Instagramがクリエイターがファンにだけコンテンツを独占公開できる機能「Exclusive Stories」を開発中

今回は「Instagramがクリエイターがファンにだけコンテンツを独占公開できる機能「Exclusive Stories」を開発中」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Instagram、クリエイター等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Instagram(インスタグラム)は、Twitter(ツイッター)のSuper Follow(スーパーフォロー)の独自バージョンを開発している。オンラインクリエイターが自分たちのファンだけが見られる「独占」コンテンツをInstagram Stories(ストーリー)で公開できるようになる機能だ。利用には何らかのサブスクリプション料金が必要になると思われる。


開発中のExclusive Story(画像クレジット:Alessandro Paluzzi)

しかしこのスクリーンショットは、Instagramの考えていることを数多く語っている。そこにはクリエイターが「Exclusive Stories(エクスクルーシブ・ストーリー)」と呼ばれるものをファンに向けて発信する方法が示されており、その対象は別の色(現在は紫色)で表されている。それ以外のInstagramユーザーがExclusive Storiesに遭遇すると「メンバーのみ」がこのコンテンツを見ることができる、というメッセージが表示される。ストーリーはスクリーンショットができなくなっているようで、Highlight(ハイライト)としてシェアすることができる。新しいプロンプトは、クリエイターに「これをあなたのファンにHighlightとして保存」するよう促していて、そうすることで「ファンは参加した時いつでもなにか見るものがある」と説明している。

Exclusive Stories機能を発見したのはリバースエンジニアのAlessandro Paluzzi(アレサンドロ・パルッツィ)氏で、モバイルアプリのコード内の未公開機能をよく見つけている人物だ。先週彼は、発見したものに関する一連のスクリーンショットをTwitterのスレッドで公開した。

開発中のInstagram Exclusive Stories Highlight機能(画像クレジット:Alessandro Paluzzi )

Exclusive Storiesは、Instagramがクリエイターの収益化ツールを拡張するもっと大きい計画の一部にすぎない。

同社はこの分野の取り組みに関する詳細を徐々に公開していて、Instagram責任者のAdam Mosseri(アダム・モッセーリ)氏は2021年5月に、同社がサブスクリプションの可能性をNFTなどの新機能とともに「検討中」だったことをThe Informationに話した。


開発中のInstagram NFT機能(画像クレジット:Alessandro Paluzzi )

画像クレジット:Alessandro Paluzzi


例えば2021年6月初めに行われたInstagram主催のCreator Week(クリエイター・ウィーク)という、この種のアイデアを紹介するのには最適の場で、モッセーリ氏はInstagramが開発を検討しているクリエイターツールについて一般論を語ったが、具体的に何を開発中であるかには言及しなかった。





開発中のInstagram Exclusive Story機能(画像クレジット:Alessandro Paluzzi )



たとえばTwitter(ツイッター)は、まず独自のクリエイターサブスクリプションを発表し、2月のAnalyst Day(アナリスト・デー)イベントでスーパーフォロー機能の計画を発表した。先週同社は、スーパーフォローとTicketed Spacesのためのアプリケーションを公開した。Ticketed SpacesはClubhouse(クラブハウス)のオーディオ・ソーシャルネットワーキング・ルームの対抗品だ。

・ツイッターがクリエイターのための収益化ツール「Super Follows」「Ticketed Spaces」を導入



画像クレジット:Bryce Durbin


Instagram is building its own version of Twitter’s Super Follow with a feature that would allow online creators to publish “exclusive” content to their Instagram Stories that’s only available to their fans — access that would likely come with a subscription payment of some kind.

Instagram confirmed that the screenshots of the feature recently circulated across social media are from an internal prototype that’s now in development, but not yet being publicly tested. The company declined to share any specific details about its plans, saying they’re not at a place to talk about this project just yet.

Image Credits: Exclusive Story in development via Alessandro Paluzzi

The screenshots, however, convey a lot about Instagram’s thinking, as they show a way that creators could publish what are being called “Exclusive Stories” to their accounts, which are designated with a different color (currently purple). When other Instagram users come across the Exclusive Stories, they’ll be shown a message that says that “only members” can view this content. The Stories cannot be screenshot, either, it appears, and they can be shared as Highlights. A new prompt encourages creators to “save this to a Highlight for your Fans,” explaining that, by doing so, “fans always have something to see when they join.”

The Exclusive Stories feature was uncovered by reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi, who often finds unreleased features in the code of mobile apps. Over the past week, he’s published a series screenshots to an ongoing Twitter thread about his findings.

Image Credits: Instagram Exclusive Story Highlight feature in development via Alessandro Paluzzi (opens in a new window)

Exclusive Stories are only one part of Instagram’s broader plans for expanded creator monetization tools.

The company has been slowly revealing more details about its efforts in this space, with Instagram Head Adam Mosseri first telling The Information in May that the company was “exploring” subscriptions along with other new features, like NFTs.

Paluzzi also recently found references to the NFT feature, Collectibles, which shows how digital collectibles could appear on a creator’s Instagram profile in a new tab.

Image Credits: Instagram NFT feature in development via Alessandro Paluzzi (opens in a new window)


Image Credits: Alessandro Paluzzi (opens in a new window)

Instagram, so far, hasn’t made a public announcement about these specific product developments, instead choosing to speak at a high level about its plans around things like subscriptions and tips.

For example, during Instagram’s Creator Week in early June — an event that could have served as an ideal place to offer a first glimpse at some of these ideas — Mosseri talked more generally about the sort of creator tools Instagram was interested in building, without saying which were actually in active development.

“We need to create if we want to be the best platform for creators long term, a whole suite of things, or tools, that creators can use to help do what they do,” he said, explaining that Instagram was also working on more creative tools and safety features, as well as tools that could help creators make a living.

“I think it’s super important that we create a whole suite of different tools, because what you might use and what would be relevant for you as a creator might be very different than an athlete or a writer,” he said.

“And so, largely, [the creator monetization tools] fall into three categories. One is commerce — so either we can do more to help with branded content; we can do more with affiliate marketing…we can do more with merch,” he explained. “The second is ways for users to actually pay creators directly — so whether it is gated content or subscriptions or tips, like badges, or other user payment-type products. I think there’s a lot to do there. I love those because those give creators a direct relationship with their fans — which I think is probably more sustainable and more predictable over the long run,” Mosseri said.

The third area is focused on revenue share, as with IGTV long-form video and short-form video, like Reels, he added.

Image Credits: Instagram Exclusive Story feature in development via Alessandro Paluzzi (opens in a new window)

Instagram isn’t the only large social platform moving forward with creator monetization efforts.

The membership model, popularized by platforms like OnlyFans and Patreon, has been more recently making its way to a number of mainstream social networks as the creator economy has become better established.

Twitter, for example, first announced its own take on creator subscriptions, with the unveiling of its plans for the Super Follow feature during an Analyst Day event in February. Last week, it began rolling out applications for Super Follows and Ticketed Spaces — the latter, a competitor to Clubhouse’s audio social networking rooms.

Meanwhile, Facebook just yesterday launched its Substack newsletter competitor, Bulletin, which offers a way for creators to sell premium subscriptions and access member-only groups and live audio rooms. Even Spotify has launched an audio chat room and Clubhouse rival, Greenroom, which it also plans to eventually monetize.

Though the new screenshots offer a deeper look into Instagram’s product plans on this front, we should caution that an in-development feature is not necessarily representative of what a feature will look like at launch or how it will ultimately behave. It’s also not a definitive promise of a public launch — though, in this case, it would be hard to see Instagram scrapping its plans for exclusive, member-only content given its broader interest in serving creators, where such a feature is essentially part of a baseline offering.


(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

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