

関連ワード (AWS、LogicGate、データ漏洩等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



LogicGateが2021年4月初めに顧客宛に送ったメールによると、2月23日、同社の主要プラットフォームであるRisk Cloudの顧客のバックアップファイルを保存しているAmazon Web Serviceのクラウド・ストレージ・サーバーの認証情報を、権限のない第三者が入手した。Risk Cloudは企業が自社のリスクとコンプライアンスを確認・管理するためにデータ保護とセキュリティ標準を提供するプラットフォームだ。Risk Cloudはセキュリティの脆弱性を悪意のあるハッカーに利用される前に検知するためにも役立つとLogicGateは述べている。

認証情報は「権限のない第三者が、Logic Gate Risk Cloudバックアップ環境のAWS S3バケットに保存されている特定のファイル群を解読するために使われたと見られる」とメールに書かれている。

「2021年2月23日以前にRisk Cloud環境にアップロードされたデータのみが、当該バックアップファイルに含まれています。また、お客様がRisk Cloudに保存したアタッチメントについては、それに関連する解読事象は特定されていません」。


しかしLogicGateはデータ侵害について公的発表は一切していない。また、同社が顧客全員に連絡をとったのか、データをアクセスされた顧客だけなのかもはっきりしない。LogicGateはCapco、Sofi、およびBlue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas Cityが顧客であるという。

TechCrunchは同社に質問を送り、影響を受けた顧客の数や、同社が州の情報漏洩通知法に従って米国当局に通知したかどうかを尋ねた。LogicGate CEOのMatt Kunkel(マット・クンケル)氏は情報漏洩については認めたが、進行中の調査についてコメントを拒んだ。「状況を当社顧客に直接伝えるのが最適だと信じています」と同氏は語った。





もしあなたがLogicgateの顧客だったら、SignalまたはWhatsAppで、+1 646-755-8849まで情報提供して欲しい。本誌のSecureDropを使ってファイルや文書を送ることもできる。詳しくはこちら。

画像クレジット:Jan Willem Kunnen / Getty Images


Risk and compliance startup LogicGate has confirmed a data breach. But unless you’re a customer, you probably didn’t hear about it.

An email sent by LogicGate to customers earlier this month said on February 23 an unauthorized third party obtained credentials to its Amazon Web Services-hosted cloud storage servers storing customer backup files for its flagship platform Risk Cloud, which helps companies to identify and manage their risk and compliance with data protection and security standards. LogicGate says its Risk Cloud can also help find security vulnerabilities before they are exploited by malicious hackers.

The credentials “appear to have been used by an unauthorized third party to decrypt particular files stored in AWS S3 buckets in the LogicGate Risk Cloud backup environment,” the email read.

“Only data uploaded to your Risk Cloud environment on or prior to February 23, 2021, would have been included in that backup file. Further, to the extent you have stored attachments in the Risk Cloud, we did not identify decrypt events associated with such attachments,” it added.

LogicGate did not say how the AWS credentials were compromised. An email update sent by LogicGate last Friday said the company anticipates finding the root cause of the incident by this week.

But LogicGate has not made any public statement about the breach. It’s also not clear if the company contacted all of its customers or only those whose data was accessed. LogicGate counts Capco, SoFi and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City as customers.

We sent a list of questions, including how many customers were affected and if the company has alerted U.S. state authorities as required by state data breach notification laws. When reached, LogicGate chief executive Matt Kunkel confirmed the breach but declined to comment citing an ongoing investigation. “We believe it’s best to communicate developments directly to our customers,” he said.

Kunkel would not say, when asked, if the attacker also exfiltrated the decrypted customer data from its servers.

Data breach notification laws vary by state, but companies that fail to report security incidents can face heavy fines. Under Europe’s GDPR rules, companies can face fines of up to 4% of their annual turnover for violations.

In December, LogicGate secured $8.75 million in fresh funding, totaling more than $40 million since it launched in 2015.

Are you a LogicGate customer? Send tips securely over Signal and WhatsApp to +1 646-755-8849. You can also send files or documents using our SecureDrop. Learn more. 

(文:Zack Whittaker、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

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Logic gate - Wikipedia

A logic gate is an idealized model of computation or physical electronic device implementing a Boolean function...

LogicGate - Software Company - Chicago... | Facebook - 127 Photos

LogicGate, Chicago, Illinois. 396 likes · 41 talking about this. LogicGate transforms disorganized risk and compliance programs with the first Agile GRC...

LogicGate - YouTube

Headquartered in Chicago, LogicGate, is a leading process automation and workflow management platform enabling organizations to automate and centralize risk ...

LogicGate (@LogicGate) | Твиттер

Последние твиты от LogicGate (@LogicGate). We believe flexible, easy-to-use enterprise technology can change the trajectory of organizations and the lives of their employees.

Logic gate | Wikitronics | Fandom

A logic gate performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output. The logic normally performed is Boolean logic and is most commonly found in digital circuits. Logic gates are primarily implemented electronically using diodes or transsitors, but can also...

Digital Logic Gates Tutorial - Logic Gates Truth Table

Digital Logic Gate Truth Table Summary. The following logic gates truth table compares the logical functions of the 2-input logic gates detailed above.

Logic Gates | Microsoft MakeCode

Logic gates are symbols that can directly replace an expression in Boolean arithmetic. Each one has a different shape to show its particular function.

Digital Logic. Seven basic logic gates and how they work.

Digital Logic. Seven basic logic gates and how they work. Logic gate animation.

Logic Gates - Tutorialspoint

Logic Gates - Logic gates are the basic building blocks of any digital system. It is an electronic circuit having one or more than one input and only one output. The relation

Introduction to Logic Gates - YouTube

This is a beginner's introduction to logic gates. It starts with an historical mention of the development of two state devices including valves and transist...

Digital Electronics-Logic Gates Basics, Tutorial, Circuit...

This article explains the basic logic gates-NOT Gate,AND Gate,OR Gate,NAND Gate,NOR Gate,EXOR Gate and EXNOR gate with truth tables and circuit symbols.

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LogicGate is a cloud-based governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) solution. It is suitable for businesses of all sizes in financial services, pharmaceuticals, life sciences, health care...

Basic Logic Gates

Electronic gates require a power supply. Gate INPUTS are driven by voltages having two nominal values, e.g. 0V and 5V representing logic 0 and logic 1 respectively.

Logic Gate: Types including Circuit Diagram, Symbols and...

Logic Circuit Diagram of NOR Gate. When both the inputs applied are of 0 volts both the transistors Q1 and Q2 are OFF. Hence there is no voltage drop developed across the...

LogicGate Reviews and Pricing - 2021

With the help of Capterra, learn about LogicGate, its features, pricing information, popular Still not sure about LogicGate? Check out alternatives and read real reviews from real users.

Introduction to logic gates - projectiot123 Technology...

Digital Logic Gates. Digital systems have been gaining attention for the last few decades due to their benefits over analog circuits. Digital Circuits are less prone to noise and...

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The LogicGate Risk Cloud enables organizations to transform their disorganized risk and compliance processes by simply drawing a flowchart of their mission critical activities.

Logic Gates | Computer Architecture Tutorial | Studytonight

Gates are blocks of hardware that produce graphic symbol and its operation can be described by means of an algebraic expression.

LogicGate - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki

LogicGate is a technology company that provides cloud-based governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) solutions for organizations. The start-up company has its headquarters in Chicago, Illinois.

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Logic Gates | Codecademy

Logic gates have certain rules that determine what the outputs are with respect to the inputs a and b. When we are analyzing a logic gate, we can visualize all of the possible...

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This articles include Logic Gates-(NOT, OR, AND, NOR, NAND, X-OR, X-NOR GATE), PDF. A logic gate is a circuit with one or more input voltage

How Logic Gates Work in Digital Electronics | EAGLE | Blog

Learn how logic gates work in our integrated circuits including AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, and NOR gates.

Logic Gates | Electronics Club

Learn about logic gates: symbols, truth tables, NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EX-OR, combinations, substituting

Logic Gates | Overview | Logic Circuit | TI.com

Learn more about logic gate circuits from Texas Instruments. We offer AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR and combination gates for a wide range of functions.

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