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スタートアップとマーケットの週刊ニュースレター「The TechCrunch Exchange」へようこそ。準備OK?ここではお金の話、スタートアップの話、IPOの噂話などをお伝えする。
TechCrunch は、公開市場には力を注いではいない。注目しているのはスタートアップだ。しかし、公開テック企業たちは、時に、より広い範囲のテクノロジー市場がどのように機能しているかに関する、興味深い洞察を提供することができる。だから私たちは、すでにIPOにたどり着いた「元」スタートアップたちにも、MVA(最小実行可能注意)と呼べる程度の注意を向けている。
そこで、ビッグテックたちの登場だ。米国では、その名前はよく知られている。Facebook(フェイスブック)、Alphabet(アルファベット)、Microsoft(マイクロソフト)、Apple(アップル)、Amazon(アマゾン)だ。そして、2021年第1四半期の市場にスタートアップたちの成長が熱かったことを示す一連の結果の中で、ビッグテックたちも 同様に驚異的な結果を残した。彼らの結果に関する私たちの報告はここやここで読むことができるが、それはストーリーのほんの一部に過ぎない。
ご存知の通り、ビッグテックの業績は良好だった ── まあここしばらくはずっとそうだったのだが ── しかし、いつものような決算の数字が氾濫する中で、ビッグテックの最近の業績がいかに評価額に衝撃的な貢献しているのかということが忘れられていた。
2017の7月を振り返ってみよう、私はそのとき、彼らの総計額が3兆ドルに達したことを書いている。それが2018年半ばには4兆ドルになって 、そして、その後3年かそこらで、それは再び倍以上になったのだ。
Yahoo FinanceのMyles Udland(マイルス・ウランド)記者は、そのパズルの一部について先週記事を書いている。ウランド記者の記事より:
さて、フィンテックの資金調達に関するThe Exchangeの最近の記事や、先々週のインシュアテックスタートアップラウンドに関するまとめ記事に加えて、より大きなフィンテック業界の一部として眺めることができる、インシュアテックのスタートアップニッチに関していくつかのメモをお届けしよう。
今回私たちは、Accel(アクセル)のJohn Locke(ジョン・ロック)氏から、最近さらに増資を行ったThe Zebra(ゼブラ)への投資と、インシュアテック業界についての話を聞いた。
長く奇妙な1週間だった。さて最後にThe Exchange執筆チームの2人目のメンバーであるAnna Heim(アンナ・ハイム)記者のフォローをお願いしておきたい。オーケー!ではまた来週!
画像クレジット:Nigel Sussman
Welcome back to The TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It’s broadly based on the daily column that appears on Extra Crunch, but free, and made for your weekend reading. If you want it in your inbox every Saturday morning, sign up here. Ready? Let’s talk money, startups and spicy IPO rumors.
TechCrunch isn’t a public-market-focused publication. We care about startups. But public tech companies can, at times, provide interesting insights into how the broader technology market is performing. So we pay what we might call minimum-viable attention to former startups that made it all the way to an IPO.
Then there are the Big Tech companies. In the United States the list is well-known: Facebook, Alphabet, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon. And, in a series of results that could indicate a hot market for startup growth, they had a smashingly good first quarter of 2021. You can read our notes on their results here and here, but that’s just part of the story.
Yes, the Big Tech financial results were good — as they have been for some time — but lost amid the usual earnings deluge of numbers is how shockingly accretive Big Tech’s recent performances have proven for their valuations.
Microsoft fell as low as the $135 per-share range last March. Today it’s worth $252 and change. Alphabet traded down to around $1,070 per share. Today the search giant is worth $2,410 per share.
The result of the huge share-price appreciation is that Apple is now worth $2.21 trillion, Microsoft $1.88 trillion, Amazon $1.76 trillion, Alphabet $1.60 trillion and Facebook $0.93 trillion. That’s around $8.4 trillion for the five companies.
Back in July of 2017, I wrote a piece noting that their aggregate value had reached the $3 trillion mark. That became $4 trillion in mid-2018. And then in the next three years or so it more than doubled again.
Myles Udland, a reporter at our sister publication Yahoo Finance, has at least part of the puzzle in a piece he wrote this week. Here’s Udland:
And while it seems that almost every earnings story has sort of followed this same arc, data also confirms that this is not just our imagination: corporate earnings have never been this far out of line with expectations.
Data out of the team at Refinitiv published Thursday showed the rate at which companies were beating estimates and the magnitude by which they were beating expectations through Thursday morning’s results were the best on record.
So earnings are beating the street’s guesses more frequently, and at a higher differential, than ever? That makes recent stock-market appreciation less worrisome, I suppose. And it helps explain why startups have been able to raise so much capital lately in the United States, as they have in Europe, and why private-market investors are pouring so much capital into fintech startups. And it’s probably why Zomato is going public and why we’re still waiting for the Robinhood debut.
This is what a market feels like when the underlying businesses are firing on all cylinders, it appears. Just don’t forget that no business cycle is unending, and no boom is forever.
An insurtech interlude
Extending The Exchange’s recent reporting regarding fintech funding, and our roundup from last week of insurtech startup rounds, a few more notes on the latter startup niche, which can be broadly viewed as part of the larger financial technology world.
This time we’ll hear from Accel’s John Locke regarding his investments in The Zebra — which recently raised even more capital — and the insurtech space more broadly.
Asked why insurtech marketplaces like The Zebra have been able to raise so very much money in the last year, Locke said that it’s a mix of “insurance carriers […] finally embracing marketplaces and willing to design integrated consumer experiences with marketplaces,” along with more consumer “comparison shopping” and, finally, growth and revenue quality.
The Zebra, Locke said, is “still growing north of 100% at ~$120M+ revenue run-rate.” That means it can go public whenever it wants.
But on that matter, there has been some weakness in the stock market for some public insurtech companies. Is Locke worried about that? He’s neutral-to-positive, saying that his firm does not “think all the companies in the market will work but still thinks ‘insurtechs’ will take market share from incumbents over the next decade.” Fair enough.
And Accel is still considering more deals in the space, as are others. Locke said that the venture market for insurtech investments is “definitely more aggressive” this year than last.
Various and sundry
Closing today, a few notes on things that we didn’t get to that matter:
A long, weird week. Make sure to follow the second denizen of The Exchange’s writing team: Anna Heim. Okay! Chat next week!
(文:Alex Wilhelm、翻訳:sako)
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