関連ワード (Amazon、倉庫、労働問題、労働組合、物流等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Amazon(アマゾン)は、歴史的な労働組合結成の賛否を問う投票の終盤に展開したソーシャルメディアによる攻勢をわずかに後退させて、この週末の連休を迎えた。以前のコメントは、Jeff Bezos(ジェフ・ベゾス)氏がより攻撃的な戦略を推し進めているときに出たものだと報じられている。
Amazon News(アマゾン・ニュース)のTwitter(ツイッター)アカウントは、Bernie Sanders(バーニー・サンダース)上院議員とElizabeth Warren(エリザベス・ウォーレン)上院議員に加えて、Mark Pocan(マーク・ポーカン)下院議員とも対決することになった。このウィスコンシン州選出の民主党議員は、Amazonの顧客部門でCEOを務めるDave Clark(デイブ・クラーク)氏のコメントに反応して、Amazonの従業員がトイレに行く時間もなく、仕方なくボトルに小便をしているという、過去に報道された話を引用した。
すると、Amazon Newsのアカウントは「ボトルにおしっこをするという話を本当に信じているわけではないですよね?もしそれが本当なら、誰も私たちのために働かないでしょう。真実は、世界中で100万人以上のすばらしい従業員が、自分たちの仕事に誇りを持ち、初日からすばらしい賃金と健康管理を受けています」と、ツイートした。
1/2 You don’t really believe the peeing in bottles thing, do you? If that were true, nobody would work for us. The truth is that we have over a million incredible employees around the world who are proud of what they do, and have great wages and health care from day one.
— Amazon News (@amazonnews) March 25, 2021
Amazon News
画像クレジット:PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP / Getty Images
Amazon kicked off the holiday weekend by backtracking slightly on a social media offensive that unfolded in the waning days of a historic unionization vote. The earlier comments reportedly arrived as Jeff Bezos was pushing for a more aggressive strategy.
Along with taking on Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the Amazon News Twitter account went toe to toe with Congressman, Mark Pocan. The Wisconsin Democrat cited oft-reported stories of Amazon workers urinating in bottles in reaction to comments from Consumer CEO, Dave Clark.
“You don’t really believe the peeing in bottles thing, do you?” the account asked. “If that were true, nobody would work for us. The truth is that we have over a million incredible employees around the world who are proud of what they do, and have great wages and health care from day one.”
The Congressman’s initial response was pithy and to the point: “[Y]es, I do believe your workers. You don’t?”
Subsequent reports have served to cement those stories. One called the urination issue “widespread” among Amazon drivers, adding that defecation had also, reportedly, become a problem. Last night, the company offered a mea culpa of sorts, saying it “owe[s] an apology to Representative Pocan.”
Things break down a bit from there. Amazon’s apology acknowledges that workers peeing in bottles is a thing, but appears to imply that it’s limited to drivers and not the fulfillment center staff at the center of this large scale unionization effort. From there, the company adds that drivers peeing in bottles is an “industry-wide issue and is not specific to Amazon.”
The company helpfully includes a list of links and tweets that are, at very least, an indictment of the gig economy and the treatment of blue collar workers, generally. Essentially, Amazon is admitting to being a part of the problem, while working to spread the blame across an admittedly faulty system.
Reports of workers urinating in bottles also go beyond drivers, including stories of warehouse employees resorting to the act in order to meet stringent quotas.
“A typical Amazon fulfillment center has dozens of restrooms, and employees are able to step away from their work station at any time,” company writes in the post attributed to anonymous Amazon Staff. “If any employee in a fulfillment center has a different experience, we encourage them to speak to their manager and we’ll work to fix it.”
Union vote counting for the company’s Bessemer, Alabama warehouse began last week. Results could have a wide-ranging impact on both Amazon and the industry at large.
(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)
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