in an amusement park? What if we are all living in a simulation? The question that sparked my latest novel, Veil, is “what if a billionaire hijacked the climate with geoengineering?” These questions are hooks. They capture the imagination and pique curiosity. That’s all well and good, but it’s only a starting point.

To pay off a speculative setup, you need to keep the dominos falling as second-, third-, and fourth-order effects ripple out through the story. Momentum builds. Progressive complications tighten the ratchet. Unexpected reversals fling the reader forward. If an earthquake flattens San Francisco in your story, it’s easy to imagine potential physical consequences: the Bay Bridge collapsing, BART flooding, the power going out, gas leaks, fires, etc. It’s less obvious but at least as important to imagine the potential social consequences: Do people risk their lives to rescue their neighbors or fight over limited emergency supplies? How do the governor and the president respond given their particular personalities, incentives, and constituencies? How might such an event rework the social fabric of the Bay Area? (Also, crucially, where is Dwayne Johnson?) How people respond to events is integral to how events play out.

Published in April 2020, Lawrence Wright’s The End of October does an eerily good job extrapolating the messy, cascading social and political reactions to a global pandemic. Kurt Vonnegut’s Galápagos depicts an apocalyptic scenario driven by such mundane, shambolic human shortsightedness that it feels nearly absurd enough to be realistic. While some science fiction overindexes technological change, Ada Palmer’s brilliant Terra Ignota series imagines the cultural, political, and sociological aspects of a fictional future with extraordinary rigor. So often, human behavior is the X-factor that transforms and amplifies the impacts of the original scenario, shaping a new world in the process.

This hints at a deeper question though: What is fiction for?

When I write fiction, I am not trying to accurately depict or anticipate reality. I’m trying to create an experience, to take the reader on a journey that is compelling, surprising, and fulfilling. Even though part of the fun might be extrapolating a scenario rooted in a particularly intriguing facet of the real world, success isn’t getting things right. Success is a reader turning pages deep into the night to find out what happens next in a story they can’t put down and won’t soon forget.

Neil Gaiman likes to say that fairy tales are more than true – not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten. When it comes to speculative fiction, I love stories that reveal a deep emotional truth or illuminate an underlying force shaping the course of history even if they are wildly but entertainingly wrong about literal details. That doesn’t mean that striving for technical accuracy is bad, just that it isn’t always the point. The point might instead be to make you think, to make you feel, to make you imagine how the world might be different.

Crichton: So on that last point, I’m curious how you think about imagination and its power for change. Obviously, art has had a sustained and powerful impact on the imagination of people throughout history, and there are often artistic antecedents to large societal, cultural, and political changes. Part of its power historically though, at least from my perspective, was its rarity and its ability to surprise.

Today, we are just subsumed in imaginative worlds, from video games to movies to streaming television shows to books and graphic novels and on and on. If you read time-use studies, Americans are awash in imaginative contexts for potentially a majority of their waking hours. I feel like I’ve been increasingly seeing this gap between the extreme breadth of imagination available in our art, but the extreme narrowness for change in our daily lives. Is that a threat to the ability of art to provoke change? Is speculation still an activity that can lead to action?

Peper: Speculation is part of what it means to be human. Before we make a choice, we imagine the possible consequences. We simulate potential futures in daydreams before committing to them in reality. Our mental projections are often wrong, but they are also often useful. For better and for worse, thought experiment is foundational to our internal lives. This individual dynamic scales to the human collective: Imagining a better future is the first step toward building one.

Art is a vehicle for imagination. A filmmaker codifies their vision in a movie that others can watch and, in watching, exercise their respective imaginations – sometimes even sparking new creative endeavors that spin off into yet more projects that together form what we call culture. Technology has made more movies, books, songs, poems, photos, paintings, comics, podcasts, and games available and accessible to more people than ever before. Imagined worlds are an integral part of the real world as we experience it, layering meaning and possibility onto actual events. We are all interpreting reality for each other all the time, transforming it in the process. The increasing density and intensity of that process is the result of a growing population that is knitting itself together ever more tightly along ever more dimensions.

But technology hasn’t just made new artistic mediums possible and changed the ways in which people make, discover, and experience art. Technology amplifies the impact of human choices. Hippocrates couldn’t have invented an mRNA vaccine, Genghis Khan couldn’t have pressed a button to initiate a nuclear apocalypse, and Odysseus had to build his Trojan Horse out of wood instead of code.

Our tools give us superpowers our ancestors never imagined and the consequences of our decisions scale accordingly. Because technical ingenuity is morally neutral, technological development ratchets up the stakes for timeless questions of human agency – what does it mean to live a good life, to contribute to the greater good, to be a good ancestor? This is the moral geography to which artists offer diverse, imperfect, contradictory, and occasionally invaluable maps. So in a certain sense, the more technology empowers us, the more we need art.

(文:Danny Crichton、Eliot Peper、翻訳:Dragonfly)

サイエンス・フィクション - Wikipedia

サイエンス・フィクション(英語: Science Fiction 、略語:SF、Sci-Fi、エスエフ)は、科学的な空想にもとづいたフィクションの総称。メディアによりSF小説、SF漫画、SF映画、SFアニメなどとも分類さ …

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SFとは - コトバンク

日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ) - SFの用語解説 - サイエンス・フィクションscience fictionの略で、かつては「科学小説」または「空想科学小説」の語があてられていた。現在はそのまま用いられる。[厚木 淳]定義S(サイエンス)とF(フィクション)のかかわりに対する認識の相違から、広く...

SF - Wikipedia

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SFとは (エスエフとは) [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科

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映画(洋画 アクション・SF)のタイトル一覧 | 無料動画GYAO!


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SF (えすえふ)とは【ピクシブ百科事典】 - Pixiv

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