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アラバマ州ベッセマーにあるAmazon(アマゾン)の物流倉庫で働く従業員たちは、すでにBernie Sanders(バーニー・サンダース)上院議員からJoe Biden(ジョー・バイデン)米大統領まで、民主党の政治家たちから公に支持されている。後者は2020年末には「今まででもっとも労組寄りの大統領になる」と約束していた。そして今、多くの労働者が組合結成を目指す中、チームは意外なところから政治的支持を得た。
米国時間3月12日、共和党のMarco Rubio(マルコ・ルビオ)上院議員はUSA Today紙に寄稿した論説で「労働組合の無制限な影響力がもたらす危険性」はあるものの、労働者たちを支持すると述べた。フロリダ州選出の上院議員であるルビオ氏は、歴史的に共和党は経営者側に味方する傾向があることを指摘しつつ「保守派がビジネス界に当然視される時代は終わった」と付け加えている。
Cori Bush(コリ・ブッシュ)下院議員、Jamaal Bowman(ジャマール・ボウマン)下院議員、Andy Levin(アンディ・レビン)下院議員、Terri Sewell(テリ・シーウェル)下院議員 、Nikema Williams(ニケマ・ウィリアムス)など、多くの議員がアラバマ州を訪れ、同倉庫の従業員への支持を表明している。約6000人を雇用している同倉庫の従業員は、2月7日に郵便による投票を開始した。投票は2021年3月末に終了する。
ニューヨーク大学(NYU)フェローのClarissa Redwine(クラリサ・レッドウィン)氏は、先日TechCrunchのパネルセッションでバイデン氏の支持について聞かれこう述べた。「何よりもまず、権力者がいうことは重要ではないと覚えておくことが大切です。あなたが持っているすべての力は、トップにいる人たちが与えてくれるものではありません。隣にいる人々と腕を組み団結して、その力や影響力を自分のものにすることで得られるのです」。
【更新】小売・卸売・百貨店労組(Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union、RWDSU)のStuart Appelbaum(スチュアート・アペルバウム)会長は、TechCrunchに次のようなコメントを送った。「我々はあらゆる方面からの支持を歓迎します。ルビオ上院議員の支持は、働く人々が職場で尊厳と敬意を得るための最良の方法は、組合結成であることを示しています。これは党派的な問題であってはなりません」。
画像クレジット:Scott R. Galvin / AP
Workers at Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama, warehouse have already received public support from Democratic politicians ranging from Bernie Sanders to Joe Biden, the latter of whom promised to be “the most pro-union president you’ve ever seen,” late last year. Now, as many look to unionize, the team is getting some political backing from a more unexpected place.
In an op-ed penned for USA Today, Marco Rubio threw support behind the workers, in spite of “dangers posed by the unchecked influence of labor unions.” The Florida Senator notes Republicans’ historical tendency of siding with management, but adds “the days of conservatives being taken for granted by the business community are over.”
The piece is hardly a full-throated embrace of labor unions in general, which have traditionally allied themselves with the political left. Rubio hedges slightly in the beginning noting that conflicts between unions and management “are wrong for both workers and our nation’s economic competitiveness,” but the politician cites “uniquely malicious corporate behavior.”
Rubio writes,
Here’s my standard: When the conflict is between working Americans and a company whose leadership has decided to wage culture war against working-class values, the choice is easy — I support the workers. And that’s why I stand with those at Amazon’s Bessemer warehouse today.
In addition to addressing long-standing complaints against Amazon workplace conditions, the piece embraces some long-standing Republican culture war complaints. “Today it might be workplace conditions,” he says, “but tomorrow it might be a requirement that the workers embrace management’s latest ‘woke’ human resources fad.”
Politics and labor relations, it seems, make strange bedfellows. Though while organizers have often been on the left, the goal of unions (however you may feel about them in practice) is to protect the conditions of workers, regardless of political affiliation.
A number of lawmakers have traveled to Alabama to show support for workers at the warehouse, including Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Andy Levin, Terri Sewell and Nikema Williams. Workers at the warehouse, which employs around 6,000, kicked off a mail-in vote on February 7. The balloting ends later this month.
Ultimately, high-profile support may be a net positive for workers when it comes to pressuring a company. Union organizers sometimes caution against taking too much stock in such comments, however.
Asked about Biden’s support in a recent conversation with TechCrunch, NYU fellow, Clarissa Redwine noted, “First and foremost, it’s really important to remember that the things that people in power say do not matter. All of the power that you have doesn’t come from people at the top giving it to you. It comes from linking arms with the people next to you and taking that power and influence for yourself.”
Update: Stuart Appelbaum, President of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, offered TechCrunch the following comment, “We welcome support from all quarters. Senator Rubio’s support demonstrates that the best way for working people to achieve dignity and respect in the workplace is through unionization. This should not be a partisan issue.”
(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Aya Nakazato)
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2021-03-15 22:54労働者はある意味では自然発生的に、そして果敢にそれに対する闘いを歴史的に開始した。そして一人では常に吹き飛ばされるだけだから、労働組合のような団結形態を模索しながらやってきた。