米航空局がRocket Labに打ち上げ再開の許可、ミッション失敗から1カ月足らずで

今回は「米航空局がRocket Labに打ち上げ再開の許可、ミッション失敗から1カ月足らずで」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Electron、Rocket Lab、米国連邦航空局(FAA)等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Rocket Lab(ロケット・ラボ)は、20回目となるElectron(エレクトロン)打ち上げミッションが第2段燃焼中に失敗しペイロードを失った後、早くも米国連邦航空局(FAA)から打ち上げ活動再開の認可を得た。これはRocket Labの安全システム設計に対する信頼の表れであり、異常に遭遇してもすべてが意図した通りに機能したこと、つまり、ミッションが失敗したものの、地上の乗組員や一般の人々、他の軌道上の物体にリスクを与えることなく、安全に行われたことを意味している。

関連記事:Rocket Labの20回目の打ち上げは失敗、ペイロードも失う

だからといって、Rocket Labが実際すぐに打ち上げを再開するわけではない。FAAは今回の事故後も既存の打ち上げライセンスが有効であると判断しているが、Rocket Lab自身は原因究明調査を続けていく予定だ。Rocket Labの創業者兼CEOであるPeter Beck(ピーター・ベック)氏は、第2段エンジン停止の原因究明のための継続的な取り組みを「複雑で重層的な故障分析」と称しているが、すでにテストでエラーを再現していることにも言及した。


Rocket Labは今回のアップデートで、2020年7月に発生した以前のミッションの失敗については言及していない。その際の異常は最終的に電気的な接続不良によるものと結論づけられたが、第2段エンジンの安全停止という同様の結果になった。

ただし、同社が打ち上げ後に回収したElectronロケットの第1段から得られた情報によると、その部分は計画通りに進行したことが確認されている。Rocket LabではElectronロケットの1段目ブースターの再利用性を高めようとしており、今回は新たに大気圏再突入と着水のプロセステストを実施し、そちらはスムーズに進んだ。また、今回のフライトで使用された新しいヒートシールドは意図した通りに機能したとし、今後は回収した第1段エンジンでエンジン燃焼試験(hot fire test、ホットファイア)を行い、その性能を確認する予定だという。

関連記事:Rocket Labが打ち上げに失敗したロケットの1段目ブースターを無事回収、再利用に向け光明を見出す

画像クレジット:Rocket Lab


Rocket Lab has already received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to resume its launch activities, following a failure during the second-stage burn of its 20th Electron rocket mission that resulted in the loss of the payload. That’s a testament to Rocket Lab’s safety systems design, and everything working as intended when it encountered an anomaly, meaning that while the mission failed, it did so safely and without any risk to ground crew, the general population or other orbital objects.

This doesn’t mean Rocket Lab will actually resume launches immediately. While the FAA has determined that its existing launch license is still in good standing after the incident, the company itself will continue its investigation into the cause of the problem. Rocket Lab CEO and founder Peter Beck called the ongoing effort to determine the cause of the second-stage engine shutdown “an intricate and layered fault analysis,” but also noted that they have already replicated the error in testing.

Now, the focus will be on working out exactly the sequence of events and figuring out what exactly caused the automatic safety shut-off. That process is expected to be done sometime “in the coming weeks,” and at that point the company will proceed with resuming active flight activities.

Rocket Lab didn’t reference an earlier mission failure from last July in this update. It ultimately concluded that anomaly was the result of a bad electrical connection, but which had similar results with a second-stage engine safety shutdown.

The company did note that the information collected from the first stage of the Electron rocket that it recovered after the launch indicates that everything went as planned with that part of the mission. Rocket Lab is in the process of adding reusability to its Electron first-stage booster and had implemented a new atmospheric reentry and splashdown process test in this one, which went smoothly. The company added that the new heat shield it used for this flight worked as intended, and that it now plans to do hot fire testing on the engines from the recovered first stage to see how they perform.

(文:Darrell Etherington、翻訳:Aya Nakazato)

Rocket Lab cleared by the FAA to resume launches after ...

Rocket Lab has already received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to resume its launch activities, following a failure during the second-stage burn of its 20th Electron rocket mission that resulted in the loss of the payload. That’s a testament to Rocket Lab’s safety systems design, and everything working as intended when it encountered […]

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The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has given Rocket Lab approval to resume launching, as the smallsat launcher is working through a review of its May 15 launch failure.  Rocket Lab announced Wednesday that the FAA confirmed its launch license is active, but the launcher does not plan to return to flight until

Rocket Lab cleared by the FAA to resume launches after ...

Rocket Lab has already obtained approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to renew its launch actions, following a failure in the course of the second stage burn of its 20th Electron rocket mission that resulted within the lack of the payload. That's a testomony to Rocket Lab's security methods design, and every little thing […]

Federal Aviation Administration Approves Rocket Lab To ...

LONG BEACH, Calif., 02 June 2021 (Rocket Lab PR) - Rocket Lab, the leading launch and space systems company, announced today it has received authorization from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to resume launches.The approval comes fewer than three weeks after Rocket Lab experienced an anomaly during its 20 th launch, resulting in the loss of the mission.

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The Federal Aviation Administration Approves Rocket Lab To ...

The Federal Aviation Administration Approves Rocket Lab To Resume Launches - SpaceRef

Rocket Lab continues to study "complex" Electron failure

Rocket Lab offered few new details on the cause of the failure in its latest statement. "Shortly after the stage 2 ignition, the engine computer detected that conditions for flight were not met and performed a safe shut down," the company said, but didn't elaborate on those conditions that led to the engine shutdown.

Rocket Lab continues to study "complex" Electron failure ...

Rocket Lab supplied few new particulars on the reason for the failure in its newest assertion. "Shortly after the stage 2 ignition, the engine pc detected that situations for flight weren't met and carried out a protected shut down," the corporate stated, however didn't elaborate on these situations that led to the engine shutdown.

The Federal Aviation Administration Approves Rocket Lab To ...

Rocket Lab is a leading end-to-end space company delivering reliable satellites, launch services and on-orbit management solutions that make space easy. We are motivated by the impact we can have on Earth by making it easier to get to space and use it as a platform for innovation, exploration and infrastructure.

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Rocket Lab cleared by the FAA to resume launches after ...

Rocket Lab cleared by the FAA to resume launches after mission failure last month ...

Rocket Lab cleared by the FAA to resume launches after ...

Rocket Lab has already received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to resume its launch activities, following a failure during the second stage burn of its 20th Electron rocket mission that resulted in the loss of the payload. That's a testament to Rocket Lab's safety systems design, and everything working as intended ...

Rocket Lab cleared by the FAA to resume launches after ...

Rocket Lab has already received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to resume its launch activities, following a failure during the

Rocket Lab cleared by the FAA to resume launches after ...

Rocket Lab has already obtained approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to renew its launch actions, following a failure in the course of the se

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Rocket Lab is back in action after receiving authorisation from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to resume launches. The approval comes less than three weeks after Rocket Lab experienced an anomaly during its 20th launch from Mahia, resulting in the loss of the mission.

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Rocket Lab continues to study "complex" Electron failure. allcybertruck June 2, 2021. 0. Used Teslas are selling faster than ever, and the Model 3 is dominating. allcybertruck June 2, 2021. 0. SpaceX will launch four private astronaut missions to the Space Station through 2023 - TechCrunch.

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Rocket Lab continues to study "complex" Electron failure ...

The Might 15 failure was the second in lower than a 12 months for Electron, some of the fashionable small launch autos. Rocket Lab blamed a July 2020 failure on an "anomalous electrical connection" within the second stage, and resumed launches practically two months later.

Rocket Lab continues to study "complex" Electron failure

The May 15 failure was the second in less than a year for Electron, one of the most popular small launch vehicles. Rocket Lab blamed a July 2020 failure on an "anomalous electrical connection" in the second stage, and resumed launches nearly two months later.

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Rocket Lab continues to study "complex" Electron failure ...

The May 15 failure was the second in less than a year for Electron, one of the most popular small launch vehicles. Rocket Lab blamed a July 2020 failure on an "anomalous electrical connection" in the second stage, and resumed launches nearly two months later.

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米航空局がRocket Labに打ち上げ再開の許可、ミッション失敗から1カ月足らずで | TechCrunch Japan

Rocket Labは、20回目となるElectron打ち上げミッションが第2段燃焼中に失敗しペイロードを失った後、早くも米国連邦航空局(FAA)から打ち上げ活動再開の認可を得た。

米航空局がRocket Labに打ち上げ再開の許可、ミッション失敗から1カ月足らずで | TechCrunch ...

あなたはどう思う?みんなのコメントからニュースをより深く読み解こう:米航空局がRocket Labに打ち上げ再開の許可、ミッション失敗から1カ月足らずで | TechCrunch Japan

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