アップルがApp Storeの検索タブに新たな広告枠を導入
今回は「アップルがApp Storeの検索タブに新たな広告枠を導入」についてご紹介します。
関連ワード (App Store、App Tracking Transparency、Apple、iOS、iOS 14、広告等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Apple(アップル)は、競合他社の広告ビジネスを取り締まると同時に、開発者がApp Store(アップストア)に広告を出すための新しい方法を導入する。これまで開発者は、ユーザーがApp Storeで検索した時に、特定のキーワードを使ってアプリを宣伝することができた。例えば、ユーザーが「タクシー」と入力すると、検索結果の一番上にUber(ウーバー)の広告が表示されるといった具合だ。しかし、新たに導入された広告枠では、ユーザーが検索を行う前に広告を表示させることが可能になる。これによって、より多くのユーザーにアプリを知ってもらうことができる。
この新たな、より目につく広告枠は、アップル製デバイスの所有者から毎月数百万ものアクセスがあるApp Storeの「検索」タブに表示される。検索ボックスの下には、App Storeの最新トレンドを紹介する「見つける」という欄と、おすすめのアプリやゲームを紹介する「あなたにおすすめ」という欄の2つのセクションがあるが、広告は後者のおすすめアプリの最上部に表示される。
アップルが「Search tabキャンペーン」と呼ぶこの新しい広告掲載は、同社のSearch Ads Advancedサービスの一環としてのみ利用できる。広告は開発者(広告主)がApp Store製品ページにアップロードしているアセットを使用し、アプリ名、アイコン、サブタイトルを表示する。そのため、他のApp Store広告のようにキーワードを登録する必要はなく、Creative Setsは利用できない。
従来のSearch resultsキャンペーンと同様に、Search tabキャンペーンには最低支出額は設定されていない。開発者は予算に応じて、いつでもキャンペーンを開始、停止、調整することができる。広告の価格は、CPM(Cost Per Thousand Impressions、インプレッション単価)モデルに基づいて決まり、支払い可能な最大額を設定する。実際のコストはセカンドプライスオークションで決定される。つまり、入札した額に最も近い次点の入札額に基づいて支払い金額が計算される。インプレッションは広告の50%以上が1秒間表示されるたびにカウントされることに留意するよう、アップルは特記している。
アップルの広告事業拡大に向けた決定は、iPhone用OSの最新バージョンとなるiOS 14.5が配信開始となるタイミングに合わせて計画されたものだ。同社はiOS 14.5で導入された「App Tracking Transparency(ATT、アプリのトラッキングの透明性)」という機能を通じて、ユーザーのデータを無断で追跡するアプリの排除に努めている。iOS 14.5にアップデートすると、各アプリを起動する際に新たなポップアップボックスが表示され、これまでユーザーの同意なしにユーザー情報を収集していたアプリは、これらの情報を収集したりデータブローカーやその他の第三者と共有するための許可をユーザーに求めなければならない。ユーザーはいつでも、iOSの「設定」から、アプリごとにトラッキングをオンまたはオフにすることができる。
Flurry Analytics(フラーリー・アナリティクス)の初期のデータによると、iOS 14.5のリリース後、追跡されることを「許可」する方を選んでいるユーザーは約11%に過ぎない。新規ユーザーの獲得を目指すアプリパブリッシャーにとって、この新しい広告枠は、ATT導入前と比べても魅力的に見えるかもしれない。
アップルが新しい広告枠の導入を計画しているということは、2021年4月にFinancial Times(フィナンシャル・タイムズ)によって報じられた。同紙はこの変更が最終的に、アップルに金銭のみならず、支配力ももたらす可能性を指摘している。これまで、App Storeで目立ったアプリには、新規ユーザーが殺到し、開発会社の評価を高めることがあった。ユーザーがアプリを見つけ、次にヒットするアプリが選ばれるという、双方の観点における影響力を、アップルはサードパーティから自社と自社のApp Storeに取り戻したいと考えているのかもしれない。
At the same time as it’s cracking down on the advertising businesses run by rivals, Apple is introducing a new way for developers to advertise on the App Store. Previously, developers could promote their apps after users initiated a search on the App Store by targeting specific keywords. For example, if you typed in “taxi,” you might then see an ad by Uber in the top slot above the search results. The new ad slot, however, will reach users before they search. This can expose the app to a wider audience.
This new and more prominent ad placement is found on the App Store’s Search tab, which sees millions of visits from Apple device owners every month. Today, the Search tab offers two sections below the search box itself: a “Discover” section that highlights current App Store trends, and a “Suggested” section with recommended apps and games to try. The ad will appear in the latter section at the top of the list of Suggested apps.
These new ad placements, which Apple calls “Search tab campaigns,” are being made available as part of Apple’s Search Ads Advanced service, and can take advantage of the assets that developers have already uploaded to their App Store product page — like the app’s name, icon and subtitle. Because developers are buying a direct placement on the App Store, they don’t need to submit keywords as they would for other App Store ads, nor any other creative assets.
Image Credits: Apple
Like the existing Search results campaigns, there’s no minimum spend required for a Search tab campaign. Developers can spend as little or as much as they want, then start, stop or adjust the campaign at any time, says Apple. Ad pricing is based on a cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) model. The actual cost is the result of a second price auction, which calculates what the developer will pay based on what the next closest bidder is willing to pay. Impressions are counted when at least 50% of the ad is visible for one second, Apple notes.
Apple’s decision to expand its advertising business appears to be a calculated move timed with the launch of iOS 14.5, the latest version of the iPhone’s operating system. Through a feature called App Tracking Transparency (ATT), rolling out in iOS 14.5, Apple is cracking down on apps that track users’ data without permission. After updating, users will see a new pop-up box appear in each app, where the developer will ask permission to collect and share the user’s information with data brokers and other third parties, if they previously collected this information without users’ consent. Users can also go into their iOS Settings to turn on or off app tracking for individual apps at any time.
The change is shaking up the $350+ billion digital ad industry, led by Facebook and Google. Facebook has argued the impacts of the change will hurt small businesses, which have historically relied on highly targeted, personalized ads that allow them to reach potential customers without spending a lot of money. Advertisers, meanwhile, have suggested that Apple’s changes will benefit its own bottom line at the expense of their own.
But Apple’s response, to date, has simply been that the changes were necessary to protect consumer privacy. People should have a right to know “when their data is being collected and shared across other apps and websites,” the company said, “and they should have the choice to allow that or not.”
According to early data by Flurry Analytics, only around 11% of users are opting in to being tracked after the iOS 14.5 launch. For app publishers looking to acquire new users, that could make this new ad slot look more appealing than it would have, had it launched before ATT rolled out.
Apple’s plans to launch the new ad slot were reported by Financial Times in April, which noted that, ultimately, the changes may be more about money — they could also be about control. In years past, getting featured on the App Store could boost a company’s valuation as new users flooded in. Apple may want to shift that power away from third-parties and back to itself and its own App Store both in terms of app discovery and anointing the next hit apps.
(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)
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App Tracking Transparency | Apple Developer Documentation
The AppTrackingTransparency framework presents an app-tracking authorization request to the user and provides the tracking authorization status.
swift - How to add the AppTrackingTransparency... - Stack Overflow
But this is where I'm hoping to get some help. I think that I still need to add code somewhere to request user permission with AppTrackingTransparency. Based on the guide I think the following code is required to show the App Tracking Transparency dialog box.
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#Apple #AppTracking #PrivacyApp Tracking Transparency is a new feature of iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS 14.5 that requires applications to ask permission if they wan...
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A Flutter plugin to show ios 14+ tracking authorization dialog. - deniza/app_tracking_transparency
App Tracking Transparency on MacRumors
App Tracking Transparency articles on MacRumors.com
App Tracking Transparency in Unity (IDFA Popup) | Alan Yeats
Alan Yeats is experienced VR/AR and games developer. Co-Founding Pocked Sized Hands in 2017 where I work as the Technical Director leading our development team alongside working on business development and client outreach.
App Tracking Transparency (iOS 14+) - Didomi - Developers...
Starting with iOS 14 and the App Tracking Transparency framework, Apple requires that your app provides transparency on the data that it uses and on the third-parties that will track the user through your app. Tracking and the use of the IDFA are subject to permission being obtained from the user.
App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework- Adjust Help Center
- App Tracking Transparency (ATT). Attribution privacy models. A guide to the user opt-in. To gain user consent, the ATT framework presents an app-tracking authorization request to the user. A user can still control privacy at the app level or block all apps from tracking them at a global level.
iPhone app tracking transparency: how to use the new... | TechRadar
Stop apps from tracking you or selling your data – or even asking you for your data – using Apple's new privacy tools
Getting Ready for App Tracking Transparency - Swift Senpai
Learn how to get user's permission to track them or to access their device's IDFA by using the AppTrackingTransparency framework in iOS 14.5.
App Tracking Transparency - Yahoo Developer Network
App Tracking Transparency¶. Apple has changed its policies beginning with iOS 14. Please note that Flurry Analytics is unaffected by Apple's App Tracking Transparency framework changes and you can continue to use the service without any issues before and after iOS 14 is released.
App Tracking Transparency by Apple: Everything you need to know!
Here's all you need to know about Apple's App Tracking Transparency features. We've also got a fix for the "Allow Apps to Request to Track" grayed out issue.
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iOS 14.5 adds a new feature that gives you more control of how apps track your behavior.
"App Tracking Transparency" [ATT] — Explained | Medium
I have a question for you. What do you think is the most valuable thing on Earth? Is the water? Or maybe gold? What about Bitcoins? Or is it your personal data? Indeed, is your personal data. For…
Apple's App Tracking Transparency - What Does it Mean?
Apple has announced its long-awaited App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature will roll out in early spring, according to a company statement.
What is App Tracking Transparency and how do you block... | Patriotist
Application Tracking Openness (ATT for brief) is a brand-new attribute of iphone, iPadOS, as well as tvOS 14.5 that needs applications to ask consent if they intend to track your task throughout Application Tracking Openness setups can be altered on an app-by-app basis or around the world.
Apple's App Tracking Transparency feature has arrived... | TechCrunch
The latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system — iOS 14.5 — is launching today, and with it comes a much-discussed new privacy feature called App Tracking Transparency. The feature was first announced nearly a year ago, although the company delayed the launch to give developers more time to prepare. Since then, support for the […]
What is App Tracking Transparency (ATT)?
App tracking transparency (ATT) is a change to Apple’s privacy and data collection policy that requires mobile marketers to ask consent...
Learn Everything Fast - App Tracking Transparency... | Facebook
App Tracking Transparency Implementation in iOS 14 with Google Admob - Tutorial. Hello with IOS fourteen you will need to receive the users permission through the app tracking transparency framework to track them or excess their devices advertising identify in this video we will see how we...
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App Tracking Transparency will soon to be enabled on Apple iOS 14 products by default. We discuss the privacy changes and impacts this will have on advertising. See how we can help!
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What does Apple’s ATT framework mean for you, and how can you persuade users’ to agree to it? Read here to find out all you need to know.
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5 Things to Know About the iOS 14.6 Update is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.. Apple's confirmed a new iOS 14.6 update and the software is now in beta testing ahead of its public release later this year. iOS 14.6 is official and the milestone upgrade will likely bring a new batch of features, bug fixes, and enhancements to iPhone users.
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Salvage Car Auction - USA-AUTO-ONLINE is an online advertisement website with cars from USA. In our offer: A very large selection of cars from the US with over 170 auction houses.
Stat4Onc Annual Symposium (2021)
iOS Android. For Blackberry or Windows Phone, Click here. For feature details, visit Whova. Add to my calendar. Conference History. The idea of a unique conference that brings statisticians and oncologists together to discuss the challenges in oncology was initiated in 2015 during discussions between Yuan Ji (University of Chicago) and ...
Microsoft testifies on the struggle to bring xCloud to iOS
Once again, the Epic Games v. Apple court fight is revealing inside information about the gaming industry.
Microsoft Accidentally Got Shadow Banned from App Store ...
While fighting to keep xCloud on the App Store, Microsoft accidentally landed fellow streaming service Shadow in trouble with Apple.
Twitter rolls out bigger images and cropping control on ...
Twitter just made a change to the way it displays images that has visual artists on the social network celebrating. In March, Twitter rolled out a limited test of uncropped, larger images in users’ feeds. Now, it’s declared those tests a success and improved the image sharing experience for everybody. no bird too tall, no […]
WhatsApp Will Has Added An Additional Exciting Feature For ...
WhatsApp will has added an additional exciting feature for iOS users. WhatsApp will now let users see larger images and video previews in chats. The Facebook-owned messaging app had rolled out the feature only for iOS users, but now the feature is available to Android users as well.
Microsoft's fight to get xCloud on iOS led to a third ...
In its fight to try and get xCloud on iOS and iPadOS, it turns out Microsoft led to an entirely different company's app getting removed from the App Store.. As reported today by The Verge, emails revealed in the Epic Games vs. Apple between Apple and Microsoft show that the battle for cloud gaming on iOS led to one developer's app getting booted from the digital storefront.
Today's best iOS + Mac app deals: Syntronik, Assassin's ...
iOS Universal: Knots 3D: FREE (Reg. $6) More on Syntronik: Syntronik is a dream library recreating the sonic signature of the most sought-after classic analog synthesizers and string machines ever created, all deeply multi-sampled and chosen for their unique feel and magical tone, ready to play on your iPhone or iPad.
iPad - Wikipedia
The iPad can be jailbroken on iOS versions 4.3 through 4.3.3 with the web-based tool JailbreakMe 3.0 (released in July 2011), and on iOS versions including 5.0 and 5.0.1 using redsn0w Absinthe 2.0 was released on May 25, 2012 as the first jailbreak method for all iOS 5.1.1 devices except the 32 nm version of the iPad 2.
Twitter now shows full-sized photos on Android, iOS
Twitter has introduced a small change to how the feed will appear by introducing full-sized image previews on Android and iOS.
Effect of Apple's iOS Privacy Updates on Facebook Advertisers
If you want to get the most out of your Facebook platform's marketing and advertising efforts, read this article till the end.
Twitter Rolls Out Taller Image Crops For Android And iOS Today
Twitter today announced that it's rolling out image crops for its Android and iOS apps that allow for taller, bigger, better images in posts. Of course
Epic CEO asked Tim Cook to 'make iOS an open platform' in 2015
San Francisco: As the legal battle between Apple and Epic Games began in the US this week, new details have emerged, revealing that Epic Games CEO Tim
Twitter is rolling out full-size image previews on mobile ...
No more cropping, at least when it comes to single pictures.
'Fortnite' expected to return to iOS in October - on ...
GeForce Now did say it would be the first official platform to stream "Fortnite" to iOS after its removal from the App Store. The discovery was made during early testimony for the Epic versus Apple legal battle. It all kicked off when Epic purposefully violated Apple App Store guidelines and "Fortnite" was removed from iOS -- an action that ...
Facebook And Instagram Ask Users To Allow Cross-App ...
Facebook and Instagram have started to ask their users under iOS 14.5 for permission for cross-app tracking, so the apps stay free.
Crunchyroll Games opens pre-registration for co-op action ...
A 2017 Japanese mobile game makes its way westward.
WhatsApp May Start Offering Sticker Suggestions to Android ...
WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will suggest stickers based on the words you type, according to a report. The new feature is said to be currently under development and it could be made available to both Android and iOS users. Some references suggesting how the sticker suggestion feature could work have surfaced […]
Rocket League may arrive in full on Android at some point ...
Documents from the Epic Games vs Apple trial have revealed that the company has plans to bring a full version of Rocket League to Android, iOS
iOS 14 - Apple
iOS 14 brings a fresh look to the things you do most often, making them easier than ever. New features help you get what you need in the moment. And the apps you use all the time become even more...
iOS 14 - Wikipedia
iOS 14 is the fourteenth and current major release of the iOS mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. for their iPhone and iPod Touch lines.
iOS 14: Download, new features, and compatibility - 9to5Mac
During its WWDC 2020 keynote, Apple announced iOS 14 for iPhone and iPod touch. The update brings a variety of new features and changes.
iOS 14 - iOS 14.5: The Complete Guide for iPhone Users
Learn everything about iOS 14 - iOS 14.5.1, its new features, changes, and more for iPhone. Find out some amazing iOS 14 tips, features, how-tos, and guides.
iOS 14: Available Now. Everything You Need to Know
iOS 14 is Apple's latest operating system for iPhones. Provided to developers in June at WWDC Released September 16
iOS 14.x - IPSW.dev
Download developer beta versions of Apple's iOS, iPadOS and tvOS firmware.
Choose an IPSW for iOS 14.0 / IPSW Downloads
Download current and previous versions of Apple's iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, tvOS and audioOS firmware and receive notifications when new firmwares are released.
iOS 14
Bug14.4 (self.ios14). submitted 6 days ago by TrainClubCanada. BugAfter installing iOS 14.4.1 it sent all my apps to reinstall and relocate to the Home Screen.
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