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 Levi Strauss(以下Levi’s)はデニム製品で有名だが、同社は自社の再定義を総合計画の中に取り込んでおり、そのために人工知能(AI)や機械学習(ML)、データサイエンスの力を借りようとしている。アパレル企業として168年の歴史を誇る同社には業務運営の効率化や、トレンドの予測/創出、顧客エクスペリエンスの向上に活用できるデータが蓄積されている。

 米ZDNetはLevi’sの最高戦略責任者(CSO)兼AI担当責任者であるKatia Walsh氏にインタビューし、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)のさなかでの同社におけるAIやML、データサイエンスへの取り組みについて話を聞いた。以下はそのポイントだ。





Is Being a CIO Harder Today than 20 Years Ago ...

For the 60th episode of the Healthcare IT Podcast, we’ll be looking at the role of the CIO in healthcare and how it’s evolved over the last 20 years. We’ll look at how the evolution of technology has impacted the role of the CIO and the impact vendors have on healthcare CIOs as well. Plus, […]

IT outsourcing to surge in 2021 | CIO Dive

News, voices and jobs for CIOs. Optimized for your mobile phone.

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City of Independence, Missouri

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Mission The Professional Staff Congress is the union that represents 30,000 faculty and staff at the City University of New York (CUNY) and the CUNY Research Foundation. It is dedicated to advancing the professional lives of its members, enhancing their terms and conditions of employment, and maintaining the strength of the nation's largest, oldest and most visible urban public university.

Support Request | Atlanta Technology Professionals

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Welcome to Feather River College located in Quincy ...

Feather River College is a public, two year community college, fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

Home - City of Palo Alto, CA

Palo Alto, known as the “Birthplace of Silicon Valley,” is home to 69,700 residents and nearly 100,000 jobs. Unique among city organizations, the City of Palo Alto operates a full-array of services including its own gas, electric, water, sewer, refuse and storm drainage provided at very competitive rates for its customers.

How To Thrive In The Tesla Era: A Practitioner CIO's Hands ...

As a leader, you need to figure out how to combine your application development lifecycle management with your product lifecycle management in a holistic way.  

Current Students at SPC || St. Petersburg College

St. Petersburg College offers more than 110 associate degree and certificate programs, including many high-demand, high-skill industry-recognized workforce certifications and 19 bachelor's degrees.

Service + Solidarity Spotlight: SMART Local 73 Turns Union ...

Working people across the United States have stepped up to help out our friends, neighbors and communities during these trying times. In our regular Service + Solidarity Spotlight series, we’ll showcase one of these stories every day. Here’s today’s story.

Readout of the Secretary-General's meeting with H.E. Ms ...

The Secretary-General met virtually today with H.E. Ms. Ann Linde, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, in her capacity as Chairperson-in-Office (CiO) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). The Secretary-General commended Ms. Linde for prioritizing the Women Peace and Security agenda as the Chairperson-in-Office. The Secretary-General and Ms.

In a Crisis, Olo Fulfills a Tall Order for Restaurants ...

When the COVID-19 crisis upended restaurants, digital ordering platform Olo recognized the role it could play in supporting its restaurant customers’ online ordering, curbside pickup, and delivery capabilities, says founder and CEO Noah Glass.

Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Calls on the University of Pittsburgh ...

HARRISBURG, Pa., April 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- On Friday, April 16, the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board (PLRB) issued a decision in favor of the university workers' right to organize and

CSA Webinars | Cloud Security Alliance

Watch CSA Webinars and learn more about trending topics, new technologies, and latest research related to cloud computing.

SEC Chair Gensler Picks Former AFL-CIO Policy Director as ...

Gensler's policy director Heather Slavkin Corzo has worked for AFL-CIO PRI and Americans for Financial Reform.

Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Calls on the University of Pittsburgh ...

HARRISBURG, Pa., April 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — On Friday, April 16, the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board (PLRB) issued a decision in favor of

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Fractional CIO Technology is part of the foundation of modern businesses, third only to people and process. Understanding how technology can benefit or harm an organization is critical in today's world where often people choose Technology for Technologies Sake .

Edge Computing, Virtualization, and Hyperconverged ...

Scale Computing’s highly-automated edge infrastructure, virtualization platform, & hyperconverged solutions can handle all of your IT infrastructure needs.


This CPE Selfstudy webinar will prepare the payroll professionals to understand the changes to the Form W-4 for 2020 and to review the recently released draft of the 2020 W-4 Form.

Snowflake Office Hours | Snowflake Data Cloud

Snowflake Office Hours - Talk to our customers live. Read about upcoming office hour sessions and register for upcoming sessions.

Abramson Brothers - Commercial Real Estate News

Learn more about Abramson Brothers in commercial real estate.

Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper : Davao City requires ...

DAVAO CITY - The local government has re-imposed the mandatory Covid-19 testing for air travellers entering Davao City through the Francisco Bangoy International Airport as part of the health protocols.

Auxly Receives Approval to Begin Trading on the Toronto ...

Previous AnPac Bio Reports Record Q1 for Paid CDA-Based Cancer Testing Volume in 2021, Increasing Approximately 130% Compared to Q1, 2020

Annual Federal Tax Update - C & S Corporations ...

This CPE/CE credit Selfstudy webinar to which will help you to learn Federal income tax laws impacting C & S corporations and their owners.

168年の歴史を持つリーバイスのAI、データ活用、デジタル変革--責任者に聞く - ZDNet Japan


セキュリティ対策に能力発揮、「ニューロダイバーシティ」人材とは--米銀大手CISOに聞く - ZDNet Japan


168年の歴史を持つリーバイスのAI、データ活用、デジタル変革--責任者に聞く - (page 2) - ZDNet ...


セキュリティ対策に能力発揮 ... - japan.zdnet.com




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