マイクロソフトの新アプリReading Progressは教師、子どもの読解能力の評価を楽にするアプリ

今回は「マイクロソフトの新アプリReading Progressは教師、子どもの読解能力の評価を楽にするアプリ」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Microsoft、Microsoft Teams、Reading Progress、オンライン学習等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


山ほどの仕事を抱えている小学校教師にとって、児童の読解能力を測ることは骨の折れる仕事であり、通常は時間を要し強いプレッシャーのかかる1対1のテストを通じて行われる。Microsoft(マイクロソフト)の新しいアプリであるReading Progress(リーディング・プログレス)は教員の肩の荷を少しでも軽くしようとするもので、子どもたちは自宅で読書ができて、AIによる自然言語理解を利用した障害と進歩の確認もできる。


Reading ProgressはMicrosoft Teams(ティームズ)のアドオンで、教師がより柔軟に読解テストを実施できるようにすることで、人前で読んで失敗することを心配する児童へのプレッシャーを軽減し、読み飛ばしや言い直しなどの重要な読み上げ事象を発見、追跡することができる。





この日MicrosoftはReading Progressに関連する情報を数多く公開した。誕生の物語と基本的概要や、プロダクトハブ、解説ビデオ、同社のアプローチを支持する引用などだ。この新しい教育関係プロダクトに関するまとめ投稿にも詳しく書かれている。



Among the many, many tasks required of grade school teachers is that of gauging each student’s reading level, usually by a time-consuming and high-pressure one-on-one examination. Microsoft’s new Reading Progress application takes some of the load off the teacher’s shoulders, allowing kids to do their reading at home and using natural language understanding to help highlight obstacles and progress.

The last year threw most educational plans into disarray, and reading levels did not advance the way they would have if kids were in school. Companies like Amira are emerging to fill the gap with AI-monitored reading, and Microsoft aims to provide teachers with more tools on their side.

Reading Progress is an add-on for Microsoft Teams that helps teachers administer reading tests in a more flexible way, taking pressure off students who might stumble in a command performance, and identifying and tracking important reading events like skipped words and self-corrections.

Teachers pick reading assignments for each student (or the whole class) to read, and the kids do so on their own time, more like doing homework than taking a test. They record a video directly in the app, the audio of which is analyzed by algorithms watching for the usual stumbles.

As you can see in this video testimony by 4th grader Brielle, this may be preferable to many kids:

If a bright and confident kid like Brielle feels better doing it this way (and is now reading two years ahead of her grade, nice work Brielle!), what about the kids who are having trouble reading due to dyslexia, or are worried about their accent, or are simply shy? Being able to just talk to their own camera, by themselves in their own home, could make for much better reading — and therefore a more accurate assessment.

It’s not meant to replace the teacher altogether, of course — it’s a tool that allows overloaded educators to prioritize and focus better and track things more objectively. It’s similar to how Amira is not meant to replace in-person reading groups — impossible during the pandemic — but provides a similarly helpful process of quickly correcting common mistakes and encouraging the reader.

Microsoft published about half a dozen things pertaining to Reading Progress today. Here’s its origin story, a basic summary, its product hub, a walkthrough video, and citations supporting its approach. There’s more, too, in this omnibus post about new education-related products out now (or soon).

(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

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