

関連ワード (Astrohaus、デトロイト等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


「これは少々面倒な話なのですが」とAdam Leeb(アダム・リーブ)氏が笑いながら切り出した。ミシガン州デトロイトのAstrohaus(アストロハウス)に2度の場面で起きたその話は、確かに込み入っていた。ハードウェアスタートアップの共同ファウンダーでCEOの彼は、サンフランシスコやニューヨークなどの大都市以外に拠点を構える幹部と話す時によく見られるような地元応援団タイプではない。

デトロイト郊外からやってきたリーブ氏は、2014年秋にPatrick Paul(パトリック・ポール)氏とともにここ自動車の都、デトロイトで会社を立ち上げた。Astrohausの最初の(かつ最も知られている)製品は、ユーザーに「気をそらされずに書く体験」を提供するべく誕生した。








再びそこで、人生に邪魔が入る。ポール氏が会社を去り、リーブ氏が結婚したKacee Must(ケイシー・マスト)氏は、デトロイトに住み、地元のヨガ教室チェーンであるCitizen Yogaのオーナーだった。2018年、リーブ氏はAstrohausを再び誕生した地へと戻した。3年後の現在、チームはまだ比較的小さく、デトロイトの正社員5人と分散して働く契約社員たちのチームからなっている。




画像クレジット:Darrell Etherington

リーブ氏は、Andrew Yang(アンドリュー・ヤン)氏の設立したNGOであるVenture for Americaが地元採用に役立つことに気づいた。Astrohausの設立から数年が過ぎ、デトロイトの印象はラストベルト(寂れた工業地帯)ブームの抑圧された副産物から企業を立ち上げるのに有効な場所へと、劇的な変化を遂げた。

「この10年、この年は大きく変わりました」とリーブ氏はいう。「(Quicken Loansの共同ファウンダー)Dan Gilbert(ダン・ギルバート)氏が、ほとんど1人で街を立ち直らせました。彼を大嫌いな人はたくさんいますが、現実はといえば、この街のビリオネアは彼1人ではありませんが、デトロイトに巨額を投資したのはギルバート氏だけです。彼は郊外にあった自社オフィスをすべて中心街に集め、同じことをするようすべての企業を説得しました」。



画像クレジット:Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch


“It’s a little bit of a messy story,” Adam Leeb says with a laugh. The story that landed Astrohaus in Detroit on two separate occasions is a bit tangled, certainly. The hardware startup’s co-founder and CEO isn’t the sort of hometown cheerleader you often encounter when speaking with executives who’ve opted to keep their organizations outside cities like San Francisco or New York.

Hailing from Detroit’s outer suburbs, Leeb co-founded the company in the Motor City in fall 2014 with Patrick Paul. Astrohaus’s first — and best known — product was born as an attempt to offer users a “distraction-free writing experience.”

“I’m not even a writer,” Leeb says of the product’s inception. “What interests me about the product — what got me going — is yes, it’s about writing, but common among all of the things I’m interested in, is it’s more about process and productivity. That’s something I’m super passionate about. And making things easier that get out of your way and are really fun to use.”

Leeb, an MIT mechanical engineering graduate, and Paul, a Michigan State graduate and software developer, met through the Detroit startup community and got to work prototyping a word processing device that delivered the benefits of modern tech, without the sort of inherent distractions of computers and tablets that today’s writers know all too well.

The young company introduced itself to the world by way of Kickstarter, launching a campaign in 2014.

“The Hemingwrite combines the best features of all previous writing tools with the addition of modern technology,” the company wrote. “It is dedicated like a typewriter, has a better keyboard and battery life than your computer and is distraction free like a word processor. Finally, we sync your documents to the cloud in real-time so you never have to worry about saving, syncing or backing up your work.”

The product was greeted with excitement and some gentle-ribbing (and some not-so-gentle, including one review that called it “pretentious hipster nonsense”) over a $500 reinvention of the typewriter. The crowdfunding community went wild, with nearly $350,000 raised. In June of 2015, the product was renamed.

“We are updating our brand with a more demonstrative name that also no longer ties us to the persona of a certain famous writer,” the company wrote in a June 2015 Kickstarter update. Two months later, Astrohaus relocated to New York City.

“I was really itching to leave. I didn’t know how we were going to make it in Detroit,” Leeb says. “There’s not really a hardware scene and my connections were mostly in New York. I pushed Patrick — we had raised some money and gotten going, so I was like, ‘let’s move to New York.’ There’s definitely more of a hardware scene and we were definitely a part of it.”

Once again, life intervened. Paul left the company and Leeb married Kacee Must, a Detroit resident — and owner of local yoga chain, Citizen Yoga. In 2018, he found himself building Astrohaus up again in the city where it started life. Three years later, the team is still a fairly lean one, with five full-time employees in Detroit and a more distributed team of contractors.

Leeb’s feelings about launching a hardware startup in Detroit are clearly mixed. He bemoans the difficultly in recruiting and finding funding locally, while acknowledging a sense of local cheerleading one really finds in larger cities. “With these smaller ecosystems, you really get to know people everywhere,” he says. “Everyone is so accessible. As far as anywhere I’ve ever been, Detroit companies really cheer for each other. There’s so much Detroit pride.”

For all of the talk of returning manufacturing to Detroit, Leeb says he’s had little luck in his pursuit to get the Freewrite and subsequent products created in the U.S.

“There’s a whole other world of advanced manufacturing startups that definitely get a lot of benefits from being in a manufacturing hub,” he says. “I think for software companies and for us it’s not so beneficial. We make our goods in China, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. I have good relationships with our factories and I spend a lot of time in China. That’s what they’re geared toward. They make consumer electronics.”

Image Credits: Darrell Etherington

Leeb says he’s found the Andrew Yang-founded Venture for America nonprofit a useful source of hiring locally. In the years following Astrohaus’ launch, impressions of the city have changed radically from a depressed byproduct of Rust Belt boom and bust to a viable place to launch a business.

“The last 10 years, there’s a massive difference in the city,” Leeb says. “[Quicken Loans co-founder] Dan Gilbert almost single-handedly brought the city back. There are a lot of people who hate him, but the reality is that, while he wasn’t the only billionaire in town, he’s the only one who heavily invested in Detroit. He consolidated all of his suburban offices and put them in downtown and he convinced all of these companies to do the same.”

The COVID-19 pandemic will no doubt continue to have repercussions, as remote work becomes the norm for many or most tech outlets. Though hardware startups will always have a compelling reason to keep things in close quarters, as companies develop and test products. For his part, Leeb says Astrohaus’ next device aims to address concerns about remote collaboration.

“I’m very aggressively starting to work on a new hardware product that is a collaboration and communication tool,” he says. “It was a problem before, and now it’s such a widespread problem that I feel we’re lacking in certain communication. There’s a lot to be done there. I don’t feel as connected as we could be, even with the technology we have.”

(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

Hardware is still hard in the Motor City - TechCrunch

“It’s a little bit of a messy story,” Adam Leeb says with a laugh. The story that landed Astrohaus in Detroit on two separate occasions is a bit tangled, certainly. The hardware startup’s co-founder and CEO isn’t the sort of hometown cheerleader you often encounter when speaking with executives who’ve opted to keep their organizations […]

Hardware is still hard in the Motor City - TechCrunch ...

"It's a little bit of a messy story," Adam Leeb says with a laugh. The story that landed Astrohaus in Detroit on two separate occasions is a bit tangled, certainly. The hardwre startup's cofounder and CEO isn't the sort of hometown cheerleader you often encounter when speaking with executives who've opted to keep their organizations […]

Hardware is still hard in the Motor City | Usa science news

The story that landed Astrohaus in Detroit on two separate occasions is a bit tangled, certainly. The hardwre startup's cofounder and CEO isn't the sort of hometown cheerleader you often encounter when speaking with executives who've opted to keep their organizations outside cities like San Francisco or New York.

Hardware is still hard in the Motor City - Josh Loe

The story that landed Astrohaus in Detroit on two separate occasions is a bit tangled, certainly. The hardwre startup's cofounder and CEO isn't the sort of hometown cheerleader you often encounter when speaking with executives who've opted to keep their organizations outside cities like San Francisco or New York.

Hardware is still hard in the Motor City - TechCrunch ...

“It’s slightly little bit of a messy story,” Adam Leeb says with amusing. The story that landed Astrohaus in Detroit on two separate events is a bit tangled,

Hardware is still hard in the Motor City - Thing Hunt

“It’s a little bit of a messy story,” Adam Leeb says with a laugh. The story that landed Astrohaus in Detroit on two separate occasions is a bit tangled,

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Microsoft makes a big healthcare tech acquisition, Twitter is building a presence in Africa and Apple may be cooking up some new smart home products. This is your Daily Crunch for April 12, 2021. The big story: Microsoft acquires Nuance for $19.7B Microsoft announced this morning that it’s acquiring speech-to-text company Nuance Communications for $19.7 […]

Daily Crunch: Microsoft acquires Nuance for $19.7B

Hardware is still hard in the Motor City — Astrohaus co-founder Adam Leeb describes the ups and downs of launching a hardware startup in Detroit.

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Microsoft makes a big healthcare tech acquisition, Twitter is building a presence in Africa and Apple may be cooking up some new smart home products. This is your Daily Crunch for April 12, 2021. The big story: Microsoft acquires Nuance for $19.7B Microsoft announced this morning that it's acquiring speech-to-text company Nuance Communications for $19.7 […]

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Microsoft makes a big healthcare tech acquisition, Twitter is building a presence in Africa and Apple may be cooking up some new smart home products. This is yo

自動車の都デトロイトは今もハードウェアスタートアップにとってハードモード | TechCrunch Japan



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Daily Crunch: Microsoft acquires Nuance for $19.7B - The ...

Microsoft makes a big healthcare tech acquisition, Twitter is building a presence in Africa and Apple may be cooking up some new smart home products. This is your Daily Crunch for April 12, 2021. The big story: Microsoft acquires Nuance for $19.7B Microsoft announced this morning that it's acquiring speech-to-text company Nuance Communications for $19.7... Continue Reading →

自動車の都デトロイトは今もハードウェアスタートアップにとってハードモード | TechCrunch Japan|ナウ ...

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自動車の都デトロイトは今もハードウェアスタートアップにとってハードモード | TechCrunch Japan


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2021-04-15 20:38

ほらほら、来ましたよ。 万引犯を管理する顔識別技術の誤認識により逮捕された男性がデトロイト警察を訴えた。彼は仕事場から家に帰る途中で逮捕され30時間も拘留された。

2021-04-15 17:10

おはようございます! デトロイトのヴォーカルグループ ファンタスティックフォー 70年代デトロイトソウル ウエストバウンドレーベル ??????

2021-04-15 15:18

ほらほら、来ましたよ。 万引犯を管理する顔識別技術の誤認識により逮捕された男性がデトロイト警察を訴えた。彼は仕事場から家に帰る途中で逮捕され30時間も拘留された。

2021-04-15 12:05


2021-04-15 11:30


2021-04-15 03:19

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2021-04-15 02:57

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