

関連ワード (Apple、Mac、macOS、macOS 12 Monterey、WWDC、WWDC 2021等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


米国時間6月7日に開催されたWWDC(世界開発者会議)で、Apple(アップル)が次期macOS 12 Monterey(モントレー)を発表した。今回のmacOSアップデートで最も注目すべき新機能は、OS X Yosemite(ヨセミテ)で初めて導入された「Continuity(コンティニュイティ)」機能をベースにした「Universal Control(ユニバーサルコントロール)」だ。これまでも、iPhoneで開いたニュース記事の続きをMacBookで読んだり、iPadからiMacにリンクをコピー&ペーストしたりすることは可能だった。しかし、Universal Controlはこれらの機能をさらに進化させたものになる。

Universal Controlでは、1つのマウスとキーボードを使って、複数のAppleデバイスを同時に操作することが可能になる。公開されたデモビデオを見ると、iPad、MacBook、iMacの間をシームレスに移動しながら作業できることがわかる。複数のデバイス間を経てファイルをドラッグ&ドロップすることもできるので、例えばFinal Cut Pro(ファイナルカットプロ)で映像を編集する際には、複数のデバイスをマルチスクリーン環境として利用できる。

Universal Controlで可能になることは、必ずしも目新しいわけではない。同様の機能は、これまでもサードパーティ製アプリで実現されていた。さらに2019年には、アップルからも、iPadをMacBookやiMacの2台目のモニターとして使用できる「Sidecar(サイドカー)」という機能が登場している。しかし、Universal ControlはSidecar(もしかしたら廃止になるかもしれない)をさらに改良し、iPad以外のアップル製デバイスも連携させることができるようになった。macOS 12 Montereyは革新的なアップデートではないかもしれないが、既存の機能を向上させる有益なアップグレードだ。


・アップルがiOS 15発表、「つながり続ける」「集中する」といった4つの柱を掲げFaceTime、通知などの新機能満載
・アップルがmacOS 12 Monterey発表、PCとタブレットのギャップを埋める
・アップルが動画や音楽をバーチャル共同視聴できる新機能「SharePlay」をiOS 15で導入
・アップルのiOS 15新機能「Live Text」は写真内の文字を自動認識してテキストデータ化
・今秋リリースのアップルのwatchOS 8にマインドフルネスと呼吸追跡の機能
・AppleマップがiOS 15アップグレードでより詳細な地図、交通機関ナビ、ARビューなど追加
・アップルがiOS 15で「通知」を改良、新機能「フォーカス」「サマリー」でよりパーソナルに
・アップルがApp Storeに製品ページA/Bテストとアプリ内イベントの宣伝を導入
・Apple TVにHomePod miniをスピーカーにするなどのアップデート
・マルチタスクが改善されたiPadOS 15、新Swift Playgroundsでアプリ作成から公開まで可能に
・アップルが詐欺撲滅を目指してApp Storeガイドラインを改訂
・iOS 15ではさらにセキュリティとプライバシー保護機能が充実



During the WWDC conference today, Apple unveiled the new macOS 12 Monterey. A major feature in the macOS update is Universal Control, which builds upon the Continuity features first introduced in OS X Yosemite. For years it’s been possible to open a news article on your iPhone and keep reading it on your MacBook, or to copy and paste a link from your iPad to your iMac. But Universal Control takes these features further.

With Universal Control, you can use a single mouse and keyboard to navigate across multiple Apple devices at once. This functionality works across more than two devices — in the demo video, the feature is used to seamlessly move across an iPad, MacBook and iMac. Users can drag and drop files across multiple devices at once, making it possible, for example, to use a multi-screen setup while editing video on Final Cut Pro.

What’s possible in Universal Control isn’t necessarily new — this has been made possible before through third-party apps. Plus, in 2019, Apple debuted Sidecar, which allowed users to connect their iPad as a second monitor for their MacBook or iMac. But, Universal Control improves upon Sidecar — and maybe renders it obsolete — by allowing users to link any Apple devices together, even if it’s not an iPad. Though this update may not be groundbreaking, it’s a useful upgrade to existing features.

(文:Amanda Silberling、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)


Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device support.

Apple (APPL) bull expects iPhone maker to hit $3 trillion ...

Apple is the world's most valuable company with a current market cap of around $2.1 trillion. It crossed the first trillion in 2018 and the $2 trillion mark in 2020.Analysts, including Ives, have ...

Apple pays millions in iPhone-repair explicit photo case

Intimate images and videos were shared from a woman's iPhone while it was being repaired.

Apple settled after repair techs posted woman's explicit pics

Apple has paid a multimillion-dollar settlement to a woman who sent her iPhone in for repair and had her private racy images and a sex video posted online by repair technicians.

Apple Previews New Software for iPhone, Other Gadgets ...

Apple kicked off its second annual all-virtual developer conference with a keynote that outlined new updates to its software for iPhones and other devices. The...

Apple unveils new privacy features, digital IDs and ...

Apple’s privacy push has put the company at odds with rivals. Despite protests from some corners of Silicon Valley, Monday’s announcements show that Apple has doubled down on privacy features.

Apple unveils iOS 15 with new features for FaceTime and ...

During the virtual keynote of WWDC, Apple shared the first details about iOS 15, the next major version of iOS that is going to be released later this year. There are four pillars with this year’s release: staying connected, focusing without distraction, using intelligence and exploring the world. “For many of us, our iPhones have […]

At WWDC 2021, Apple almost brought back the away message ...

One of Apple’s new features is Focus, which is designed to help users do just that by rolling up notifications, pausing alerts, and informing would-be botherers that a given recipient isn’t available. What does that remind you of?

Here's What Apple Announced at WWDC 2021 | The Motley Fool

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) hosted its annual Worldwide Developers Conference on Monday, unveiling the next major versions of its flagship platforms using the same virtual format as last year. The event ...

Apple unveils upgrades in new MacBook, iPhone platforms at ...

Apple unveiled a range of software updates Monday to kick off its Worldwide Developers Conference, including new editions of operating system platforms for iPhone and Mac computers.

iOS 15 announced, brings improvements to Apple Maps ...

Apples WWDC 2021 Live Udates: Apple kicks off the WWDC 2021 event with the iOS 15 announcement along with Apple Maps, FaceTime, iMessage. The iOS 15 software comes packed with several advanced features than ever before. The latest iOS iteration brings updates to FaceTime, iMessage, Apple Maps, Weather, Photos and much more.

Apple previews new software for iPhone, other gadgets | WTOP

Apple kicked off its second annual all-virtual developer conference with a keynote that outlined new updates to its software for iPhones and other devices.

Apple overhauls Siri to address privacy concerns and ...

Voice assistant will no longer send audio recordings to firm’s servers, instead processing requests ‘on device’

Apple unveils new iOS, other Wallet, FaceTime options

Apple kicked off its annual developers conference on Monday by unveiling new features on iOS 15 that cater to our lives as the world begins to emerge from the pandemic, including updates to video ...

Apple will let users stay on iOS 14 and receive security ...

For the first time, Apple will allow users to stay on the previous major version when iOS 15 ships in the fall. Users will have the choice to stay on iOS 14 and receive important security updates ...

Apple's new App Store guidelines put scammers and bounty ...

Apple has just updated its App Store Guidelines, the document that tells iPhone and iPad what kind of behavior the company will tolerate and where it’s likely to reject apps or crack down after the fact. They go after scammers, bounty hunters, and touch on Roblox.

Apple announces new feature to share health data with doctors

Apple announced several new health features for its devices, including a way for users to share medical data directly with a doctor.

Apple Launching FaceTime for Android and Windows Users ...

The famously proprietary company is freeing its video communications app.

Mark Zuckerberg takes swipe at Apple over developer fees

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg took a competitive swipe at Apple on Monday over the fees the iPhone maker charges companies to sell wares using its App Store.

Kuo: Apple's First AR Headset to Launch in Second Quarter ...

Apple is aiming to debut its first augmented reality (AR) headset in the second quarter of 2022, according to a new research note from analyst...

Apple Worked With Company Tied To Xinjiang

Apple and Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway have done business with a Chinese wind energy giant linked to controversial government and labor programs in Xinjiang, where the US and other countries say China is carrying out a genocide of Muslim minorities.

Apple Announces Changes Coming to iMessage - Watch the ...

Apple Announces Changes Coming to iMessage – Watch the Video Apple has introduced some new features for iMessage, which will come in the new IOS 15 update. A video is circulating Twitter that shows exactly what you can…

The Apple depiction of Android is degrading, but accurate ...

Apple always shows Android in a negative light with the least attractive hardware, but as degrading as that is, you can't call it inaccurate.

WatchOS 8: WWDC previewed some interesting changes for the ...

Here's everything we heard at WWDC that's coming to your Apple Watch with the WatchOS 8 upgrade later this year.

Apple TV's New Siri Remote Goes From Very Bad To Very Best

The original Siri Remote was widely loathed. Its replacement is so good, it is sure to be widely loved.

Apple Music's Zane Lowe explains how Spatial Audio will ...

Apple is building immersive music-authoring tools directly into Logic Pro later this year. So any musician will be able to create and mix their songs in Spatial Audio for Apple Music — whether they're in the studio, at home, or wherever.

iOS 15 tidbits: Apple TV Remote redesign, 'Prepare For ...

Apple Card in Wallet app The Wallet app has received a handful of enhancements with iOS 15, including support for new passes and identity cards. A small but useful change has also been made for ...

iPadOS 15 release date: Check if your Apple iPad will get ...

iPadOS 15 release date: iPad users will be able to get their hands on to the newly announced iPadOS 15 later this fall, which is possibly around September or October.

WWDC21 - Apple Developer

Join the Apple worldwide developer community for an all-online WWDC21.

Apple WWDC 2021 live updates: iOS 15 announced

Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, or WWDC, is the company's annual showcase for its software. The company revealed iPhone, Mac, iPad, Watch and Apple TV software and updates to iCloud but ...

WWDC 2021: Keynote highlights, iOS 15 and other product ...

Apple CEO Tim Cook spoke during a keynote to kick off WWDC 2021. The event comes as apple faces renewed scrutiny of how it deals with app developers.

Apple WWDC 2021 biggest announcements: iOS 15, macOS ...

Apple’s WWDC 2021 keynote was jam-packed with big announcements, including our first looks at iOS 15, macOS Monterey, and more. Catch up with the biggest news and reveals from the show right here.

Apple WWDC 2021 keynote live blog: iOS 15, iPadOS, macOS ...

iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and more: Apple’s developer conference promises new versions of its operating systems, new features for users, and new tools for developers.

WWDC 2021 Apple Event Live Keynote Coverage: iOS 15, macOS ...

Apple's all-online Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) starts today with the traditional keynote kicking things off at 10:00 a.m. Pacific...

Apple WWDC 2021 Live Updates: The Big iPhone, iPad & Mac ...

This is the biggest day of the year for anyone wanting to know how their Apple products are about to get better.

WWDC 2021: Apple unveils latest updates for iOS 15, iPadOS ...

Apple's WWDC 2021 virtual event is currently taking place. Check out our coverage of the latest news and updates as it's released.

What to expect at WWDC 2021: iOS 15, watchOS 8, and more ...

WWDC 2021 will be a virtual event this year, and we expect Apple to unveil iOS 15, watchOS 8, and much more.

Everything Apple announced in its WWDC 2021 keynote: iOS ...

Apple today officially kicked off WWDC 2021 with its opening keynote. The company unveiled the future of its software platforms, detailing new features in iOS 15, iPadOS 15, watchOS 8, macOS 12 ...

How long is WWDC? Know everything about the WWDC 2021 ...

How long is WWDC? WWDC 2021 will last for an entire week with 200 sessions allowing developers to learn about new features. Read on to know more.

What time does WWDC 2021 Start: Here's the WWDC 2021 Start ...

What time does WWDC 2021 start is a question that has been asked by a huge number of people. Check out the WWDC 2021 start time and what to expect here.

Apple's biggest WWDC 2021 announcements, in one handy list

Apple's WWDC 2021 keynote had a whole bunch of news, including iOS 15, but there was no news of a new MacBook Pro or the M2 processor

Daily Crunch: At Apple's WWDC 2021 keynote, everything old ...

Hello friends and welcome to Daily Crunch, bringing you the most important startup, tech and venture capital news in a single package.

WWDC 2021: Final Rumors Suggest Cool New Software But No ...

There’s lots to look forward to at WWDC but what we know about iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 is particularly exciting. But if you're waiting for new hardware, don't hold your breath.

WWDC 2021 Live Stream begins June 7: Here is how to watch ...

Fans and Apple enthusiasts around the world are excited about WWDC 2021. Find more details in this article about how to watch WWDC 2021 live stream.

Here's What Apple Announced at WWDC 2021 | The Motley Fool

Here's What Apple Announced at WWDC 2021 The Mac maker hosts its annual developer shindig. Evan Niu, CFA (TMFNewCow) Jun 8, 2021 at 8:00AM Author Bio. Evan is a Senior Technology Analyst at The ...

Apple previews iOS 15 at WWDC 2021 - theverge.com

Apple showcased iOS 15 at WWDC 2021, highlighting more granular controls over notifications and big updates to FaceTime.

Apple WWDC 2021 brings new software (but no Macs), Jeff ...

In today's news, Apple launched WWDC 2021 with a preview of its new iOS, MacOS, WatchOS and iPadOS updates, Jeff Bezos announced plans to go to space and Facebook takes a swing at Apple over creator fees.

The Morning After: Apple's WWDC 2021

Today’s headlines: Apple announces iOS 15 at WWDC, with a focus on notifications and privacy, DOJ recovers 63.7 Bitcoins paid out in Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack and Apple's watchOS 8 adds new mindfulness exercises and tai chi.

WWDC 2021: MacOS Monterey Announced With Universal Control ...

MacOS Monterey is the latest operating system for macs, which now offers new features and enhancements, and here is everything you need to know about the same.

WWDC Event 2021: How to Watch Live Streaming in India and ...

Apple's big event Worldwide Developers Conference 2021 i.e. WWDC 2021 is all set to start from today i.e. June 7, which will last till June 11.

WWDC 2021: HomeOS centers around interconnection and ...

The launch of WWDC 2021 was consequently a chance to uncover to the world the introduction of HomeOS. The firm likewise reported that HomePods smaller than usual, as of now offered in fifteen nations like France, Canada, the United States, or Great Britain, will likewise be accessible in Austria, New Zealand, and Italy before the 2021 ends.

WWDC 2021: iPadOS 15 Announced With Better Multitasking ...

Here is everything you need to know about the next-generation operating system for iPad -- iPadOS 15 with new features and capabilities.

WWDC 2021 Keynote Today: How to Watch Livestream, What to ...

WWDC 2021 is beginning today, June 7 and is going to be all-virtual — just like the last time. iOS 15, macOS 12, and watchOS 8 are amongst the key announcements expected. New MacBook Pro models are also speculated to debut at the keynote.

Live from Apple's WWDC 2021 keynote - TechCrunch

And we’re back. Well, not back-back. But we’re here in the San Jose McEnery Convention Center of the mind. The parking is awful and the hotels all got booked up five months ago, so we’re taking the CalTrain in from Redwood City (of the mind). We’ve got a full house at this morning’s virtual kick-off […]

Here's what's new for iOS, iPadOS and macOS (news from ...

Here's what's new for iOS, iPadOS and macOS (news from Apple's WWDC 2021 keynote)

WWDC 2021: Apple Music Rolling Out Support for Lossless ...

Apple Music's long-awaited Lossless Audio, Dolby Atmos, and Spatial Audio have finally become available to compatible Apple devices, according to user reports. The new features will be available on devices running iOS 14.6, iPadOS 14.6, macOS 11.4, and tvOS 14.6 or higher. Users reported that the new Lossless Audio and Dolby Atmos features were visible after restarting their devices.

MIA At WWDC Keynote: Mentions Of Apple Silicon And M1 ...

There was a lot to absorb in the 2021 WWDC keynote, but Apple's own processors barely received a mention.

WWDC21 - Apple Developer

Join the Apple worldwide developer community for an all-online WWDC21.

Apple WWDC 2021 live updates: iOS 15 announced

Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, or WWDC, is the company's annual showcase for its software.The company revealed iPhone, Mac, iPad, Watch and Apple TV software and updates to iCloud but ...

WWDC 2021: Keynote highlights, iOS 15 and other product ...

Beyond new gadgets and the introduction of iOS 15, WWDC is also an opportunity for Apple to address its developer community in the midst of two major recent spats with app makers — a contentious ...

WWDC 2021 Apple Event Live Keynote Coverage: iOS 15, macOS ...

Apple's all-online Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) starts today with the traditional keynote kicking things off at 10:00 a.m. Pacific...

Apple WWDC 2021 keynote live blog: iOS 15, iPadOS, macOS ...

iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and more: Apple’s developer conference promises new versions of its operating systems, new features for users, and new tools for developers.

The Morning After: Apple's WWDC 2021

Today’s headlines: Apple announces iOS 15 at WWDC, with a focus on notifications and privacy, DOJ recovers 63.7 Bitcoins paid out in Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack and Apple's watchOS 8 adds new mindfulness exercises and tai chi.

What to expect at WWDC 2021: iOS 15, watchOS 8, and more ...

WWDC 2021 will be a virtual event this year, and we expect Apple to unveil iOS 15, watchOS 8, and much more.

How long is WWDC? Know everything about the WWDC 2021 ...

How long is WWDC? WWDC 2021 will last for an entire week with 200 sessions allowing developers to learn about new features. Read on to know more.

Apple's biggest WWDC 2021 announcements, in one handy list

Apple's WWDC 2021 keynote had a whole bunch of news, including iOS 15, but there was no news of a new MacBook Pro or the M2 processor

Here's What Apple Announced at WWDC 2021 | The Motley Fool

Here's What Apple Announced at WWDC 2021 The Mac maker hosts its annual developer shindig. Evan Niu, CFA (TMFNewCow) Jun 8, 2021 at 8:00AM Author Bio. Evan is a Senior Technology Analyst at The ...

Daily Crunch: At Apple's WWDC 2021 keynote, everything old ...

Hello friends and welcome to Daily Crunch, bringing you the most important startup, tech and venture capital news in a single package.

WWDC Event 2021: How to Watch Live Streaming in India and ...

Apple's big event Worldwide Developers Conference 2021 i.e. WWDC 2021 is all set to start from today i.e. June 7, which will last till June 11.

WWDC 2021 News Hub: iOS 15, watchOS 8, and more- 9to5Mac

At WWDC 2021 today, Apple is rumored to announce iOS 15, iPadOS 15, watchOS 8, and more. Here is all of the news you need to know.

WWDC 2021: Apple Music Rolling Out Support for Lossless ...

Apple Music's long-awaited Lossless Audio, Dolby Atmos, and Spatial Audio have finally become available to compatible Apple devices, according to user reports. The new features will be available on devices running iOS 14.6, iPadOS 14.6, macOS 11.4, and tvOS 14.6 or higher. Users reported that the new Lossless Audio and Dolby Atmos features were visible after restarting their devices.

iOS 15 has officially arrived, and the new features ...

Apple's new operating system, previewed at WWDC, will launch this fall, likely with the iPhone 13.

Ten "It's About Time!" Features from WWDC 2021 - TidBITS

At its Worldwide Developer Conference keynote, Apple shared numerous new features that cut across most of its operating systems. But what caught our attention for this article was how many of them caused us to exclaim, “Finally!”

WWDC 2021 kicks off today: How to watch Apple keynote live ...

WWDC 2021: The Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) will be kicking off later today (June 7) and just like last year, Apple will host this event virtually in the wake of a global pandemic.

Apple WWDC 2021: iOS 15 updates to FaceTime, Messages ...

During its WWDC 2021 virtual event on Monday, Apple showed off updates to its most popular apps, including FaceTime and Photo.

Watch Apple's 2021 WWDC keynote announcement event ...

Apple's annual World Wide Developers Conference offers new features for All of Apple's operating systems.

Apple WWDC 2021 Live Updates: The Big iPhone, iPad & Mac ...

This is the biggest day of the year for anyone wanting to know how their Apple products are about to get better.

Apple unveils upgrades in new MacBook, iPhone platforms at ...

Apple unveiled a range of software updates Monday to kick off its Worldwide Developers Conference, including new editions of operating system platforms for iPhone and Mac computers.

Apple WWDC event UPDATES: Focus on app developers with ...

Apple WWDC Event 2021 Live Updates: The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) keynote is being held tonight, and here are all the updates of the top announcements from the event.

Apple announces new features during WWDC 2021 - New York ...

Apple held its annual WWDC keynote where the company unveiled new features that will soon be gracing the devices of Apple devices across the United States.

Reliable leaker says WWDC won't include the new hardware ...

Apple’s developer conference is about to get underway, but there’s no shortage of rumors in anticipation of the main WWDC 2021 keynote. A last-minute report indicated that iPhone and iPad will receive the most notable updates this year and detailed some of the most significant iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 features that Apple is expected …

WWDC keynote highlights 2021: iOS 15, FaceTime, iMessage ...

Apple unveiled its latest updates in iOS 15, including new FaceTime and iMessage features. Check them out.

iPadOS 15 announced at WWDC, features improved ...

Apple today introduced the next version iPadOS, with more widgets and a better multitasking system. The announcement was by Apple SVP Craig Federighi at Apple’s annual developer’s conference, WWDC 21. The features announced today are welcomed updates, but fall short of the major rework the iPad sorely deserves. The new iPad features come in addition […]

Facebook trolls Apple with vow not to take cut of revenue ...

Facebook Inc. vows to not take a cut of revenue from creators who make money on its social-media platforms until 2023, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg says...

iCloud+ With New Privacy Features, Unlimited HomeKit Video ...

Apple has introduced iCloud+ service with several new features at no additional cost. The new iCloud+ plans start at $0.99 per month in the US and Rs. 75 per month in India. The base plan offers 50GB iCloud storage with support for one HomeKit Secure Video camera. There is a plan with 200GB iCloud storage and up to five HomeKit Secure Video cameras support priced at $2.99 per month in the US and Rs. 219 in India, and also a 2TB iCloud storage plan with unlimited number of HomeKit Secure Video cameras support that is priced at $9.99 per month in the US and Rs. 749 in India.

Reliable Leaker Suggests No MacBook Pro or Other Hardware ...

In response to a tweet asking if there will be hardware announcements at WWDC 2021, cryptic but reliable leaker "l0vetodream" suggested there...

WWDC: Apple takes aim at Zoom with FaceTime, rolls out new ...

Apple Inc.'s forthcoming software upgrades will aim to make FaceTime a more formidable competitor in the world of videoconferencing and continue the...

Apple Announces macOS Monterey With Shortcuts App, Updated ...

Apple today announced macOS 12, which it's calling macOS Monterey. The new version of macOS is gaining features like Universal Control, AirPlay...

Apple unveils macOS 12 Monterey - TechCrunch

The past year has seen some of the most dramatic updates to Macs in recent memory. At last year’s WWDC, Apple announced its long-awaited move from Intel chip’s to its own first party silicon. By the end of the year, the company launched the first three M1 Macs, along with Big Sur, one of the […]

Monterey is the next version of Apple's macOS

With macOS Monterey, Apple is trying to polish its desktop operating system even further.

Apple unveils macOS Monterey, and it's even more exciting ...

More than an hour into Apple’s keynote address at WWDC 2021, Craig Federighi took the stage once again to talk about the future of macOS. Apple has chosen some interesting names in recent years for its annual releases, and this year is no different, as the latest edition of the software will be called macOS …

macOS version history - Wikipedia

The history of macOS, Apple's current Mac operating system formerly named Mac OS X until 2012 and then OS X until 2016, began with the company's project to replace its "classic" Mac OS.That system, up to and including its final release Mac OS 9, was a direct descendant of the operating system Apple had used in its Macintosh computers since their introduction in 1984.

Apple macOS Monterey: Top features, supported devices of ...

Apple macOS Monterey top features:Here we will be taking a look new operating system for Macs with new features like Shortcuts, Safari browser redesign and more.

How Universal Control on macOS Monterey works - The Verge

You can use your Mac’s keyboard and mouse to control your iPad. You can also drag and drop content between devices. Apple’s new Universal Control feature is neat, and here’s how it works

macOS Monterey includes new 'erase all contents and ...

With the release of macOS Monterey this year, Apple will make it easier to restore your Mac.In the System Preferences application, there is a new "erase all contents and settings" option ...

macOS Monterey

Apple today previewed macOS Monterey, the latest version of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system. macOS Monterey comes with new ways for users...

MacOS Monterey Beta 1 Download Now Available

macOS Monterey includes a variety of new features, including improvements to FaceTime like screen sharing and a grid view, the ability to use a single mouse and keyboard across Mac and iPad with a feature called Universal Control, changes to Safari tabs and tabs grouping, the inclusion of the Shortcuts app on Mac, improvements to Messages, a Focus feature for Do Not Disturb, a Quick Notes ...

WWDC 2021: Apple discloses the new macOS Monterey - TechMoran

With macOS Monty, and always to bring more interoperability between different systems, this gap is now filled. With macOS Monty, Apple is consistently determined to bring greater interoperability between various systems. However, this gap is currently filled. Long-term macOS fans know about the Automator script wizard. Close by it.

Apple unveils macOS Monterey - MacDailyNews

Apple today previewed macOS 12 Monterey, the latest version of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system…

macOS Monterey will drop support for older MacBook Pro and ...

You may need to upgrade if you want the latest version of Apple's desktop operating system.

Here's the official list of Apple devices eligible for iOS ...

macOS Monterey Eligible/Supported Devices. Unlike iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches, not all Macs running the current-gen macOS Big Sur will be upgraded to macOS Monterey. According to the ...

macOS Monterey Introduces Powerful Features to Get More ...

CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Apple® today previewed macOS® Monterey, the latest version of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system. macOS Monterey comes with

WWDC 2021: MacOS Monterey Announced With Universal Control ...

MacOS Monterey is the latest operating system for macs, which now offers new features and enhancements, and here is everything you need to know about the same.

macOS 12 adds improved virtualization, but no sign of ...

Desktop virtualization is not the kind of thing that gets a mention in Apple's big product announcements, and today's effort that revealed macOS 12 — code-named Monterey — was no exception. But sharp-eyed observers have spotted some changes that will make Macs, including those powered by Apple's own silicon, more adept at running guest operating systems.

Apple steals Microsoft's Windows 11 thunder with macOS ...

Today at WWDC 2021, the folks at Apple talked. I mean, they talked a lot. Like, for nearly two hours, various Apple employees highlighted the company's plans for the future, including iOS 15 and iPadOS 15. While consumers are probably most excited about Apple's aforementioned mobile operating systems, other people (such as yours truly), are more intrigued by the newest version of the desktop OS. Called

macOS Monterey 12 Now Official With Universal Control ...

macOS Monterey 12 has been unveiled at WWDC 2021 with features including Universal Control, AirPlay support, and Shortcuts. Apple has also announced new developer tools including Object Capture that is meant to let developers create 3D models of real-world objects.

[Update: June 08] Apple macOS 12 update tracker ...

Here is everything you need to know about Apple's next big update for MacBook, Mac mini, iMac, and Mac Pro - macOS 12.

How to Download and Install macOS 12 Monterey Developer ...

Apple has released macOS 12 Monterey beta to developers for testing. Here is how you can download and install macOS 12 beta on your Mac.

Apple unveils macOS Monterey for MacBooks, brings new ...

Here are some of the key features coming to these devices with macOS Monterey:

How to install macOS Monterey developer beta on your Mac

Check out what you need to do to get the latest macOS Monterey software update running on your favorite iMac, MacBook Pro, and more

macOS Monterey Introduces Powerful Features to Get More ...

macOS Monterey Introduces Powerful Features to Get More Done Monterey adds new ways to connect with friends and family, work smarter across devices, and stay focused Business Wire CUPERTINO, Calif ...

Apple Announces New Features in iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and ...

Apple announced new features for all its operating systems, to be released this fall. Here's an overview of what to look forward to.

Automations in macOS Big Sur can migrate to Shortcuts in ...

Automations in macOS Big Sur can migrate to Shortcuts in macOS Monterey

macOS Monterey brings updates to FaceTime, adds SharePlay ...

With macOS 12 Monterey, Apple is adding SharePlay to let folks use FaceTime to share experiences while using apps and streaming apps.It has a new Notification Center, with new ways to triage which notifications come through at what time of day. The new Notes app is getting updated, too.

What's New in iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and macOS Monterey - ShaTech

In addition, macOS Monterey will include the Focus mode that helps prevent distractions (detailed above in the iOS 15 section). Universal Control Apple. Using a new feature called Universal Control, owners of Apple devices will be able to use a single keyboard and mouse to control multiple Macs or iPads.

Apple unveils macOS 12 Monterey - TechCrunch

The past year has seen some of the most dramatic updates to Macs in recent memory. At last year’s WWDC, Apple announced its long-awaited move from Intel chip’s to its own first party silicon. By the end of the year, the company launched the first three M1 Macs, along with Big Sur, one of the […]

Apple Announces macOS Monterey With Shortcuts App, Updated ...

Apple today announced macOS 12, which it's calling macOS Monterey. The new version of macOS is gaining features like Universal Control, AirPlay...

macOS Monterey - Wikipedia

macOS Monterey (version 12) will be the 18th major release of macOS, Apple's desktop operating system for Macintosh computers. The successor to macOS Big Sur, it was announced at WWDC 2021 on June 7, 2021, and is expected to be released later in 2021. A beta version of macOS Monterey was released to developers registered with Apple Developer Center on June 7, 2021.

macOS Monterey lets you run Shortcuts and share input ...

Apple has announced the next version of macOS, which is named Monterey. macOS 12 promises more interoperability with the iPhone, using Universal Control, Handoff, and more.

macOS Monterey 12 Now Official With Universal Control ...

macOS Monterey 12 has been unveiled at WWDC 2021 with features including Universal Control, AirPlay support, and Shortcuts. Apple has also announced new developer tools including Object Capture that is meant to let developers create 3D models of real-world objects.

Here Are All the Macs Compatible With macOS Monterey ...

macOS Monterey is compatible with many of the Macs that were able to run macOS Big Sur, but it drops support for some older MacBook Air and iMac...

First macOS Monterey beta now available for developers ...

New features and changes coming with macOS 12 Monterey include a totally redesigned Safari, Shortcuts app arriving on the Mac, FaceTime's new SharePlay feature, Universal Control to seamlessly ...

How to Download and Install macOS 12 Monterey Developer ...

Apple has released macOS 12 Monterey beta to developers for testing. Here is how you can download and install macOS 12 beta on your Mac.

Apple Brings Low Power Mode to Mac and iPad With macOS ...

The macOS 12 Monterey and iPadOS 15 updates that Apple introduced today bring a key iPhone feature over to the Mac and iPad -- Low Power Mode. On...

Apple Announces macOS 12 Monterey with Universal Control ...

During its WWDC21 keynote, Apple finally announced its new software update for Mac computers. Now officially named macOS Monterey, this software update

WWDC 2021: MacOS Monterey Announced With Universal Control ...

MacOS Monterey is the latest operating system for macs, which now offers new features and enhancements, and here is everything you need to know about the same.

Apple unveils macOS Monterey - MacDailyNews

Apple today previewed macOS 12 Monterey, the latest version of the world’s most advanced desktop operating system…

Apple unveils macOS 12 Monterey - TechCrunch

The past year has seen some of the most dramatic updates to Macs in recent memory. At last year’s WWDC, Apple announced its long-awaited move from Intel chip’s to its own first party silicon. By the end of the year, the company launched the first three M1 Macs, along with Big Sur, one of the […]

MacOS Monterey Beta 1 Download Now Available

The first beta version of macOS Monterey (macOS 12) has been released for users enrolled in the Apple Developer program to download. A public beta of macOS Monterey is set to debut in July. macOS Monterey includes a variety of new features, including improvements to FaceTime like screen sharing and ...

macOS Monterey brings updates to FaceTime, adds SharePlay ...

With macOS 12 Monterey, Apple is adding SharePlay to let folks use FaceTime to share experiences while using apps and streaming apps.It has a new Notification Center, with new ways to triage which notifications come through at what time of day. The new Notes app is getting updated, too.

Apple announces macOS Monterey: Shortcuts, Universal ...

As part of WWDC today, Apple announced the next major version of its desktop operating system, macOS Monterey. The Shortcuts app is now available on the Mac to achieve 'peak productivity'.

macOS 12 Monterey upgrades Continuity with Universal ...

During the WWDC conference today, Apple unveiled the new macOS 12 Monterey.A major feature in the macOS update is Universal Control, which builds upon the Continuity features first introduced in OS X Yosemite. For years, it's been possible to open a news article on your iPhone and keep reading it on your MacBook, or to copy and paste a link from your iPad to your iMac.

macOS 12 Monterey upgrades Continuity with Universal ...

During the WWDC conference today, Apple unveiled the new macOS 12 Monterey. A major feature in the macOS update is Universal Control, which builds upon the Continuity features first introduced in OS X Yosemite. For years it’s been possible to open a news article on your iPhone and keep reading it on your MacBook, or […]

Apple unveils macOS 12 Monterey - IAM Brands Consulting

By the end of the year, the company launched the first three M1 Macs, along with Big Sur, one of the biggest updates to macOS. At this morning's kickoff to WWDC, the company unveiled macOS 12 — named, you guessed it, Monterey. Universal Control is the top line new feature here, which further bridges the gap between desktop and tablet. ...

Macs compatible with macOS Monterey - full list - 9to5Mac

This guide looks at all the Macs compatible with macOS Monterey. The latest software includes a number of new features and changes.

Apple unveils macOS 12 Monterey, Huge Features: WWDC21 ...

We all have been waiting for the new macOS and finally, Apple unveils macOS 12 Monterey with loads of new features.

Everything Apple announced in its WWDC 2021 keynote: iOS ...

The company unveiled the future of its software platforms, detailing new features in iOS 15, iPadOS 15, watchOS 8, macOS 12 Monterey, and more. Head below for a full recap of everything that Apple ...

Safari on iOS 15 and macOS Monterey Automatically Upgrades ...

On iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and macOS Monterey, Safari will automatically upgrade web connections for sites to the HTTPS protocol, in the case they're...

macOS Monterey - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

macOS Monterey(版本12.0)是蘋果公司用於麥金塔桌面作業系統macOS的第18個主要版本,得名于美国 加利福尼亚州城市蒙特雷,于2020年6月8日的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC)上发布,成为macOS 11 Big Sur的继任版本 。. WWDC上展示的其主要特性包括隐私增强,macOS与iOS、iPadOS和watchOS设备之间实现无缝互动的技术 ...

Apple Brings Low Power Mode to Mac and iPad With macOS ...

The macOS 12 Monterey and iPadOS 15 updates that Apple introduced today bring a key iPhone feature over to the Mac and iPad -- Low Power Mode. On...

MacBook Pro - Wikipedia

The MacBook Pro is a line of Macintosh portable computers introduced in January 2006 by Apple Inc. It is the higher-end model of the MacBook family, sitting above the consumer-focused MacBook Air, and is sold with 13- and 16-inch screens. 17-inch and 15-inch version were sold from April 2006 to June 2012 and January 2006 to January 2020, respectively.

macOS version history - Wikipedia

The history of macOS, Apple's current Mac operating system formerly named Mac OS X until 2012 and then OS X until 2016, began with the company's project to replace its "classic" Mac OS.That system, up to and including its final release Mac OS 9, was a direct descendant of the operating system Apple had used in its Macintosh computers since their introduction in 1984.

Mac OS Monterey release date: Here's more about Mac OS ...

Mac OS Monterey release date is what many users have been wanting to know about since WWDC ended. Learn more about Mac OS Monterey wallpaper and features here.

The Macerich Company (NYSE:MAC) In 2021: Will It Be Worth ...

In today’s recent session, 1,823,708 shares of the The Macerich Company(NYSE:MAC) have been traded, and its beta is 2.1. Most recently the company’s share price was $17.99, and it changed around $0.94 or 0.06% from the last close, which brings the market valuation of the company to $3.73

How Universal Control works on the Mac and the iPad - 9to5Mac

We got a demo of how Universal Control works during Apple's demo yesterday, but it left a few unanswered questions. For example, how does ...

Islamophobic hate crime takes the lives of 4 members of a ...

Mississauga – June, 7th, 2021 – The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) emphasizes the holistic message of Islam within the…

MAC Announces Men's Soccer Academic All-MAC Team - Mid ...

The Academic All-MAC honor is for a student-athlete who has excelled in athletics and academics. To qualify, a student-athlete must have at least a 3.20 cumulative GPA and have participated in at least 50 percent of the contests for that particular sport. 2021 MAC Men's Soccer Academic All-MAC Team

Douglas MacArthur - Wikipedia

Douglas MacArthur (26 January 1880 - 5 April 1964) was an American military leader who served as General of the Army for the United States, as well as a Field Marshal to the Philippine Army.He was Chief of Staff of the United States Army during the 1930s, and he played a prominent role in the Pacific theater during World War II.. Macarthur received the Medal of Honor for his service in the ...

MAC DON R85 For Sale - 14 Listings | TractorHouse.com ...

Mac Don R85 16' Rotary Disk w/Steel Crimpers, 1000 PTO, 3pt Hitch, 2013. *NOTE: 1 Divide Board is bent* Updated: Wed, May 19, 2021 3:31 PM

The Best Burger to Eat Right Now, at Smashed NYC | The New ...

Made-to-order smash burgers—beef or vegan; single-, double-, or triple-patty—are the specialty of a new Lower East Side shop.

As a Mac user, it's getting harder and harder to stick ...

I've been a Mac user since early 2008, months before the first Android device was announced and three years before I bought my first Android phone. I felt

Apple WWDC 2021 Live Updates: The Big iPhone, iPad & Mac ...

This is the biggest day of the year for anyone wanting to know how their Apple products are about to get better.

Apple is bringing Shortcuts to the Mac and starts ...

Apple has announced the next major version of macOS at WWDC 2021 — macOS Monterey. Among other features, Apple is going to release Shortcuts on macOS. It’s going to look and work a lot like Shortcuts on iOS and iPadOS. “The Mac has a long history of automation with command line, shell scripts, Apple scripts and […]

Cisco Jabber for VDI available to download

Download Cisco Jabber VDI. Supporting Ctrix and VMware.

Adobe launches M1 Mac-native versions of Lightroom Classic ...

Adobe has launched native versions of Lightroom Classic, InDesign, and Illustrator for Apple’s M1 Macs. The company is claiming big leaps in performance.

WWDC 2021: Shortcuts for Mac - Six Colors

WWDC 2021: Shortcuts for Mac For years, automation on the Mac has been an onion of sorts. Automator and its ability to create Quick Actions, Folder Actions and even Applications has given Mac users the ability to create workflows with drag-and-drop efficiency since its introduction with Mac OS X Tiger way back in 2005.

>> Add support for Ingenic SoC MAC glue layer support for ...

Subject: Re: [PATCH 2/2] net: stmmac: Add Ingenic SoCs MAC support. From: Zhou Yanjie <> Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2021 21:24:58 +0800

How to install macOS Monterey developer beta on your Mac

Check out what you need to do to get the latest macOS Monterey software update running on your favorite iMac, MacBook Pro, and more

The Macerich Company (MAC) is on the roll with an average ...

The Macerich Company (MAC) is priced at $17.05 after the most recent trading session. At the very opening of the session, the stock price was $17.66 and reached a high price of $17.76, prior to closing the session it reached the value of $17.56. The stock touched a low price of $16.86. Get the hott

How to Edit Saved Passwords on Mac with Keychain Access

How to Edit Saved Passwords & Logins in Keychain on Mac. Manually updating the username and password details that are stored in Keychain is a pretty simple and straightforward procedure on macOS systems. Just follow the steps below to get started. First, you need to access Spotlight search on your Mac.

Apple Announces New Features in iOS 15, iPadOS 15, and ...

Apple announced new features for all its operating systems, to be released this fall. Here's an overview of what to look forward to.

Mac Jones among three Patriots draft picks invited to ...

The trio is projected as "the next marketable stars" by the players union.

Second Life Mac founder named an entrepreneur finalist

Ernst & Young LLP said Scott Pauga, founder and CEO of Second Life Mac in Skokie, was named an Entrepreneur of the Year 2021 Midwest Award finalist.

***macwesties * mon. june 07, 2021 * nba * conference ...

Page 2 - (169-169-4) * (50%) * ATS * YTD * 2021 * Reg. season & Playoffs combined 1-unit per play unless other wise note | Learn more at Covers Forum

How to Backup Photos on Mac 2021 [iCloud vs External HDD]

If your pictures are too precious to lose, then you’ll need to learn how to backup photos on a Mac via external hard drive, iCloud & more.

Mac McClung invited to participate in NBA G League Elite Camp

McClung was named the Big 12 Newcomer of the Year after averaging 15.5 points, 2.7 rebounds and 2.1 assists in 29 games with Texas Tech.


2021-06-10 20:29

[2021/06/10 08:29] Beautiful / Superfly802 ●Radikoタイムフリーで聴く↓ ●iTunesで試聴↓

2021-06-10 07:28


2021-06-10 04:01

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