グーグルがPixel 6用にカスタムチップを開発、AIとMLを自社スマホの差別化要因にする

今回は「グーグルがPixel 6用にカスタムチップを開発、AIとMLを自社スマホの差別化要因にする」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Android、Google、Google Pixel、Pixel 6、Tensor、スマートフォン、人工知能、機械学習等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Google(グーグル)はさきほど、もうすぐ発売されるスマートフォン「Pixel 6」のニュースをぶちまけた。米国時間8月11日にSamsungの大規模なイベントがあるため、その前に行いたかったのだろう。それとも、秋の大々的な発表に数カ月先駆けて、多くの人の関心を集めたかったのかもしれない。今後のさまざまなリーク情報の、先手を打つという意味もあるだろう。


関連記事:グーグルが正式に新スマホPixel 6を公開、専用チップにTnsorを搭載

さらに興味深いのは、TensorがPixel 6とPixel 6 Proで新たにデビューするカスタムのSoCで登場したことだ。同社はこれまでずっと、混雑したスマートフォン市場で自らを差別化することに苦戦してきた。そのための同社の決定打が未だに出てこない現状において、Tensorを実装したカスタムチップは重要な持ち玉かもしれない。

それは、ハイエンドのシステムにおいてQualcommのチップを捨て、Appleに倣ってカスタムチップの道を進むということだ。ただしそのチップはベースがARMのアーキテクチャだ。それは今や世の中の至るところにあるQualcommのSnapdragonチップのベースでもある。そしてGoogleもその低価格製品A Seriesでは、コンポーネントのサプライをサンディエゴの企業(Qualcomm)にこれまで同じく依存している。





2020年の5月に、Pixelチームの主要メンバーがGoogleを去り、それはチームの今後の変化の方向性を示していたようだ。当時、ハードウェア部門のトップであるRick Osterloh(リック・オスターロー)氏が、厳しい言葉を述べていたらしい。


・Google Pixel開発チームから2人の主要エンジニアが離脱、チーム内の争いが原因か
・グーグルがAndroid 12の開発者プレビュー最新版を公開、触覚フィードバックなど拡張
・中止の噂を否定するためグーグルがPixel 5a 5G販売を突然発表、2021年中に米国と日本で



Google just dumped a whole bunch of news about its upcoming Pixel 6 smartphone. Maybe the company was looking to get out in front of August 11’s big Samsung event — or perhaps it’s just hoping to keep people interested in the months leading up to a big fall announcement (and beat additional leaks to the punch).

In either case, we got the first look at the upcoming Android smartphone, including a fairly massive redesign of the camera system on the rear. The company has traded its square configuration for a big, black bar that appears to indicate an even larger push into upgraded hardware after a couple of generations spent insisting that software/AI are the grounds on which it has chosen to fight.

More interesting, however, is the arrival of Tensor, a new custom SoC (system on a chip) that will debut on the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. It’s an important step from the company, as it looks to differentiate itself in a crowded smartphone field — something the company has admittedly struggled with in the past.

That means moving away from Qualcomm chips on these higher-end systems, following in Apple’s path of creating custom silicon. That said, the chips will be based on the same ARM architecture that Qualcomm uses to create its otherwise ubiquitous Snapdragon chips, and Google will still rely on the San Diego company to supply components for its budget-minded A Series.

Image Credits: Google

The Tensor name is a clear homage to Google’s TensorFlow ML, which has driven a number of its projects. And unsurprisingly, the company sites AI/ML as foundational to the chip’s place in the forthcoming phones. The Pixel team has long pushed software-based solutions, such as computational photography, as a differentiator.

“The team that designed our silicon wanted to make Pixel even more capable. For example, with Tensor we thought about every piece of the chip and customized it to run Google’s computational photography models,” Google writes. “For users, this means entirely new features, plus improvements to existing ones.”

Beyond the upgraded camera system, Tensor will be central to improving things such as speech recognition and language learning. Details are understandably still thin (the full reveal is happening in the fall, mind), but today’s announcement seems geared toward laying out what the future looks like for a revamped Pixel team — and certainly these sorts of focuses play into precisely what Google ought to be doing in the smartphone space: focusing on its smarts in AI and software.

In May of last year, key members of the Pixel team left Google, pointing to what looked to be a transition for the team. Hardware head Rick Osterloh was reported to have had harsh words at the time.

“AI is the future of our innovation work, but the problem is we’ve run into computing limitations that prevented us from fully pursuing our mission,” Osterloh wrote in today’s post. “So we set about building a technology platform built for mobile that enabled us to bring our most innovative AI and machine learning (ML) to our Pixel users.”

(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)



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