トヨタ出資の電動航空機メーカーJoby AviationもSPAC経由で上場か

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Toyota(トヨタ)がリードしたラウンドで5億9000万ドル(約620億円)を獲得してから1年、Uberの空飛ぶタクシー事業を買収してから数カ月後、Joby Aviation(ジョビー・アビエーション)は特別買収目的会社(SPAC)との合併を通じての上場を交渉していると報じられた。このディールによる電動航空機メーカーJoby Aviationの評価額は57億ドル(約5980億円)になるとのことだ。

・空飛ぶタクシー事業目指すJoby Aviationはトヨタ主導で650億円を調達
・Uberが空飛ぶタクシー事業ElevateをJoby Aviationに売却、最後の夢の事業から撤退

このニュースはArcher Aviationの大きなSPACディールに続くものだ。ファイナンシャルタイムズ紙の報道が正確であれば、Joby AviationとArcher Aviationは合計100億ドル(約1兆500億円)近いバリュエーションで近く公開企業となる。



電気自動車メーカーのArrival、Canoo、ChargePoint、Fisker、Lordstown Motors、Proterra、The Lion Electric CompanyはすでにSPACと合併したか、合併の計画を発表した。


Jobyを上場させようとしていると報じられた投資グループは、億万長者のテック起業家で投資家、そしてLinkedIn共同創業者のReid Hoffman(リード・ホフマン)氏と、ゲーム会社Zyngaを創業したMark Pincus(マーク・ピンカス)氏が率いている。

両氏は2020年初めに一緒にSPACのReinvent Technology Partnersを立ち上げた。このペーパーカンパニーは上場し、合併のために6億9000万ドル(約720億円)を調達した。

Jobyが上場するとなれば、トヨタやBaillie Gifford、Intel Capital、 JetBlue Technology Ventures(米国拠点の航空会社の投資部門)、Jobyに1億2500万ドル(約130億円)を投資したUberなどJobyを支援している企業にとって勝ちとなる。




環境への影響はユナテッド航空のCEOであるScott Kirby(スコット・カービー)氏が、Archer Aviationから10億ドル(約1050億円)分の電動飛行機を購入することについて語ったときに言及した要素だ。このArcherは今週初めにSPACを通じての上場を目指すと発表した。



Archerがステルスモードから登場して1年も経たないうちに、SPACとの合併契約とユナイテッド航空からの受注となった。Archerは2018年にAdam Goldstein(アダム・ゴールドステイン)氏とBrett Adcock(ブレット・アドコック)氏が共同創業した。2人はSaaS企業VetteryをAdecco Groupに1億ドル(約105億円)超で売却した。Archerの主要投資家はMarc Lore(マーク・ロア)氏で、同氏は自身の会社Jet.comを2014年にWalmartに33億ドル(約3450億円)で売却し、2021年1月までWalmartのeコマース責任者を務めていた。



画像クレジット:LockieCurrie / Getty Images


One year after nabbing $590 million from investors led by Toyota, and a few months after picking up Uber’s flying taxi business, Joby Aviation is reportedly in talks to go public in a SPAC deal that would value the electric plane manufacturer at nearly $5.7 billion.

News of a potential deal comes on the heels of another big SPAC transaction in electric planes (for Archer Aviation). If the Financial Times’ reporting is accurate, then that would mean the two will soon be publicly traded at a total value approaching $10 billion.

It’s a heady time for startups making vehicles powered by anything other than hydrocarbons, and the SPAC wave has hit it hard.

Electric car companies Arrival, Canoo, ChargePoint, Fisker, Lordstown Motors, Proterra and The Lion Electric Company are some of the companies that have merged with SPACs — or announced plans to — in the past year.

Now it appears that any company that has anything to do with the electrification of any mode of transportation is going to get waved onto the runway for a public listing through a special purpose acquisition company vehicle — a wildly popular route at the moment for companies that might find traditional IPO listings more challenging to carry out but would rather not stay in startup mode when it comes to fundraising.

The investment group reportedly taking Joby to the moon! out to public markets is led by the billionaire tech entrepreneurs and investors Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, and Mark Pincus, who launched the casual gaming company, Zynga.

Together the two men had formed Reinvent Technology Partners, a special purpose acquisition company, earlier in 2020. The shell company went public and raised $690 million to make a deal.

Any transaction for Joby would be a win for the company’s backers, including Toyota, Baillie Gifford, Intel Capital, JetBlue Technology Ventures (the investment arm of the U.S.-based airline) and Uber, which invested $125 million into Joby.

Joby has a prototype that has already taken 600 flights, but has yet to be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration. And the success of any transaction between the company and Hoffman and Pincus’ SPAC group is far from a sure thing, as the FT noted.

The deal would require an additional capital infusion into the SPAC that the two men established, and without that extra cash, all bets are off. Indeed, that is probably one reason why anyone is reading about this now.

Alternatively powered transportation vehicles of all stripes and covering all modes of travel are the rage right now among the public investment crowd. Part of that is due to rising pressure among institutional investors to find companies with an environmental, sustainability and good governance thesis that they can invest in, and part of that is due to tailwinds coming from government regulations pushing for the decarbonization of fleets in a bid to curb global warming.

The environmental impact is one chief reason United chief executive Scott Kirby cited when speaking about his company’s $1 billion purchase order from the electric plane company that actually announced it would be pursuing a public offering through a SPAC earlier this week.

“By working with Archer, United is showing the aviation industry that now is the time to embrace cleaner, more efficient modes of transportation,” Kirby said. “With the right technology, we can curb the impact aircraft have on the planet, but we have to identify the next generation of companies who will make this a reality early and find ways to help them get off the ground.”

It’s also an investment in a possible new business line that could eventually shuttle United passengers to and from an airport, as TechCrunch reported earlier. United projected that a trip in one of Archer’s eVTOL aircraft could reduce CO2 emissions by up to 50% per passenger traveling between Hollywood and Los Angeles International Airport.

The agreement to go public and the order from United Airlines comes less than a year after Archer Aviation came out of stealth. Archer was co-founded in 2018 by Adam Goldstein and Brett Adcock, who sold their software-as-a-service company Vettery to The Adecco Group for more than $100 million. The company’s primary backer was Marc Lore, who sold his company Jet.com to Walmart in 2016 for $3.3 billion. Lore was Walmart’s e-commerce chief until January.

For any SPAC investors or venture capitalists worried that they’re now left out of the EV plane investment bonanza, take heart! There’s still the German tech developer Lilium. And if an investor is interested in supersonic travel, there’s always Boom.

(文:Jonathan Shieber、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

With a reported deal in the wings for Joby Aviation ...

One year after nabbing $590 million from investors led by Toyota, and a few months after picking up Uber’s flying taxi business, Joby Aviation is reportedly in talks to go public in a SPAC deal that would value the electric plane manufacturer at nearly $5.7 billion. News of a potential deal comes on the heels of another big SPAC transaction […]

Joby Aviation SPAC Merger: RTP Stock Pops as Deal Talk ...

A Joby Aviation SPAC merger is reportedly in the works with blank-check company Reinvent Technology Partners (RTP) and RTP stock is soaring.

With a reported deal in the wings for Joby Aviation ...

One year after nabbing $590 million from investors led by Toyota, and a few months after picking up Uber's flying taxi business, Joby Aviation is reportedly in talks to go public in a SPAC deal that would value the electric plane manufacturer at nearly $5.7 billion. News of a potential deal comes on the heels of another big SPAC transaction in electric planes, for Archer Aviation.

With a reported deal in the wings for Joby Aviation ...

One year after nabbing $590 million from investors led by Toyota, and a few months after picking up Uber's flying taxi business, Joby Aviation is reportedly in talks to go public in a SPAC deal that would value the electric plane manufacturer at nearly $5.7 billion. News of a potential deal comes on the heels of another big SPAC transaction in electric planes (for Archer Aviation).

SPAC Said to be Circling Joby Aviation | DealFlow's SPAC ...

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and Zynga co-founder Mark Pincus's SPAC Reinvent Technology Partners is nearing a deal to merge with flying taxi developer Joby Aviation, the Financial Times reports. A deal would value the company $5.7 billion, the news outlet said, citing people familiar with the discussions. Reinvent Technology is finalizing financing for the transaction…

With a reported deal in the wings for Joby Aviation ...

With a reported deal in the wings for Joby Aviation, electric aircraft soars to $10B business. By. admin - February 12, 2021. 0. 6. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp.

Joby Aviation agrees on eVTOL certification class with the ...

Joby Aviation agrees on eVTOL certification class with the ... ... ...

Garmin G3000 integrated flight deck selected by Joby ...

Joby Aviation is a California headquartered company developing an all-electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. After more than a decade of engineering and development, Joby intends to ...

The Jetsons of the SPAC-Age - Seven Figure Publishing

The SPAC making news this morning is Reinvent Technology Partners (NYSE: RTP)... which hopes to profit from flying taxis.

LinkedIn co-founder's SPAC close to deal to with flying ...

LinkedIn co-founder's SPAC close to deal to with flying taxi co. Joby Aviation. by Kourosh Maheri February 12, 2021. Kourosh Maheri. See author's posts. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Like this: Like Loading...

Financial and Economic Press Review: LinkedIn & Zynga ...

Financial Times LinkedIn and Zynga Founders Help Flying Taxi Developer Joby Go Public Flying taxi developer Joby Aviation is close to merging with founders LinkedIn and Zynga's SPAC, sources told the FT. This will provide the startup with a listing on the New York Stock Exchange and a valuation of $ 5.7 billion. LinkedIn co-founder […]

Transponders, Transceivers For GA Aircraft and Drones ...

Transponders, Transceivers For GA Aircraft and Drones | Aviation Week Network ... With a reported deal in the wings for Joby Aviation, electric aircraft soars to $10B business - TechCrunch. Next Next post: Government hikes airfare caps - Business Traveller - Business Traveller.

Felicis' Aydin Senkut and Guideline's Kevin Busque on the ...

With a reported deal in the wings for Joby Aviation, electric aircraft soars to $10B business. 8 hours ago. Jack Dorsey and Jay Z invest 500 BTC to make Bitcoin 'internet's currency' ...

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Chronic allergy sufferers know well the daily discomfort of seasonal allergies and environmental allergies. They also likely know about allergy shots — the treatment that requires you to go into an office to get shots on a weekly or monthly basis. But there is a lesser-known treatment, allergy drops, that requires a bit less effort. …

Blockchain Lending Firm Figure Sets Up Blank-Check Firm ...

Blockchain mortgage lender Figure is launching a special purpose acquisition company in an effort to raise $250 million, CoinDesk reported on Friday (Feb. 12).. Figure co-founder and CEO Michael Cagney filed a prospectus with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to launch a blank check firm called Figure Acquisition Corp.. The blockchain lender headquartered in Silicon Valley uses its ...

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トヨタ出資の電動航空機メーカーJoby AviationもSPAC経由で上場か | TechCrunch Japan

トヨタがリードしたラウンドで5億9000万ドル(約620億円)を獲得してから1年、Uberの空飛ぶタクシー事業を買収してから数カ月後、Joby Aviationは特別買収目的会社(SPAC)との合併を通じての上場を交渉していると報じられた。

Debt markets: pandemic? What pandemic? - Investors News Blog

One flying taxi scoop to start: LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and tech entrepreneur Mark Pincus a

飞行出租车站上风口 最引人关注的"借壳上市"要来了_Joby

届时,Joby Aviation将正式登陆纽约证券交易所。 飞行出租车概念可谓迎上了风口。就在此时,资本市场正热切期待着新的故事,人们对于飞行出租车的概念抱有很大憧憬。 不过,这个全球飞行出租车第一股的名号最终却并未一如人们早前的预期那般,花落Joby ...

八阕 ・ 广角新闻 ・ 产 经:【飞行出租车站上风口,最引人关注的"借壳上市"要来了】

继Archer抢先拿下"飞行出租车第一股"名号之后,市场最关注的Joby Aviation传出正在洽谈通过并购SPAC的方式上市的消息。其投资方是丰田和鼎鼎大名的特斯拉第二股东Baillie Gifford。

飞行出租车站上风口 最引人关注的"借壳上市"要来了 -- 金鼎配资

届时,Joby Aviation将正式登陆纽约证券交易所。 飞行出租车概念可谓迎上了风口。就在此时,资本市场正热切期待着新的故事,人们对于飞行出租车的概念抱有很大憧憬。 不过,这个全球飞行出租车第一股的名号最终却并未一如人们早前的预期那般,花落Joby ...

飞行出租车站上风口 最引人关注的"借壳上市"要来了 -zaker新闻

创业公司们的竞争赛道早已扩张到了交通领域,最新的风口真的上了天——他们瞄准了飞行出租车市场。最新加入竞赛的风险投资家是知名猎头网站 LinkedIn 的创始人 Reid Hoffman 和移动社交游戏——ZAKER,个性化推荐热门新闻,本地权威媒体资讯

飞行出租车站上风口 最引人关注的"借壳上市"要来了

届时,Joby Aviation将正式登陆纽约证券交易所。 飞行出租车概念可谓迎上了风口。就在此时,资本市场正热切期待着新的故事,人们对于飞行出租车的概念抱有很大憧憬。 不过,这个全球飞行出租车第一股的名号最终却并未一如人们早前的预期那般,花落Joby ...

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What's a SPAC, part 2: Is going public this way really a ...

Editor's note: Jim Verdonik and Benji Jones, cofounders of Innovate Capital Law discuss Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) - the hottest trend in

Special-purpose acquisition company - Wikipedia

SPAC Research maintains a legal league table which can be sorted by bookrunner volume or other criteria for any year or selection of years. SPACs in Europe. In July 2007, Pan-European Hotel Acquisition Company N.V. was the first SPAC offering listed on the Euronext Amsterdam exchange, raising approximately €115 million. I-Bankers Securities ...

SPAC frenzy: Blank-check firms eye deals in Europe's tech ...

Europe has largely missed out on the SPAC boom, with just three blank-check firms listing in the continent last year. But an increasing number of SPACs are listing in New York with the aim of ...

SPAC Independence Holdings files for a $400 million IPO ...

The SPAC plans to raise $400 million by offering 40 million units at a price of $10, where it would command a market value of $500 million. Each unit consists of one share of common stock and one ...

With a reported deal in the wings for Joby Aviation ...

One year after nabbing $590 million from investors led by Toyota, and a few months after picking up Uber’s flying taxi business, Joby Aviation is reportedly in talks to go public in a SPAC deal that would value the electric plane manufacturer at nearly $5.7 billion. News of a potential deal comes on the heels of another big SPAC transaction […]

FUSE Stock: 14 Things to Know About Fusion Acquisition and ...

Fusion Acquisition (FUSE) stock is on the move Friday after the SPAC announced plans to take fintech company MoneyLion public.

Wall Street's SPAC Craze Scales New Heights With Record ...

A SPAC is a shell company that raises money in an IPO to merge with a privately held company that then becomes publicly traded as a result.

Travel Execs Branson, Sternlicht Latest to Join SPAC Craze ...

Richard Branson and Barry Sternlicht were among more than two dozen investor groups that filed with U.S. regulators on Friday to raise new blank-check acquisition companies, setting a new record.

SPAC Said to be Circling Joby Aviation | DealFlow's SPAC ...

LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and Zynga co-founder Mark Pincus's SPAC Reinvent Technology Partners is nearing a deal to merge with flying taxi developer Joby Aviation, the Financial Times reports. A deal would value the company $5.7 billion, the news outlet said, citing people familiar with the discussions. Reinvent Technology is finalizing financing for the transaction…

The Jetsons of the SPAC-Age - Seven Figure Publishing

The SPAC making news this morning is Reinvent Technology Partners (NYSE: RTP)... which hopes to profit from flying taxis.

SPAC Dance Residency Unveils "Too Darn Hot" Virtual ...

On February 8th, Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC) unveiled “Too Darn Hot,” a video featuring performances by 104 fourth grade students.

Former SoFi CEO Registers $250M SPAC IPO | DealFlow's SPAC ...

Figure Acquisition I, a new SPAC launched by Michael Cagney, founder of blockchain lending startup Figure Technologies and former SoFi CEO, registered with the SEC to offer 25 million units at $10 each. The SPAC's focus is on in the financial technology and financial services sector. The SPAC is led by Chairman Cagney, who has…

Softbank - To SPAC Or IPO? | Libertarian Hub

Softbank - To SPAC Or IPO? Authored by Bill Blain via MorningPorridge.com, Today’s Porridge is a two-handed effort with my colleague Benny Osei, Associate Portfolio manager at LeifBridge (a division of Shard Capital.) LeifBridge is one of our funds, aimed primarily at US expatriates in Europe.  ...

Wall Street's SPAC craze scales new heights with record ...

The 28 filings for new special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) underscore their growing appeal on Wall Street. SPACs raised a record $82 billion last year, and the trend has gathered further steam in the early weeks of 2021. Overall, 144 SPACs have raised $45.7 billion so far this year, according to data from SPAC Research, with backers including high-profile investors, politicians and sports personalities.

Softbank - To SPAC Or IPO? | Dawson County Journal

Softbank - To SPAC Or IPO? Softbank - To SPAC Or IPO? Authored by Bill Blain via MorningPorridge.com, Today’s Porridge is a two-handed effort with my colleague Benny Osei, Associate Portfolio manager at LeifBridge (a division of Shard Capital.) LeifBridge is one of our funds, aimed primarily at US expatriates in Europe. Our chat started with…

What the SPAC frenzy tells us about the market and ourselves

The thing about SPACs: The more you dig into them, the more you realize they’re opaque and complicated. They’re also red hot. And that’s not necessarily a great combination.

News on Lemonade, Bill.com, and Payoneer's SPAC Deal | The ...

We catch up on two favorite stocks and take a look at an up-and-comer that is set to go public.

Real estate industry SPAC includes Martin Luther King III ...

The special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) plans to target businesses operating at the intersection of real estate and technology — often called "PropTech."

Matt's Top 3 SPAC Targets - PropTech | SPACInsider

SPACs love disruptors and real estate presents a number of angles for new technology companies to jump in and claim white space.

After U.S. SPAC frenzy, blank-check companies eye offers ...

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Ledecky SPAC Rises After Apex Clearing Is Said in Deal ...

Barkbox's SPAC transaction included a $200 million private placement led by Fidelity Management & Research Co. and Senator Investment Group, among other institutional investors. The deal is ...

The First SPAC ETF (SPAK) Hits $100 Million | State ...

The Fund invests in companies that have recently completed an IPO or are derived from a SPAC. These companies may be unseasoned and lack a trading history, a track record of reporting to investors ...


AsiaNet 86414 (2026)【デンバー、トロント2020年11月4日PR Newswir...|SSGがカナダのトロントにオフィスを開設し、北米地域でのかつてない成長に対応|配信元:共同通信 PR Wire

FT Partners, a top fintech deal advisor, is now raising ...

The SPAC will be managed by Post's current executive team, including its CEO and CFO. Sign up here for our daily newsletter, 10 Things Before the Opening Bell. Corporations are now looking to get in on the SPAC boom, with cereal-maker Post Holdings the latest company to setup its own blank-check company. According to a report this week,…

Addvantage Technologies Group To Report Fiscal 2021 First ...

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Origin Materials Is In Talks to Go Public Via Artius SPAC

The talks underscore how the SPAC market is still going strong. As of Monday, 48 companies with a combined value of $27 billion have announced deals to go public by merging with SPACs this year ...

Sharecare to go public through SPAC merger, Anthem investment

Atlanta-based Sharecare also announced it received an expanded investment from Anthem, a strategic partner of the digital health startup.


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