おいしくてハードワークにも最適な次ぎの健康食品を開発、提供するPurely Elizabeth

今回は「おいしくてハードワークにも最適な次ぎの健康食品を開発、提供するPurely Elizabeth」についてご紹介します。

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Purely Elizabeth創設者兼CEOエリザベス・スタイン氏(画像クレジット:Purely Elizabeth)

Purely Elizabethの創業者Elizabeth Stein(エリザベス・スタイン)氏はこれまでの12年のキャリアを歩んできたが、同社の次の段階に進むための計画からするとそのキャリアはまだ始まったばかりのものだ。



CEOのスタイン氏は、顧客と仕事をするうちに、グルテンフリーなどの特殊な食品のニーズを感じ、サイドプロジェクトとして始めたブルーベリーマフィンミックスがPurely Elizabethのきっかけとなって、グラノーラに移行する前の最初の製品となり、現在に至っている。

その後、パンケーキ / ワッフルミックスやオートミールも加わり、同社は朝食カテゴリーのトップブランドの1つとなった。製品は非遺伝子組み換えで、古代穀物、ココナッツシュガー、プロバイオティクス(善玉菌を多く含む食品)、MCTオイルなどの原材料を含んでいる。

世界の健康食品の市場は2020年に7331億ドル(約84兆2820億円)ともいわれ、2026年には1兆ドル(約114兆9660億円)に達するという。同社も、ますます混雑してきたこの市場の一員だ。この分野に投資を惹きつける要素は、消費者の関心だ。先に報じたスムージーのKenckoはシリーズAで1000万ドル(約11億5000万円)を調達し、栄養ドリンクのAthletic Greensは12億ドル(約1380億円)の評価額で1億1500万ドル(約132億2000万円)の資金調達を発表した。

スタイン氏によると、市場は彼女がPurely Elizabethを立ち上げたころと比べて大きく変化している。彼女がトレードショーなどに初めて出た2010年には、原料のチアシードやココナッツシュガー、ココナッツオイルなどについて小売企業にいちいち説明しなければならなかった。しかし現在では、消費者の意識と知識が変化、増えたことで、そのような原料は一般の食料品店でも販売されるようになった。健康に良いという知識のためだけでなく、実際においしいからだ。


同社の最初の資金調達は2016年の300万ドル(約3億4000万円)だったが、今回はSEMCAPの食品栄養部門がリードする5000万ドル(約57億5000万円)のシリーズBを完了した。実はこの部門は、この投資でもって立ち上がった部門だ。参加した投資家はSwander Pace CapitalとSEMCAPのパートナーであるFresh Del Monte(フレッシュ・デルモンテ)だ。同社の総調達額は、5300万ドル(約60億9000万円)となった。



以前はGeneral Millsに在籍し、現在はSEMCAPの食品栄養部門のマネージングパートナーであるJohn Haugen(ジョン・ホーゲン)氏は、General Millsのベンチャー部門301 Inc.の創業者でマネージングディレクターだったときにPurely Elizabethの取締役になり、同社への最初の投資をリードした。



画像クレジット:Purely Elizabeth/Elizabeth Stein, Purely Elizabethの創業者でCEO


It’s been a 12-year journey for Purely Elizabeth founder Elizabeth Stein, and based on her plans for the company’s next phase, she is just getting started.

Stein, who began her career as a holistic nutrition counselor, started the company in 2009 after going back to school and learning about superfood ingredients and food as medicine, a concept that wasn’t as popular then as it is now.

“It felt like an opportunity in the market for products to help people,” she told TechCrunch. “What we put in our mouths is one of the most important things we can do.”

As Stein, CEO, worked with clients, she saw the need for specialized foods, like gluten-free, and what started as a side project — a blueberry muffin mix — was the catalyst for Purely Elizabeth and became her first product before moving into granola, which is what the company is known for today.

Fast-forward to today, and Purely Elizabeth, which has since added pancake/waffle mix and oatmeal, is one of the top brands in the breakfast category. Products are non-GMO and include ingredients like ancient grains, coconut sugar, probiotics and MCT oil.

The company is going after an increasingly crowded global health and wellness food market that was valued at $733.1 billion in 2020 and is poised to reach $1 trillion by 2026. Consumer interest for this space is also attracting capital. Last week, I reported on smoothie company Kencko raising a $10 million Series A, and Athletic Greens, which created a daily nutrition beverage, announcing $115 million on a $1.2 billion valuation.

Stein says the market has changed a lot since Purely Elizabeth launched. She recalls going to her first trade show in 2010 and having to educate retailers on ingredients like chia seeds, coconut sugar and coconut oil. Today, these ingredients are readily available on grocery shelves thanks in part to consumers being more educated on better-for-you foods and demanding they taste good also.

Over the last five years, Stein has led the company’s growth to a 55% compound annual growth rate and into 15,000 retailer doors at the end of 2021, up from 8,000 in 2018, she said.

The company raised its first round of funding, a $3 million round, in 2016, and has now closed on $50 million in Series B co-led by the new SEMCAP Food & Nutrition division (this investment marks its launch), and joined by co-investors Swander Pace Capital and SEMCAP’s partner, Fresh Del Monte. This gives the company $53 million in total funding.

Stein plans to use the capital to expand the company’s team of 30 to be around 40 by the end of 2022. Purely Elizabeth will also be investing in new product innovation and will also be launching into a new category later this year with its oatmeal, and debuting a brand refresh in coming months as it leans into digital marketing to build brand awareness.

“We are at a super exciting point where we had incredible growth and now we are at an inflection point and looking at the next phase of growth,” Stein said. “We wanted to bring in the capital and partners to accelerate that and take the brand to the next level by further evolving the brand to add more fun elements to bring it to life.

John Haugen, formerly with General Mills, joined Purely Elizabeth’s board while as founder and managing director of General Mills’ venture arm, 301 Inc., which led Purely Elizabeth’s initial investment. He is now the SEMCAP Food & Nutrition managing partner.

He agrees with Stein that consumers are looking for their food to work harder, but are no longer willing to make the trade-off of better ingredients over taste.

“Elizabeth is showing what can be done to introduce trend-forward ingredients to consumers while also making products that taste better than anything on the market,” Haugen added.

(文:Christine Hall、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)



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