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Twitter(ツイッター)はニュースレタープラットフォームのRevue(レビュー)買収を2日前に発表したばかりだが、すでにTwitter.comウェブサイトへの統合を開始した。どうやらTwitterのサイドバーナビゲーションのBookmarks(ブックマーク)、Moments(モーメント)、Twitter Ads(Twitter広告)などのオプションに追加されるようだ。また同社は、Twitterユーザーに新製品を宣伝する新しい方法を準備中であり、広告主がユーザーにリーチする新しい方法を提供することを約束した。

一連の調査結果は有名リバースエンジニアのJane Manchun Wong(ジェーン・マンチュン・ウォン)氏が見つけたもので、直近の買収に関して会社が何か準備をしているのではないかとTwitter.comウェブサイトを詳しく調べた結果だ。


現在ポップアップメッセージの「Find Out More」ボタンを押すと、Twitterユーザーはウォン氏の見つけたRevueウェブサイトにリダイレクトされる。

また、ウォン氏はTwitterが「Newsletters」をTwitterサイドバーメニーの新たなナビゲーション項目にしようとしていると指摘している。残念ながら現在 Explore(話題を検索)、Notifications(通知)、Messages(メッセージ)、Bookmarksなどのあるトップレベルメニューではなく、表示されるのは「…」のMore(もっと見る)メニューから利用するサブメニューの中だ。

Twitter is working on promoting their newsletter tool @revue in the web app following the acquisition announcement

— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) January 27, 2021

RevueとTwitterメインプラットフォームとの密な統合は、将来同社がニュースレター市場で興味深い競争優位性を得られる可能性を秘めている。Twitterが新たな音声サービスであるTwitter Spaces(ツイッター・スペース)もニュースレター購読者とつながる方法として利用できるというヒントを与えていることからも予想できる。






Twitter only announced its acquisition of newsletter platform Revue two days ago, but the company has already begun to integrate the product into the website. It appears “Newsletters” will soon be the newest addition to Twitter’s sidebar navigation, alongside Bookmarks, Moments, Twitter Ads and other options. The company is also readying a way to promote the new product to Twitter users, promising them another way to reach their audience while getting paid for their work.

These findings and others were uncovered by noted reverse engineer Jane Manchun Wong, who dug into the website to see what the company may have in store for its newest acquisition.

According to a pop-up promotional message in development she found, Twitter will soon be pitching a handful of Revue benefits, like the ability to compose and schedule newsletters, embed tweets, import email lists, analyze engagement and earn money from paid followers. The messaging was clearly in early testing (it even had a typo!), but it hints at Twitter’s larger plans to tie Revue into the Twitter platform and serve as a way for prominent users to essentially monetize their reach.

Currently, the “Find Out More” button on pop-up message will redirect Twitter users to the Revue website Wong found.

In addition, Wong noted Twitter was making “Newsletters” a new navigation option on the Twitter sidebar menu. Unfortunately, it was not shown on the top-level menu where you today find options like Explore, Notifications, Messages or Bookmarks, but rather on the submenu you access from the three-dot “More” link.


The tight integration between Revue and Twitter’s main platform could potentially give the company an interesting competitive advantage in the newsletters market — especially as Twitter has already dropped hints that its new audio product, Twitter Spaces, will also be used as a way to connect with newsletter subscribers.

In its announcement, Twitter referred to “new settings for writers to host conversations” with their readers. That likely means Twitter users would be able to not just publish newsletters with the new Twitter product, but also monetize their existing follower base, find new readers through Twitter’s built-in features, and then engage their fans on an ongoing basis through audio chats in Spaces. Combined with its lowering of the paid newsletter fee to 5%, many authors are rightly considering the potential Twitter advantages. If anything at all is holding them back, it’s Twitter’s less-than-stellar reputation when it comes to successfully capitalizing on some of its acquisitions.

Twitter declined to comment on Wong’s findings, but we understand these features are currently not live on the website. Wong told us she hasn’t found any indications of Revue integrations in the Twitter mobile apps just yet.

(文:Sara Perez、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )


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