不妊治療サポートのFuture Familyが9.8億円調達、コロナ禍で混み合うクリニックのネットワークを拡大

今回は「不妊治療サポートのFuture Familyが9.8億円調達、コロナ禍で混み合うクリニックのネットワークを拡大」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Future Family、妊娠、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Future Family(フューチャー・ファミリー)についてはここ数年の間に何度か書いてきた。不妊治療の利用を支援する会社だ。不妊治療クリッニックと事前に交渉して金額のサプライズがないようにするとともに、高額になりがちな前払い費用を月払いプランに置き換える。さらに専門の妊活コーチをつけて患者をガイドする。



以前私が書いたように、Future FamilyはファウンダーであるClaire Tomkins(クレア・トムキンス)氏自身の体験から着想を得ている。

Future Familyは、不妊治療の複雑さと費用にまつわるクレア・トムキンス自身の体験から生まれた。1人目の子どもを生むための治療に数十万ドル(費用の多くは治療が始まった後驚きとともに明かされた)を費やした後、トムキンス氏はもっと良い方法を作ろうと考えた。Future Familyはクリニックと提携して、すべての費用を事前に確定させて前払いすることで、後になって費用で驚かされことがないようにする。

クレア・トムキンス氏(画像クレジット:Future Family)






画像クレジット:Future Family


Future Family, a company we’ve written about a few times over the years, makes fertility treatments more accessible. They pre-negotiate terms with fertility clinics to ensure there are no surprise fees, convert the often substantial upfront costs into a monthly payment plan and give each user a dedicated Fertility Coach to help them navigate their journey.

This morning the company is announcing that it has raised a $9 million round of funding as it expands the network of clinics it works with.

The company last raised $10 million in a Series A back in 2018, and they’re positioning this round as an extension of that — a “Series A-1”, as they’re calling it — rather than a whole new round.

As I’ve written before, Future Family was inspired by founder Claire Tomkins’ own experiences:

Future Family was born out of Claire Tomkins’ own experiences with the complexities and costs of fertility treatments. After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on treatments involved with having her first child (with much of the cost coming as a surprise only revealed once the process had begun), Claire set out to build a better way. Future Family partners with clinics to work out all the pricing ahead of time and pays the bill upfront, ensuring there are no billing surprises down the road.

Image Credits: Claire Tomkins, Future FamilyClaire tells me that, as it did for just about everyone, 2020 brought a whole new set of challenges for the company. In the early days of the pandemic, as a million questions about COVID-19 emerged, many fertility clinics closed their doors. And even as the clinics began reopening, with little certainty about where things might be in nine months, many patients understandably held off.

“It was definitely a tough year,” she says, “but I think we’re emerging in a good place.”

2021 is already looking like a different story, Claire tells me. “People had to sit on the sidelines,” she says. “People who have wanted to go forward with treatment, and now have waited 12 or more months… it’s gotten very busy.” According to their numbers, Claire expects the second half of 2021 to hit “record levels of activity.”

To help with the sudden spike in demand, the company is adding more fertility clinics to its network, including CCRM — a fertility group with locations in Minneapolis, Houston, Denver, San Francisco and a number of other major metros.

(文:Greg Kumparak、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

Future Family raises $9M to make fertility treatments more ...

Future Family, a company we’ve written about a few times over the years, makes fertility treatments more accessible. They pre-negotiate terms with fertility clinics to ensure there are no surprise fees, convert the often substantial upfront costs into a monthly payment plan and give each user a dedicated Fertility Coach to help them navigate their […]

Future Family raises $9M to make fertility treatments more ...

Future Family was born out of Claire Tomkins' own experiences with the complexities and costs of fertility treatments. After spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on treatments involved with having her first child (with much of the cost coming as a surprise only revealed once the process had begun), Claire set out to build a better way.

Future Family raises $9M to make fertility treatments more ...

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Future Family raises $9M to make fertility treatments more ...

Future Family, a company we’ve written about a few times over the years, makes fertility treatments more accessible. They pre-negotiate terms with fertility clinics to ensure there are no surprise fees, convert the often substantial upfront costs into a monthly payment plan and give each user a dedicated Fertility Coach to help them navigate their …

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Long Slide Looms for World Population, With Sweeping ...

All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust, a dizzying reversal unmatched in recorded history that will make first-birthday parties a rarer sight than funerals, and empty homes a common eyesore. Maternity wards are already shutting down in Italy. Ghost cities are appearing in northeastern China. Universities in South Korea cannot find enough students, and in Germany, hundreds of thousands of properties have been razed, with the land turned into parks. Like an avalanche, the demographic forces — pushing toward more deaths than births — seem to be expanding and accelerating. Although some countries continue to see their populations grow, especially in Africa, fertility rates are falling nearly everywhere else. Demographers now predict that by the latter half of the century or possibly earlier, the global population will enter a sustained decline for the first time. Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York Times A planet with fewer people could ease pressure on resources, slow the destructive impact of climate change and reduce household burdens for women. But the census announcements this month from China and the United States, which showed the slowest rates of population growth in decades for both countries, also point to hard-to-fathom adjustments. The strain of longer lives and low fertility, leading to fewer workers and more retirees, threatens to upend how societies are organized — around the notion that a surplus of young people will drive economies and help pay for the old. It may also require a reconceptualization of family and nation. Imagine entire regions where everyone is 70 or older. Imagine governments laying out huge bonuses for immigrants and mothers with lots of children. Imagine a gig economy filled with grandparents and Super Bowl ads promoting procreation. “A paradigm shift is necessary,” said Frank Swiaczny, a German demographer who was the chief of population trends and analysis for the United Nations until last year. “Countries need to learn to live with and adapt to decline.” The ramifications and responses have already begun to appear, especially in East Asia and Europe. From Hungary to China, from Sweden to Japan, governments are struggling to balance the demands of a swelling older cohort with the needs of young people whose most intimate decisions about childbearing are being shaped by factors both positive (more work opportunities for women) and negative (gender inequality and high living costs). The 20th century presented a very different challenge. The global population saw its greatest increase in known history, from 1.6 billion in 1900 to 6 billion in 2000, as life spans lengthened and infant mortality declined. In some countries — representing about one-third of the world’s people — those growth dynamics are still in play. By the end of the century, Nigeria could surpass China in population; across sub-Saharan Africa, families are still having four or five children. But nearly everywhere else, the era of high fertility is ending. As women have gained more access to education and contraception and as the anxieties associated with having children intensify, more parents are delaying pregnancy, and fewer babies are being born. Even in countries long associated with rapid growth, such as India and Mexico, birthrates are falling toward or are already below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per family. The change may take decades, but once it starts, decline (just like growth) spirals exponentially. With fewer births, fewer girls grow up to have children, and if they have smaller families than their parents did — which is happening in dozens of countries — the drop starts to look like a rock thrown off a cliff. “It becomes a cyclical mechanism,” said Stuart Gietel Basten, an expert on Asian demographics and a professor of social science and public policy at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. “It’s demographic momentum.” Some countries, like the United States, Australia and Canada, where birthrates hover between 1.5 and 2, have blunted the impact with immigrants. But in Eastern Europe, migration from the region has compounded depopulation, and in parts of Asia, the “demographic time bomb” that first became a subject of debate a few decades ago has finally gone off. South Korea’s fertility rate dropped to a record low of 0.92 in 2019 — less than one child per woman, the lowest rate in the developed world. Every month for the past 59 months, the total number of babies born in the country has dropped to a record depth. That declining birthrate, coupled with a rapid industrialization that has pushed people from rural towns to big cities, has created what can feel like a two-tiered society. While major metropolises like Seoul continue to grow, putting intense pressure on infrastructure and housing, in regional towns it is easy to find schools shut and abandoned, their playgrounds overgrown with weeds, because there are not enough children. Expectant mothers in many areas can no longer find obstetricians or postnatal care centers. Universities below the elite level, especially outside Seoul, find it increasingly hard to fill their ranks; the number of 18-year-olds in South Korea has fallen from about 900,000 in 1992 to 500,000 today. To attract students, some schools have even offered iPhones. To goose the birthrate, the government has handed out baby bonuses. It increased child allowances and medical subsidies for fertility treatments and pregnancy. Health officials have showered newborns with gifts of beef, baby clothes and toys. The government is also building kindergartens and day care centers by the hundreds. In Seoul, every bus and subway car has pink seats reserved for pregnant women. But this month, Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki acknowledged that the government — which has spent more than $178 billion over the past 15 years encouraging women to have more babies — was not making enough progress. In many families, the shift feels cultural and permanent. “My grandparents had six children, and my parents five, because their generations believed in having multiple children,” said Kim Mi-kyung, 38, a stay-at-home parent. “I have only one child. To my and younger generations, all things considered, it just doesn’t pay to have many children.” Thousands of miles away, in Italy, the sentiment is similar, with a different backdrop. In Capracotta, a small town in southern Italy, a sign in red letters on an 18th-century stone building looking onto the Apennine Mountains reads “Home of School Kindergarten” — but today, the building is a nursing home. Residents eat their evening broth on waxed tablecloths in the old theater room. “There were so many families, so many children,” said Concetta D’Andrea, 93, who was a student and a teacher at the school and is now a resident of the nursing home. “Now there is no one.” The population in Capracotta has dramatically aged and contracted — from about 5,000 people to 800. The town’s carpentry shops have shut down. The organizers of a soccer tournament struggled to form even one team. About a half-hour away, in the town of Agnone, the maternity ward closed a decade ago because it had fewer than 500 births a year, the national minimum to stay open. This year, six babies were born in Agnone. “Once, you could hear the babies in the nursery cry, and it was like music,” said Enrica Sciullo, a nurse who used to help with births there and now mostly takes care of older patients. “Now there is silence and a feeling of emptiness.” In a speech this month during a conference on Italy’s birthrate crisis, Pope Francis said the “demographic winter” was still “cold and dark.” More people in more countries may soon be searching for their own metaphors. Birth projections often shift based on how governments and families respond, but according to projections by an international team of scientists published last year in The Lancet, 183 countries and territories — out of 195 — will have fertility rates below replacement level by 2100. Their model shows an especially sharp decline for China, with its population expected to fall from 1.41 billion now to about 730 million in 2100. If that happens, the population pyramid would essentially flip. Instead of a base of young workers supporting a narrower band of retirees, China would have as many 85-year-olds as 18-year-olds. China’s rust belt, in the northeast, saw its population drop by 1.2% in the past decade, according to census figures released Tuesday. In 2016, Heilongjiang province became the first in the country to have its pension system run out of money. In Hegang, a “ghost city” in the province that has lost almost 10% of its population since 2010, homes cost so little that people compare them to cabbage. Many countries are beginning to accept the need to adapt, not just resist. South Korea is pushing for universities to merge. In Japan, where adult diapers now outsell ones for babies, municipalities have been consolidated as towns age and shrink. In Sweden, some cities have shifted resources from schools to elder care. And almost everywhere, older people are being asked to keep working. Germany, which previously raised its retirement age to 67, is now considering a bump to 69. Going further than many other nations, Germany has also worked through a program of urban contraction: Demolitions have removed around 330,000 units from the housing stock since 2002. And if the goal is revival, a few green shoots can be found. After expanding access to affordable child care and paid parental leave, Germany’s fertility rate recently increased to 1.54, up from 1.3 in 2006. Leipzig, which once was shrinking, is now growing again after reducing its housing stock and making itself more attractive with its smaller scale. “Growth is a challenge, as is decline,” said Swiaczny, who is now a senior research fellow at the Federal Institute for Population Research in Germany. Demographers warn against seeing population decline as simply a cause for alarm. Many women are having fewer children because that is what they want. Smaller populations could lead to higher wages, more equal societies, lower carbon emissions and a higher quality of life for the smaller numbers of children who are born. But, said Gietel Basten, quoting Casanova, “There is no such thing as destiny. We ourselves shape our lives.” The challenges ahead are still a cul-de-sac; no country with a serious slowdown in population growth has managed to increase its fertility rate much beyond the minor uptick that Germany accomplished. There is little sign of wage growth in shrinking countries, and there is no guarantee that a smaller population means less stress on the environment. Many demographers argue that the current moment may look to future historians like a period of transition or gestation, when humans either did or did not figure out how to make the world more hospitable — enough for people to build the families that they want. Surveys in many countries show that young people would like to be having more children but face too many obstacles. Anna Parolini tells a common story. She left her small hometown in northern Italy to find better job opportunities. Now 37, she lives with her boyfriend in Milan and has put her desire to have children on hold. She is afraid her salary of less than 2,000 euros a month would not be enough for a family, and her parents still live where she grew up. “I don’t have anyone here who could help me,” she said. “Thinking of having a child now would make me gasp.” This article originally appeared in The New York Times. © 2021 The New York Times Company

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Why Arkansas Is a Test Case for a Post-Trump Republican Party

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — For decades, Arkansas punched above its weight in politics and business. In the 1990s, it was home to the president and the world’s wealthiest family. In the 2000s, three onetime Arkansans ran for president. A decade later, the state claimed its sixth company on the Fortune 500 list. But Arkansas may be entering its most consequential period yet, as a test case for the future of the Republican Party. Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York Times Having undergone a lightning-quick transformation in the last decade from Democratic dominance to Republican rule, how closely the state clings to former President Donald Trump and his style of politics will offer insights about the party he still dominates. Arkansas represents the full spectrum of today’s GOP. There are Trump devotees fully behind his false claims of a stolen election and his brand of grievance-oriented politics. That faction is now led by former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the daughter of Mike Huckabee, the state’s onetime governor. More ideological, and less Trump-centric, conservatives include Sen. Tom Cotton. And then there are pre-Trump Republicans, like Gov. Asa Hutchinson, hoping against hope the moment will pass and they can return the party to its Reaganite roots. Finally, some Republicans are so appalled by Trumpism, they have left or are considering leaving the party. Perhaps most significant, each of these factions are bunched together in a state powered by a handful of corporations that are increasingly uneasy with the culture-war politics that define Trump Republicanism. In a meeting of Walmart’s Arkansas-based executives last month, a number of officials cited state measures limiting transgender rights to express concern about how such bills could hamper their ability to recruit a diverse workforce, according to a business leader familiar with the discussion. “They’ve got to recruit people to this state, and this makes it harder for them,” said Hutchinson, alluding to transgender measures that he opposed in this year’s legislative session. “And there’s many in the base of the party that just don’t care,” he said. “They would rather fight the cultural war and pay the price in terms of growth.” In the next year and a half, Sanders will road-test Trumpism in state politics as she runs for governor in a state the former president carried by 27 points last year. She will initially face a longtime friend and former aide to her father, the state’s Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, who unsuccessfully pleaded with Trump not to endorse Sanders. Then, if Sanders prevails, she may prompt a long-shot challenge in the general election from a Republican-turned-independent who left the party in disgust with Trump, and just happens to be Hutchinson’s nephew. At the same time, Cotton and Hutchinson will be circling one another, perhaps in Iowa as often as in Arkansas, as they both eye 2024 presidential bids with very different bets about the future of the party. “There will be a lot of complicated relationships,” state Sen. Jonathan Dismang, an influential lawmaker, said with maximum delicacy. For many veterans of Arkansas politics, the intra-Republican competition is a full-circle moment, reflecting the state’s rapid shift from an overwhelmingly Democratic state to an overwhelmingly Republican one. This period is also eerily familiar to an earlier era when it was Democrats like then-Gov. Bill Clinton and former Sens. Dale Bumpers and David Pryor who were vying for supremacy. What’s different about today is how much politics in a small, mostly rural state at the intersection of the Deep South, Midwest and Southwest is shaped by a figure who has almost certainly never let the phrase “Woo Pig Sooie” slip from his lips. “Arkansas Republicanism is defined by President Trump right now,” said Trent Garner, a south Arkansas state lawmaker who defeated one of the remaining rural white Democrats when Trump was first elected. If there was any doubt about that after Trump’s romp in the state last year, it was erased in February when Lt. Gov. Tim Griffin abruptly pulled out of the 2022 governor’s race. A longtime political operative and former House member, Griffin had been collecting chits for what many here assumed was an inevitable run for the state’s top job after returning home from Congress in 2014 to serve as lieutenant governor. Then Sanders, who has never served in elective office, made clear she would run for governor, and Trump quickly endorsed his former spokeswoman. The combination of her connection to Trump, her father’s legacy and her own celebrity from being a Fox News regular made her seemingly unbeatable, according to a private survey Griffin took, Republicans familiar with the findings said. Now running for attorney general, Griffin, an Army Reserve colonel, sought to put the best face on his climb-down. “If bio and resume was key to politics, then George H.W. Bush would’ve been reelected, Bob Dole would’ve won and John McCain would’ve won,” he said. Hutchinson put a finer point on how Sanders had derailed Griffin. “It shows you the power of media and personality,” he said. Sanders does still have competition for governor, particularly from Rutledge, a conservative who, in the friends-and-neighbors world of Arkansas politics, served as Huckabee’s general counsel as governor and in the same capacity when he ran for president in 2008. “She’s never made decisions,” Rutledge said of Sanders. “It’s a big difference answering questions behind a podium versus making decisions behind a desk.” She insisted primary voters would ultimately value her experience, and dismissed state Capitol speculation that she would eventually follow Griffin to the exits, perhaps to run for lieutenant governor or the state Supreme Court. Asked about Rutledge’s criticism, Sanders ignored her rival and trumpeted her own record-setting early fundraising. “I take nothing for granted,” she said via text message. Should Sanders emerge as the Republican standard-bearer, she may face a third-party opponent from well outside the pro-Trump orbit. State Sen. Jim Hendren, who left the GOP after the Jan. 6 riot, and Davy Carter, a former state House speaker, are both considering bids. In separate interviews, they said they would not compete with one another in the same race. “I’m convinced that even in Arkansas, Trump and Trumpism is a slow-sinking ship,” said Carter, who as speaker helped push through Medicaid expansion. He said that a successful challenge to Trumpism would not happen unless liberals, moderates and anti-Trump Republicans “organize in one lane.” Asked who he’d ultimately back in the governor’s race, Hutchinson said, “I expect to support the Republican nominee.” But he acknowledged talking extensively with his nephew, Hendren, saying they share “the same frustrations” about the party, except that Hutchinson is determined to fight from within the tent. Offering some barely veiled advice for Sanders, he said: “Leadership is about bringing people along and not giving in to a lie.” The governor, and most observers, are deeply skeptical that an independent could win statewide. Indeed, more than a year and a half before Sanders would even take office, many insiders have moved on to discussing what sort of governor she would be. Would she repurpose Trump’s media-bashing and grievance-oriented politics to stay in the national headlines, and perhaps propel a presidential run of her own, or would she mirror her father’s more pragmatic approach to the office? While he is now known for his own Fox News and social media profile, Huckabee governed in the political center, even incurring the wrath of the far right, whom he labeled “Shiite conservatives.” “I think she’s going to be very eager to prove that she’s a competent executive who cares about the state,” said John Burris, a state legislator-turned-lobbyist. While shunning the state media and declining an interview for this story, Sanders has quietly reached out to state Republican lawmakers to discuss state policy and convey her desire to work with them, according to Garner. Few in the state will be watching as closely as the business titans at companies like Walmart, Tyson Foods and J.B. Hunt, the transportation and logistics giant, which are headquartered in the northwest corner of the state. Once the only Republican region of Arkansas — even Bill Clinton couldn’t win a House seat there in the aftermath of Watergate — it is now the state’s economic engine. The area is booming, will gain about a half-dozen new state legislative seats in redistricting, and is becoming more diverse. As the local business alliance, the Northwest Arkansas Council, notes, from 1990 and 2019, the nonwhite population of the region grew from less than 5% to over 28%. To lure more transplants, the business giants have showered the region with money, helping develop local attractions like the Crystal Bridges art museum, which was founded by Alice Walton, daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton. But this transformation is coming into conflict with the state’s shift right. At the height of the transgender legislation debate this spring, Tom Walton, a grandson of Sam Walton, issued a statement decrying “policy targeting LGBTQ people in Arkansas” and spoke directly to what he saw as the threat presented. “This trend is harmful and sends the wrong message to those willing to invest in or visit our state.” Hendren, who represents a swath of the region in the state Senate, said the business community would have to do far more to slow Arkansas’ sprint right. “Continuing to do the same thing is going to lead to the same results,” he said, dismissing the companies’ strategy of sending the maximum allowable donations to candidates “and thinking that’s going buy you any loyalty.” As for the Arkansans eying 2024, neither is willing to expound on their ambitions before the midterm elections. But both are attempting to carve out space for their potential bids. Cotton is quick to jump on issues he knows will animate core Republicans — from introducing legislation to address anti-Semitic hate crimes, to lambasting what he calls “woke corporations” — while Hutchinson has become a frequent presence on the national television circuit. “I don’t want to sit back idly and let the division grow greater and let our party just become more angry,” Hutchinson said. This article originally appeared in The New York Times. © 2021 The New York Times Company

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最近の投稿. 2021年5月25日 【資金繰りの基礎知識】黒字倒産を防ぐための資金繰り表の活用方法; 2021年5月20日 福岡でファクタリングを活用して資金調達をする方法

Stoとは? 人気を集める理由と日本国内での動向について考察する:日経ビジネス電子版


東京でのファクタリングによる資金調達方法をわかりやすく解説 | コラム|一般社団法人 日本中小企業金融サポート機構

至急の資金調達が必要な際に、ファクタリングを利用する経営者様・個人事業主様が近年増加しています。 ファクタリングとは、売掛金を売却することで早期の資金化ができる金融サービスで、東京には数多くのファクタリング会社があります。


調達した資金は、「secai marche」のサービスの強化、人材採用、マーケティング活動に充当する予定だ。 これにより、東南アジアでの拡大を一気に ...

イベント開催に必要な資金調達方法伝授します!! - 株式会社共栄美装

共栄美装広報部です。本日はイベントに必要な資金調達という踏み込んだお話をしていきたいと思います。「イベントがし […]

日本政策金融公庫の融資の特徴と融資を受けるポイント | 日本経営グループ

コロナ禍における病院・クリニックの資金調達Vol.4 コロナ禍における病院・クリニックの資金調達 解説 日本経営グループ 資金調達支援センター(医療法人・社会福祉法人)甲斐田誠一郎 医療機関の資金調達の選択肢

【5月第3週資金調達まとめ】「ゴーストサイトメトリー技術」のシンクサイト、28億5000万円調達 | Forbes ...

国内の成長産業及びスタートアップに関する幅広い情報を集約・整理し、検索可能にした情報プラットフォーム「STARTUP DB」では毎週、資金調達のサマリーを発表している。この記事では、5月3週目の“注目のトピック”とし

経営を改善させるために活用できる助成金制度 | 資金調達Lab


電気工事業での開業の資金調達方法 | 資金調達のミカタ


名古屋市の制度融資/中小企業の資金調達のために | 経営を楽しむBizマガジン | Biz+ ビズプラス

「名古屋市内で資金を調達したいが、どの制度融資が適当かわからない」など,資金調達で悩む人も多いのではないでしょうか。 名古屋市中小企業融資制度は、名古屋市が中心となって実施している中小企業者向けの融資制度です。

税理士ドットコム - [資金調達]簡単に融資は受けられるのですか? - 今は、コロナで、ある意味簡単に融資が受けれます...


すかいらーくが資金調達/経済/社会総合/デイリースポーツ online

 外食大手すかいらーくホールディングス(HD)は21日、公募増資などで最大447億円を調達すると発表した。財務体質を強化するほか、国内外の新規出店や既存店の業態転換に伴う設備投資などに充てる。新型コロナウイルスの影響で業績が悪化しており、変化する経営環境に迅速に対応し、立て直しを急ぐ。 公募増資では最大約2706万株の新株を発行する。すかいらーくHDは現在、緊急事態宣言などに伴い2千近い店舗で時短営業を続けている。


CXOイノベーションフェスは資金調達セミナー開催します。14:4515:30テーマ5【資金調達】株式会社スタートトゥデイ(前澤ファンド)経営企画室河本ひろたくモ…(2021年5月24日 17時46分50秒)

ファクタリングと支払いサイトの関係と入金額の違いについて | 資金調達ブログ


資金調達セミナー開催!! (2021年5月24日) - エキサイトニュース


Synflux株式会社が、big株式会社、SFCフォーラムファンド及び個人投資家から資金調達を実施|Synflux ...

Synflux株式会社のプレスリリース(2021年5月25日 12時30分)Synflux株式会社が、big株式会社、SFCフォーラムファンド及び個人投資家から資金調達を実施

「いきなり!ステーキ」は失敗 活用急増する新株予約権の功罪:日経ビジネス電子版

新株予約権を活用した資金調達に踏み切る企業が増えている。 コロナ禍で窮地に追い込まれた企業が、最後の頼みの綱としてすがるケースも多い。だがそのスキームは複雑。一歩間違えると「捕らぬ狸の皮算用」に終わりかねない。

Humaが、1億3千万ドルの資金を調達して、より良いケアと研究のためのデジタル・ヘルス・プラットフォームを拡張 ...

AsiaNet 89461   健康とテクノロジー企業のリーダー的存在のBayer、日立、Samsung、Sony Innovation Fund by IGV、Unilever 、およびPE fu...



資金調達セミナー開催!! - 30min.jp

CXOイノベーションフェスは資金調達セミナー開催します。 大手からスタートアップが大集合する新感覚ビジネスフェスティバル。 総勢100人の出演者の生セッションや交流会など様々なコンテンツを用意しております ...

0~100万円で独立開業できるフランチャイズまとめ | フランチャイズwebリポート


資本政策② ストックオプション編|コラム|IPO Compass


資金調達No.1 on Twitter: "資金調達、融資、ファクタリングなどお金を入手したい方 案件は100件以上 ...

"資金調達、融資、ファクタリングなどお金を入手したい方 案件は100件以上ありブラックでも融資あります ホワイトの方即日あり 2000万まで融資可能 #ホワイト #ブラック #開業資金 #創業融資 #コロナ融資 #お金貸して #お金欲しい #高額融資"

盛岡市産業支援センター - Home | Facebook

資金調達の方法を知りたい方 起業・新規事業を検討している方 ファンドや投資について知りたい方 ※起業家・起業予定の方(経営者含む) 【開 催 日】2021年5月25日(火) 【時 間】18:30~20:00 【会 場】盛岡市産業支援センター

事業承継・引継ぎ補助金【経営革新型】 | スタッフブログ|資金調達・許可申請手続センター




第1子妊娠の南明奈、人工授精も決意、卵管手術も…妊活を赤裸々告白/芸能/デイリースポーツ online

 タレントの南明奈が24日、YouTubeチャンネルで、自身の妊活について、不妊治療専門クリニックに通っていたことなど、赤裸々に語った。南は4月に夫のよゐこ・濱口優との間に待望の第1子を授かったことを報告している。 南は、妊娠を報告した後に、複数のファンから妊活についての相談DMが来たことから、自身の体験が役に立つならと、自身の妊活について話すことにした様子。

夏目三久に"妊娠"疑惑が浮上! テレビ出演時の衣装に注目集まる (2021年5月25日) - エキサイトニュース


だいたひかる、妊娠発表"早すぎる"理由明かす 乳がん経験し「目の前の1日を大切にしたい」:中日スポーツ・東京中日スポーツ


妊娠発表のだいたひかる 本誌で語っていた"不妊治療の覚悟"(2021年5月25日)|Biglobeニュース

「おかげさまで妊娠していました今3週と5日だそうで、普通妊娠なら気付かないレベルの初期ですが…受精卵がしがみついて着床してくれました!」5月21日、お笑いタレン…(2021年5月25日 11時0分30秒)

妊婦の6割が利用 出産・子育てを多様なアプリ群で手助け:日経ビジネス電子版


『バンキシャ』夏目三久、3月ごろに妊娠か「変わっている」 - いまトピランキング

4月2日に有吉弘行との結婚を発表し、世間を賑わせたフリーアナウンサーの夏目三久に、ここ最近〝妊娠疑惑〟が浮上しているようだという。 5月23日放送の『真相報道 バンキシャ!』(日本テレビ系)に出演した夏目はゆったりとしたワンピース姿であり、そ...

妊娠18週~20週 | nakoの妊娠日記 - 楽天ブログ

少しブログから離れていたので、まとめて記録していきます。 はじめてPCからの更新!やりやすい ~妊娠18週まとめ~ ・18週初日はとても調子が良く、昼頃まで気持ち悪さが少し軽減。散歩もたくさん歩けた。 ・調子が良い日があると思えば、一日中気持ち悪い日もあった。 ・朝は相変わらず調子良い。 ・頭痛がある日もあった。 ・吐かずにモヤモヤ気持ち悪い日は、逆に吐いてスッキリした方が良い日もあった…。 ・夜眠れ…

夏目三久に"妊娠"疑惑が浮上! テレビ出演時の衣装に注目集まる - まいじつ

妊娠中なのかな。怒り新党のときもフワっとしたシルエットの服着てたし。そうだといいな》 《バンキシャ見ていて気になったんだけど、夏目三久は妊娠してそう》 《あれっ…? もしかして夏目さん妊娠してる? 女の勘でしかないけど、もしや?



夏目三久に"妊娠"疑惑が浮上! テレビ出演時の衣装に注目集まる|ニフティニュース

有吉弘行との結婚を発表し、世間を賑わせた夏目三久に妊娠疑惑が浮上している 23日放送の『真相報道 バンキシャ!』では、ゆったりとしたワンピース姿だった 顔も2〜3カ月前に比べてふっくらとしていたため妊娠を疑う声が上がっている

妊娠5か月で中絶した母親 胎児が生きて娩出し、鼓動が止まるまで見守り続けた苦悩語る(英)|ニフティニュース


人工妊娠中絶 - Wikipedia

人工妊娠中絶(じんこうにんしんちゅうぜつ、英: induced abortion )は、母体で育つ胎児について、人工的な手段を用いて意図的に妊娠を中絶させることを指す。 妊娠中絶の一つであり、刑法では堕胎 (criminal abortion)と言う。俗語で「堕ろす(おろす)」とも呼ばれる。

【医師監修】妊娠中のママは熱中症になりやすい? | Mamadays(ママデイズ)

妊娠初期のつわりの吐き気や、妊娠による体の変化で、妊娠中のママは普段より「熱中症」にかかるリスクが高くなる可能性があります。 この記事では、暑い夏を無理せず乗り切るため、熱中症やその対策についてお伝えします。

市民の皆さんへ | 静岡県富士宮市 - Fujinomiya

富士宮市役所 〒418-8601 静岡県富士宮市弓沢町150番地 業務時間:平日午前8時30分から午後5時15分 電話:(0544)22-1111

育子さん~妊婦編〜 - Line スタンプ | Line Store

妊娠したらさっそく使ってみよう! マタニティあるあるネタ満載スタンプ!. 出産頑張ってね!. ¥120. 1% 5%還元. 2021/5/24 18:00まで. リストに追加する. LINE Payやキャリア決済等 で買えます! スタンプ使い放題の無料体験を試す.

LiSA、パンパンに膨れ上がった衣装に視聴者困惑「え?妊娠してる?」「お腹がすごい」 | ガジェット通信 GetNews


妊娠中の鍼灸治療 - epochtimes.jp


妊娠から育児まで 助産師の継続ケア、心強く【こち女】|あなたの静岡新聞


モデル・美優 第1子妊娠|日テレnews24

モデルの美優さん(33)が25日、自身のインスタグラムで第1子を妊娠したことを発表しました。 美優さんは「この度新しい命を授かりました! 無事 ...

美優が第1子妊娠を発表 夫は滝クリの弟・滝川ロラン - 芸能社会 - Sanspo.com(サンスポ)


妊娠した技能実習生の妊娠で必要になる届出|大西祐子/子育てしながら、ダブルワークで国際業務専門女性行政書士!強みを ...

おはようございます。国際業務専門の行政書士 大西祐子です。 妊娠した技能実習生の妊娠で必要になる届出についてご紹介いたします。 ■技能実習生が妊娠したため、技能実習計画で定めた作業内容を変更する必要が出てきた場合は? 技能実習では、技能実習計画で必須業務、関連業務及び周辺業務として具体的な業務内容を記載しています。 その内容を変更する場合は、は技能実習計画軽微変更届出が必要です。 また、変更によって実習時間が変わる場合も、内容によっては技能実習計画変更認定申請や技能実習計画軽微変更届出が必要になってきます。 ■妊娠した技能実習生が国に帰りたいと希望した場合は? 外国人技能

気分安定薬と妊娠と奇形のリスク - 成年者向けコラム | 障害者ドットコム


板野友美、妊娠発表後初の公の場「ベビちゃんも踊ってました」 | Oricon News

ニュース| 元AKB48の板野友美(29)が22日、神奈川・ぴあアリーナMMで行われた峯岸みなみ(28)の卒業コンサートに登場。今月10日に第1子妊娠を発表後、初の公の場となり、観客からも大きな拍手で祝福された。 「ボニーテールとシュシュ」で登場した板野は「みぃちゃん...

第1子妊娠の南明奈、人工授精も決意、卵管手術も…妊活を赤裸々告白(デイリースポーツ) タレントの南明奈が24日 ...

第1子妊娠の南明奈 人工授精も決意、卵管手術も…妊活を赤裸々告白(デイリースポーツ) タレントの南明奈が24日、YouTubeチャンネルで、自身の妊活について、不妊治療専門クリニックに通っていたことなど、…

6月23日 座談会開催!大阪大学・生誕1000日見守り研究|妊娠・出産・マタニティ情報サイト - ニンプス

大阪大学「生誕1000日見守り研究」からのお知らせです。 大阪大学・生誕1000日見守り研究チームの産科医・小児科医の医師、助産師、臨床心理士らによる妊婦さんを対象のお悩み相

姫は妊婦なう。 - Line スタンプ | Line Store


楽天Kobo電子書籍ストア: 【期間限定 試し読み増量版】ヒヤマケンタロウの妊娠 育児編(上) - 坂井恵理 ...

【期間限定 試し読み増量版】ヒヤマケンタロウの妊娠 育児編(上) - 坂井恵理 - 楽天Koboなら漫画、小説、ビジネス書、ラノベなど電子書籍がスマホ、タブレット、パソコン用無料アプリで今すぐ読める。



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