

関連ワード (NFT、Propy、不動産等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。








当該アパートメントは、まさに本ニュースサイトTechCrunchの創設者であり、現在Arrington XRP Capitalの暗号投資家であるMichael Arrington(マイケル・アーリントン)氏が現在所有している。

Propyはこれまでに10億ドル(約1091億円)相当の取引を処理したとしており、その投資家にはアーリントン氏の他、DFJの元創業者Tim Draper(ティム・ドレイパー)氏も名を連ねる。

PropyのCEOであるNatalia Karayaneva(ナタリア・カラヤネバ)氏は次のように述べている。「このNFTは歴史に残るでしょう。ブロックチェーン技術と非代替性トークン(NFT)の将来性を活用し、分権化された金融経済における『自動運転型』不動産取引と不動産参加を実現する上で、Propyにとって大きなマイルストーンとなります」。







・国内初IEOの「Palette Token」が開始から6分で調達目標金額9.3億円を突破、コインチェック「Coincheck IEO」発表



We previously wrote about Propy using blockchain technology to smooth real-world real estate sales by introducing the concept of smart contracts. Propy was the first blockchain startup to make that work. Now the company is pushing the boundaries again, by auctioning a real apartment as an NFT. Although one might want to brush this aside as a stunt, the event is designed to make the point that it could well be done legally. And, by golly, they are going to try.

The auction will be of the NFT attached to a modern, brand new, one-bedroom apartment in Kiev, Ukraine, that Propy previously made history with by making it the first-ever blockchain-based real estate sale.

The NFT created by Propy will, it says, transfer real ownership of the property. Just in case you haven’t been paying attention, NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are cryptographic “tokens” that represent a unique asset — such as a piece of art, music or other collectibles — and certify ownership digitally. NFTs have set the crypto-world alight with their potential to be applied to just about anything, including a work of art by Banksy which was then burnt.

Once someone has won the NFT of the apartment at auction, the NFT will include access to the ownership transfer paperwork; a digital artwork NFT by a popular Kiev graffiti artist, Chizz (a physical painting of the digital artwork is painted on a wall of the apartment) and the apartment pictures. But obviously, the apartment is the main asset here.

The auction itself will happen over a 24-hour period, with the initial listing starting at $20,000. Details for the NFT sale are available here and will be updated with any new information as the auction proceeds.

The apartment in question is currently owned by Michael Arrington, founder of this very news site, and now a crypto investor with Arrington XRP Capital.

Investors in Propy — which says it has so far processed $1 billion worth of transactions via its platform — include Arrington himself and Tim Draper, former founder of DFJ.

Natalia Karayaneva, CEO of Propy said: “This NFT will go down in history. For Propy it is a major milestone in leveraging the promise of blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFT) to achieve ‘self-driving’ real estate transactions and real estate participation in the decentralized finance economy.”

Here’s how this is all going to work: Arrington has signed legal papers designed by Propy’s lawyers for the NFT to transfer ownership to a future buyer. Propy then conducts the NFT auction and receives payment in cryptocurrency. The winner in the auction becomes the owner within a minute, after filling out KYC details.

The Kiev property is owned by a USA-based entity, and when the auction completes, the new owner of the NFT becomes the owner of the entity and thus the property itself. This process is repeated every time the NFT attached to the property is resold.

In an interview with me, Karayaneva said: “We were brainstorming and this appeared to be a natural development of our white paper of 2017. And in fact, many things we transact, real estate, via property, we are actually already kind of doing NFTs, but with our unique smart contracts. But now the NFT concept provides a different approach, where a property can be transferred between two wallets, peer to peer.

“Thus we do not need to change the name of the owner in the land registry. And this applies to many countries, as well as the United States. This model will work for the United States, and overall, there is this notion of buying real estate via LLC in the United States to preserve the privacy of the owner.

Over the same call, Arrington added: “Coming at this from a crypto angle, we’ve seen what happens how DeFi gets plugged into credit markets. If I have an NFT or any DeFi asset I can then borrow against it, without a middleman. Right now, if I have a real piece of real estate, there is no way for me to borrow against it, without a middleman, because I have to go through a bank and get a mortgage or whatever. And it’s also the friction, all of the costs in terms of speed and how long it takes.

“If we can find a way to plug real estate and other real-world assets into DeFi, I think that the amount of credit that can be created around that is in the trillions, eventually. And so I think that has to happen. The questions around this are legal and regulatory… The legal stuff around this is tough, and so Propy has done a lot of work with that. But if they do, I think that the idea of an NFT representation of a real-world asset purely from the point of view of ease of trade and ease of access to credit markets is a big idea.”

(文:Mike Butcher、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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2021年7月12日 - エンゼル不動産ブログ

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lixil不動産ショップ 高崎テクノエステートのスタッフブログ記事ページ、「本気で購入を決めたら1~2か月が勝負」でございます。このページでは弊社から最新の情報をお届け致します。高崎・倉賀野の物件情報が満載のブログとなっております。



7月フォレストマルシェのご案内~第2弾~ | 姫路で高評価のフォレスト不動産のスタッフが綴るブログ記事です

貯金なしでマイホームは買えるのか?【姫路のフォレスト不動産ブログ】 皆さんこんにちは!姫路市書写、大白書の物件数No.1のフォレス… 2021/07/10. マイホーム購入の第一歩は資金計画【姫路のフォレスト不動産】 皆さんこんにちは!

Cashing in on the NFT craze

Well, an NFT is a digital certificate. It's like a contract that says that I sold you the original one. [NFT stands for non-fungible token, but that won't be on the test.] Anyway, our transaction...

The World's First NFT Resort by LABS Group Begins Auction ...

Making resort and hotel investment possible for everyday investorsHONG KONG / ACCESSWIRE / July 12, 2021 /LABS Group, an end-to-end blockchain property investment platform, will begin its auction of the world's first-ever community-owned resort and Rewarding Timeshare (RTS) non-fungible token on July 15, 2021. Kunang Kunang Glamping Resort, the brand new resort located in Banyuwangi, Indonesia, is developed and operated by LABS Group partner Gravity Resorts.

NFT Marketplace Jambb Launches With The World's First Live ...

Unlike competitors in the NFT space, Jambb allows fans to collect and trade never-before-seen content, like performances, backstage footage, and merchandise, from their favorite entertainers—starting with comedians.

Inside Retail's NFT Movement - Retail TouchPoints

Riding on the hype surrounding cryptocurrencies, NFTs have become hot commodities in the digital creation space. While some tech fanatics are bidding on NFT versions of tweets, brand loyalists are snatching up NFT products. But what does the future hold for NFTs?

How Warner Bros. is using 'Space Jam' to get into the NFT ...

To drive home the message of accessibility, Nifty's has partnered with Warner Bros. to create 92,000 NFT collectibles tied to Space Jam: A New Legacy, which comes out on July 16. Anyone who...

ASICS Goes Digital With Launch of First-of-its-Kind NFT ...

Funds raised via the online auction of Sunrise Red™ NFT Collection will be used by ASICS to support emerging digital artist talentLONDON, July 12,...

Anthony Hopkins' new film will be sold as an NFT — here's ...

Anthony Hopkins' new film Zero Contact will premiere as an NFT on Vuele, a global distribution platform for NFTs. Vuele boasts of being the first direct-to-consumer platform where limited edition film and other content can be watched, collected, or traded. NFT's represent only the digital form, and artists are free to sell their creations in […]

UREEQA Announces First Baseball NFT with Baltimore Orioles ...

UREEQA Announces First Baseball NFT with Baltimore Orioles Star First Baseman Trey Mancini

UREEQA Announces First Baseball NFT with Baltimore Orioles ...

UREEQA , a blockchain platform for protecting, managing and monetizing creative work, announced that Trey Mancini, first baseman for the Baltimore Orioles, will release his first NFTs on the UREEQA platform.

Los Angeles Dodgers to Offer NFT with Physical World ...

The Dodgers are the first official team offering NFT via the Major League’s partnership with Candy Digital, a crypto-collectibles startup.

Gary Vaynerchuk's VeeFriends NFT Project - Then and Now ...

NFT Baddies, Kung Fu Heroes and More. Featured NFT Crypto Artist. Retric Dreams. Max aka Retric Dreams is a 3d artists based out of Germany. He explores digital art that is heavily inspired by synthwave that combines elements of 80's and in certain instances cyberpunk aesthetics with strong neon and deep shades of purple.

MOVE Network and Binance NFT Marketplace to launch an NFT ...

Consisting of three categories, Premium Events, Mystery Box and a trading Marketplace, Binance NFT features valuable collectibles and an easily accessible trading market for all of its users. About MOVE Network. MOVE Network is the largest NFT aggregator covering a wide spectrum of NFT products.

Kidscreen » NFT

Kidscreen - engaging the global children's entertainment industry

ASICS Goes Digital With Launch of First-of-its-Kind NFT ...

The 189-piece ASICS SUNRISE RED™ NFT COLLECTION consists of nine different ASICS digital footwear products - including the GEL-LYTE™ III, GEL-QUANTUM 360™, METARACER™ models and even a pair of...

Digital Footwear Collections : ASICS NFT Sunrise Red ...

ASICS NFT Sunrise Red Collection - The ASICS NFT Sunrise Red Collection introduces the footwear brand’s first-ever digital footwear collection and it kicks off with an auction ...

Los Angeles Dodgers to Auction 2020 World Series Ring NFT ...

The Los Angeles Dodgers revealed its auctioning a NFT-based World Series ring, a physical version, and a VIP first pitch experience.

Cosmos Group Holdings Inc Subsidiary to Mint The World's ...

HONG KONG, July 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Marvel's digital graphic artist Bosslogic and Swiss Luxury watch manufacturer Quinting have decided to jo...

UREEQA Announces First Baseball NFT with Baltimore Orioles

Trey Mancini’s NFT on UREEQA supports the fight against colon cancer and includes a rotating digital baseball card, signed memorabilia and a personal...

BBTV Makes Strategic Investment and Forms Strategic ...

/PRNewswire/ - BBTV Holdings Inc. (TSX: BBTV) (OTCQX: BBTVF)("BBTV" or the "Company"), the leader in creator monetization, today announced its NFT Division has...

Los Angeles Dodgers to Auction 2020 World Series Ring NFT ...

The NFT package includes a 2020 Los Angeles Dodgers World Series ring NFT collectible and a VIP first pitch experience at Dodger Stadium. At approximately 9 a.m. (PT), Candy Digital will host the auction on July 12 up until 4 p.m. (PT) on Thursday.

BBTV Makes Strategic Investment and Forms Strategic ...

Vancouver, B.C. - July 12, 2021 - BBTV Holdings Inc. (TSX: BBTV) (OTCQX: BBTVF) (“BBTV” or the “Company”), the leader in creator monetization, today announced its NFT Division has made an investment into Nifty's, Inc., the first social NFT platform dedicated to bringing digital collectibles to mains

AMEPAY launches NFT Marketplace for its users - Daily Pune

Tortola, British Virgin Islands, 12 July 2021, ZEXPRWIRE, The success of AMEPAY in the cryptocurrency has given the confidence to foray into NFT markets. AMEPAY NFT marketplace is live now. Non-Fungible Token is a digital asset that represents artworks. Digital artworks include images, photography, gif, audios, videos, graffiti arts etc.

This NFT Offering Is Not a Slam Dunk - Investing Daily

The basketball team Washington Wizards just launched its own non-fungible token offering. Is the hunger for exotic assets the sign of a market top?

Malaysian Artist Red Hong Yi Sells Doge Banknote NFT For ...

Worlds First Emerging NFT Arts Publication Malaysian Artist Red Hong Yi Sells Doge Banknote NFT For Over RM320000 Breaking News -

BBTV Makes Strategic Investment and Forms Strategic ...

VANCOUVER, BC, July 12, 2021 /CNW/ - BBTV Holdings Inc. (TSX:BBTV) (OTCQX:BBTVF)("BBTV" or the "Company"), the leader in creator ...

Los Angeles Dodgers to Auction 2020 World Series Ring NFT ...

After Major League Baseball (MLB) revealed a partnership with Candy Digital, the Los Angeles Dodgers announced it is auctioning a non-fungible token (NFT) World…

I will do viral crypto, nft, ico, ieo, sto promotion to ...

Hello The boom of NFT’s is already happening. The market is saturated with hundreds of crypto artists. Because of this, NFT’s can sometimes be hard to market amongst the crowd of other art. I will runs real and active campaign pr0motion for your NFT, TWITTER, ICO, IEO on top social media platforms ( TWITTER, LINKEDIN, INSTAGRAM, […]



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