関連ワード (NASA、SpaceX、StarShip、アルテミス計画、月等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
NASAの有人着陸システム(HLS)を受注する企業が、SpaceX(スペースエックス)に決定した。同社は、アポロ計画以来初めてNASAの宇宙飛行士が月面に降り立つ手段を開発する権利を、29億ドル(約3156億円)で落札した。SpaceXはBlue Origin(ブルーオリジン)や Dynetics(ダイネティックス)と並んで入札に参加していたが、The Washington Post(ワシントンポスト)によると、これらのサプライヤー候補を大幅に下回る価格で落札したという。
NASAは2020年4月、HLSの入札に参加するベンダーとして、SpaceX、Blue Origin、Dyneticsの3社を承認したと発表。それ以来、Blue Origin(とそのパートナー企業であるLockheed Martin[ロッキード・マーチン]、Northrop Grumman[ノースロップ・グラマン]、Draper[ドレイパー]による「ナショナル・チーム」)とDyneticsは、各々のシステムの実物大モデルを製作し、機能的仕様の計画を詳細に記した提案書をNASAに提出して検討を受けていた。一方、SpaceXはテキサス州でStarship宇宙船の機能的なプロトタイプを積極的にテストしており、準備が整えば月に向けてStarshipを推進させるための「Super Heavy(スーパーヘビー)」ブースターの開発も進めている。
関連記事:NASAがSpaceX、Blue Origin、Dyneticsの3社を月面着陸船の開発に指名
この計画では、NASAは3社すべてを選んで契約の初期要件を満たす最初のバージョンを製造させ、最終的には、月面に到達する手段に柔軟性を持たせるために、3社の中から2社を選んで有人着陸機を製造させると一般的に考えられていた。これは基本的に、NASAが国際宇宙ステーションに向けてCommercial Crew Program(商用有人宇宙船計画)を実施した際に、SpaceXとBoeing(ボーイング)の2社に宇宙飛行士輸送用の宇宙船の製造を発注したのと同じやり方だ。SpaceXはすでに資格を取得して宇宙船の運用を開始しており、ボーイングは2021年の終わりか来年の初めには、SpaceXと並ぶ選択肢として稼働できるようにとたいと考えている。
SpaceXは信頼性が高くて再利用可能な有人宇宙船「Crew Dragon(クルー・ドラゴン)」で商用人員輸送を実現し、NASAから多くの信頼を得ている。魅力的な価格設定に加えて、NASAは人間だけでなく、大量の物資や材料を月へ、そして最終的には月より遠い場所にも飛ばせることを目指しているため、SpaceXの柔軟性と貨物容量に惹かれたと、ワシントンポストは書いている。
SpaceXは、Lunar Gateway(月周回有人拠点)建設のための資材を搬送するロケット会社としても選ばれており、2024年に予定されている打ち上げに向けて、実際にPPE(Power and Propulsion Element、電力・推進モジュール)とHLO(Habitation and Logistics Outpost、居住・物流前哨基地モジュール)を製造するMaxar(マクサー)と協力している。だが、これらのモジュールは、すでに何度も打ち上げに成功している「Falcon Heavy(ファルコン・ヘビー)」で搬送される予定だ。
関連記事:NASAが月周回有人拠点「Gateway」のパーツを打ち上げる2024年のミッションにSpaceX Falcon Heavyを指名
The winner of NASA’s Human Landing System (HLS) contract award is SpaceX, which bid $2.9 billion for the privilege of developing the means by which NASA astronauts will return to the lunar surface for the first time since the Apollo program. SpaceX was in the running alongside Blue Origin and Dynetics, but reportedly undercut both those prospective suppliers considerably with its bid, according to The Washington Post.
SpaceX proposed using its Starship spacecraft, currently under development, as the landing vehicle for astronauts once they arrive at their lunar destination. The HLS is a key part of NASA’s Artemis program, which will begin with uncrewed flights, followed by a moon flyby with a human crew, and eventually a human lunar landing at the south pole of the moon, during a mission which had been targeting 2024 as its fly date.
NASA announced that SpaceX, Blue Origin and Dynetics made up the entirety of its field of approved vendors for bidding on the HLS contracts back in April last year. Since then, both Blue Origin (which bid alongside a “national team” that included Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Draper) and Dynetics have built full-scale models of their system and submitted proposals detailing their plans for the functional versions to NASA for consideration. Meanwhile, SpaceX has been actively testing functional prototypes of its Starship spacecraft in Texas and is also in the process of developing the Super Heavy booster that will propel it to the moon once it’s ready.
The plan here was for NASA to have chosen all three companies to build out initial versions in order to satisfy the early requirements of the contract, and then ultimately, it was generally thought that the agency would select a couple from the list of three to build human landers, in order to provide it with some flexibility when it comes to means of getting to the lunar surface. That’s essentially how NASA operated with its Commercial Crew program for the International Space Station, which saw awards for both SpaceX and Boeing to build astronaut transport spacecraft. SpaceX has already qualified and begun to operate its vehicle, and Boeing hopes to bring its option online either late this year or early next.
SpaceX has won a lot of trust at NASA by delivering on the Commercial Crew program with a reliable, reusable human-rated spacecraft in the Crew Dragon. The Post also says that in addition to its attractive pricing, NASA was drawn to Starship’s flexibility and cargo capacity since it’s aiming to be able to fly not just humans, but also large quantities of supplies and materials to the moon, and eventually, beyond.
Starship is a long way off from that goal at the moment, however; SpaceX has been quickly developing new iterations in a rapid prototyping approach to its test phase, but the most recent Starship high-altitude flight ended poorly with an explosion prior to landing. Other elements of the test program, however, including showing that Starship can successfully reorient itself in midair and slow its decent for landing, have been more successful on past tests. None of the tests so far have left Earth’s atmosphere, however, nor have they involved any human flight testing, both of which will require a lot more development before the spacecraft is deemed mission-ready.
SpaceX was also the launch provider chosen to deliver components of the Lunar Gateway satellite in 2024, working with Maxar, which will produce the actual Power and Propulsion Element and Habitation and Logistics Outpost. These, however, will be delivered via Falcon Heavy, which has already had multiple successful launches.
(文:Darrell Etherington、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)
2021-04-19 21:29NASAがSpaceXのスターシップを月探査のための有人着陸船に選定! これまでブルーオリジンなど3社で競争してましたが、SpaceXが勝ちました。 再び人類が月面を目指すアルテミス計画で、民間企業の宇宙船が宇宙飛行士を月へと送り届ける…