

関連ワード (Miso Robotics、Path Robotics、Symbio Robotics等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



その意味で、Path Robotics(パス・ロボティクス)の5600万ドル(約61億円)のシリーズBは今週のビッグニュースだ。実際、オハイオ州コロンバス拠点の同社にとってこれはかなりの規模のラウンドだ。中西部でロボットが成功するのを見るのは本当にうれしいし、製造工程にぴったりはまったものは特にそうだ。

この会社は溶接ロボティクスに特化している。能力のある労働者が不足している数多い製造職の1つだ。同社は2024年までに最大40万人不足するというAmerican Welding Society(米国溶接学会)の数字を引用した。関心はパンデミックによっても高まり、これまで以上に多くの会社がプロセスの一部でも米国に取り戻そうと方法を探している。

関連記事:製造業の米国回帰に応える溶接ロボットのPath Roboticsが約61億円を調達


製造業といえば、この2021年2月に私はSymbio Roboticsという会社と話をした。当時のビッグニュースは、ベイアリアのスタートアップが日産とトヨタと提携したことだった。この度、そこへもう1つ業界のビッグネーム、Ford(フォード)が加わった。米国の自動車巨人はここ数年ロボティクス全般に数多くの投資を行っている。

「モビリティの状況が急速に変化を続ける中、いっそう速い製品ライフサイクルの需要が高まっています」とFordの先進制御およびデジタル工場マネージャーのHarry Kekedjian(ハリー・ケケジアン)氏がリリースで述べた。「Symbioの技術を使うことで、当社はサイクルタイムを15%改善し、従来の製造方法と比べて新製品への対応時間を50%以上削減しました」。


CookRightは世界初のAI応用クッキング・プラットフォームで、製品と作業を自動的に識別して追跡することができる(画像クレジット:Miso Robotics)

Miso Robotics(ミソ・ロボティクス)については最近あまりTechCrunchで扱ってこなかった。少なくとも同社がハロルド&クマー行きつけのハンバーグ店White Castle(ホワイト・キャッスル)との提携を2020年10月に発表して以来。おもしろいことに、ハンバーガーロボットFlippy(フリッピー)のメーカーの最新ニュースに、ロボティクスの話題はなかった。今週同社はソフトウェア・プラットフォームCookRight(クックライト)を発表した。タッチスクリーンタブレットとサーマルイメージングを組み合わせたシステムで、基本的に現在Flippyに送っているのと同じような料理手順を調理人に送信する。


画像クレジット:Path Robotics


I’m going to be honest with you: It was kind of a slow week for robotics news. Honestly, that’s the first time I can say that since I started doing this thing weekly (happy 10 weeks to us, by the way). Of course, this stuff always ebbs and flows to a certain extent — even during what’s been a particularly active stretch in robotics investments.

From that standpoint, the $56 million Series B for Path Robotics is the big news of the week. And, indeed, it’s a sizeable round for the Columbus, Ohio-based company. It’s certainly cool seeing a big win for robots in the Midwest — particularly ones that fit pretty nicely into the manufacturing mold.

The company specializes in welding robotics — one in a long list of manufacturing jobs with a shortage of available workers. The company cites the American Welding Society, which puts the shortage potentially as high as 400,000 by the year 2024. Interest is also being driven by the pandemic, as more companies are looking for ways to move some of the process back to U.S. shores.

Image Credits: Symbio

Speaking of manufacturing, I spoke to a company called Symbio Robotics, way back in February. The big news then was that the Bay Area-based startup with partnering with Nissan and Toyota. Now it adds yet another massive automotive name to the list with the addition of Ford. The U.S. car giant has been making a lot of investments in robotics across the board in recent years.

“As the mobility landscape continues to rapidly change there is an increasing demand for much faster product life cycles,” Ford’s Advanced Controls and Digital Factory Manager Harry Kekedjian said in a release. “Using the Symbio technology, we’ve observed a 15% improvement in cycle time and greater than 50% reduction in adapting to new products over the previous manufacturing method.”

CookRight, the world’s first AI-powered cooking platform able to automatically identify and track products and tasks. Image Credits: Miso Robotics

We haven’t written a ton about Miso Robotics lately — at least not since the company announced a partnership with Harold and Kumar’s old haunt back in October. Interestingly, the Flippy maker’s latest bit of news removes the robotics bit altogether. This week, the company announced the launch of its CookRight software platform, which combines a touchscreen tablet with thermal imaging — basically it sends similar food prep instructions as the ones it would deliver to Flippy.


(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

Hamburgers and hot rods - TechCrunch

I’m going to be honest with you: It was kind of a slow week for robotics news. Honestly, that’s the first time I can say that since I started doing this thing weekly (happy 10 weeks to us, by the way). Of course, this stuff always ebbs and flows to a certain extent — even […]

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Water jet cutter - Wikipedia

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Imagine a world that seems pretty normal. It’s mostly like ours, with smart phones and computers and people enjoying coffee in cutesy little cafes…and then a drone whizzes by. And after that, a robot dog trots past you, careful to avoid the driverless taxi as it crosses the street. That robot dog is still new…

DrudgeReportArchives.com © 2021

Matt Drudge is an Internet journalist and muckraker. Drudge's web site, Drudge Report (begun in 1994), consists primarily of links to stories about politics, entertainment, and various current events, and to many popular columnists, although Drudge occasionally authors a story of his own. Drudge started his website on a 486 computer from an apartment in Hollywood, California.


Fully vaccinated Americans can have small gatherings indoors with other vaccinated people but need to wear masks in public, the C.D.C. says.

Hamburgers and hot rods - TechCrunch

I’m going to be honest with you: It was kind of a slow week for robotics news. Honestly, that’s the first time I can say that since I started doing this thing weekly (happy 10 weeks to us, by the way). Of course, this stuff always ebbs and flows to a certain extent — even […]

Ford Automotive Assembly Robots Get an Upgrade « Limits to ...

Inside a large safety cage, robot arms wheel around grasping circular pieces of metal, each about the diameter of a dinner plate, from a conveyor and slot them together. Ford uses technology from a startup called Symbio Robotics that looks at the past few hundred attempts to determine which approaches and motions appeared to work best.

Hamburgers and hot rods

Speaking of manufacturing, I spoke to a company called Symbio Robotics, way back in February. The big news then was that the Bay Area-based startup with partnering with Nissan and Toyota. Now it adds yet another massive automotive name to the list with the addition of Ford.The U.S. car giant has been making a lot of investments in robotics across the board in recent years.

Hamburgers and hot rods - Maverick Studios

I’m going to be honest with you: It was kind of a slow week for robotics news. Honestly, that’s the first time I can say that since I started doing this thing weekly (happy 10 weeks to us, by the way). Of course, this stuff always ebbs and flows to a certain extent — even…

今週のロボティクスニュースは「ハンバーガー」と「自動車」 | TechCrunch Japan

正直に言おう。ロボティクスにとってニュースの少ない1週間だった。実際私がこの連載をスタートしてから初めてのことだ。もちろん、この分野は常に一定の満ち引きをくりかえしていて、ロボティクス投資が特にアクティブだった最中でさえそうだった。その意味で、Path Roboticsの5600万ドル(約61億円)のシリーズBは今..

Hamburgers and hot rods - TechCrunch - IATA News

Robotics roundup: A couple of bits of manufacturing news and some fast food for good measure Brian Heater @bheater / 7 hours I'm going to be honest with you: It was kind of a slow week for robotics news. Honestly, that's the first time I can say that since I started doing this thing weekly […]

Hamburgers and hot rods | Speak Conservative

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Global Food Shelf Life Testing Market to Witness Soaring ...

According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Food Shelf Life Testing Market is growing at a CAGR of 8.8% during the forecast period. Some of the key factors influencing the market growth include growth in demand for packaged and convenience foods, increasing microbial contamination in food products and increased demand in the foods and beverages industry.

Iron Man 2 - Wikipedia

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汉堡包和热棒 - diglog.com

谈到制造业,我与一家名为Symbio Robotics的公司谈过,回到二月的路上。那么大消息是,湾区的创业与日产和丰田合作。现在它在添加福特时为列表添加了另一个大规模的汽车名称。近年来,美国汽车巨头一直在董事会中的机器人学会很多投资。

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Miso机器人公司宣布CookRight软件成为独立的产品,以提高厨房的精确性_企业动态_资讯_AGV网(www ...

配备了新的扩展烹饪功能,支持Flippy的人工智能驱动平台现在可以在没有机器人的情况下使用。以智能自动化改造餐饮业的初创公司Miso Robotics宣布推出其独立的软件即服务(SaaS)产品CookRight。Co...

Own Shares in the Future of AI Food Service With Miso Robotics

(via Zero Hedge) The quick service restaurant (QSR) industry was born in disruption — out-competing old incumbents with innovations like drive-through windows, online ordering and at-home delivery. Now Miso Robotics is leading the next wave of transformation, with cloud-connected workstations where a proprietary AI-powered robot named Flippy grills burgers and works the fryer, every bit as seamlessly…

Hamburgers and hot rods - TechCrunch

I’m going to be honest with you: It was kind of a slow week for robotics news. Honestly, that’s the first time I can say that since I started doing this thing weekly (happy 10 weeks to us, by the way). Of course, this stuff always ebbs and flows to a certain extent — even […]

Restaurant Staff Shortages Pique Appetite For Automation ...

But the bottom line is there aren't enough people in the labor pool," said Buck Jordan, co-founder and president of Miso Robotics, a restaurant automation startup best known for its burger-flipping robot Flippy. Miso is one of several funded startups in the restaurant automation space developing labor-saving technologies. With offerings ...

Hamburgers and hot rods

Image Credits: Miso Robotics We haven't written a ton about Miso Robotics lately — at least not since the company announced a partnership with Harold and Kumar's old haunt back in October . Interestingly, the Flippy maker's latest bit of news removes the robotics bit altogether.

Hamburgers and hot rods - Maverick Studios

I’m going to be honest with you: It was kind of a slow week for robotics news. Honestly, that’s the first time I can say that since I started doing this thing weekly (happy 10 weeks to us, by the way). Of course, this stuff always ebbs and flows to a certain extent — even…

Hamburgers and hot rods - TechCrunch - IATA News

Robotics roundup: A couple of bits of manufacturing news and some fast food for good measure Brian Heater @bheater / 7 hours I'm going to be honest with you: It was kind of a slow week for robotics news. Honestly, that's the first time I can say that since I started doing this thing weekly […]

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Weekend funnies … | One Regular Guy Writing about Food ... ... Tony

Hamburgers and hot rods | Speak Conservative

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