CryptoPunksを生んだLarva Labsが新たなNFTプロジェクト「Meebits」を発表

今回は「CryptoPunksを生んだLarva Labsが新たなNFTプロジェクト「Meebits」を発表」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (CryptoPunks、Ethereum、Larva Labs、Meebits、NFT、暗号資産等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



ここ数カ月の間に、何百もの3DアバターのNFTプラットフォームが登場しており、勢いをつけて暗号資産購入者の熱意を引き出そうとしている。しかし、ピクセル画ポートレートのCryptoPunksで5億5000万ドル(約6億円)を超える総売上高を達成したLarva Labs(ラルバ・ラボ)チームの牽引力を考えれば、Meebitsもヒットする可能性が高そうだ。彼らの最初の取り組みであるCryptoPunksの興奮が頂点に達している時期に、Meebitsは登場した。数週間後に控えたChristie’s(クリスティーズ)のオークションでは、CryptoPunksに数千万ドル(数十億円)の値段がつくと多くの人が予想している。また、Ethereumは今週、毎日のように史上最高値を更新し、過去最高の1週間となっている。日本時間5月6日現在のEthereumは、37万円台で推移しているところだ。

Larva Labsのクリエイターは、Meebitsが最終的に「仮想世界、ゲーム、VR」のアバターとして機能することを望んでいると、ブログ記事の中で述べている。Meebitsでは、アートのスタイルが変更されただけでなく、Larva Labsはその手数料無料のマーケットプレイスに、いくつかの根本的な変更を施した。その中でも最も重要なことは、ユーザーがより複雑な方法でMeebitsの交換ができるように、トレードをカスタマイズできるようになったことだろう。


Larva Labsは、Meebitsのアバターをダッチ(競り下げ式)オークションで配布している。つまりMeebitを生成し購入するために支払う金額は、発売から1週間かけて0Eth(+ガス料金:Ethereumの取引手数料)まで下がることになる。しかし、今のところ、ユーザーはMeebitをランダムに生成するために2.49Ethを支払っており、現在のレートでは約94万円ほどの投資となる。にもかかわらず、販売開始からわずか2時間で約2000体が売れ、クリエイターは20億円近くに相当するEthを手にしたことになる。



画像クレジット:Larva Labs


The creators behind CryptoPunks, one of the most popular NFT projects on the web, just revealed their latest project, called Meebits. The project boasts 20,000 procedurally generated 3D characters that are tradeable on the Ethereum blockchain.

There have been hundreds of 3D avatar NFT platforms popping up over the past several months hoping to gain momentum and capture the enthusiasm of crypto buyers, but the traction of the Larva Labs team whose pixel portrait CryptoPunks project has netted more than $550 million in lifetime sales will likely make this platform another hit. Meebits arrives at a time of peak hype for their first effort, CryptoPunks, which is weeks away from a Christie’s auction that many are expecting to see fetch a price in the tens of million of dollars. It also arrives as Ethereum has had one of its best weeks on record, punching through all-time highs nearly every day this week. Ethereum is currently trading at just shy of $3,300.

In a blog post, the Larva Labs creators posit that they hope that Meebits will eventually serve as avatars for “virtual worlds, games and VR.” Meebits not only boast a revised art style, but Larva Labs has made some underlying changes to the no-fee marketplace, the most significant of which is likely the ability to customize trades allowing users to swap Meebits with each other in a more complex manner.

In my profile of the company’s CryptoPunks project last month, the team’s founders hoped that their new project would lower the barrier of entry; as CryptoPunks prices reached stratospheric heights, it seems that even by doubling the total supply (20,000 avatars versus CryptoPunks’ 10,000 figures) Meebits are poised to still be an expensive affair.

The company is distributing the Meebits avatars through a Dutch auction, meaning the price for buying and minting a Meebit will lower to zero Eth (plus Ethereum gas fees) over the course of a week. Currently users are paying 2.49 Eth to mint a Meebit at random, a nearly $8,500 investment at current prices. Nevertheless, around 2,000 of them have already sold, meaning the creators have already pulled in nearly $20 million worth of Eth after just over two hours on the market.


(文:Lucas Matney、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)

CryptoPunks Creators Launch New NFT Platform, Meebits ...

Larva Labs, creators of CryptoPunks non-fungible tokens (NFTs), announced the launch of a new NFT platform, Meebits, Ethereum-based 3D characters tradable on the blockchain. The platform consists of 20,000 uniquely created NFTs that aim to capture the market and ride with the current demand for these collectibles.

Non-fungible token - Wikipedia

Also in 2017, the American studio Larva Labs released CryptoPunks, a project to trade unique cartoon characters, on the Ethereum blockchain. [65] [66] [67] In late 2017, another project called CryptoKitties where players adopt and trade virtual cats was released and quickly went viral, raising a $12.5 million investment and some kitties were ...

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Where coronavirus variants emerge, surges follow - new ...

Sequencing the whole genome of patient virus samples lets scientists watch for new variants. Sergei Malgavko/TASS via Getty ImagesGenomic surveillance programs have let scientists track the coronavirus over the course of the pandemic. By testing patient samples, researchers are able to diagnose COVID-19. But they’re also able to use genetic changes in the virus to recreate its travel routes and identify the emergence of new viral variants. As microbiologists, we examined how quickly the coronavirus genome has mutated during the pandemic and then figured out how quickly these changes led to new cases and rapid disease spread. By connecting genetic change with the appearance of new clusters of disease, our research suggests how genome surveillance can provide a new early warning of what’s to come. Daily reports on how the virus is evolving could sound the alarm before case numbers explode. Mutations happen and can be tracked Starting around 2012, researchers began to develop genome sequencing as a way for public health experts to track infectious diseases. Basically they are able to “read” an organism’s whole genetic code, the long list of A, C, G and T molecules that comprise the blueprints for the proteins that carry out the cell’s functions. When pathogens infect a host, they reproduce themselves. Changes to the genetic code can happen at this point – like typos you might make copying down a page of text, substituting an A for a T in one spot, for instance. These changes are mutations. They provide new instructions to the next generation that can give them new capabilities – maybe they are better able to move between hosts, survive and initiate outbreaks or cause new symptoms. Multiple versions of the same organism, but with variations in the genetic code, circulate during a disease outbreak. Depending on how successful they are at infecting new hosts and spreading, various versions can become more or less common. Historically, public health labs tracked disease outbreaks by the name of the pathogen – SARS, salmonella, Ebola and so on. But as the speed and accuracy of genome sequencing increased, researchers realized that the same pathogen can be divided into many different subpopulations based on genetic variation. These are the variants you hear about with regard to the coronavirus – the B.1.1.7 strain that first emerged in the U.K., the B.1.617 version that was identified in India, and the B.1.427 and B.1.429 variants that both originated in California. All are technically classified as the same SARS-CoV-2 virus, but they may have quite different features. Screening isn’t the same as sequencing When a person’s sample is tested for SARS-CoV-2, the lab uses a technique called PCR to identify whether certain coronavirus genes are present. This method is good for screening – diagnosing whether the person in fact has COVID-19 or not. It also provides important surveillance data about how many people have the coronavirus in a particular time and place. But it doesn’t sequence the whole genome, which is made up of 30,000 nucleotides – those As, Gs, Cs and Ts. The PCR screening test just looks for one small stretch of the coronavirus’s genetic code – the gene related to the virus’s spike protein that helps it infect human cells. This technique won’t flag mutations happening in other parts of the genome because it’s not looking for them. Sequencing the genetic material of the coronavirus can help researchers trace the travel routes of the virus, diagnose infected people and inform research into vaccines and therapeutics. Bart Weimer and Darwin Bandoy, CC BY-ND Other mutations are definitely occurring, though. Sequencing the entire genomes of coronavirus samples creates a massive list of variants. Our work tackles this ever-changing list to show that not only do mutations in the spike gene lead to new outbreak clusters – additional mutations in other genes increase outbreaks, too. Connecting variants and outbreaks To figure out the role of these mutations, we directly linked the variants present at a certain time and place with the coronavirus’s reproductive number, known as R for short. R is a way to quantify the intensity of an infectious disease outbreak. It stands for how many additional people an infected person will spread the germ to. But R doesn’t tell you what version of the viral genome was passed along. By directly linking R and the variant present, we were able to pinpoint the specific mutation that was emerging and increasing viral spread. We found that as new variants became more common, COVID-19 diagnoses surged. By merging genomics with classical epidemiology, we created a tool that factors in rising variants and R to warn how quickly cases will spread and which variants are more likely to trigger new outbreaks. To test this approach, we linked the SARS-CoV-2 genotype to the daily R during the first three months of the pandemic using 150 genomes. Our method predicted the near future of outbreaks in four different countries that each had various levels of mandated social interventions. This preliminary evidence relied on a small number of genome sequences, but it was all the data available from the early stages of the pandemic. As the pandemic continues, labs are sequencing thousands of genomes across the globe weekly. We replicated our initial estimates using 20,000 genomes from the U.K. and arrived at the same observation – new variants led to more transmission, variants are continuing to expand and will continue to increase in prevalence as the pandemic continues. By incorporating genome sequencing data with information about transmissibility, we created a kind of early warning system, allowing us to forecast spreading events. In the real world, advance warning like this could inform public health decisions about social interventions. People can prepare for predicted outbreaks. A bonus is that our model also would show when highly contagious variants are declining – providing solid evidence to support loosening restrictions to allow a return to normalcy. Just as valuable as early warning, variant information could help officials know when it’s safer to lift restrictions. SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images Scanning the horizon for future threats We believe that public health is at the dawn of integrating genome sequencing with infectious disease tracking. We envision a reference library of pathogen genomes, representing the diversity of their many emerging variants. It could be a new tool for epidemiologists, a part of routine surveillance programs that can last beyond the current pandemic. In the future, scientists hopefully won’t need to wait for an outbreak to grow. Our research suggests that by identifying a rise in variants early, public health officials can quickly respond – before the inevitable rise in new disease cases. We think this kind of early warning system can increase the public’s safety for any pathogen and reduce outbreaks for all types of organisms. [Over 100,000 readers rely on The Conversation’s newsletter to understand the world. Sign up today.]This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts. It was written by: Bart C. Weimer, University of California, Davis and Darwin Bandoy, University of California, Davis. Read more:Genomic surveillance: What it is and why we need more of it to track coronavirus variants and help end the COVID-19 pandemicCOVID-19 clues in a community’s sewage: 4 questions answered about watching wastewater for coronavirus Bart C. Weimer receives funding from multiple federal agencies and foundations to support his academic research. Darwin Bandoy receives funding from Philippine California Advanced Research Institute and University of the Philippines for his PhD studies .

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Non-fungible token - Wikipedia

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unit of data on a digital ledger called a blockchain, where each NFT can represent a unique digital item, and thus they are not interchangeable.

Home - NFT Protocol

NFT Protocol is a decentralized protocol for non-fungible tokens.

NFT Protocol (@NFT_Protocol) | Твиттер

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Non-fungible tokens (NFT) |

NFT-backed loans. Fractional ownership. NFT stands for non-fungible token. Non-fungible is an economic term that you could use to describe things like your furniture, a song file, or your computer.

暗号資産(仮想通貨)とは何ですか? : 日本銀行 Bank of Japan

質問 暗号資産(仮想通貨)とは何ですか? 詳しくは、金融庁・消費者庁・警察庁による「暗号資産に関するトラブルにご注意ください! 」をご覧ください(下記「参考」のリンクからご覧いただけます)。





暗号資産について|Sbi Vcトレード

価値変動リスク: 暗号資産の価格が大きく変動することにより、損失を生じることがあります。 ビットコインは世界で最も流通している暗号資産です。 日本の実店舗でもビットコイン決済が広がってきました。

暗号資産二等兵 (@angosisan) | Твиттер

Последние твиты от 暗号資産二等兵 (@angosisan). 麿もCCとか言うところで リップルでも買ってみようかの。 暗号資産二等兵 Ретвитнул(а) 日経電子版 テクノロジー. こう言った環境負荷の低い代替品が出てくるのは助かる。


平成29年4月1日から、「暗号資産」に関する新しい制度が開始され、国内で暗号資産と法定通貨との交換サービスを行うには、暗号資産交換業の登録が. これを受けて、以下のとおり、「暗号資産」に関する情報等を掲載します。



暗号資産の入出金 | 【BITPoint...

また、証拠金取引では、スプレッドのほか、建玉管理料が取引コストとして発生します。 上記リスクは、暗号資産取引の典型的なリスクを示したもので、その他様々なリスクが想定されます。 暗号資産の取引を行う際には、以下の注意点にご留意ください。

暗号通貨 - Wikipedia

暗号通貨(あんごうつうか、英: cryptocurrency, crypto currency)とは、暗号理論を用いて取引の安全性の確保、およびその新たな発行の統制をする仮想通貨である。ビットコインがその先駆けであると同時に、代表例である。


仮想通貨から暗号資産へ ~2020年は『暗号資産元年』に~ | withB


暗号資産とは - Taotao...

ビットコイン(BTC)イーサリアム(ETH)リップル(XRP)など人気銘柄を取扱う日本の暗号資産取引所 TAOTAO(タオタオ)。各種手数料が無料、スマホでかんたん本人確認、高いセキュリティで安心安全に暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引。

暗号資産への資金流入、先週は4.89億ドル 2月以降で最大 | Reuters


暗号資産(仮想通貨)を引出(出金)したい - bitbank Support

引出(出金)方法 引出(出金)する際の注意点 引出(出金)先サービスで反映されない場合 ※暗号資産(仮想通貨)は24時間引出(出金)可能です。 多額の引出(出金)に関しては承認までお時間を頂く可能性もございます。予めご了承ください。 ...

暗号資産取引所・販売所 - Zaif Exchange

Zaif Exchangeは暗号資産取引所です。Bitcoin(ビットコイン/BTC)やNEM(ネム/XEM)日本産の暗号資産MONAcoin(モナコイン/MONA)の取り扱いもあり、売買や決済サービスなど様々な新機能や、暗号資産を利用した新たな試みをしてる成長型の取引所です。

暗号資産(仮想通貨)リアルタイムレート | coindesk JAPAN

トルコが暗号資産の決済利用を禁止、ビットコインは下落. 暗号資産と分散投資のメリット──外国為替FXを例に.

【初心者向け】暗号資産(仮想通貨)取引所 おすすめ5選!(2020...



朝日新聞デジタルの【前編】暗号資産取引で利益が出たら、税金はどれくらいかかるの? :【わかる!暗号資産】 暗号資産と税金:START! -基礎から学ぶ、マネー&ライフ- :朝日新聞デジタル」のページです。


創業以来、暗号資産のレバレッジ取引が可能な「暗号資産FX」を提供してきたGMOコインは、2019年7月に最大レバレッジを10倍から4倍に変更しました。 さらに、2020年5月1日施行の改正金商法で暗号資産のレバレッジ上限が2倍に引き下げられました。


PR TIMES|日本暗号資産市場株式会社のプレスリリース(最新配信日:2021年4月30日 13時00分)をPR TIMESで配信して、効果的なPRを実現。上場企業の43.52%(1,680社/3,860社)が利用する現在シェアNo.1のプレスリリース配信代行サービス。話題のベンチャー~グローバル企業のニュースリリースが集まる生活者も要注目のサイトです。プレスリリースの受信は無料です。

Top | 仮想通貨収支計算ツール「クリプトリンク」


暗号資産に限らず、何をするにも「情報」は大切ですね。 限られた範囲の情報に頼ってしまえば、もし仮に誤った情報が流れてきても信じざるを得ません。 今回は暗号資産に特化してその情報収集の手法をおさらいする...

暗号資産(仮想通貨)ビジネスの近時の動向と法的論点. ①暗号資産の売買又は他の暗号資産との交換 ④他人のために暗号資産の管理をすること(当該管理を業として行うことにつき他の法律に特別の規...




これから暗号資産投資を 始めるあなたへ. 「いつ買えばいいの?」 SEBCではお客様と暗号資産取引所との間に立ち、暗号資産取引のお手伝いをするサービスを提供しています。 取引所での売買や複数のアカウントの管理が難しく面倒だと感じることはありませんか?

Ethereum をはじめとする多数のブロックチェーンをサポートする Binance 公式の暗号通貨ウォレットをチェックしてください。今すぐ最高のマルチ暗号通貨ウォレットをダウンロードしましょう!


DMMビットコインでは「登録情報変更時」「出金銀行口座情報の変更時」「暗号資産(仮想通貨)出庫アドレス登録または削除時」「暗号資産(仮想通貨)出庫時」の2. ■DMMビットコインは取引手数料、暗号資産(仮想通貨)の送付手数料無料!



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10,000 unique collectible characters with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

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CryptoPunks was released in June 2017 as one of the first non-fungible token (NFT) on the Ethereum blockchain. The project was developed by American studio Larva Labs...

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Последние твиты от The Cryptopunks (@thecryptopunks). 10,000 unique digital characters on the Ethereum blockchain.

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The CryptoPunks are the first NFT. A fixed set of 10,000, they were launched in mid-2017 and became one of the inspirations for the ERC-721 standard. They have been featured in places like The New York Times, Christie’s of London, Art|Basel Miami, and The PBS NewsHour.

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The Cult of CryptoPunks - TechCrunch

Last month, hours before news of Beeple’s $69 million NFT sale grabbed the front pages of newspapers across the country, a pair of 24 x 24 pixel portraits of aliens wearing little hats sold separately for around $7.5 million each. The sales, which occurred within 20 hours of each other, didn’t garner the same headlines […]

How to value CryptoPunks

A CryptoPunks value estimator has arrived! The start of 2021 has been exciting for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and has already been marked by For instance, multiple CryptoPunks sales and bid value have already surpassed $100,000. While some users might question the value of small...

CryptoPunks The Solution To Digital Art | by | Medium

Larva Labs is known for its very interesting apps, for working on projects like RoadTrip, a free to play game on IOS and Android, and Androidify, a small project that ended up allowing every user to…

The CryptoPunks Evolution

The story behind CryptoPunks is truly a source of inspiration when it comes to the foundations of Non-Fungible Tokens on Ethereum. Firstly CryptoPunks' very design was disruptive in its conception as it was in stark contrast to what had been achieved on any blockchain in 2017.

CryptoPunks NFT Review 2021 - CryptoPunks For... - CryptoandFire

Cryptopunks NFT review covers how punks are created and traded in the NFT platform. Cryptopunks are rare and sell for millions of dollars


CryptoPunks |

The CryptoPunks are 24x24 pixel art images, generated algorithmically. Most are punky-looking guys and girls, but there are a few rarer types mixed in: Apes, Zombies and even the odd Alien. Every punk in CryptoPunks has their own profile page that shows their attributes as well as their...

CryptoPunks Creators Launch New NFT Platform, Meebits ...

Meebits are randomly generated NFT 3D avatars created using voxels (pixels with volume) which differs from the 2D pixelated CryptoPunks avatars. The team believes the Meebits platform is the 'next big thing' in the NFT marketplaces targeting CryptoPunks' success, which has made over $550 million in sales collectively.

Token Sniffer

: Verified contract source No prior similar token contracts: There are highly similar contracts that were deployed prior to this one. Cloned contracts may indicate a low quality token (e.g., pump & dump) unless there exists an offering other than the token itself.

CryptoPunksを生んだLarva Labsが新たなNFTプロジェクト「Meebits」を発表 ...


Politics Make Air Conditioners Suck Less -

CryptoPunks Creators Launch New NFT Platform, Meebits; Sell Over 20k 3D Art Pieces in 24 Hours May 5, 2021; Politics Make Air Conditioners Suck Less May 5, 2021; Delhi lodges FIRs against 4 airlines for not checking RT-PCR reports May 5, 2021; Examining Extremism In The Military May 5, 2021

最高售价 303 ETH,Cryptopunks 开发团队新作 Meebits 推出即被抢空-币头条

Larva Labs 在 Cryptopunks 和 Autoglyphs 上取得了不同程度的成功,新项目 Meebits 则更注重交易价值。 原文标题:《疯狂?Cryptopunks 开发团队第三个 NFT 项目 Meebits 推出即被抢空》 撰文:方沁雨......


人気NFT「CryptoPunks」を開発したLarva Labsが、新たなNFTプロジェクト「Meebits」をリリースした。3Dで描写されたキャラクターコレクションだ。

链闻ChainNews:【最高售价 303 ETH,Cryptopunks 开发团队新作 Meebits 推出即-挖 ...

【微博】链闻ChainNews:【最高售价 303 ETH,Cryptopunks 开发团队新作 Meebits 推出即被抢空】Larva Labs 在 Cryptopunks 和 Autoglyphs 上取得了不同程度的成功,新项目 Meebits 则更注重交易价值。 ​

最高售价 303 ETH,Cryptopunks 开发团队新作 Meebits 推出即被抢空 - 链闻 ChainNews

Larva Labs 在 Cryptopunks 和 Autoglyphs 上取得了不同程度的成功,新项目 Meebits 则更注重交易价值。…Metaverse,NFT,OpenSea,CryptoPunks,Larva Labs,Autoglyphs,Meebits

拉美电商巨头 MercadoLibre 一季度购入 780 万美元的比特币-币头条

区块链新闻网消息,拉美地区电商巨头 MercadoLibre 在提交至美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的一季度财报中披露,该公司在一季度购买了 780 万美元的比特币。MercadoLibre 未透露具体的购买日......


幼虫实验室(Larva Labs)希望建立一个市场,让Meebits的所有者可以轻松地彼此交易资产,从而模仿旨在支持CryptoPunks的市场。 Larva Labs是标志性的CryptoPunks非真菌令牌(NFT)项目背后的大

最高售价 303 ETH,Cryptopunks 开发团队新作 Meebits 推出即被抢空-区块链全球新闻热点资讯 ...

Larva Labs 在 Cryptopunks 和 Autoglyphs 上取得了不同程度的成功,新项目 Meebits 则更注重交易价值。

Cryptopunks开发团队新NFT项目Meebits推出即被抢空 | 比特猫


[B!] CryptoPunksを生んだLarva Labsが新たなNFTプロジェクト「Meebits」を発表 ...

CryptoPunksを生んだLarva Labsが新たなNFTプロジェクト「Meebits」を発表 | TechCrunch Japan テクノロジー カテゴリーの変更を依頼 記事元: 適切な情報に変更

CryptoPunksを生んだLarva Labsが新たなNFTプロジェクト「Meebits」を ...


「3次元仮想世界(メタバース)へようこそ」CryptoPunks開発会社、新NFTプロジェクトMeebitsを ...

3DキャラクターのNFT「Meebits」人気NFT(非代替性トークン)CryptoPunksを開発したLarva Labsが、新たなNFTプロジェクト「Meebits」をリリースした。NFTとは各トークンが固有の価値を持つデジタル資産で、美術品やアスリートの収集カード、ゲーム内アイテムなど様々な形で発売・流通を開始しているもの。CryptoPunksは、アルゴリズムによって生成された24×24ピクセルのアート画像、及びイーサリアム・ブロックチェー

仮想通貨取引所OKCoinJapan、オーケービー(OKB)新規取り扱いを発表 | FX外国為替アンテナ



币否新闻:Cryptopunks开发团队Larva Labs第三个NFT项目终于于昨日在推特上被公布——Meebits。 根据Larva Labs官方介绍,Meebits是2万个独特的3D体素字符,根据自定义生成算法创建并在以太坊上注册,其合约标准为ERC-721,可与任何兼容的服务或交换机构配合使用。 对于Cryptopunks和 Autoglyphs持有者来说,Meebits ...


在最近的Bitcoin Core 0.21.1版本包含其激活代码之后,就开始了比特币Taproot协议升级的激活途径,并且最大的矿池已经发出了支持信号。 比特币人可以通过Taproot.watch来跟踪升级信号状态,

総合格闘技団体のUFC、独自の仮想通貨を6月にローンチへ Chilizと提携 | FX外国為替アンテナ

総合格闘技団体のUFC、独自の仮想通貨を6月にローンチへ Chilizと提携

Cryptopunks开发团队新NFT项目Meebits ... -


[Page of 629] Curation | 眞殿勝年公式ブログMadonoISM

[Page of 629] About Curation 眞殿勝年公式ブログMadonoISM Welcome to MadonoISM


词汇1: TVL   TVL即TotalValueLocked(总锁定价值),泛指一个加密通证项目中用户所抵押的数字资产的总价值。人们常以TVL的增长代指通证项目的上行。但在流动性挖矿兴起后,Aave、YFI等复杂金融应用出现的同时一并提供

五分钟读懂 Truebit:协议机制、应用场景及经济模型五分钟读懂 Truebit:协议机制、应用场景及经济模型 ...

作为一个上一轮牛市期间就启动的老牌 Layer2 项目,Truebit 终于在四月底低调上线。 撰文:Esse



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