

関連ワード (Pulumi、アップデート等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



このリリースにおける新しい機能は、Google Cloudをインフラストラクチャープロバイダーとしてサポートする(ただし現状はプレビュー)ことから、Pulumiを他のアプリケーションからライブラリーとして呼び出せるためのAutomation APIまでと、非常に多様だ。要するにそれは、デベロッパーがPulumiを前提としたいろいろなツールを書けるための機能であり、彼らはそのツールでSaaSアプリケーションの顧客のために、自分のインフラストラクチャーをプロビジョンして構成することもできるだろう。


同社はまたPulumi PackagesとComponentsをローンチして、デベロッパーが自分の好きな言語で呼び出せる、独自の考え方によるインフラストラクチャービルディングブロックを作れるようにしている。

さらに、すべての有料プランでPulumiのCI/CD Assistantがサポートされる。これで、1ダース以上もの広く使われているCI/CDプラットフォームがサポートされ、クラウドインフラストラクチャとアプリケーションのデプロイが非常に容易になる。サポートされているCI/CDプラットフォームはAWS Code Service、Azure DevOps、CircleCI、GitLab CI、Google Cloud Build、Jenkins、Travis CI、そしてSpinnakerだ。これまではTeam Proまたはエンタープライズプランのユーザーである必要があったが、これからは有料ユーザーの全員がこのAssistantを使える。


Pulumiの共同創業者でCEOのJoe Duffy(ジョー・ダフィー)氏は、次のように述べている。「Pulumiを始めたときの狙いは、デベロッパーとインフラストラクチャーのチームがもっと密接にコラボレーションできて、より革新的なソフトウェアを作れることでした。当時知らなかったのは、これが後に『クラウドエンジニアリング』と呼ばれるようになり、顧客もそう呼ぶようになって同じ方向へ進むようになったことです。今日のクラウドはビジネスモデルの全体をすっかり変えつつあるため、私たちもプラットフォーム全体を、この中核的な考え方を中心に置くかたちにしています。Pulumi 3.0は、誰もがクラウドにアクセスできて、一緒により良いソフトウェアを作れるという未来のビジョンを実現するためのエキサイティングな道程であり、さらにそれ以上のものにも備えています」。

画像クレジット:BlackJack3D/Getty Images


Pulumi was one of the first of what is now a growing number of infrastructure-as-code startups and today, at its developer conference, the company is launching version 3.0 of its cloud engineering platform. With 70 new features and about 1,000 improvements since version 2.0, this is Pulumi’s biggest release yet.

The new release includes features that range from support for Google Cloud as an infrastructure provider (now in preview) to a new Automation API that turns Pulumi into a library that can then be called from other applications. It basically allows developers to write tools that, for example, can then provision and configure their own infrastructure for each customer of a SaaS application, for example.

Image Credits: Pulumi

The company is also launching Pulumi Packages and Components for creating opinionated infrastructure building blocks that developers can then call up from their preferred languages.

Also new is support for Pulumi’s CI/CD Assistant across all the company’s paid plans. This feature makes it easier to deploy cloud infrastructure and applications through more than a dozen popular CI/CD platforms, including the likes of AWS Code Service, Azure DevOps, CircleCI, GitLab CI, Google Cloud Build, Jenkins, Travis CI and Spinnaker. Until now, you needed to be on a Team Pro or Enterprise plan to use this, but it’s now available to all paying users.

In addition, the company is expanding some of its enterprise features with, for example, SAML SSO, SCIm synchronization and new role types.

“When we started out on Pulumi, we knew we wanted to enable developers and infrastructure teams to collaborate more closely to build more innovative software,” said Joe Duffy, Pulumi co-founder and CEO. “What we didn’t know yet is that we’d end up calling this ‘Cloud Engineering,’ that our customers would call it that too, and that they would go on this journey with us. We are now centering our entire platform around this core idea which is now accelerating as the modern cloud continues to disrupt entire business models. Pulumi 3.0 is an exciting milestone in realizing this vision of the future — democratizing access to the cloud and helping teams build better software together — with much more to come.”

(文:Frederic Lardinois、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code

Pulumi's open source infrastructure as code SDK enables you to create, deploy, and manage infrastructure on any cloud, using your favorite languages.

Documentation | Pulumi

Learn how to create, deploy, and manage infrastructure on any cloud using Pulumi's open source infrastructure as code SDK.

GitHub - pulumi/pulumi: Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code.

Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code. Any cloud, any language ? - pulumi/pulumi

Pulumi (@PulumiCorp) | Твиттер

Последние твиты от Pulumi (@PulumiCorp). Modern Infrastructure as Code. Open source, any cloud, any language.

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Deploy and control AWS, Azure, GCP, K8S, Serverless by coding JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, Python, etc.

Pulumi Corporation - Home | Facebook

Pulumi Corporation, Seattle, Washington. 277 likes · 9 talking about this. Modern Infrastructure as Code. Use familiar languages and tools to program any...

Getting Started with Pulumi | Linode | Linode Guides & Tutorials

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Pulumi vs Terraform: Comparing the Key Differences | phoenixNAP Blog

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What is Infrastructure as Code? Introduction to Pulumi - YouTube

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Pulumi: The New IaC Tool - Applied Information Sciences

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Getting Started With Pulumi

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Joe Duffy - Hello, Pulumi!

Joe Duffy's Blog | Adventures in the high-tech underbelly

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Pulumi | Technology Radar | ThoughtWorks

We've seen interest in Pulumi slowly but steadily rising. Pulumi fills a gaping hole in the infrastructure coding world where Terraform maintains a firm hold. [...]

Pulumi - Reviews, Pros & Cons | Companies using Pulumi

See what developers are saying about how they use Pulumi. Check out popular companies that use Pulumi and some tools that integrate with Pulumi.

Deploy with Pulumi · Codefresh | Docs

Pulumi is a platform for Infrastructure as Code. It works like Terraform but allows you to use a proper programming language (TypeScript, Python, Go) in order to describe your infrastructure...

Pulumi? : devops

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pulumi/pulumi - npm

$ yarn add @pulumi/pulumi. This SDK is meant for use with the Pulumi CLI. The tests will verify that everything works, but feel free to try running pulumi preview and/or pulumi up from the...

Chocolatey Software | Pulumi (Portable) 2.21.2

Pulumi - Modern Infrastructure as Code. To install Pulumi (Portable), run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell

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富士通 ノートPC A572/MS Office 2019/Win 10 Home/15.6型/Core i3-3110M/DVD/HDMI/4GB/128GB SSD (整備済み品)

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【アモングアス】アップデートの記事一覧【アモアス】 - 攻略大百科

アモング アス (アモアス) Among Usのスマホ版/PC版を徹底解説!ルールや遊び方、勝つためのコツなど様々な攻略情報を掲載しているのでぜひ参考にしてください。


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