

関連ワード (ESG等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


本稿の著者Johannes Lenhard(ヨハネス・レンハルト)博士は、マックスプランクケンブリッジ倫理・経済・社会変革センターのセンターコーディネーター。





過去数カ月間、相当数の欧州ファンドがイニシアチブを取ってESGに取り組んできた。例えば、2020年12月初旬に開催されたスタートアップイベントSlush(スラッシュ)で、Balderton(バルデントン)はSustainable Future Goals(持続可能な未来への目標)を大々的に発表した。同社の取り組みは内部的にはファンドに、対外的には投資の意志決定やポートフォリオの支援に重点が置かれている。内部開発のリーダーの1人で、Balderton社長のColin Hanna(コリン・ハンナ)氏に、今回のイニシアチブがどのような経緯で生まれたのかを聞いてみた。


最近になって、25社ほどのVCが集まり、ESGに関するコミュニティをVCとして初めて設立したことからも、欧州ファンドのESGに対する積極性が窺える。GMG Ventures(GMGベンチャーズ)、およびLondon School of Economics(ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス)と提携する新企業のHoughton Street Venture(ハウテン・ストリート・ベンチャー)がイニシアチブを取り、2020年12月にLocalGlobe(ローカルグローブ)、Latitude(ラチチュード)、Kindred Capital(キンドレッド・キャピタル)、バルデルトン、the Westly Group(ザ・ウエストリー・グループ)、Blisce(ブリス)の代表者たちと初めて顔合わせをした。このグループは、専門的知識を共有して底上げを図り、既存のフレームワークがあまり機能しない部分を補填することを目標として掲げている。

ベルリンに拠点を置く企業であるCherry Ventures(チェリー・ベンチャーズ)のパートナーであるSophia Bendz(ソフィア・ベンツ)氏は、今回のイニシアチブが今すぐに必要なものだったと述べている。


ESGコンサルタントのSusan Winterberg(スーザン・ウィンターバーグ)氏に、VCにおけるESGについて、とりわけ「今、必要なのはなぜか」について聞いてみた。同氏はつい最近までの2年間、ハーバード大学で特別研究員を務め、その期間中に画期的な論文を書き上げた。


2020年は明らかに、これらの両方の理由に基づいて変化が促進された分岐点となる年だった。Black Lives Matter(ブラック・ライブズ・マター)に代表される人種的平等、新型コロナウイルス感染症などのヘルスケア、民主主義と表現の自由など、社会正義のさまざまな問題が明るみに出た。スタートアップのリーダーや投資家は、これらの社会運動の影響を受けると同時に、ESGがベンチャーキャピタルのビジネス目標をどのように促進できるのかに関する新しい研究結果にも触発された。CDC / FMO(オランダ開発金融公庫)とBelfer Center(ベルファー・センター)から発表された2つの論文は、このことを証明する数多くの例の一部に過ぎない。



HV Capital(HVキャピタル)は、St. Gallen(ザンクト・ガレン)を中心に展開するESGイニシアチブであるROSE(ローズ)と連携している。このHVキャピタルの創業パートナーであるMartin Weber(マーティン・ウェーバー)にとって、事の始まりはLeaders for Climate Action(リーダーズ・フォー・クライメート・アクション)だったという。「我々はESGについて十分に考えていなかった【略】自分たちとは違った視点が実際に必要で【略】時には、尻を叩いて動かされる必要があるものだ。リーダーズ・フォー・クライメート・アクションの我々に対する影響はそのようなものだった。小さな変化が、ESGに対する我々の意識と関わりを変える第一歩となったのだ」とウェーバー氏は認めた。


HVキャピタルのみならず、Westly Group(ウェストリー・グループ)のような米国のいくつかのファンドも、ESGの特定の分野への取り組みを開始している。ESGのEが表す環境に関する取り組みを優先するファンドもあれば、ESGのSとGに含まれるDEI(多様性・包括性・平等性)に関する取り組みを開始したファンドもある。


ハーバード大学の寄付金の投資運用会社であるHarvard Management Company(ハーバード・マネージメント・カンパニー)でコンプライアンスおよび持続可能な投資部門の担当責任者を務めるMichael Cappucci(マイケル・カプーチ)氏は「ESGの統合が投資家にとって価値があることなのかどうか『成り行きを見守る』時代はとっくに過ぎた」と考えている。詳細な背景情報についてはUNPRI(国連の責任投資原則)を参照のこと。





2.適切な用語を定義する:関連する点として、(インパクト投資に対して)ESGとは何かを説明するための適切な用語を見つけることは、違いをより明確にする上で役立つと考えられる。Omidyar Network(オミダイア・ネットワーク)のSarah Drinkwater(サラ・ドリンクウォーター)氏は、2020年9月に自身の投稿で、ベンチャーキャピタルやテクノロジーの世界におけるESGとは何かを的確に説明(および認知)するための言葉がない、と明確に述べた。



(自称および自己報告の)マーケティングもそうだが、本当に業界の変化を望むのであれば、公共性のある権力機関が一歩踏み出すべきである。欧州で最も拠り所となる投資基金であるEuropean Investment Fund(欧州投資基金)が現時点までに行ったアンケート調査は、抽象的過ぎて十分とは言えない。では、例えば、UNPRIを各業界向けの原則まで具体化するのはどうだろうか。





画像クレジット:Sarayut Thaneerat / Getty Images


In general, ESG stands for “environment-social-governance” and comprises a set of principles that touches on issues from diversity and board structures to labor relations, supply chain, data ethics, environmental impact and legal requirements.

Unlike impact investing, which is squarely focused on the (external) effects of a business, ESG concerns mostly internal practices and processes that could support both a fund and its portfolio companies to make them more sustainable.

While other asset classes from buyout funds to public equities have seen a big push toward ESG ratings and initiatives, venture capital has been lagging behind. What has changed recently?

Over the last several months, quite a few mostly European funds have stepped forward with initiatives to tackle ESG. Balderton, for instance, announced its Sustainable Future Goals with a bang at the startup event Slush in early December 2020. Their efforts are focused both internally on the fund and externally on investment decisions and portfolio support. I asked Colin Hanna, one of the leaders of the development internally and a principal at the firm, how this initiative came about:

While our efforts on this front preceded COVID, this year we saw that a real impact was possible on climate-change-related goals […] we have become accustomed to doing virtual board meetings, cutting down on travel; the challenge will be to continue those efforts going forward and rolling them out to our portfolio companies even as the world returns to normal. Having a framework helps us do that.

This rationale also recently brought a group of about 25 VCs to form a community around ESG for VC for the first time. The initiative is led by GMG Ventures and Houghton Street Venture, a new firm affiliated with the London School of Economics that met for the first time in December with representatives from LocalGlobe and Latitude , Kindred Capital , Balderton, the Westly Group and Blisce . The group’s stated g oal is to share expertise from the bottom up and fill the gap where existing frameworks don’t quite work.

This is direly needed right now, says Sophia Bendz, partner at Berlin-based firm Cherry Ventures :

Beginning with topics around DEI and climate issues, we are really keen on upping our ESG game. ESG involves such important issues and we have to dedicate the time to learn more to ultimately do more on these fronts now. Yet, I also believe that true impact doesn’t result from knowledge silos. It’s great that we are learning from and supporting each other to have more societal impacts in our day-to-day roles. I am really passionate about this.

What are the main drivers for this push? 

I asked Susan Winterberg, an ESG consultant who recently finished a two-year fellowship at Harvard producing a groundbreaking report on the subject of ESG for VCs specifically about the “why now”:

There are broadly two sets of reasons why investors and company leaders adopt ESG. The first set relates to increased awareness of how their activities impact external events happening in the world such as climate change and social justice. The second relates to increased awareness of how adopting ESG can advance specific business goals they have such as increasing sales, attracting top talent, and reducing operating risks.”

Obviously, 2020 was a watershed year to drive change based on both of these sets of rationales. Social justice issues — from Black Lives Matter and racial equity, COVID-19 and healthcare to freedom of expression and democracy — were prevalent across the spectrum. Startup leaders and investors were influenced by these societal movements as much as by new research helping them understand how ESG can help advance business objectives in venture capital. The two reports published by CDC/FMO and the Belfer Center are only two examples of this evidence.

What do VCs say, how has change happened for them? Hana told me that at Balderton a combination of factors mentioned by Winterberg above, worked together to start the process:

It was both a push and a pull within Balderton. Our investors and the leaders at the top of our firm were proponents of this change but the efforts were also driven by the younger generation within the firm; they felt it was important. Overall, we were silent about climate change and sustainability for a long time, which was not really an option anymore.

For Martin Weber, founding partner at HV Capital that’s working with the St. Gallen-based ESG initiative ROSE, the conversation really started with Leaders for Climate Action. Weber admits: “We didn’t think about ESG enough […] beyond our own horizon really […] sometimes you really need a kick in the butt, that’s what Leaders for Climate Action did for us; a small change started our awareness and commitment to ESG.”

ESG concerns mostly internal practices and processes that could support both a fund and its portfolio companies to make them more sustainable.

For HV Capital but also some funds in the U.S. such as the Westly Group a specific ESG vector started the journey — that could be the E as in environment but also DEI as part of the S and G of ESG.

I also spoke to several LPs recently among others moderating a panel at the U.K.-based Allocate conference; the atmosphere seems to be shifting more drastically toward “doing business better” among the asset owners, too. Particularly family offices managing their own money are outspoken already, but big asset owners are becoming aware (and active) as well.

Michael Cappucci, managing director of Compliance and Sustainable Investing at the Harvard Management Company — Harvard’s endowment — thinks that “we are long past the time to ‘wait and see’ if ESG integration is a worthwhile undertaking for investors” (see the UNPRI report for more context).

The movement here seems to be coming even stronger from Europe again, however. As a result, the same group around Houghton Street Ventures and GMG Ventures pushing ESG for VCs is also in the process to get more LPs on board with a special workshop in February, as I learned. The tempo on the LP front is increasing as we speak.

What is still missing?

While lots of progress has been made on the level of individual funds, individual LPs and in baby steps toward a more general industry-wide push, there are still some core elements that are not in place. I believe the five key gaps concern a clear differentiation of ESG from impact, finding the right language, establishing a common framework, agreeing on metrics and real LP commitment.


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Sustainable Development Bonds | LatinFinance.com

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Region's PR industry must reskill for the new opportunity ...

ESG communications presents a huge opportunity for PR experts to completely reengineer brands. What will make a difference is the ability to articulate purpose and back this up with facts, which will benefit both brand and share premium." ...

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While voluntary, ESG planning is being driven by investors and possibly by Congress. 

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Cowen Features ESG Scores on All Company-Specific Research Reports. By. GlobeNewswire - March 8, 2021. 0. 6. Provides Unbiased Metric to Distinguish Progress on Environmental, Social and Governance Issues for Over 800 Public Securities. One of the First Major Wall Street Firms to Provide Company-Specific ESG Scores in its Equity Research.

Cowen Features ESG Scores on All Company-Specific Research ...

Visit the post for more. WELCOME TO THE STOCKGURU TEAM!!! We are here to help you succeed in everything you do and although this is a journey you are taking the first step towards success and we at StockGuru thank you for your continued support.

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