

関連ワード (Osma、コーヒー、コーヒーメーカー等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



OsmaはデザイナーのJoey Roth(ジョーイ・ロス)氏が取り組んでいるプロジェクトだ。ハイコンセプトのスピーカー関連テック製品を手がけた後に紅茶・コーヒー関連テックに取り組むようになった同氏は今、まったく異なるこの2つの分野を、独特の振動抽出方法という形で統合させる方法を発見した。同氏は長年にわたりいくつものヒット技術を生み出してきたが、Osmaは同氏にこれまでで一番の利益をもたらすかもしれない。










ロス氏が安易に例えようとしない理由は理解できる。なぜなら、Osmaの抽出方法は他とは完全に一線を画しているからだ。熱湯ではなく冷水を使う点や、キャビテーション効果を得るために高圧ではなく音波を使う点もさることながら、水を一度限り通すのではなく、循環させる方法を採用している点でOsma Pro(オスマ・プロ)は独特の存在である。



Osmaの仕組みは、半分は幸運な偶然、もう半分は創意工夫の産物である。ロス氏は、共同創業者のDan Yue(ダン・ユエ)氏と一緒に工業用真空槽の中で水を常温で沸騰させる実験を行ったことがあるそうだ。何とか成功したのだが、その装置はとてもじゃないが消費者に販売できるようなものではなかった。そこでユエ氏が、高温で加熱せずにコーヒーを抽出する鍵はマイクロキャビテーション処理にあるのではないかという仮説を立てた。


ロス氏は次のように説明する。「ユエ氏の仮説を検証するために実験をいくつも行って、マイクロキャビテーションこそが魔法のスイッチだということを確認した。その後2年間を費やして、コーヒーの粉をぎっしり詰めたバスケットの中で音波を使ってキャビテーション処理を効率的に促進する構造を開発した。サンノゼでChromatic Coffee(クロマティック・コーヒー)を一緒に創業したパートナーであるJames(ジェームズ)とHiver(ハイヴァー)の助けや知恵を借りながら、この構造をOsma Proという製品に仕上げた」。


Osma Proの価格は695ドル(約7万6000円)だ。家庭用に購入するには少し高価だが、ほとんどのカフェで導入されているタイプの機器と同程度の価格である。ロス氏が手がけた他のプロジェクトと同様に、Osma Proの工業デザインはシンプルで美しい。場所を取らない(スタンド型コーヒーミルと同程度)ことや、貴重な冷蔵庫内スペースが大量のコールドブリューコーヒーに占領されることがなくなることを考えると、Osma Proの利便性にさらに納得できる。


ロス氏は(社名は伏せたが恐らく)有名なコーヒー会社がOsma Proの件で同氏と提携することに興味を示しているのはそのためかもしれない、とはにかみながら言った。小さなカフェを中心に数百台売れることはすばらしいが、ロス氏によると期待を上回る予約注文が寄せられているという。もし数千台規模で注文する大型パートナーが出てきたらどうなるだろうか。それこそ、グローバル展開の足がかりとなるだろう。


現時点で残るただ1つの問題は、Osma Proで作ったコーヒーの呼び名だ。筆者は「coldpresso(コールドプレッソ)」はどうか、と提案した(「icepresso(アイスプレッソ)」の方が語呂がいいのだが「エスプレッソ」に語感が近すぎる)。ロス氏は「cold flash(コールド・フラッシュ)」という名称を考えたが、呼び方に関する自分のアイデアはどれも何だかあか抜けないと自分で言っていた。どんな名称になるにしても、Osma Proで作ったコーヒーを間もなく地元の「本格派」カフェで楽しめるようになるだろう。Osma Proのコーヒーを試した人、あるいは普段から冷たいコーヒーをたくさん飲んでいる人で、少々高額でもOsma Proを買いたいと思った人は、Osmaのウェブサイトで予約注文できる。




It’s rare that a truly new way to make coffee is invented, and nearly all of them have one thing in common: heat. After all, it’s hot water that quickly extracts flavor and body from grounds. But Osma, a new device using an entirely novel coffee-making technique, makes a rich, strong espresso-like drink at any temperature, including icy cold — and it might be the next big thing in the industry.

Osma is the latest project from designer Joey Roth, who evolved from high-concept speaker tech to tea and coffee tech, and now has found a way to integrate these two disparate pursuits with a unique vibratory method of extraction. Although Roth has had several successes over the years, this could be his most valuable yet.

To see why, it helps to understand the way coffee is ordinarily made, which generally comes down to one of two things: soaking the grounds in hot water or forcing it through the grounds under pressure.

In the first case, which includes drip and pour over, French press and others, the heat of the water passively frees the oils and volatiles from the ground beans and then the solids, drained of flavor, are left behind through filtering.

The second case is espresso, in which the desired chemicals are extracted not just through heat but by the process of microcavitation. This is where the heat and pressure free CO2 from the grounds, forming tiny bubbles that quickly collapse, a process that leads to the flavor and aroma compounds being forced out as well.

Cold water can be used in the first method, with the advantage being that certain substances that would be destroyed by heat are retained, giving a different flavor profile. Unfortunately it can take hours or even days to brew to one’s preferred strength, and other desirable compounds degrade over that duration. And cold water can’t be used in the espresso process because steam is necessary to accomplish extraction.

Yet despite the inconvenience inherent to cold coffee, anyone who’s visited a café in the last decade can tell you it is enormously popular year-round but especially in the summer. There’s endless appetite for the drink, even if all it amounts to is pouring hot coffee or espresso over ice. What if strong, delicious coffee could be made without heating it up, watering it down or waiting for days? That’s the Osma proposition.

Image Credits: Osma

The Osma system is to my knowledge unlike any other brewing method. Essentially what it does is circulate water through the grounds continuously, while agitating them with a sort of standing pressure wave. It produces 8-12 ounces of a coffee that’s less concentrated than espresso, but not as mild as cold brew, in about two minutes.

Image Credits: Osma

“This is a fundamentally new expression of coffee that needs to be experienced,” said Roth when I asked him to characterize the flavor profile. He’d compared it to Kyoto-style slow drip with the added creamy mouthfeel and brighter flavors of espresso, but decided the analogy was imperfect.

His reservation is justified, as the method really is completely different. In addition to using cold water instead of hot and an acoustic wave instead of high pressure to create cavitation, the Osma Pro is unique in that it uses a circulatory process instead of one-way.

Almost all forms of coffee-making are unidirectional: water goes in, meets up with the grounds, and coffee comes out — with the exception of percolators, which aren’t exactly the aficionado’s first choice. The Osma method, on the other hand, sucks up the water, passes it through the grounds and agitates it, then puts it back in the same vessel, where it is sucked up and passed through again.

This circular process can be stopped earlier or later, giving a lighter or heavier brew, but there’s a sweet spot at about two minutes that Roth thinks produces the best cup for most purposes.

Creating the system was equal parts serendipity and ingenuity. Roth recalled boiling water at room temperature in a commercial vacuum chamber with his co-founder Dan Yue, which sort of worked but not really, and at any rate wasn’t the type of equipment you could resell to a consumer. Yue speculated that it was the microcavitation process that allowed this extraction without significant heat.

Looks good, right? Image Credits: Osma

“We verified this with a number of other experiments and confirmed that microcavitation was indeed the magic switch,” Roth said. “From there we spent about two years developing what’s basically a mechanism to efficiently facilitate cavitation using acoustics in a tightly packed basket of ground coffee. With the help and insight of our partners James and Hiver (co-founders of Chromatic Coffee in San Jose) we developed this into the Osma Pro.”

Being able to pull a strong, cold coffee drink with espresso-like and cold-brew-like aspects on demand could be a game-changer for coffee shops. At present they have to anticipate demand, making cold brew a day or longer before, risking shortages if demand outstrips supply, or otherwise offer hot coffee poured over ice, an accepted but rather incoherent approach.

At $695 the Osma Pro is a bit expensive for home use, but quite in line with the type of equipment used by most cafés. Like Roth’s other work, the industrial design is simple and beautiful. When you factor in its small footprint (about the size of a standing grinder) and the fact that it frees up valuable fridge space that would otherwise be filled with gallons of cold brew, it starts to make a whole lot of sense.

A limited run of a thousand … for now. Image Credits: Osma

Perhaps that’s why an unnamed but apparently major coffee company has indicated interest in partnering with Roth on the machine, as he coyly explained. Selling a couple hundred to boutique coffee shops is nice, and Roth did say that pre-orders are beyond expectations, but a big-time partner that could move units in the thousands? That’s the start of a global business empire.

Incidentally the whole thing started with a device that may now sadly be defunct. The first Osma brew I encountered was a portable, battery-powered device Roth sent me in beta form to test out that used biodegradable coffee pods and a scaled-down version of the acoustic agitation process. But this ended up being a sort of development dead end — while an interesting tech demo and pretty good at making coffee, it quickly became clear that the countertop version, which was improving rapidly, was the future of the company.

The only real question now is what to call the drink. I suggested “coldpresso” (“icepresso” is more euphonious but too close to the original), Roth thought “cold flash” but admitted everything he thought up was corny. Whatever it’s called, you can probably expect to start seeing it at your local “serious” coffee spot. If you run one of those or drink enough cold coffee to justify a major purchase, you can get in line to pick up a machine at the Osma website.

(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:Dragonfly)

コーヒー - Wikipedia

コーヒー(オランダ語: koffie [2] /ˈkɔfi/ コフィ [ヘルプ / ファイル] 、英語: coffee )は、コーヒー豆(コーヒーノキの種子)を焙煎して挽いた粉末から、湯または水で成分を抽出した飲料。歴史への登場は酒や茶には遅れるが、世界各地 [3] [4] で愛飲されている嗜好飲料である。

コーヒー 通販 | Amazon

コーヒー豆, カフェポッド・コーヒーカプセル, ドリップバッグ, インスタント・スティック の優れたセレクションからの 食品・飲料・お酒 のオンラインショッピングなどを毎日低価格でお届けしています。

【楽天市場】コーヒー | 人気ランキング1位~(売れ筋商品)




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