

関連ワード (Gig Wage、アメリカ、コラム等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


本稿の著者Craig Lewis(ジョセフ・ヘラー)氏は契約社員向けに開発されたシンプルなフィンテック給与計算プラットフォームであるGig Wageの創設者兼CEO。








黒人学生の両親やコミュニティは、スポーツに打ち込むことを後押しする。これまでの歴史で作り上げられた固定観念があるため、成功への道がそれしかないと思い込んでいる。学生がテクノロジーの世界へつながるレールに乗らなければ、つまり、多くのテクノロジー企業の創設者を輩出しているCal Berkeley(カリフォルニア大学バークレー校)、Stanford(スタンフォード大学)、Harvard(ハーバード大学)などに進学できなければ、すぐに「輪」の外に追いやられてしまう。これが、テクノロジー業界の黒人創設者にとって第一関門となり、その後もさまざまな障害を乗り越えなくてはいけない。


私の家族に起業家がおらず、一流大学についての情報を得る方法もなかったのは事実だ。良い成績を収め、特待生として卒業したにもかかわらず、Ivy League(アイビーリーグ)の教育が非常に価値のあるものであるということをまったく知らなかった。

私のスキルと成績があれば、全額支給奨学金のオファーがあったYale(エール大学)、Brown(ブラウン大学)、Columbia(コロンビア大学)、Southern Methodist(サザン・メソジスト大学)のような大学で、バスケットボールのスター選手としてプレーし、卒業することもできたかもしれない。しかし、それが可能であることも知らず、アイビーリーグの「輪」の中にいるメリットに関する知識もなかったため、私はそうしなかった。







数年前、Mark Cuban(マーク・キューバン)氏がDallas Startup Week(ダラス・スタートアップウィーク)で基調講演を行い、成功への道のりを語った。同氏の主な主張の1つは「自分のビジネスを知り、自分のビジネスの短所に気づく」ことだった。とてもシンプルながらも、非常にインパクトのある内容だった。








Gig Wage(ギグウェイジ)の起業に乗り出した当初、投資家からの質問で一番多かったのは「どのくらい準備が整っているか?」だった。私は「目的を達成するまでの準備が整っている」と答える。そうすると投資家はもっと具体的に「銀行にはどのくらいの資金があるのか?あなたの奥さんは、このプロジェクトをいつまで続けさせてくれるのか?」と聞き直す。そして私は「銀行の残高がいくらかは関係ない、目的を達成するまで続けるつもりだ」と答える。








画像クレジット:Nuthawut Somsuk / Getty Images


I’m a Black man in America — that’s hard. Black founders, and uniquely Black founders in tech, are facing insurmountable odds.

As the recipients of less than 1% of venture capital raise, institutionalized systems are visibly at play. Within almost 10 years of my entrepreneurial journey, I have encountered just as many setbacks and failures as I have successes.

However, I have pressed forward despite the disparities that often plague the Black entrepreneurial community. From imbalances in fundraising to minimal capital and access, Black brilliance and its cloak of resilience continues to rise.

Now, as a CEO who has ambitiously raised nearly $13 million for my current venture, against the odds, I posit that it is not the Black founders who are missing out the most — it is the investors who are at a loss, not comprehending that they have underestimated the power of these founders’ Black brilliance.

Black founders need to own their resiliency and leverage the power that has resulted from their unique experiences.

When you think about the intersection of venture capital and technology, and specifically how it works — it is being led from an engineering perspective. Developers and coders historically go to specific schools and colleges, entering a funnel that guides them to success.

Historically, many Black students (more so Black male students), are influenced by sports as a vehicle to higher education and not necessarily the institutions recognized for technological prowess.

Their parents and community encourage athleticism because that is the only thing they know — as an institutionalized mindset reinforced over time. Unless they are guided into the accepted foundations for technology, or get into a Cal Berkeley, Stanford or Harvard, where many of the technology companies are built, they are immediately funneled outside of the “circle,” which sets the first of many ongoing obstacles for a Black tech founder.

I offer, however, that these “obstacles” are not in fact barriers but the crucial catalyst for these founders’ superpowers.

Admittedly, there were no entrepreneurs in my family. I did not have access to information about the best colleges. Despite having great grades and graduating with honors, I was completely unaware of how valuable an Ivy League education could be.

As a star basketball player, with my skills and grades, I could have played and graduated from somewhere like Yale, Brown, Columbia or even a school like Southern Methodist University where I was offered a full scholarship. But because of the lack of knowledge that I could actually do so and benefit from being inside the Ivy League “circle,” I didn’t.

I was in college from 2000 to 2004. A lot of great companies were started at elite schools during that period. It is this institutional blocking of information from myself and many other Black students that molded our overall perspective and created our glass ceilings.

Breaking through that glass ceiling, overcoming these odds to press forward relentlessly, with unyielding focus, and to hold conversations with the types of investors I have had to sit in front of, with the type of company that I have built, takes a different level of brilliance that only the Black experience can provide. For 2021 and beyond, Black founders need to not only recognize, but unlock that power as they look to fundraise and catapult their tech companies to success. It would be smart, and incredibly beneficial for investors, venture capitalists and the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem to take heed.

For Black founders, a paradigm shift is evident, but it can only manifest if implemented in these five ways.

Black founders: Forget what you think works in fundraising

Black founders and specifically Black tech founders are fed a monotonous script of how to raise money “the right way,” in light of disparaging statistics highlighting a lack of funding — so much that there is a robotic approach to the process. They try to become this cookie-cutter entrepreneur that is designed to raise money from investors, with their playbook and by their rules.

Black founders capitulate and conform to what society has dictated as appropriate fundraising, often glorifying the investor with the fate of their startup in their hands, without realizing that they hold the negotiating power. Their playbook hasn’t won us any games. As of today, own your power.

Become an irresistible force: Leverage your expertise

Set the playbook aside and lean more into your expertise and uniqueness.

Years ago, Mark Cuban delivered a keynote address at Dallas Startup Week that chronicled his road to success. One of his main points was to “Know your business, and know your business cold.” It was so simple, yet so impactful.

Early on in my career, I learned about venture capital from my experiences working for a startup. While I did not know the area in depth, I referenced what little knowledge I had as I raised for my own company years later. Although I was limited in my dealings with venture capitalists, I was confident in my background and expertise (at that time as a payroll technology sales professional) to truly stake my claim and seat at the table.

So while they may have sold a company for $7 billion or have $35 billion AUM (assets under management), I knew that they were not as well-versed in payroll or payroll technology than I was. It was this tenacious mindset that made me look at investors, rather than up to them, thereby positioning us on equal footing.

Connect in the common goal of brilliance

As a Black founder in tech, I have encountered many injustices — from networking to fundraising to the game of business as a whole. Even among those sitting at the table, there is a plethora of worldviews, political preferences, religious propensities and more that create a melting pot of divisiveness. However, recognizing that the common thread between all of the players in the game is the desire to be part of the brilliant business opportunity at hand is what will ultimately prevail.

It served me well not to overindex whether the venture capitalists liked me or on our differences. Locking in on the ambition of my entrepreneurial spirit and focusing on my brilliance — my Black brilliance — made them want to invest in me. Simplistically, investors want to give their money to founders who will make them money — passionately and ambitiously. Be you and find the investor that appreciates you.

Get in front of as many investors as you can

Black founders are not getting in front of enough investors. Systemically, the venture capital landscape has marginalized this community and has failed to expand their network for inclusiveness. Currently, ethnic minorities are severely underrepresented in the venture capital industry. Eighty percent of investment partners are white, with only a staggering 3% being Black or African-American.

Regardless, Black entrepreneurs must press forward and still show up. The sheer number of people that entrepreneurs must face during the fundraising process is astronomical, so one must not be swayed by the disillusionment of opportunity.

Realistically speaking, it takes a long time to raise money. Period. I have talked to thousands of potential investors to raise nearly $13 million for my current company. If you are a Black founder, it is going to take you longer to fundraise and you are going to have to get in front of more people. So I ask, “Do you have enough oxygen in the tank to withstand the obstacles, for a long enough period of time, to attract the venture capital that you need?” The wealth gap says no.

When I first started Gig Wage, the number one question I received from investors is, “How much runway do you have?” I would answer, “Until I get to where I need to get.” They would then rephrase, “How much money do you have in the bank? How long is your wife going to let you do this?” I would reply, “It does not matter how much money I have in the bank because I’m going to keep going until this happens.”

Discriminatively, there was this unspoken expectation that I lacked the financial wherewithal and stamina to withstand the fundraising process, and at times it was extremely discouraging — because to be honest, when I looked in the bank account, I realistically had about nine to 12 months of runway.

The reason Black people raise less than 1% of venture capital is because the racism weaved into the fabric of American society bleeds over into the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Despite it all, I took thousands of meetings. I was willing to endure with an ambitious conviction that I was going to win. Again, this is Black brilliance.

Own your resiliency, own your power 

As a Black man, I have personally endured challenges to build resiliency — mirroring similar realities of other Black men in America. Whether it was dealing with the police or witnessing men in my family struggle with drugs, violence, poverty or the like — I often think, “Why would I be intimidated by an investor meeting or a term sheet?” The construct of America has dealt me much worse.

Black founders need to own their resiliency and leverage the power that has resulted from their unique experiences. The victory mentality that ensues thereafter is the type of mindset that venture capitalists should want to invest in, and if they do not, they are undoubtedly missing out.

The unyielding focus of “The world is stacked against me but I’m not going to quit. I’m going to pivot. I’m going to be resourceful. I’m going to figure it out — even if I’m scared,” is a person you need to invest in. It is not necessarily that they have a groundbreaking business idea, but culturally, Black people have a passion and a perspective that is unmatched, with limitless possibilities that venture capitalists are overlooking.

So for 2021 and well beyond, Black founders, and those especially in tech, need to shift their respective paradigms, own their place within the entrepreneurial space, take back their power and continue to operate at the utmost in Black brilliance. It is the investors, not the founders, that are missing out. Be bold. Be courageous. Be audacious.

As for me, the best thing that I can do right now is to continue to drive the conversation, illuminate the disparities and be as successful for Black entrepreneurs, Black professionals and the world at large as possible. I am owning my power and I’m committed to epitomizing and evangelizing Black brilliance.

(文:Craig Lewis、翻訳:Dragonfly)

アメリカ合衆国 - Wikipedia

アメリカ合衆国(アメリカがっしゅうこく、英語: United States of America )、通称アメリカ(英語: America )は、北アメリカ、太平洋および大西洋に位置する連邦 共和制国家。 首都はコロンビア特別区(通称・ワシントンD.C.)。. 50の州および連邦区などから構成される 。

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Amazon.co.jp: 海外発送

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今や"若手大国"なのになぜ? アメリカは東京五輪出場ならず、3大会連続予選敗退. 2021年03月29日(Mon)18時44分配信

台湾訪問中のアメリカ大使 緊密関係をアピール|テレ朝news-テレビ朝日のニュースサイト

 太平洋の島国・パラオの大統領に同行して台湾を訪れているアメリカの大使は台湾の外交部長らと報道陣の前で緊密な関係をアピールしました。  パラオに駐在するアメリカのヘネシーナイランド大使はパラオのウィップス大統領に同行し、台湾を初めて訪問しています。  大使は30日、報道陣の前で台湾のパラオへの医療支援などを紹介し、「台湾・アメリカ・パラオは『真の友人』で将来、他の分野でも協力したい」と緊密な関係をアピールしました。  中国を牽制(けんせい)する狙いがあるとみられ、大使の台湾訪問について中国外務省は強く反発しています。  また、台湾、パラオは新型コロナウイルスの感染対策に成功していることから、来月1日から双方の団体観光旅行が解禁されます。

アメリカ(ニュージャージー州)の出産・育児・教育情報 - 駐妻café


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日本のモールにはない光景【アメリカ】 | ガジェット通信 GetNews

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Juju、アメリカUS F4選手権への参戦を見送り「多岐にわたる問題」 / F1関連 【 F1-Gate.com

Jujuこと野田樹潤が、2021年に予定していたアメリカUS F4選手権開幕戦より参戦を見送ることが発表された。Noda レーシング コンサルタンツは「諸事情による多岐にわたる問題により、これ以上続けることは、問題解決へ向けても改善されず、慢性的にドライバーへの負担は増える一方であると判断しました」と説明した。

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Amazon.co.jp: キャプテンアメリカ - フィギュア・コレクタードール: ホビー

こちらからもご購入いただけます¥5,000(3点の新品). キャプテンアメリカ 盾 金属製 マーベル レジェンド キャプテンアメリカ シールド・盾、47cm. 5つ星のうち3.04. ¥4,999¥4,999. 配送料無料. マーベル スーパーヒーロー アドベンチャー フィギュア 6個パック キャプテンアメリカ スパイダーマン マイルズモラレス アイアンマン ブラックパンサー ハルク [並行輸入品 ...





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H.i.s. 海外レンタカー予約 アメリカ、カナダ|アメリカ|シアトル(ワシントン州)||


Uber's proposed revamp of provincial labour laws would ...

This column is an opinion by Paris Marx, a socialist writer and host of the Tech Won't Save Us podcast. For more information about CBC's Opinion section,

A better deal for Uber drivers in UK, but Australia's 'gig ...

Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) - By Tom Barratt, Lecturer, School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University Uber's announcement earlier this month it will now treat its drivers in the United Kingdom as "workers" rather than "independent contractors" is a significant development for the so-called gig economy.. It follows Uber losing a five-year legal battle to avoid doing ...

Prosecutor's Side Gig at DoorDash Raises Sticky Employment ...

Click on the selected day to download The Legal Intelligencer in PDF Format

Additional Relief for the Hospitality Industry Has Arrived ...

The $15 federal minimum wage provision of the ARP was dropped from the bill just before its passing, despite a Reuters/Ipsos poll reporting 59% of respondents supported the proposed $15 minimum ...

Uber: A Look Back at The Supreme Court Ruling and its ...

In the landmark case of Uber v Aslam , the Supreme Court unanimously held that Uber drivers are "workers" for the purpose of employment law. The case has been hailed as a historic victory for Uber drivers, who will now be entitled to rights such as paid holiday and the national minimum wage.

Uber's proposed revamp of provincial labour laws would ...

This column is an opinion by Paris Marx, a socialist writer and host of the Tech Won't Save Us podcast. For more information about CBC's Opinion section, please see the FAQ. Ride-hailing giant Uber recently announced its Flexible Work+ plan, which it calls "a modern approach to app-based work in Canada." The company is asking provincial governments to amend labour […]

Deliveroo Founder Will Shu's $618 Million Stake Hit by ...

The business's success during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns and upcoming initial public offering have led to a backlash over gig-economy exploitation and workers' pay, including the threat ...

Today's News & Commentary — March 30, 2021 | OnLabor

The Center for American Progress has published a new report advocating for the elimination of tipped minimum and other subminimum wages in favor of setting a single minimum wage. The report finds that workers and businesses in states that have eliminated tipped minimums are doing as well or better than states that have maintained tipped minimums.

Covid-19 Relief Law Could Mean Higher ACA Costs for Some ...

New Starts Decrease ASA Staffing Index Monthly Report, March 2021 Staffing employment for the week of March 8-14 was relatively unchanged (+0.05%) from the prior week, according to the ASA Staffing Index, yet there were 11.2% more staffing jobs compared with the same week in 2020.

Deliveroo IPO puts London's tech credentials to the test ...

London's High Court said last month that a group of Uber drivers were workers and thus entitled to the minimum wage in a ruling that could have ramifications across the gig economy.

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 - Wikipedia

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package or American Rescue Plan, is a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 117th United States Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021, to speed up the United States' recovery from the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing recession.

History In The Making — thinkjet strategies

There's been more to talk about in Massachusetts during the past week than we've seen in a very long time: Mayor Kim Janey is making history, there's a multi-million dollar shot in the arm for the Commonwealth's climate and job goals, a potential game-changer for the gig economy emerging on the hori

Deliveroo is dropping target price as more major investors ...

Deliveroo is dropping the target price of its highly anticipated initial public offering (IPO) as more major UK investors count themselves out.

Not as simple as ABC - Workers' Compensation Watch

Dernier, the Nebraska Supreme Court held that a newspaper distributor for the Omaha World-Herald was not earning wages for the purposes of unemployment benefits. (Nebraska later broadened the definition of wages for unemployment, but kept the Dernier exemption for newspapers). Narrow definition of interstate commerce for Fair Labor Standards Act

Deliveroo IPO puts London's tech credentials to the test

LONDON (Reuters) -When food delivery firm Deliveroo joins the London stock market on Wednesday, it will be Britain's biggest listing in a decade, even though some of the country's leading investors - worth over $1 trillion between them - will be conspicuous by their absence. British Finance Minister Rishi Sunak has hailed the company's decision to go public in London as a "true British tech success story," and said he hopes it will set the stage for more listings by fast-growing technology companies. But strong demand for the IPO - it was fully subscribed within hours of the order book being opened - has been overshadowed by complaints over its share structure, questions about potential legal problems for its gig-economy business model and the threat of strike action from some of its workers.

Deliveroo IPO puts London's tech credentials to the test ...

When food delivery firm Deliveroo joins the London stock market on Wednesday, it will be Britain's biggest listing in a decade, even though some of the country's leading investors - worth over $1 trillion between them - will be conspicuous by their absence.

Europe music industry awaits results of 'COVID-19-free ...

Ahead of the gig, all fans had to pass a same-day COVID-19 test before entering the venue. But once inside, social distancing was not mandatory but masks did have to be worn at all times. The only exception being if you were eating or having a drink in one of the special designated areas.

Deliveroo IPO puts London's tech credentials to the test ...

Employees, by contrast, are entitled to the minimum wage, sick pay and holiday pay. London's High Court said last month that a group of Uber drivers were workers and thus entitled to the minimum wage in a ruling that could have ramifications across the gig economy.

Deliveroo's listing is less appetising than hoped ...

Fund managers smell something whiffy about a food-delivery IPO

Volunteering - Wikipedia

Volunteering is a voluntary act of an individual or group freely giving time and labour for community service. Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education, or emergency rescue.Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster

Chamber of Progress wants to protect Big Tech from Dems ...

Adam Kovacevich's new tech association, Chamber of Progress, will try to rein in Democrats' most radical tech policy proposals. As conversations about Section 230, antitrust and gig work heat up in Congress, the former policy director at Google, wants Democrats to know the tech industry isn't so bad.

Do sleep-in shifts qualify for National Minimum Wage?

The Supreme Court recently ruled in the case of Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson Blake (“the Mencap case”) that “sleep-in” shifts do not count as work for the purposes of the National Minimum Wage Regulations 2015. This case spells the end of a long running dispute about pay rates...

Northwest wire briefs | Northwest | lmtribune.com

Montana Legislature passes bill to require trapper education course

Write a cause and effect essay on Post-traumatic stress ...

Write a Policy brief on Low wages and gig economy in Nottingham. Analyse the text to show your understanding of genre analysis and ability to apply it to authentic examples of discourse. Format and Features


On March 17, 2021, the IRS announced that the federal income tax filing due date for individuals for the 2020 tax year will be automatically extended from April 15, 2021 to May 17, 2021. Individual taxpayers can also postpone federal income tax payments for the 2020 tax year due on April 15, 2021, to May…

Meet the middle-aged millennial: Homeowner, debt-burdened ...

As millennials begin to turn 40 in 2021, CNBC Make It is launching Middle-Aged Millennials, a series exploring how the oldest members of this generation have grown into adulthood amidst the backdrop of the Great Recession and the Covid-19 pandemic, student loans, stagnant wages and rising costs of living.. Travis Jang-Busby is a married lawyer with two kids and a three-bedroom house near San ...

Analyse the text to show your understanding of genre ...

Write a Policy brief on Low wages and gig economy in Nottingham. Analyse the text to show your understanding of genre analysis and ability to apply it to authentic examples of discourse. Format and Features.

コラム | 本紙 | トラベルニュースat


新着コラム|集英社のスポーツ総合雑誌 スポルティーバ 公式サイト web Sportiva

集英社のスポーツ総合雑誌、スポルティーバ公式サイト「web Sportiva」。本誌記事の他、野球、サッカー、モータースポーツなど国内外のスポーツ最新情報を掲載。

コラム | クリエイターズステーション


コラム | ラグビーリパブリック

【コラム】どこまで聞いても一部分 【ラグリパWest】100年に一人の男。 森田尚希 [近鉄ライナーズCTB/WTB]... クボタとパナソニックが5連勝、ドコモは再び上昇気流へ。サニックスは今季初勝利... 流経大柏を追い詰め、秋田工に大勝。


コラム,心理テスト,運命の人 あなたと相性抜群な運命の人が分かる心理テスト『心惹かれる景色はどれ? あなたと相性ピッタリな運命の人はどんな人でしょうか?

COLUMN(コラム)一覧|ライフオンプロダクツ株式会社|Life on Products, Inc.


コラム | ドクターヘリ・空撮・Uas・インフラ関連なら朝日航洋株式会社

あさひコラムでは、朝日航洋で働く社員の「中の声」をお届けします。 航空事業の運航や整備、安全活動、空間情報事業の技術、知識などに触れていきます。 ぜひご覧ください。

篠原元のミニコラム・聖書をもっと!深く!!(11)天国には誰がいる? : 論説・コラム : クリスチャントゥデイ

今週もミニコラムをお読みいただきありがとうございます。さて、併せてご紹介させていただきます。現在、長編小説【追う者】を novel days さん ...



【コラム】鬼滅の刃はなぜ売れたのか | Jagat

コロナにあえぐ社会の中で、「日本経済の柱」という呼ばれ方も目にするようになってきた。. ちなみにこれは、作中で主人公の所属する組織において最高位の剣士が〇柱と呼ばれていることに由来する表現だが、あながち冗談とも言えないほど、このブームはコロナ禍での数少ない明るい話題となっている。. では、なぜこれほど売れているのだろうか。. 『鬼滅の刃 ...

3/30~4/4「マネーフォワード クラウド請求書×kintone コネクター(β)」リリースキャンペーン|コラム ...


コラムのタイトル12 | 神奈川県西部地域若者サポートステーション【県西サポステ】

コラムの内容が入ります。コラムの内容が入ります。コラムの内容が入ります。コラムの内容が入ります。コラムの内容が […]

【コラム】リーグ5試合を終えた長崎の抱える課題(前編) ~故障者の多さ・外国籍選手のコンディション・露呈した継続性の ...


小田嶋隆の「ア・ピース・オブ・警句」 ~世間に転がる意味不明:日経ビジネス電子版

「ピース・オブ・ケイク(a piece of cake)」は、英語のイディオムで、「ケーキの一片」、転じて「たやすいこと」「取るに足らない出来事」「チョロい仕事」ぐらいを意味している(らしい)。当欄は、世間に転がっている言葉を拾い上げて、かぶりつく試みだ。ケーキを食べるみたいに無思慮に、だ。で、咀嚼嚥下消化排泄のうえ栄養になれば上出来、食中毒で倒れるのも、まあ人生の勉強、と、基本的には前のめりの姿勢で臨む所存です。よろしくお願いします。

【コラム】コロナからdxへ:2020年度のitを振り返る(5分で分かる橋川ミチノリの業務改善コラム第52回 ...




記者コラム=少ない小児科医 / 伊豆新聞デジタル

[ 記者コラム ] 記者コラム=少ない小児科医 (15時間前) [ 潮の響 ] 潮の響=小学校の閉校 (15時間前) [ 社会 ] 参道の階段きれいに 例大祭前に清掃奉仕—熱海・伊豆山神社厄年奉賛会 (15時間前)

コラム - 神戸の結婚相談所マリッジマネジメントセンター

<あなたの婚活サポーター> 長年のキャリア相談の経験を活かし、キャリアコンサルタントが結婚のサポート。 プロの視線で、会員の結婚生活やその後の人生設計を見つめながら、地元神戸で15年。70%超(結婚会員/退会会員)の成婚率を10年間継続中。 東証一部上場 IBJが運営する日本結婚相談所連盟をはじめ、加盟協会は6社。  5万人を越える圧倒的な婚活人数の中であなたの婚活をサポートします。 自宅検索あり、事務所からの個々に紹介もあり。一人婚ではありませんので安心下さい。

コラム | Aga・抜け毛・女性薄毛治療の病院 ウィルagaクリニック


[コラム] Candlepin bowling | Ms.Boston

[コラム] マルイチ アーリントン店 2021年1月17日にオープンした、 MA州マルイチ2号店目となる「マルイチ アーリントン店」 オープンから約一週間後の2021年1月23日に、 夫と息子と共に行ってきました。

コラム : 挑み続ける男 大友啓史10年の歩み - 映画.com

コラム : 挑み続ける男 大友啓史10年の歩み NEW 第1回: 弁護士志望の青年・大友啓史がNHKで「龍馬伝」を撮るまで 2021年3月30日更新

2021年03月29日号 | 今週の特集・コラム | 環境ビジネスオンライン

10kw未満の地上設置型太陽光、fit認定審査を厳格化 分割審査を実施へ: 7928: 21年度fit買取価格を決定 再エネ賦課金、家庭平均モデルで年1万円超に

第658号コラム:「教育目的と著作権-35条の誤解と保守的考え方-」 | コラム | デジタル・フォレンジック研究会

第658号コラム:須川 賢洋 理事(新潟大学大学院 現代社会文化研究科・法学部 助教) 今回は教育目的の著作物の利用について少し書いてみたい。これは著作権法の35条に規定してあることなのであるが、実は企業の人だけでなく大学のような機関に所属している人でもこの条文に書いてあることを勘違いしている人が非常に多い。「新入社員の教育用だから使ってもOKだよね…?」「研究目的だから皆にコピーして配っても大丈夫だよね…?」という会話は産学問わず、かなり多くの職場でなされているのではないだろうか。実はこれ、どちらも間違っている。つまりは違法なのである。著作権法35条の標題は「学校その他の教育機関における複製等」であり、早い話が文部科学省が教育機関と認める所で、さらには

コラム「北斗七星」 | ニュース | 公明党


コラム「離婚時の財産分与で不動産を分与する場合の留意点」を追加しました。 | 川崎フォース法律事務所

コラム「離婚時の財産分与で不動産を分与する場合の留意点」を追加しました。 川崎フォース法律事務所 川崎駅西口 徒歩3分/ミューザ川崎 徒歩1分

「有償電子書籍納本制度、審議会から答申」「トーハンとメディアドゥが資本提携」など、週刊出版ニュースまとめ&コラム ...

 2021年3月21日~27日は「有償電子書籍納本制度、審議会から答申」「トーハンとメディアドゥが資本提携」などが話題に。広い意味での出版に関連する最新ニュースから編集長 鷹野が気になるものをピックアップし、独自の視点でコメントしてあります。 政治 著作権法改正は民業を圧迫するか?(ほんのひとこと)〈一般社団法人日本出版者協議会(2021年3月20日)〉 https://www.shuppankyo.or.jp/post/honnohitokoto20210320  日本出版者協議会の理事で、皓星社代表取締役社長の晴山生菜さんによるコラム。今回の図書館関連の権利制限規定改正案について「全面的に

アーティスト・コラム|京都文化芸術オフィシャルサイト Kyoto Art Box

ビデオ・コラム. コロナ禍を機に自宅で過ごすことが多くなった子どもに向けて京都芸術センターが制作した「おうちでアート」や、京都を中心に活動するアーティストからのメッセージを動画で紹介します。

[B! アーキテクチャ] コラム - グーグルのクラウドを支えるテクノロジー | 第101回 Googleの分散 ...

コラム - グーグルのクラウドを支えるテクノロジー | 第101回 Googleの分散ビルドシステムのアーキテクチャー(パート1)|CTC教育サービス 研修/トレーニング 10 users www.school.ctc-g.co.jp.

富山で桜満開 観測史上最も早く - コラム - 緑のgoo

富山地方気象台は28日、富山市で桜(ソメイヨシノ)が満開になったと発表した。1953年の観測開始以降で最も早く、平年より13日、昨年より6日早かった。 富山市の富山城址公園や松川べりは強風や雨に見舞わ…

【地球コラム】兵役に「ためらいはなかった」 イスラエル軍の21歳日本人女性軍曹:時事ドットコム

 5月14日、イスラエルの占領地ゴラン高原にある軍の歩兵部隊ギバティ旅団の宿営地で、兵役で同旅団に所属するイスラエル市民権を持つ日本人女性、清水真優軍曹(21)が時事通信の取材に応じた。本人への取材は、軍関係者の同席の下、英語で行われた。(時事通信社エルサレム特派員 吉岡良)



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