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Twitter announced Monday that it would begin injecting new labels into users’ timelines to push back against misinformation that could disrupt the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. The labels, which will also appear as pop-up messages in the retweet window, are the company’s latest product experiment designed to shape behavior on the platform for the better.
The company will attach notices to tweeted misinformation warning users that the content “may be misleading” and linking out to vetted public health information. These initial vaccine misinformation sweeps, which begin today, will be conducted by human moderators at Twitter and not automated moderation systems.
Twitter says the goal is to use these initial determinations to train its AI systems so that down the road a blend of human and automated efforts will scan the site for vaccine misinformation. The latest misinformation measure will target tweets in English before expanding.
Twitter also introduced a new strike system for violations of its pandemic-related rules. The new system is modeled after a set of consequences it implemented for voter suppression and voting-related misinformation. Within that framework, a user with two or three “strikes” faces a 12-hour account lockout. With four violations, they lose account access for one week, with permanent suspension looming after five strikes.
Twitter introduced its first pandemic-specific policies a year ago, banning tweets promoting false treatment or prevention claims along with any content that could put people at higher risk of spreading COVID-19. In December, Twitter added new rules focused on popular vaccine conspiracy theories and announced that warning labels were on the way.
(文:Taylor Hatmaker、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)
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新型コロナウイルスの検査は、発熱や咳などの症状がある方や、感染者の濃厚接触者(新型コロナウイルスに感染していることが確認された方と近距離で接触、或いは長時間接触し、感染の可能性が相対的に高くなっている方)であれ ...
新型コロナウイルス感染症 (2019年) - Wikipedia
そのため、新型コロナウイルス感染症の治療においてRA系の阻害が提案されている [60] [61]。 高血圧患者は新型コロナウイルス感染症で重症化しやすいとされる [62]。 症状と徴候
新型コロナウイルス 日本国内の最新感染状況マップ・感染者数 ...
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