

関連ワード (Beacons、リンクインバイオ等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


現在、ソーシャルメディアのプロフィールから専用のランディングページにファンを導こうと試みるクリエイター向けのウェブサイトビルダーは数多く存在する。TikTokやInstagramを利用したことがある人なら、例えばLinktreeがホストしているような、シンプルな「Link In Bio(リンクインバイオ)」スタイルのウェブサイトを目にしたことがあるだろう。Beaconsという新しいスタートアップがこの市場に参入し「リンクインバイオ」のウェブサイトをさらに強力にすることを目指している。同社のウェブサイトビルダーは、寄付、販売、有料リクエスト、アフィリエイトショッピングなど、コミュニティを収益化するための拡張されたツールセットをクリエイターに提供するものである。



現代版Myspace Top 8のような「フレンズ」ブロックもあり、Beacons、Instagram、Twitter、TikTokのいずれかで友達をリンクすることも可能だ。









Beaconsのアイデアは、共同創設者のNeal Jean(ニール・ジーン)氏、Jesse Zhang(ジェシー・チャン)氏、Greg Luppescu(グレッグ・ルペスク)氏、David Zeng(デイビッド・ツェン)氏によるものだ。ジーン氏、チャン氏、ツェン氏はスタンフォード大学の博士課程で機械学習やAIなどの研究分野を学んでいたときに出会い、ルペスク氏はスタンフォード大学で修士号を取得した後、Apple Watchチームで働いた経験を持つ。

Beaconsとしてチームを組んだジーン氏、チャン氏、ツェン氏は、Y Combinator Summer 2019のバッチに参加。さまざまなアイデアを繰り返しながらプロダクトを何度も方向転換した。例えばクリエイターと販売ブランドを結びつけるShopifyの統合などもアイデアの1つだが、こうした初期のコンセプトの一部はいずれ復活するかもしれない。



もちろん、Linktreeは今日市場に出回っている多くの「リンクインバイオ」ウェブサイトの1つに過ぎず、これはBeaconsが依然としてかなりの数の競合に対峙していることを意味する。他のライバルとしては、、Shorby、、、Link in Profile、Milkshake、Campsite、、、biolinks.meなどが挙げられる。







Today, there are a number of website builders aimed at creators who want to point fans to a dedicated landing page from their social media profile. If you’ve spent any time on TikTok or Instagram, you’ve likely come across one of these simplified “link in bio”-style websites — like those hosted by Linktree, for example. A new startup called Beacons is now entering this market with the goal of making “link in bio” websites even more powerful. Its website builder offers creators an expanded set of tools to monetize their community, including through donations, sales, paid requests, affiliate shopping and more.

After signing up for the service, Beacons walks the user through a series of questions, many which can be answered with just a “yes” or “no.” For example, Beacons may ask the user if they want to accept donations or collect followers’ emails, if they make TikTok or YouTube videos, and which category they’re in, in terms of the content they create.

This information is used to set up their Beacons landing page with the right content sections, which Beacons calls “blocks.” At launch, Beacons offers around a dozen of these configurable blocks, like email and SMS collection modules, video embed blocks for TikTok or YouTube creators, music blocks for embedding a track or album, a Twitter block to embed a tweet or Twitter profile, and link blocks, similar to Linktree, among others.

There’s even a “friends” block, which is like a modern-day Myspace Top 8. This lets you link out to your friends on either Beacons, Instagram, Twitter or TikTok.

An area where Beacons differentiates itself from other “link in bio” website builders, however, is with its set of “monetization” blocks. Today, it has four tools for creators who want to generate revenue from their online presence. One of these is similar to Cameo, as it allows the creator to set up a menu of options to take fan requests for personalized content. For instance, fans could ask a fitness influencer to critique their routine, or they could pay to have their burning questions answered by someone they admire. The creator can then send out a personalized response either publicly or privately.

Other monetization blocks allow creators to accept donations or sell digital downloads — like e-books or paid video content, for instance.

Image Credits: Beacons

The fourth, and perhaps most interesting, monetization block is a TikTok shopping feature. It allows creators to embed their TikTok videos where they recommend products directly on their Beacons website. From here, they can add affiliate links to the products in question, allowing them to directly generate revenue when fans purchase the items they’ve featured.

This particular feature comes at an opportune time. Today, TikTok is only beginning to formalize its plans around e-commerce. In a recent presentation to marketers, TikTok spoke of its plans to launch new online shopping tools that would allow brands to more directly reach TikTok’s younger audience. TikTok has also partnered with Shopify on social commerce, and has experimented with live video shopping, including with a holiday event hosted by Walmart.

But TikTok’s creators have already been driving shopping trends across categories like fashion, beauty, home décor, household items, toys and much more, to the point that “TikTok made me buy it,” has become a common excuse for the impulse purchases prompted by TikTok’s viral content. By allowing creators to now more directly and financially benefit from these trends is the next logical step.

Image Credits: Beacons

The idea for Beacons comes from co-founders Neal Jean, Jesse Zhang, Greg Luppescu and David Zeng. Neal, Jesse and David met while in the PhD program at Stanford studying different areas of research, like machine learning and AI. Greg, meanwhile, did his Master’s at Stanford, then went on to work at Apple on the Apple Watch team.

Neal, Jesse and David had teamed up on Beacons and went through the Y Combinator Summer 2019 batch, iterating on ideas and pivoting the product several times. Some of those early concepts may eventually return — like a Shopify integration that would connect creators with brands selling on Shopify, for example.

The broader focus, however, had always been on helping creators make money, says Neal.

“Even before our current product, we were really focused on trying to help creators solve monetization,” he explains. “When we kind of made this mini-pivot into the more Linktree-like product, we thought about building features that can help creators actually generate revenue — which I don’t think Linktree or any of the existing incumbents in the space were doing. Even today, you can’t actually make any money through Linktree,” he notes.

Linktree, of course, is only one of many “link in bio” websites on the market today, which means Beacons still faces a lot of competition. Other rivals include,, Shorby,,, Link in Profile, Milkshake, Campsite,, and, for example.

Unlike some of its competitors, Beacons offers its tools for free and instead monetizes through a premium plan ($10/mo) that allows creators to use their own custom domain. It also makes money by taking a percentage of sales on the requests and sales blocks, which is either 9% on the free plan or 5% on the paid plan. This rev share doesn’t bring in much money today — only “hundreds” of dollars — but the team believes that will scale as the startup grows and gains a large user base.

“Our strategy is…to continue building out more of these different kinds of revenue streams for creators,” says Neal. “And as we do that, I think, the fraction of transactional revenue will become higher relative to the subscription revenue than it is today.”

Since launching in private beta last September, Beacons has seen 90,000 sign-ups and now has over 20,000 people who are considered active users of the product — most arrived in the last couple of months when the service began to roll out some of its newer features. So far, Beacons hasn’t done any paid marketing, with around 77% of new users coming to Beacons because they saw it on someone else’s profile.

The team raised a small, post-YC angel round of around $600,000 but is looking to fundraise in the future.

(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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Beaconsが「リンクインバイオ」のモバイルウェブサイトビルダーを発表、クリエイターの収益化を支援 ...

現在、ソーシャルメディアのプロフィールから専用のランディングページにファンを導こうと試みるクリエイター向けのウェブサイトビルダーは数多く存在する。TikTokやInstagramを利用したことがある人なら、例えばLinktreeがホストしているような、シンプルな「Link In Bio(リンクインバイオ)」スタイル..

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ANALYSIS-Brazil markets, on shaky foundations, rocked by ...

The Guedes-driven program is one of the main beacons of hope for Brazilian markets, analysts say.

Analysis: Brazil markets, on shaky foundations, rocked by ...

By Jamie McGeever BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil's financial markets were already shaky from a worsening fiscal outlook, political logjam and a devastating second wave of COVID-19 before Monday's bombshell that leftist ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva could contest next year's presidential election. They have now been rocked to their foundations - even if the October 2022 vote remains far on the horizon. The prospect of political polarization between Lula and right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro, leading to looser fiscal policy pledges from the two likely candidates and the stalling of the government's market-friendly economic reform agenda - with all the implications that has for monetary policy - have many investors gasping for air. "This spells bad news for any meaningful institutional advance. The more polarized is the country, the higher are the odds of 'populist' decisions, chiefly on the fiscal front," said Alexandre Schwartsman, a former central bank director. "The task ahead was already daunting without further polarization; now it looks unsurmountable, with dire consequences for asset prices in general," he said. As investors digested Monday's decision by a Supreme Court justice to quash Lula's convictions from 2018, thus restoring his political rights and potentially paving the way for a run in 2022, asset pricing across Brazil's markets told the same story. The real slumped to within 10 cents of its all-time low of May last year. It was already the world's worst-performing currency against the U.S. dollar this year, after the Libyan diner and Sudanese pound, down 11%. A test soon of 6.00 per dollar looks likely. (Graphic: Brazil real, Interest rate spreads, a key measure of the risk premium on Brazilian debt and investor sentiment toward Brazil, have widened to new highs, even beyond levels seen early last year, when pandemic and emerging market pressures were at their peak. (Graphic: Brazil rates spread, The benchmark Bovespa stock market index is down more than 15% in dollar terms this year, making it the worst-performer among the world's major equity indices. (Graphic: Brazil Bovespa (USD) - % change, POLARIZATION There are a few key reasons behind the upsurge in volatility, uncertainty and risk following the latest developments, market participants say. Chief among them is political polarization. The prospect of Bolsonaro running against Lula pits two 'populist' candidates against each other, hollowing out the center ground, which is more fertile for the economic reforms Brazil desperately needs, they argue. Bolsonaro campaigned in 2018 as a fiscal conservative and has arch-economic liberal Paulo Guedes as his economy minister. But he has recently shown a desire to keep the spending taps open, despite the government's record debt and deficit, much to the market's dismay. Many analysts reckon Bolsonaro would go further down this path in a stand-off against Lula. For his part, even though Lula kept a tight rein on expenditure when he was president, especially in his first term, markets fear he would promise heavy public spending were he to stand. Orthodox economic thinking holds that Brazil's finances are in such a perilous state that there is no alternative to deep austerity. If the government's record debt near 90% of gross domestic product is not tackled, interest rates, inflation and capital flight will soar. The media and political circus resulting from a Lula vs Bolsonaro showdown would put fiscal discipline on ice, as well as the government's reform agenda of deregulation, downsizing the state and simplifying the tax system. The Guedes-driven program is one of the main beacons of hope for Brazilian markets, analysts say. "The Lula story is certainly a bucket of cold water for those attempting to be bullish with Brazil," Citi strategists wrote in a note on Tuesday. "The 'cheapness' factor in Brazil asset prices becomes even more conspicuous for investors. However, a clean trigger for entry, which many await, has not revealed itself yet," they said. DICEY DEBT DYNAMICS Analysts also warn that additional pressure on the fiscal side could leave the central bank under duress. Against a backdrop of sticky inflation and fiscal fragility, it was already poised to deliver its first interest rate hike since 2015 sooner rather than later. Central bank President Roberto Campos Neto has warned that failure to get public finances back on a sustainable path could force the bank to act more quickly and aggressively than it had planned. A sharp rise in borrowing costs will not be a welcome development for an economy on course to contract in the first quarter, nor for the Treasury, which is dealing with a dramatic shortening of debt maturities and steepening of the rates curve. "The fall in the real and higher country risk premium means a rate hike on 17th March now looks nailed on," Capital Economics wrote in a note on Tuesday. "But while higher rates might help to shore up the real and dampen inflation expectations, they would also worsen Brazil's debt dynamics." Brazil Bovespa (USD) - % change Brazil rates spread Brazil real ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> (Reporting by Jamie McGeever; Editing by Daniel Flynn and Dan Grebler)

Beaconsが「リンクインバイオ」のモバイルウェブサイトビルダー ...

現在、ソーシャルメディアのプロフィールから専用のランディングページにファンを導こうと試みるクリエイター向けのウェブサイトビルダーは数多く存在する。TikTokやInstagramを利用したことがある人なら、例えばLinktreeがホストしているような、シンプルな「Link In Bio(リンクインバイオ)」スタイル..

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2021-03-12 22:43

Beaconsが「リンクインバイオ」のモバイルウェブサイトビルダーを発表、クリエイターの収益化を支援 (2021-03-10 07:00 PM)chCrunchJP

2021-03-12 21:26


2021-03-12 16:35

Beaconsが「リンクインバイオ」のモバイルウェブサイトビルダーを発表、クリエイターの収益化を支援 (2021-03-10 07:00 PM)chCrunchJP

2021-03-12 10:18

Beaconsが「リンクインバイオ」のモバイルウェブサイトビルダーを発表、クリエイターの収益化を支援 via @jptechcrunch

2021-03-12 08:40

Beaconsが「リンクインバイオ」のモバイルウェブサイトビルダーを発表、クリエイターの収益化を支援 via @jptechcrunch

2021-03-12 03:28



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