よく聞くマルチ商法的なサービスを批判するWest Tenthはアプリで女性の在宅ビジネスえの起業を支援する
今回は「よく聞くマルチ商法的なサービスを批判するWest Tenthはアプリで女性の在宅ビジネスえの起業を支援する」についてご紹介します。
関連ワード (West Tenth、リモートワーク、女性、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
シードファンドから150万ドル(約1億6400万円)の資金提供を受けたWest Tenth(ウェストテンス)という新しいデジタルマーケットプレイスは、女性が在宅ビジネスを始め、拡大させていくためのプラットフォームの提供を目的としている。女性は、モバイルアプリを使って、自分のビジネスを地域の人々に宣伝し、アプリに統合されたメッセージングプラットフォームにより問い合わせやリクエストに対応し、アプリの決済機能で取引を完了させることができる。
このスタートアップは、Lyn Johnson(リン・ジョンソン)氏とSara Sparhawk(サラ・スパーホーク)氏により共同で設立された。両氏は、金融機関で働いていたときに出会い、ジョンソン氏は金融業界に残ったが、スパーホーク氏は後にAmazon(アマゾン)に転職した。
画像クレジット:West Tenth
West Tenthは、こういった起業を奨励することを目的としている。さらに広く言えば、女性たちが家庭で培った多くの才能が、実際にはビジネスになる可能性があることを理解してもらうことも目的としている。
現在、これら起業家の多くはFacebook(フェイスブック)でホームビジネスを展開しているが、地元のグループに積極的に参加したり「いいね!」のリクエストに応えたりしなければ、顧客を獲得する機会を逃すことになる。対してWest Tenthでは、地元のビジネスを1つの場所に集中させることで、発見を容易にしている。
画像クレジット:West Tenth
このアプリでは、顧客は画面上部のボタンを使ってカテゴリー別に地元の店舗を閲覧し、買い物をすることができる。検索結果は提供される商品やサービスの写真、説明、開始価格とともに距離順に表示される。また、アプリのメッセージング機能により、見積もりや詳細情報を直接問い合わせることも可能だ。そして、顧客は、アプリに統合されたStripe(ストライプ)の決済機能を介して購入を完了することができる。West Tenthは、これらの売上に対して9.5%の手数料を取る。
West Tenthのもう1つの重要な側面は、教育部門のThe Foundry(ザ・ファウンドリ)だ。
画像クレジット:West Tenth
当然のことながら、West TenthのプラットフォームではMLMは許されていない。
画像クレジット:West Tenth
2020年夏にカンザスシティでのTechStars(テックスターズ)のプログラムを終えたこのスタートアップは、今回、プラットフォームを軌道に乗せるためにシードファンドから150万ドル(約1億6400万円)の資金を調達した。今回のラウンドには、主導したBetter Ventures(ベター・ベンチャーズ)に加え、Stand Together Ventures Lab(スタンド・トゥギャザー・ベンチャーズ・ラボ)、Kapital Partners(キャピタル・パートナーズ)、The Community Fund(ザ・コミュニティ・ファンド)、Backstage Capital(バックステージ・キャピタル)、Wedbush Ventures(ウェドブッシュ・ベンチャーズ)、およびGaingels(ゲインジェルズ)が参加している。
West Tenthは、この資金を製品開発とユーザー基盤の拡大に充て、より地域ビジネスに重点を置いた製品機能の拡充を目指している。これには、友人が購入したものを見ることができるといったショッピング支援機能や、動画によるデモンストレーションなどが含まれる。
2019年以降、West Tenthは、アプリに掲載されたわずか20のショップから、現在では主にロサンゼルス郊外とソルトレイクシティにある600以上のショップへとその対象地域を広げている。現在は、フェニックス、ボイシ、北カリフォルニアで展開中だ。
画像クレジット:West Tenth
West Tenthの事業拡大は、女性の従来型の雇用形態を悪化させ続けている新型コロナウイルス感染症危機に遅れて行われた。
West Tenthのアプリは、iOSとAndroidの両方で利用できる。
画像クレジット:West Tenth
A new digital marketplace called West Tenth, now backed by $1.5 million in seed funding, wants to give women a platform to start and grow their home-based businesses. Through its mobile app, women can promote their business to others in the local community, then field inquiries and requests through the app’s integrated messaging platform, as well as finalize transactions through in-app payments.
The startup was co-founded by Lyn Johnson and Sara Sparhawk, who met when they both worked in finance. Johnson remained in finance, but Sparhawk later moved on to work at Amazon.
Johnson explains that her experience led her to better understand the economic inequality of women in the U.S., where they only own 32 cents to every dollar in financial assets than men own. A large driver of this is that women leave the workforce, often to raise children, which results in years where they don’t have earnings.
“We’re really good as a society at supporting women on the way of out of the workforce to care for their kids, but really terrible at supporting them on the way back in,” Johnson says. “Women know this, and as an alternative to employment that just seems to fail them, they’re starting businesses in droves.”
Image Credits: West Tenth
With West Tenth, the goal is to encourage this sort of entrepreneurship — and more broadly, to help women understand that the many of the talents they’ve developed at home are, in fact, potential businesses.
This includes opportunities like home-based bakers and cooks, photographers, home organizers or designers, home florists, baby sleep consultants, party planning and event services, crafting classes, fitness training, homemade goods, and more.
The company notes that the app isn’t necessarily closed to men, but the current market for U.S. home businesses favors women as they’re more often the partner who chooses to leave work to raise children. However, there are some men on its platform.
Though today many of these entrepreneurs market their home businesses on Facebook, they’re missing opportunities to reach customers if they’re not heavily involved in local groups and responding to requests for recommendations. West Tenth instead centralizes local businesses in one place to make discovery easier.
Image Credits: West Tenth
In the app, customers can browse and shop local businesses, filtering by category via buttons at the top of the screen. The results are sorted by distance and offer photos, description, and the starting price for the goods or services offered. Through integrated messaging, users can reach out directly for a quote or more information. Customers can also complete their purchases through the app’s Stripe payments integration. West Tenth takes a 9.5% commission on these sales.
Another key aspect to West Tenth is its education component, The Foundry.
Through a $100 per quarter subscription membership (or $350 per year), business owners will be able to attend bi-monthly events, including classes focused on the fundamentals of setting up home-based businesses, marketing, customer acquisition, and other topics. These classes will also be available à la carte at around $30 apiece, for those who want to pay per session.
In addition, attendees will hear from guest speakers who have experience in the home-based business market, and they’ll be able join mastermind networking groups to exchange ideas with their peers.
Image Credits: West Tenth
This system of combining education and networking with business ownership could potentially help more women become home-based business entrepreneurs instead of joining multi-level marketing (MLM) companies, as is common.
“When we started this, we recognized that MLMs are one of the few kind of industries that’s focused on this demographic of women who’ve left the workforce — which is a huge, untapped talent pool in the U.S.,” notes Johnson. “But they’re really predatory. Only the top 1% of sellers distributors really make money and the rest lose money. And they lose their social capital, as well. What we’re really interested in doing is becoming an alternative to MLMs in many respects,” she adds.
Not surprisingly, MLMs aren’t allowed on the West Tenth platform.
Image Credits: West Tenth
The startup, which completed Kansas City TechStars last summer, has now raised $1.5 million in seed funding to get its platform off the ground. The round was led by Better Ventures along with Stand Together Ventures Lab, Kapital Partners,The Community Fund, Backstage Capital, Wedbush Ventures, and Gaingels.
The funds will be used to develop the product and grow its user base. In time, West Tenth aims to build out product features to better highlight local businesses. This includes shopping elements that will let you see what friends are buying and video demonstrations, among other things.
Since 2019, West Tenth has grown its footprint from just 20 businesses on the app to now over 600, largely in suburban L.A. and Salt Lake City. It’s now aiming to target growth in Phoenix, Boise, and Northern California.
Image Credits: West Tenth
The timing for West Tenth’s expansion is coming on the tail end of the COVID-19 crisis, where things have only gotten worse for women’s traditional employment.
School and daycare closures combined with job losses that greatly impacted women’s roles have now driven more women out of the workforce compared with men. And according to McKinsey, women accounted for nearly 56% of workforce exits since the start of the pandemic, despite making up just 48% of the workforce. This COVID-driven “shecession,” as some have dubbed it, is also disproportionately impacting women of color, studies have found.
“We’ve seen 5 million women exit the workforce — some because they were laid off or furloughed, and a huge chunk because they’re opting out because the caregiving responsibilities just became overwhelming,” says Johnson.
“The thing is when women leave the workforce for caregiving reasons — for some reason we really discount that and we make it even harder for them to return to work. So I think over the next 18 to 24 months, we’ll see a big surge in economic activity in the home with women trying to bring in additional sources of income by running a business from the home,” she says.
The West Tenth app is available on both iOS and Android.
Early Stage is the premiere ‘how-to’ event for startup entrepreneurs and investors. You’ll hear first-hand how some of the most successful founders and VCs build their businesses, raise money and manage their portfolios. We’ll cover every aspect of company-building: Fundraising, recruiting, sales, legal, PR, marketing and brand building. Each session also has audience participation built-in – there’s ample time included in each for audience questions and discussion.
(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Dragonfly)
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