半導体ウェハメーカーのSK SiltronがEVサプライチェーン強化へ米国で330億円投資
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韓国の半導体ウェハメーカーであるSK Siltron(SKシルトロン)の部門SK Siltron CSSは米国時間7月14日、ミシガン州ベイ郡に3億ドル(約330億円)投資し、高給技能職150人を雇用すると発表した。ベイ郡は米国の初の車産業集積地であるデトロイトからクルマで北に数時間のところに位置する。SK Siltronはすでに近くのオーバーンに拠点を持っていて、新しい工場は従業員の数を倍増させることになる。向こう3年間で投資はEV向けの高度な材料の生産とR&Dに充てられると同社はいう。
SK Siltron CSSの最高経営責任者であるJianwei Dong(ジャンウェイ・ドン)氏は、最初にこのニュースを報じたロイターに「当社は周辺のコミュニティにエンドカスタマーを抱えるため、3億ドルの投資はミシガン拠点の米国内EVサプライチェーンを構築するのに役立ちます」と述べた。
この新たな投資は、General MotorsやFordといった老舗企業、TeslaそしてRivianなどの新規企業を含む米国の自動車メーカーがこれまでになく次々に新しいEVを発表し、電動化に投資している中でのものだ。
「より持続可能な未来に向け、企業や末端消費者をサポートするためには確固たる新サプライチェーンを米国に構築することが重要です」と米商務長官のGina M. Raimondo(ジーナ・M・ライモンド)氏は声明で述べた。「自動車産業はEVの台頭で絶好の機会を手にしていて、SK Siltron CSSのような企業がクリーンな未来に向けた移行のサポートを拡大するのを楽しみにしています」。
SK Siltron CSSの事業拡大は州政府と地元自治体からの承認を得る必要があると同社は話したが、抵抗にあうというのは考えにくい。ミシガン州経済開発公社は、同州がEV関連の雇用を創出すべく、過去2年で90億ドル(約9890億円)を投資に注ぎ、EVトランジッション絡みで1万人超の雇用を生み出した、と述べた。SK Siltronは従業員の雇用で州と地元の当局と連携していて、70%が技能職の従業員、残りがエンジニアになると話した。
SK Siltronのウェハは炭化ケイ素でできていて、通常のシリコン製よりも高パワーに対応でき、熱伝導もいい、と同社は話す。
ウェハはまた、5G通信装置にも使うことができ、SK Siltron CSSは追加の投資を検討しているとDong氏はロイターに話した。
画像クレジット:SK Siltron
The United States has fallen behind China and Europe in the production and adoption of electric vehicles, especially from 2017 to 2020, according to a study by the International Council on Clean Transportation. One important piece of the puzzle that the U.S. does have supremacy in, however, is the production of semiconductors, which are used in everything from smartphones to computers to electric vehicles. Now, it might be strengthening that hold.
SK Siltron CSS, a unit of South Korean semiconductor wafer manufacturer SK Siltron, announced Wednesday plans to invest $300 million and create up to 150 high-paying, skilled jobs in Bay County, Michigan, which is a couple of hours north of Detroit, the country’s first automaking haven. The wafer manufacturer already has a presence in nearby Auburn, so the new factory will more than double its employee base. Over the next three years, SK Siltron says its investment will provide manufacturing and R&D capabilities of advanced materials for electric vehicles.
SK Siltron CSS chief executive Jianwei Dong told Reuters, which first reported the news, the $300 million investment would “help develop a domestic EV supply chain based in Michigan because we have our end customers in nearby communities.”
This new investment comes amid an ever-increasing lineup of new electric vehicles and investments in electrification from American automakers, including legacy companies General Motors and Ford, as well as Tesla and upstarts such as Rivian.
It’s also joining the sticky pot of trade wars between China and the U.S.
China has owned EV production globally, producing 44% of all vehicles made from 2010 to 2020, but the U.S. has put a strangle hold on semiconductors, consistently blocking China from acquiring other chipmakers. Strong policies that both invest in EV production and spur demand have proven successful in both China and Europe, according to the ICCT report. The Biden administration’s call for $174 billion in funding to expand EV subsidies and charging networks could help the country catch up.
“As we build toward a more sustainable future, it is important that we create new, robust supply chains in the U.S. to support our corporations and the end consumer,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo in a statement. “ The automotive industry has a tremendous opportunity with the rise of the electric vehicle, and we’re excited to see companies like SK Siltron CSS expanding to help support the transition to a green future.”
The SK Siltron CSS expansion still needs approval from state and local authorities, the company said, although it’s unlikely it will meet much resistance. The Michigan Economic Development Corporation said the state has been trying to attract EV-related jobs, spending nearly $9 billion in investments over the last two years and adding more than 10,000 jobs for the EV transition. SK Siltron said as it works with the state and local agencies to find employees, 70% will be skilled workers and the rest will be professional engineers.
Wafers 101
A wafer is a thin slice of semiconductor that’s used to make integrated circuits, which essentially help make semiconductor chips smaller and faster. The wafer serves as the base upon which the rest of the semiconductor is built, making it a crucial ingredient to the whole process. EVs need semiconductors because they allow batteries to operate at higher voltages, drive the powertrain and support modern car features like touchscreen interactivity.
SK Siltron’s wafer is made of silicon carbide, which can handle higher powers and conduct heat better than normal silicon, the company says.
“When used in EV system components, this characteristic can allow a more efficient transfer of electricity from the battery to the motor, increasing the driving range of an EV by 5% to 10%,” the company said in a statement.
The wafers can also be used in 5G communications equipment, and Dong told Reuters that the company is also considering additional investments.
(文:Rebecca Bellan、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)
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電気自動車 (でんきじどうしゃ)とは、 電気 をエネルギー源とし、 電動機 (モーター)で走行する 自動車 である。 略称は一般的に EV(E lectric V ehicle)が用いられる。
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