

関連ワード (McAfee、売却等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


セキュリティ企業のMcAfee(マカフィー)は米国時間3月9日、プライベートエクイティ企業のSymphony Technology Group(シンフォニー・テクノロジー・グループ)が率いるコンソーシアムに、法人向け事業を40億ドル(約4370億円)で売却すると発表した。



McAfeeの社長兼最高経営責任者であるPeter Leav(ピーター・リーヴ)氏は、同社のリソースを個人消費者向け事業に向けることに決めたと述べている。「今回の売却によって、McAfeeは消費者向けビジネスに専念し、消費者のためのパーソナルセキュリティ分野でリーダーとなるための戦略を加速させることが可能になります」と、リーヴ氏は声明で述べている。





同社の歴史は複雑だ。1987年の創業当初は、ファイアウォールソフトウェアを販売することから始まった。2002年には株式公開を果たしたが、2010年にIntel(インテル)に77億ドルで買収され、上場廃止となった。2014年にIntel Security(インテル・セキュリティ)と社名が変わった後、2017年にインテルが過半数の株式を投資ファンドのTPGに42億ドル(約4583億円)で売却したことで、社名をMcAfeeに戻している。


画像クレジット:Smith Collection/Gado / Getty Images


Security firm McAfee announced this morning that it will be selling its enterprise business to a consortium led by the private equity firm Symphony Technology Group for $4 billion.

It should pair well with RSA, another enterprise-focused security company the private equity firm purchased last February for $2 billion.

McAfee President and Chief Executive Officer Peter Leav says that his company has decided to direct the firm’s resources to the consumer side of the business. “This transaction will allow McAfee to singularly focus on our consumer business and to accelerate our strategy to be a leader in personal security for consumers,” he said in a statement.

The company has been making some moves in the last year, returning to the public markets after a decade as a private company. In January, the company reportedly laid off a couple of hundred employees and shut down its software development center in Tel Aviv.

Although Symphony did not point directly to the RSA acquisition, the two investments create a large combined legacy security business for the firm, both of which have strong brand recognition, but might have lost some of their edge to more modern competitors in the marketplace.

Looking at McAfee’s latest earning’s report, Q42020, which the company reported on February 24, 2021, the consumer business grew at a much brisker rate than the enterprise side of the house. The former was up 23% YoY, while the latter grew at a far slower 5% rate.

As for the entire year, the company reported $2.9 billion in total FY2020 revenue, up 10% YoY. That broke down to $1.6 billion in consumer net revenue up 20% YoY, and $1.3 billion in enterprise net revenue, an increase of just 1% for the full year.

The company has a complex history, starting life in the 1980s selling firewall software. It eventually went public before being purchased by Intel for $7.7 billion in 2010 and going private again. In 2014, the company changed names to Intel Security before Intel sold a majority stake to TPG in 2017 for $4.2 billion and changed the name back to McAfee.

The transaction is expected to close by the end of this year, subject to regulatory oversight.

Early Stage is the premier “how-to” event for startup entrepreneurs and investors. You’ll hear firsthand how some of the most successful founders and VCs build their businesses, raise money and manage their portfolios. We’ll cover every aspect of company building: Fundraising, recruiting, sales, product-market fit, PR, marketing and brand building. Each session also has audience participation built-in — there’s ample time included for audience questions and discussion.

(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)

McAfee to Sell Enterprise Business for $4 Billion ...

The deal, subject to customary regulatory approvals and closing conditions, is expected to close by the end this year, McAfee said. In the last few years, McAfee has strengthened its main ...

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McAfee To Sell Its Enterprise Business For $4.0 Bln ...

(RTTNews) - McAfee Corp. (MCFE) said that it agreed to sell its Enterprise business to a consortium led by Symphony Technology Group in an all-cash transaction for $4.0 billion. McAfee will become ...

McAfee to offload enterprise business for $4bn, focus on ...

McAfee CEO Peter Leav said of the deal and its buyer: "STG is the right partner to continue strengthening our Enterprise business, and this outcome is a testament to the business' industry-leading solutions and most notably to the outstanding contributions of our employees.

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McAfee sells enterprise biz to Symphony Technology Group ...

Security firm McAfee announced this morning that it will be selling its enterprise business to a consortium led by the private equity firm Symphony Technology Group for $4 billion. It should pair well with RSA, another enterprise-focused security company the private equity firm purchased last February for $2 billion. McAfee President and Chief Executive Officer […]

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McAfee Corp. [NASDAQ: MCFE] gained 12.65% or 2.68 points to close at $23.87 with a heavy trading volume of 2550882 shares. The company report on March 8, 2021 that McAfee Announces Sale of Enterprise Business to Symphony Technology Group for $4.0 Billion.. Get the hottest stocks to trade every day before the market opens 100% free.

McAfee to offload enterprise business for $4bn, focus on ...

McAfee to offload enterprise business for $4bn, focus on consumer security . McAfee will sell off its enterprise business to private equity firm Symphony Technology Group (STG) for $4bn in cash, the venerable security biz announced on Monday. The deal comes just months after McAfee went public and the news saw its share price jump three per cent.

Microsoft Defender - Wikipedia

Microsoft Defender Antivirus (known as Windows Defender Antivirus before Windows 10 May 2020 Update or Windows Defender before Windows 10 Creators Update) is an anti-malware component of Microsoft Windows.It was first released as a downloadable free anti-spyware program for Windows XP, and was later shipped with Windows Vista and Windows 7.It has evolved into a full antivirus program ...

Why McAfee Stock Soared Today | The Motley Fool

The company is selling half its business to pay down debt and issue a special dividend.

McAfee to sell enterprise cybersecurity business in $4B ...

McAfee to sell enterprise cybersecurity business in $4B deal - SiliconANGLE

Login to McAfee account - IT Software

McAfee login account allows you to avail McAfee’s world-class services, and it also helps you access your user account associated with McAfee. There are multiple ways you can access your McAfee user account, and anyone with an internet connection can login to the McAfee login portal quickly. To start with the login process, follow the…

McAfee sells its enterprise cybersecurity business to ...

McAfee is selling its enterprise cybersecurity unit to private equity firm Symphony Technology Group in an all-cash deal with $4 billion.

John McAfee faces new fraud charges overcryptocurrency ...

The anti-virus software pioneer was charged with fraud, conspiracy, and money laundering over an alleged pump and dump scheme on Twitter.

McAfee Announces Sale of Enterprise Business to Symphony ...

McAfee is the device-to-cloud cybersecurity company. Inspired by the power of working together, McAfee creates consumer and business solutions that make the world a safer place.

McAfee acquirer Symphony Technology has bought a string of ...

McAfee Corp. agreed to sell its enterprise business to Symphony Technology Group, for $4 billion. As part of the move, the San Jose cybersecurity company plans to refocus its efforts on its ...

McAfee to sell its enterprise business for $4 billion ...

TheNFAPost Podcast McAfee to see its enterprise business to the Private equity firm Symphony Technology Group (STG) for $4 billion in cash, with this McAfee will be only into the consumer business. The transaction is expected to close by end of 2021. Its enterprise business recorded $1.3 billion in net revenue in fiscal year 2020, McAfee […]

McAfee sells its Enterprise business for $4 billion - Help ...

McAfee announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to sell its Enterprise business to a consortium led by STG for $4.0 billion.

The United States has accused McAfee, the creator of ...

The US Justice Department announced on Friday that John McAfee, the antivirus tech leader whose former firm still carries his name, has been charged on scam and money-laundering charges arising from 2 digital currency schemes. Officials suspected McAfee and his bodyguard, Jimmy Gale Watson Jr., of using McAfee's massive Twitter following to falsely pump up […]

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NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks that traded heavily or had substantial price changes Monday: McAfee Corp., up $2.68 to $23.87. The security software company is selling…

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McAfee Announces Sale of Enterprise Business to Symphony ...

McAfee will become a pure play consumer cybersecurity company McAfee expects to issue a $4.50 special dividend per Class A share and reduce debt by ~$1 billion upon transaction close SAN JOSE, Calif. & PALO ALTO, Calif.-(BUSINESS WIRE)-McAfee Corp. (Nasdaq: MCFE), the device-to-cloud cybersecurity company, today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to… Continue reading ...

McAfee to Sell Enterprise Business to Equity Firm STG for ...

"McAfee keeps getting passed around even while its valuation diminishes." If the planned all-cash transaction announced today passes regulatory muster, McAfee will basically revert to its roots as a purely consumer-focused cybersecurity company, while the enterprise unit will likely operate as a standalone business under STG.

McAfee Sheds Enterprise Business in $4 Billion Deal

McAfee is changing owners again as part of a $4 billion all-cash transaction that includes the sale of its enterprise business unit. McAfee, based in San Jose, Calif., announced on Monday it was selling its enterprise operations Symphony Technology Group (STG), a private equity firm that also owns security behemoth RSA Corp.

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フォローウィンド | 関西・大阪の不動産高価買取・空家長屋大歓迎!下取り・売却・物件情報サイト

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公社債店頭売買参考統計値/格付マトリクス表 | 日本証券業協会

午後6時30分頃 全銘柄の売買参考統計値(上記に加え社債等、円貨建外債)、格付マトリクス表. 発表日付について. 売買参考統計値は、当日の午後3時における気配に基づいて作成・発表していますが、翌営業日の公社債店頭売買を行う際の参考となる価格 ...

売却スケジュール | Bit 不動産競売物件情報サイト

売却スケジュール | BIT 不動産競売物件情報サイト. ホーム > 裁判所一覧 > 売却スケジュール. 年間売却スケジュール/旭川地方裁判所本庁 売却スケジュール. 各スケジュールの表示期間は次のとおりとなります。. ・期間入札については,公開時から開札後1 ...

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住友不動産販売 鷺沼営業センター(住所:神奈川県川崎市 宮前区。最寄:東急田園都市線「鷺沼」駅。)のページです。全国直営269店舗の営業ネットワークを持つ住友不動産販売では、マンション・一戸建て・土地をはじめとした不動産の物件情報の他、購入・売却・査定のご相談を承ります。

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購入・売却(価格査定)のご相談は. 0120-988-264. 総合ご案内窓口 売買専用ダイヤル 受付時間 10:00am~7:00pm / 年中無休(年末年始を除く) 購入のご相談; 売却(価格査定)のご相談; セシーズ長岡の 賃貸のご相談は. 0120-222-251. 総合ご案内窓口 賃貸専用ダイヤル

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大淀セントポリアの売却査定・購入・価格情報 | 大京穴吹不動産【To00049567】


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職場で廃棄予定の切手を大量に持ち出して換金したとして、警視庁愛宕署は8日、日本郵便芝郵便局(東京都港区)元課長(49)(江戸川区)を業務上横領容疑で再逮捕した。 発表によると、元課長は芝郵便局に勤務していた2015年5



マカフィーが上昇 法人部門を40億ドルで売却へ=米国株個別 - 2021年03月09日00:23|為替ニュース|みんかぶfx

 セキュリティのマカフィーが上昇。シンフォニー・テクノロジーが主導する合弁企業に法人部門を40億ドルで売却すると伝わった。すべて現金での売却。  この売却に伴いマカフィーは、クラスA株1株あたり...

Ihi、愛知の造船所跡地売却へ - 産経ニュース



不動産会社のライトホーム(本社:立川市)は、品川区南品川にある店舗ビルを売却した。 日経不動産マーケット情報のサイトをご利用いただくためのIDは、日経不動産マーケット情報のご購読1部につき1つを発行してい ...

マカフィー、法人向け事業を売却へ--コンシューマー向けに特化 - ZDNet Japan

マカフィーは、法人向け事業をSymphony Technology Groupが率いるコンソーシアムに40億ドルで売却することで合意したと発表した。コンシューマー向けサイバーセキュリティに特化した企業になるという。

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