

関連ワード (Boston Dynamics、MSCHF、Spot等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


筆者はSpotをさまざまな設定で操作したことがある。数年前に開催されたTechCrunchのロボティクスイベントで初めてSpotを操る機会があり、Boston Dynamics(ボストン・ダイナミクス)本社の障害物コースでSpotを走り回らせた。つい最近は、新しいリモートインターフェイスのテストとして、ウェブブラウザでSpotを操作した。


MSCHFの最新プロジェクトがそうしたものでないことは、もちろん驚くには当たらない。ブルックリンを拠点とするこの企業はそれほど単純でないからだ。MSCHFといえば「海賊放送」のストリーミングサービスAll The Streams.FMや、あのおもしろいAmazon Echoの超音波ジャマーを提供した企業である。何よりも同社のイベントは、プライバシーや消費者主義に対する批評や、今回のケースでは、ロボット工学がどうなるかという一種の陰鬱な伏線を示すものとなっている。




米国時間2月24日から、ユーザーはMSCHFのサイトからSpotを操縦し、閉鎖された環境でペイントボール銃を発射することができるようになる。同社はこれを「Spot’s Rampage(Spotの大暴れ)」と呼んでいる。

MSCHFのDaniel Greenberg(ダニエル・グリーンバーグ)氏は「2月24日の午後1時(東部標準時)に配信を開始します。4台のカメラでライブ配信を行います。スマートフォンでサイトに接続している間は、Spotを操作できるチャンスが均等にあり、操縦者は2分ごとに交代します。配信は数時間続く予定です」とTechCrunchに話した。

Spotのウェブポータル立ち上げに先立ち、同社はSpotのSDKとSpotの背中に搭載されたペイントボール銃の両方をリモート操作するAPIを構築した。ボストン・ダイナミクスがこの設定にとりわけ不快感を示すのも無理はない。Black Mirror(ブラックミラー)のような警鐘を鳴らすSF小説が伝える負の結末に長年取り組んできた企業にとって、サードパーティーによって銃が搭載されるということは、たとえ塗料を噴射するものであっても、理想的とはいえない。








ボストン・ダイナミクスにとって、この妥当性はいくぶん判断しにくい領域にある。同社はMSCHFにアイデアを持ちかけられたのだが、そのアイデアが四足歩行ロボットの使命に沿ったものではないと考え、難色を示した。Spot’s Rampageの公式サイトには以下の記載がある。



















・ロボティクスの先駆者Boston DynamicsのCEOがヒュンダイによる買収後の展望を語る
・Boston DynamicsがSpotを遠隔操作するインターフェース「Scout」発表、リモートでドアを開けられるように



I’ve piloted Spot a number of ways in a number of different settings. I had the chance to control the robot for the first time at one of our Robotics events a number of years back, and drove one around an obstacle course at Boston Dynamics’ headquarters. More recently, I navigated it via web browser as a test of the robot’s new remote interface.

But a recent test drive was different. For one thing, it wasn’t officially sanctioned by Boston Dynamics. Of course, the highly sophisticated quadrupedal robot has been out in the world for a while, and a few enterprising souls have begun to offer a remote Spot walking experience through the streets of San Francisco.

The latest project form MSCHF isn’t that. That should come as no surprise, of course. The Brooklyn-based company is never that straightforward. It’s the same organization that gave us the “pirate radio” streaming service All The Streams.FM and that wild Amazon Echo ultrasonic jammer. More than anything, their events are comments — on privacy, on consumerism or this case, a kind of dystopian foreshadowing of what robotics might become.

Like the rest of the world, the company was fascinated when Boston Dynamics put Spot up for sale — but unlike most of us, MSCHF actually managed to cobble together $75,000 to buy one.

And then it mounted a paintball gun to its back.

Image Credits: MSCHF

Starting Wednesday, users will be able to pilot a Spot unit through MSCHF’s site, and fire off a paintball gun in a closed setting. The company calls it “Spot’s Rampage.”

“The stream will start Wednesday at 1 PM EST,” MSCHF’s Daniel Greenberg told TechCrunch. “We will have a four-camera livestream going and as long as you’re on the site on your phone, you will have an equal chance of being able to control Spot, and every two minutes the driver will change. It should go for a few hours.”

Ahead of the launch of Spot’s web portal, the company built an API to remotely control both Spot’s SDK and the paintball gun mounted to the robot’s back. It’s a setup Boston Dynamics isn’t particularly thrilled with. Understandably so. For a company that has long been dealing with the blowback of cautionary science fiction like Black Mirror, the optics of a third-party mounting a gun — even one that shoots paint — are less than ideal.

Boston Dynamics tells TechCrunch that it was interested in working with the company early on.

“They came to us with the idea that they were going to do a creative project with Spot,” a rep told TechCrunch. “They’re a creative group of guys, who have done a bunch of creative things. In our conversations, we said that if you want to cooperate with us, we want to make it clear that the robots will not be used in any way that hurts people.”

Boston Dynamics balked when paintball gun entered the conversation. On Friday, it issued the following statement through Twitter:

Today we learned that an art group is planning a spectacle to draw attention to a provocative use of our industrial robot, Spot. To be clear, we condemn the portrayal of our technology in any way that promotes violence, harm, or intimidation. Our mission is to create and deliver surprisingly capable robots that inspire, delight & positively impact society. We take great care to make sure our customers intend to use our robots for legal uses. We cross-check every purchase request against the U.S. Government’s denied persons and entities lists, prior to authorizing a sale.

In addition, all buyers must agree to our Terms and Conditions of Sale, which state that our products must be used in compliance with the law, and cannot be used to harm or intimidate people or animals. Any violation of our Terms of Sale will automatically void the product’s warranty and prevent the robot from being updated, serviced, repaired or replaced. Provocative art can help push useful dialogue about the role of technology in our daily lives. This art, however, fundamentally misrepresents Spot and how it is being used to benefit our daily lives.

The statement is in line with the language in Spot’s contract, which prohibits using the robot to do anything illegal, or to intimidate or harm people. The company says it does additional “due diligence” with potential customers, including background checks.

Image Credits: MSCHF

The application is something of a gray area where Boston Dynamics is concerned. MSCHF approached the robotics company with its idea and Boston Dynamics balked, believing it wasn’t in-line with the stated mission for the quadrupedal robots. The official Spot’s Rampage site notes:

We talked with Boston Dynamics and they HATED [emphasis theirs] this idea. They said they would give us another TWO Spots for FREE if we took the gun off. That just made us want to do this even more and if our Spot stops working just know they have a backdoor override built into each and every one of these little robots.

Boston Dynamics says the company’s “understanding of the interaction” is “inaccurate.”

“We get approached by marketing opportunities all the time to create a really fantastic and compelling experience,” the company adds. “Selling one robot is not that interesting. Creating an amazing interactive experience is really compelling for us. One of the things they pitched to us was an interactive idea. It’s an expensive robot and they wanted to create an interactive experience where anybody can control the robot. We thought that was super cool and compelling.”

Boston Dynamics says it pitched the idea of using Spot’s robot arm to paint the physical space with a brush, rather than using the paintball gun. The company also offered to send technicians to the site to help maintain the robot during the stream, along with a few models as back up.

MSCHF’s inclusion of the paintball gun is, ultimately, about more than simply painting the canvas. The image of the robot with a gun — even one that only shoots paint — is menacing. And that’s kind of the point.

“It’s easy to look at these robots dance and cavort and see them as cute semi-sentient little friends,” says Greenberg. “They’re endearing when they mess up and fall over. We’ve adopted the trappings of that scenario by creating a ‘bull-in-a-china-shop’ scenario. Still, it’s worth remembering the big versions of Spot [Big Dog] were explicitly military mules, and that their public deployments tend to be by city agencies and law enforcement. At the end of the day, Spot is a terrestrial UAV – when you get to drive this robot and experience the thrill of pulling the trigger your adrenaline spikes — but, we hope, a few minutes later you feel a distinct chill. Anyone in their right mind knows these little cuties will kill people sooner or later.”

While early Boston Dynamics robots were, indeed, funded by DARPA for use as transport vehicles, the company is quick to distance itself from even the remotest hint of ominous imagery. Boston Dynamics came under fire from the ACLU after showcasing footage of a Spot being used in Massachusetts State police drills onstage at a TechCrunch robotics event.

Image Credits: MSCHF

The company told TechCrunch at the time:

Right now we’re at a scale where we can pick and choose the partners we engage with and make sure that they have a similar deployment and a vision for how robots are used. For example, not using robots in a way that would physically harm or intimidate people. But also have a realistic expectation for what a robot can and cannot do.

As MSCHF prepares to launch its event, the company is echoing those sentiments.

“I turned down a customer that wanted to use Spot for a haunted house,” Boston Dynamics tells TechCrunch. “Even putting it in that context of using our technology to scare people was not within our terms of use and not how we imagined the product being beneficial for people, and so we declined that initial sale. Had this concept been brought to us while we were in the initial sales discussions, we probably would have said, ‘there’s Arduino quadruped that you could easily put this activation together. Go do that. This isn’t representative of how we view our technology being used.’ ”

Image Credits: MSCHF

But the question of whether the company can put the toothpaste back in the tube remains. In cases of violations of the Terms of Service, the company can opt not to renew the license, which effectively deactivates it the next time a firmware update is due. Other cases could essentially void the warranty, meaning the company won’t service it.

A paintball gun being fired in a closed space likely doesn’t fall under harm, intimidation or illegal activity, however. So it’s not entirely clear whether Boston Dynamics has a direct course of action in this case.

“This is something we’re evaluating now, around this particular use case,” Boston Dynamics says. “We do have other terms of service in there, regarding modification of the robot in a way that makes it unsafe. We’re trying to understand what the implications are.”

Boston Dynamics (whose sale to Hyundai is expected to close in June) has devoted a good deal of time to showcasing the various tasks the robot can perform, from routine inspections at hazard sites to the complex dance moves it’s performed in a recent viral video. MSCHF’s primary — and, really, only — use is an interactive art piece.

“To be honest, we don’t have any further plans [for the robot],” says Greenberg. “I know we won’t do another drop with it as we do not do repeats so we will just have to get really creative. Maybe a waking cup holder.”

(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Dragonfly)

U.S. Cannabis Spot Index — March 19, 2021

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EUがギグワークを「より良質」なものにする方法を探し始める | TechCrunch Japan


MSCHFがSpotにリモコン式ペイントボール銃搭載、ボストン・ダイナミクスは嫌な顔 | TechCrunch Japan

筆者はSpotをさまざまな設定で操作したことがある。数年前に開催されたTechCrunchのロボティクスイベントで初めてSpotを操る機会があり、Boston Dynamics(ボストン・ダイナミクス)本社の障害物コースでSpotを走り回らせた。つい最近は、新しいリモートインターフェイスのテストとして、ウェブブラウ..

Birkin bag - Wikipedia

The Birkin bag (or simply, Birkin) is a line of tote bags by the French luxury goods maker Hermès.Birkin bags are handmade from leather, and the line is named after English actress and singer Jane Birkin.. Introduced in the 1980s, the bag quickly became a symbol of wealth and exclusivity due to its high price and long waiting lists. Birkins are a popular item with handbag collectors, and were ...

MSCHFがSpotにリモコン式ペイントボール銃搭載、ボストン・ダイナミクスは嫌な顔 | TechCrunch ...

あなたはどう思う?みんなのコメントからニュースをより深く読み解こう:MSCHFがSpotにリモコン式ペイントボール銃搭載、ボストン・ダイナミクスは嫌な顔 | TechCrunch Japan


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白色纯棉ins长袖t恤女2021春秋韩版宽松bf慵懒风百搭mschf上衣服 . 蕾丝打底衫女士2020新款长袖韩版修身百搭春秋上衣服加厚加绒T恤 网红纯棉t恤女长袖ins超火开叉宽松韩版学生chic港味上衣打底衫潮 春季中长款长袖t恤女装2021新款潮ins韩版宽松秋衣外穿百搭上衣服

ナイキ Nike エア マックス スニーカー 【 Air Max 97 Mschf X Inri Jesus ...

ナイキ NIKE エア マックス スニーカー 【 AIR MAX 97 MSCHF X INRI JESUS SHOES WHITE GREYRED 】 メンズ. 性別. Men(メンズ) カラー. White/Grey-Red. サイズ. US 13(31.0cm),US 8.5(26.5cm) 別サイズ(※以下のリンクから別ページにて販売しております) 価格、サイズは変更されている場合が ...

即納最大半額 【MISCHIEF】韓国発★ MSCHF REPEAT LOGO SHIRT 2色 -www ...

即納最大半額 【MISCHIEF】韓国発★ MSCHF REPEAT LOGO SHIRT 2色 2021-03-20 14:28:54 当店通常価格7735円 (税込)


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纯棉网红长袖t恤女2019春秋季薄款宽松韩版怪味mschf上衣服ins潮 纯棉网红长袖2019春秋季宽松潮t恤 T恤 女装/女士精品 欣然伊裳旗舰店 最新评论

【ポイント10倍】 送料関税込★Free People★フリーピープル★River チュニック★ ...

Free Peopleのチュニック「送料関税込★Free People★フリーピープル★River チュニック★」が購入できます。 ご覧いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます 送...

人気特価激安 【国内発送】Louis Vuitton ポッシュ・トワレ 26 バッグ

Louis Vuittonのクラッチバッグ「【国内発送】Louis Vuitton ポッシュ・トワレ 26 バッグ」が購入できます。パッと目をひく個性的なデザインで、持っているだけで周囲...

タクボガレージ カールフォーマ Cl-sz3460 多雪型 結露減少型 『シャッター車庫 ガレージ』 ムーンホワイト ...

送料無料【タクボ物置】天井いっぱいまで収納可能な巻き上げシャッター。タクボガレージ カールフォーマ cl-sz3460 多雪型 結露減少型 『シャッター車庫 ガレージ』 ムーンホワイト

新発売の 20 Winter★新作★BERLUTI★Polo En Toile Signature ポロシャツ ...

Berlutiのポロシャツ「20 Winter★新作★BERLUTI★Polo En Toile Signature ポロシャツ」が購入できます。ベルルッティ2020冬コレクションより最新作のご紹介で...

【数量は多】 オパール 天然石 ドロップシェイプ リング Gold Vermeil -vandenbrink ...

NEWS 2020/10/26 【広告】New Products 2020/07/01 PAL plate 6061・7075 サービス開始 2020/06/12 休業日のお知らせ. MORE. Product ゼロカット プラス


2021-03-22 23:15

March 20, 2021 at 01:00PM ()chCrunchJP MSCHFがSpotにリモコン式ペイントボール銃搭載、ボストン・ダイナミクスは嫌な顔?4

2021-03-22 17:33

March 20, 2021 at 01:00PM ()chCrunchJP MSCHFがSpotにリモコン式ペイントボール銃搭載、ボストン・ダイナミクスは嫌な顔?4

2021-03-22 11:39

March 20, 2021 at 01:00PM ()chCrunchJP MSCHFがSpotにリモコン式ペイントボール銃搭載、ボストン・ダイナミクスは嫌な顔?5

2021-03-22 04:14

March 20, 2021 at 01:00PM ()chCrunchJP MSCHFがSpotにリモコン式ペイントボール銃搭載、ボストン・ダイナミクスは嫌な顔?5


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