

関連ワード (Instagram、WhatsApp、システム障害等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



WhatsAppではサーバーに接続できず、メッセージが配信されなかった。この問題がFacebook Messengerにも影響を与えたかどうかは定かではないが、同アプリは2020年にFacebook(フェイスブック)、WhatsApp、Instagramの間でクロスプラットフォームのメッセージングを可能にする新機能を導入していた。




画像クレジット:Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch


Instagram and WhatsApp experienced an apparent outage on Friday. It began around 1:40 p.m. ET and lasted for more than half an hour.

WhatsApp was unable to connect to the server, and messages were not being delivered. It’s not clear if the issue also affected Facebook Messenger, which last year rolled out new functionality to allow cross-platform messaging between Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram.

Instagram was showing a 500 message, suggesting a back-end server error.

Instagram’s error page. (Image: TechCrunch)

WhatsApp unable to connect to the server. (Image: TechCrunch)

WhatsApp has more than two billion users, and Instagram has about one billion users. Facebook’s developer status page did not show any immediate outages.

Facebook spokesperson Leslie Grant said: “Earlier today, a technical issue caused people to have trouble accessing some Facebook services. We resolved this issue for everyone, and we apologize for any inconvenience.” The cause of the outage was not disclosed.

More on TechCrunch:

Updated with comment from Facebook.

(文:Zack Whittaker、翻訳:塚本直樹 / Twitter)

Instagram - Official Site

Create an account or log in to Instagram - A simple, fun & creative way to capture, edit & share photos, videos & messages with friends & family.

Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger Working Again ...

Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger briefly went down Friday afternoon in an outage that prevented users from sending messages and refreshing their feeds. WhatsApp logo on the App Store ...

Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger are down ...

WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messengers are experiencing outages around the world.

Instagram and WhatsApp hit by outage - TechCrunch

The Facebook-owned platforms experienced an outage lasting about half an hour.

Facebook to launch version of Instagram for children under ...

The new Facebook platform would allow kids to be able to “safely” use Instagram in a parent-controlled environment.

Instagram Is Developing A Separate Instagram For Children ...

Facebook is developing a version of the Instagram app for children ages 13 and under. The news was revelead in an internal announcement.

PDF PRO ) {Free *Instagram Followers} Free INSTAGRAM Followers ...

2021. Free Instagram Followers Generator People who have used this free instagram followers generator are amazed by the way their followers increased in minutes. Hurry.How To Get Free Instagram Followers For Free 100% Working Free Instagram Followers Best App To Get Free Instagram Followers (2021) — Download Android Apk Or Get On Ios App Store 3

Feeding Southwest Virginia marks 40th anniversary fighting ...

A local organization is celebrating 40 years of good work and full stomachs in our region.

The United States and India Joe Biden's passage to India

America’s underperforming relationship with India has never looked more important

Flipkart Fake Or Not Answers March 19, 2021: Answer And ...

Flipkart Fake or Not quiz answers March 19, 2021. Win free vouchers and super coins by answering all questions. Get the latest Flipkart quiz answers

Bagehot - The disruptive rise of English nationalism ...

E NGLISH NATIONALISM is the most disruptive force in British politics. Brexit would have been impossible without it. The clash between Scottish and English nationalism may well break up the ...

Biden meets with UN Security Council members to talk climate

President Joe Biden has told the permanent representatives of the U.N. Security Council that the United States will join the international body’s Group of Friends on Climate and Society.

Facebook working on Instagram for kids under 13

Facebook says it is working on a version of its Instagram app for kids under 13, who are technically not allowed to use the app in its current form due to federal privacy regulations.

Facebook service outage, also affects Instagram, WhatsApp ...

Facebook experienced an outage that interrupted its social network, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp services.

Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp Are Down for Some Users ...

Facebook Inc. services including its main social network, Instagram and WhatsApp are down for some users, according to Down Detector, a website that tracks outages. The issues started just after 1 ...

Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger are down ...

Instagram and WhatsApp suddenly went down on Friday at around 1:30 p.m. ET. It is unclear what exactly is causing the problem, but the outage appears to be global, with users of both apps saying that they are unable to log in or send messages. A visit to Instagram.

Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger are back after ...

Facebook's Instagram, Whatsapp, and Messenger platforms are currently offline.

Facebook down? Brief outage knocks out Facebook, Instagram ...

Facebook and affiliated services such as Instagram and WhatsApp were restored Friday afternoon following a brief outage, the company said.

Instagram, Facebook & WhatsApp outage restored | KRON4

Thousands are reporting issues with using Facebook and the company's other products: Instagram and WhatsApp.

Facebook: Instagram, WhatsApp outage caused by 'technical ...

Users around the world posted online they couldn't access Instagram, WhatsApp or Facebook messenger for about an hour Friday.

Yes, Instagram, Facebook & WhatsApp Are Reporting ...

If you're having trouble loading your Instagram feed, Facebook messages, or opening WhatsApp, you're not alone.

Instagram, WhatsApp, And Facebook Messenger Are Down For ...

(THE VERGE) - Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger are down for many right now. More than 123,000 users have reported issues with Instagram on DownDetector. More than 23,000 users have reported issues with WhatsApp on DownDetector, too, and the service is down for one Verge staffer's family, who is based in Europe.

Joe Exotic Launching Shoe Line For 'Tiger King' Anniversary

Joe Exotic is launching a shoe line to mark the one-year anniversary of Netflix's 'Tiger King.'

Twitter says it suspended Rep. Taylor Greene by mistake

Twitter has briefly suspended the account of U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, but later said the move was a an error.

Turkey pulls out of treaty protecting women from violence ...

Politicians claim charter damages family unity, encourages divorce and acceptance of the LGBT community.

Lipscomb Drops Liberty, Friday | Liberty Flames

The Lipscomb Bison defeated the Liberty Lady Flames 5-1, Friday at windy Osborne Stadium. Playing with a strong wind in the first half, the Bison rode a three-goal first half to victory. Liberty ...

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The four-hour Synder Cut of 2017's Justice League has officially been released on HBO Max. People on Twitter have mixed reviews about the film.

Asian American churches plan acts beyond prayer for healing

Asian American Christian leaders say their congregations are saddened and outraged after a white gunman killed eight people, most of them women of Asian descent, at three Atlanta-area massage businesses.

WhatsApp - Official Site

WhatsApp Messenger: More than 1 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. WhatsApp is free and ...

Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger Working Again ...

Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger briefly went down Friday afternoon in an outage that prevented users from sending messages and refreshing their feeds. WhatsApp logo on the App Store ...

Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger have recovered ...

Facebook has resolved a major outage affecting Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and other Facebook services on Friday. The company blamed the outage on a "technical issue."

WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger suffer from ...

WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook suffered from global outage on Friday night. The outage seems to have started at around 11:00PM IST.

WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram stop working ...

WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger briefly stopped working across the world on Friday. Users on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger could not send or receive messages, and Instagram would not ...

Whatsapp, Instagram Restored After Brief Global Outage

Instant messaging platform WhatsApp and photo sharing platform Instagram were restored after being down for almost 10 minutes on Friday, 19 March.

Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger are down ...

WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messengers are experiencing outages around the world.

Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger experienced a ...

If you were having difficulty sending a message on Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger earlier today, or if you ran into problems signing into Instagram, you

India Wants Court to Block WhatsApp's Controversial ...

WhatsApp's privacy policy violates the country's information technology laws as it fails to specify the nature of user data being collected or notify users about it, according to the filing.

India asks court to block WhatsApp's policy update, says ...

As WhatsApp spends months to address users’ concerns and confusion about its planned policy update, there is evidently one entity it hasn’t had much luck making inroads with: The government of India. The Indian government alleged on Friday that WhatsApp’s planned privacy update, which goes into effect in two months, violates local laws on several […]

Facebook and its services Instagram, WhatsApp restored ...

Facebook and affiliated services such as Instagram and WhatsApp were restored Friday afternoon following a brief outage, the company said.

New WhatsApp privacy policy under lens; govt urges HC to ...

The Centre on Friday urged the Delhi High Court to restrain Facebook-owned Whatsapp from implementing its new privacy policy and terms of service.

Facebook service outage, also affects Instagram, WhatsApp ...

Facebook experienced an outage that interrupted its social network, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp services.

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram Were Briefly Down for Users ...

All Facebook services including WhatsApp and Instagram were down around the world, for the second time in just three months. The last major outage that affected people at this scale took place recently, in December 2020.

All of 40 WhatsApp features, tips and tricks you should know

Use WhatsApp on your PC. If you want to use WhatsApp on your PC and have the convenience of a large physical keyboard and a big screen, simply connect your phone to the PC using WhatsApp Web.

WhatsApp hires Amazon Pay's Mahatme to lead India payments ...

WhatsApp has hired a top Amazon executive to head its payments business in India, two sources told Reuters, as the messenger service gears up to expand in the booming sector. By Aditya Kalra and ...

WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram back after global outage ...

WhatsApp did not reveal the reason behind the outage. "Thanks for your patience, that was a long 45 minutes but we are back!" a statement from WhatsApp said on its official Twitter account. The hashtag #whatsappdown started trending soon on twitter and users vent their frustration soon after the outage.

WhatsApp, Instagram Down: Facebook apps suffer outage ...

WhatsApp and Instagram are down in India right now. The messaging and the photo-sharing applications are not working for users globally for anyone. [Latest update: Issue fixed]

WhatsApp For Business : Create Your Own WhatsApp Status Online

How to design WhatsApp Status for business. Find tips and ideas to increase your sales through Whatsapp Marketing. Browse templates for DIY WhatsApp Status.

WhatsApp, Instagram Restored After Facing Global Outage

Facebook-owned apps Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram were down for over half-an-hour tonight globally.

Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger down in major ...

Social media platforms WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger all went down in a brief outage at around 1730 GMT on Friday, according to the tech monitoring website Downdetector.

Whatsapp, Instagram services restored after global outage ...

Several users took to Twitter to complain about the outage, with #whatsappoutage trending in many countries, including India

WhatsApp will stop working in these phones soon | DH ...

World's most popular social media messaging app, WhatsApp will soon stop working in some phones. This was announced by WhatsApp. WhatsApp announced that | DH Latest News, Latest News, Technology , WhatsApp, Android phones, WhatsApp for Android

WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram suffer major global outage ...

New Delhi, March 20 Social media platforms WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram suffered a major outage on Friday night, but the services resumed after some time. Many WhatsApp users reported inability

Users Of Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger Report ...

Users of Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger were reporting outages to the services Friday morning.

Whatsapp, Messenger and Instagram services restored after ...

WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger on Friday remained down for a little less than an hour for thousands of users in India and across the world. WhatsApp later in a tweet confirmed that it has ...

Instagram, Facebook & WhatsApp outage restored | KRON4

Thousands are reporting issues with using Facebook and the company's other products: Instagram and WhatsApp.

みずほ銀行システム障害の外貨送金遅れ、263件の総額は約500億円と判明 | 日経クロステック(xTECH)


みずほ、システム障害の続発が招いた異常事態 | 金融業界 | 東洋経済オンライン | 経済ニュースの新基準


システム障害が続発したみずほ銀行 問題が片付かないため頭取が異例の続投 - ライブドアニュース


みずほ、システム障害の続発が招いた異常事態 頭取の交代は取り消し、営業改革も着手できず


送金遅延は計500億円 みずほ銀、中旬の障害で - 産経ニュース


みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円 中旬のシステム障害で|全国のニュース|京都新聞


システム障害を経験した企業が新システムに込めた教訓 復旧に向けた2つの時間:クラウド時代のdr ...


みずほ、システム障害の続発が招いた異常事態 頭取の交代は取り消し、営業改革も着手できず(東洋経済オンライン)トップ ...

みずほ、システム障害の続発が招いた異常事態 頭取の交代は取り消し、営業改革も着手できず(東洋経済オンライン)トップ交代の取り消し――。2月末以降、立て続けに発生しているみずほ銀行のシステム障害は、異例の事態に発展した。 みずほフィナ…

みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円/中旬のシステム障害で | 全国ニュース | 四国新聞社


みずほ社長、システム障害で謝罪/主要/社会総合/デイリースポーツ online

 みずほフィナンシャルグループ(FG)の坂井辰史社長は17日、記者会見し、傘下のみずほ銀行で相次いでいるシステム障害について「度重なるシステム障害でお客さまに大変な迷惑を掛け、信頼を損なう事態となった。心からおわびしたい」と謝罪した。これまでは、みずほ銀行の藤原弘治頭取が会見を開いて説明してきたが、親会社の責任を問う声の高まりを受け、初めて公の場で説明する機会を設けた。 みずほFGはまた、みずほ銀の藤原頭取が退き、加藤勝彦常務執行役員が頭取に就く4月1日付の人事を取り消すと発表した。加藤氏は副頭取に昇格する。坂井氏は全銀協の会長就任を当面見合わせるとした。

みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円 中旬のシステム障害で|全国のニュース|下野新聞 Soon(スーン)

みずほ銀行は19日、一連のシステム障害の最後に起きた11~12日のトラブルで、遅延した国内他行向けの外貨建て送金が計263件、約500億円に上ったと発表した。法人顧客の手続きが大半で、海外から材料を仕入れている企業がドルで支払いをするために資金を移動させる取引などが含まれるとみられる。 本来、12日中に相手方の口座に入金するには同日午後1時までの送金処理が必要だったが、障害で処理が午後6時ごろまでずれ込んだ。みずほ銀は着金が12日となるよう相手の銀行と交渉するなどの対応を取った。

みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円 中旬のシステム障害で(2021年3月19日)|Biglobeニュース

みずほ銀行は19日、一連のシステム障害の最後に起きた1112日のトラブルで、遅延した国内他行向けの...…(2021年3月19日 20時31分9秒)

みずほ、システム障害の続発が招いた異常事態 - (1/2)|ニフティニュース


みずほ、システム障害の続発が招いた異常事態 頭取の交代は取り消し、営業改革も着手できず(東洋経済オンライン ...




Sony Network Communications 障害・メンテナンス情報

障害情報(WiMAX・WiMAX 2+) 障害情報(au) メンテナンス情報(WiMAX・WiMAX 2+) メンテナンス情報(au) So-net モバイル WiMAX (UQコミュニケーションズ) 障害情報 メンテナンス情報 So-net モバイル YM (ソフトバンク) 障害情報 So-netフォン NTTコミュニケーションズ VoIP ...

みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円 中旬のシステム障害で

 みずほ銀行は19日、一連のシステム障害の最後に起きた11~12日のトラブルで、遅延した国内他行向けの外貨建て送金が計263件、約500億円に上ったと発表した。法人顧客の手続きが大半で、海外から材料を ...

InstagramとWhatsAppにシステム障害発生 | TechCrunch Japan


みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円 中旬のシステム障害で | 中国新聞デジタル


みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円 中旬のシステム障害で | 全国のニュース | 福井新聞online

みずほ銀行は19日、一連のシステム障害の最後に起きた11〜12日のトラブルで、遅延した国内他行向けの外貨建て送金が計263件、約500億円に上ったと発表した。法人顧客の手続きが大半で、海外から材料を仕入れている企業がドルで支払いをするために資金を移動させる取引などが含まれるとみられる。 本来、12日中に相手方の口座に入金するには同日午後1時までの送金処理が必要だったが、障害で処理が午後6時ごろまでずれ込んだ。みずほ銀は着金が12日となるよう相手の銀行と交渉するなどの対応を取った。

みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円 中旬のシステム障害で | 共同通信 ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス


システム障害報告 - Sbi Sec


みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円 中旬のシステム障害で|経済|上毛新聞ニュース


みずほ銀、送金遅延は500億円 中旬のシステム障害で:経済:福島民友新聞社 みんゆうNet


現在、システム障害によりコンビニエンスストア等で戸籍証明を取得することができません | 枚方市ホームページ

現在、システム障害によりコンビニエンスストア等のマルチコピー機で戸籍証明(戸籍証明書、戸籍附票の写し )の取得および戸籍利用登録申請ができません。 復旧次第、ご報告いたします。

春のLINEくじ システム障害について(中川店) | What's New(最新情報) | 映画・パチンコ・天然温泉 ...

春のlineくじ システム障害について(中川店) 平素はコロナワールドをご利用頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。 3月19日より開始させていただきました「春のLINEくじ」キャンペーンにおいてシステム障害が発生し、サービスをご利用頂けない状況が発生 ...

システム開発のテスター/C++ /東京都港区/【Web面談可】 | エンジニア転職・求人・案件(I30-000039909)

システム開発のテスター/C++ /東京都港区/【WEB面談可】 【システム開発のテスター】・試験項目書作成・テストデータ投入・テスト結果のOK、NGの判断・テスト結果NGの場合は障害報告、進捗報告・エビデンス作成 など【社会保険】雇用保険・健康保険・厚生年金・労災保険※繁忙期など残業が発生することもございますが、36協定の範囲内の残業時間になるので、行き過ぎた残業は御座いませんのでご安心下さい※様々なお仕事がありますので、スキルや適性に応じてお仕事をお願いしています。※オフィス内は禁煙です。(開発・Webエンジニア向け案件・求人情報)


「うぇぶさくら」システム障害発生について . 平素より「うぇぶさくら」をご利用いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。 本日11時53頃より、うぇぶさくらがご利用いただけない状態が発生しております。

日東物流株式会社様、Kkct六甲c4・5ターミナル『 システム障害に伴うゲート作業に関するお知らせ』:阪神港海上コンテナ協会

日東物流株式会社様、kkct六甲c4・5ターミナル『 システム障害に伴うゲート作業に関するお知らせ』 2021/03/19 お知らせ 掲題、兵庫県トラック協会海上コンテナ部会様より、情報提供です。

フォードが世界的なチップ不足を理由に特定の部品を使わずにF-150トラックを生産 | TechCrunch Japan

Fordは世界的なチップ不足と寒波による部品不足の二重苦により、一部の電子モジュールを搭載していないピックアップトラック「Ford F-150」とクロスオーバー「Edge」を製造すると発表した。



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