

関連ワード (PlayVS、買収等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



今回の買収により、PlayVSは成長期を加速させ、カナダ市場への進出を後押しすることになる。GameSetaは、ブリティッシュコロンビア州の学校スポーツの運営組織であるBC School Sportsと提携しており、これはPlayVSに移管されることになる。

PlayVSは、米国で全米州立高校協会(NFHS、全米大学体育協会の高校版)と同様の(そして独占的な)パートナーシップを結んでいる。また、同社は大学市場にも進出しており、PlayVSとEpic Gamesのパートナーシップの一環として大学向け商品を立ち上げている。大学向けリーグを開始して以来、プレイヤーの総数は460%増加しているという。また、高校や大学向けに90万ドル(約9300万円)の奨学金制度も新たに立ち上げた。

2018年の初めにDelane Parnell(ディレ―ン・パーネル)氏によって設立されたPlayVSは、学校のスポーツ団体やパブリッシャーとのパートナーシップを介し、急速に成長してきた。PlayVSが提供するタイトルには「League of Legends(リーグ・オブ・レジェンド)」「Rocket League(ロケットリーグ)」「SMITE」「Overwatch(オーバーウォッチ)」「Fortnite(フォートナイト)」「FIFA 21」「Madden NFL 21」などが含まれている。PlayVSは、全米50州で1万9000校以上の高校にサービスを提供してきた。また、23万人以上の登録ユーザー数を誇っている。


PlayVS はこれらのリーグを実施するだけでなく、大学やeスポーツ組織がゲームを見たり、個々のプレイヤーのメトリクスを追跡することを実現して、切望されていたスカウティングツールを提供している。

今回の買収の一環として、GameSetaのTawanda Masawi(タワンダ・マサウィ)氏とRana Taj(ラナ・タージ)がPlayVSチームに加わり、カナダの事業をリードする。

地理的な拡大と並行して、PlayVS は高校や大学以外にも、消費者向けのDTC商品の発売を計画しているという。



PlayVS, the esports company bringing organized leagues to high schools and colleges, is today announcing its first acquisition. The startup, which has raised more than $100 million, has acquired GameSeta, a Vancouver-based startup that is also looking to provide infrastructure for high school esports teams. The terms of the deal were not disclosed.

The deal will accelerate PlayVS during its growth phase and help it expand into the Canadian market. GameSeta has a partnership with BC School Sports, the governing body for organized school sports in British Columbia, which will transfer to PlayVS.

PlayVS has a similar (and exclusive) partnership with NFHS, the high school equivalent of the NCAA, here in the States. The company has also sprinted into the college market, launching a college product as part of a partnership between PlayVS and Epic Games. Since launching a college offering, total player growth is up 460 percent. The company has also launched a new $900,000 scholarship pool for high schools and colleges.

Founded by Delane Parnell in the beginning of 2018, PlayVS has grown rapidly, brokering partnerships with school sports organizations and publishers alike. In fact, PlayVS title offerings include League of Legends, Rocket League, SMITE, Overwatch, Fortnite, FIFA 21 and Madden NFL 21. PlayVS has served more than 19,000 high schools across all 50 states. It boasts more than 230,000 registered users.

PlayVS acts as a portal for schools to create esports teams and compete against other schools. Traditional sports like basketball and baseball have established systems (and governing organizations) to organize league schedules, playoffs, referees and more. PlayVS has positioned itself as that governing body and organizational system for esports.

Not only does PlayVS facilitate these leagues, but it also offers colleges and esports organizations a much-needed recruitment tool, letting them view games and track metrics of individual players.

As part of the acquisition, GameSeta’s Tawanda Masawi and Rana Taj will join the PlayVS team and lead Canadian operations.

Alongside geographic expansion, PlayVS is also looking to expand beyond high schools and colleges with plans to launch a direct to consumer product.

“We’re going to launch some direct consumer products directly in partnership with publishers to open up the PlayVS ecosystem so people can organize and join competitions, whether they are associated with high schools or otherwise,” said Parnell. “We’re really excited about that. The markets in general have just shown great appetite for gaming as a form of entertainment and content. Obviously, players are really excited about eSports as a form of content and a way to engage in competition and so we want to make sure that PlayVS is a place where people compete more broadly.”


PlayVS | The Home of High School, College and Amateur Esports

PlayVS is the official scholastic high school and college esports league, dedicated to inclusivity, teamwork and sportsmanship. Now introducing Youth Leagues!

Fortnite – Youth & College Esports | PlayVS

One of the most popular esports titles, Fortnite is available for Youth and College leagues on PlayVS. Batter Royale, up to 100 players. Last one standing wins.

PlayVS(企業) | TechCrunch Japan


PlayVS acquires GameSeta to accelerate expansion into …

PlayVS, the esports company bringing organized leagues to high schools and colleges, is today announcing its first acquisition. The startup, which has raised more than $100 million, has acquired GameSeta, a Vancouver-based startup that is also looking to provide infrastructure for high school esports teams. The terms of the deal were not disclosed. The deal […]

Playvs (@playvs) • Twitter


PlayVS Reviews and Pricing 2021 – SourceForge

Learn about PlayVS. Read PlayVS reviews from real users, and view pricing and features of the eSports Management software.

PlayVS acquires GameSeta, partners with British Columbia …

 · PlayVS will be expanding its footprint in North America through the acquisition of GameSeta and a partnership with British Columbia School Sports. PlayVS will be expanding its footprint in North America through the acquisition of GameSeta and a partnership with British Columbia School Sports.

PlayVS expands to Canada with GameSeta acquisition …

The high school and college esports league will partner with BC School Sports

「フォートナイト」が公式スポーツに アメリカの高校と大学で …


PlayVS acquires GameSeta to accelerate expansion into …

PlayVS, the esports company bringing organized leagues to high schools and colleges, is today announcing its first acquisition. The startup, which has raised more than $100 million, has acquired GameSeta, a Vancouver-based startup that is also looking to provide infrastructure for high school esports teams. The terms of the deal were not disclosed. The deal …

買収(ばいしゅう)の意味 – goo国語辞書

買収(ばいしゅう)とは。意味や解説、類語。[名](スル)1 買い取ること。買いおさえること。「会社を買収する」「用地買収」2 ひそかに利益を与えて、自分の有利になるように人を動かすこと。「選挙民を買収する」 – goo国語辞書は30万3千件語以上を収録。政治・経済・医学・ITなど、最新用語の追加も定期的に行っています。

買収とは – Weblio辞書

「買収」の意味は 買い取ること。Weblio国語辞典では「買収」の意味や使い方、用例、類似表現などを解説しています。

合併と買収の違いやメリット・デメリット!企業のM&Aの意味と …


買収とは – コトバンク

デジタル大辞泉 – 買収の用語解説 – [名](スル)1 買い取ること。買いおさえること。「会社を買収する」「用地買収」2 ひそかに利益を与えて、自分の有利になるように人を動かすこと。「選挙民を買収する」

買収 – Wikipedia

買収(ばいしゅう) 売買 企業買収 – M&Aを参照。 利益誘導 賄賂 選挙違反 八百長 このページは曖昧さ回避のためのページです。 一つの語句が複数の意味・職能を有する場合の水先案内のために、異なる用法を一覧にしてあります。

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ゲーム | eSports World(eスポーツワールド)


ゲーム / eSports | TechCrunch Japan

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