

関連ワード (Tesla、コラム、バッテリー、電気自動車等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。





過去数十年にわたり、バッテリーの専門家、自動車メーカー、Tier 1サプライヤー、投資家などが、主にバッテリー化学に焦点を当てた次世代バッテリーの開発に世界中で数十億ドル(約数千億円)を費やしてきた。しかし、業界は依然として、バッテリーの普及を妨げている2つの大きな技術的課題に取り組んでいる。




ほとんどの場合、シリコンベースのバッテリーを開発している企業は、グラファイト(黒鉛)にシリコンを30%まで混ぜてエネルギー密度を高めている。Sila Nanotechnologies製のバッテリーは、シリコン混合物を使用して高エネルギー密度を実現している。別のアプローチは、Ampriusの製品のように、非常に薄い電極と高い製造コストという制約を受ける100%純粋シリコンのアノードを使用して、さらに高いエネルギー密度を生成することである。









・フォードとBMWが全固体電池のSolid Powerに142.2億円を投入

画像クレジット:PlargueDoctor / Getty Images


The global economy’s transition to widespread electrification has increased the demand for longer-lasting and faster-charging batteries across industries including transportation, consumer electronics, medical devices and residential energy storage. While the benefits of this transition are well understood, the reality is that battery innovation hasn’t kept pace with society’s ambitions.

With reports forecasting a 40% chance that the world’s temperature will rise over the next five years beyond the limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius laid out in the Paris climate agreement, it is clear that there’s little time to waste when it comes to creating next-generation batteries, which can easily take another 10 years to fully commercialize.

To meet the increasing pressures to electrify, a completely novel approach to building batteries is the only way to scale rechargeable batteries quickly enough to curb greenhouse-gas emissions globally and avoid the worst-case scenario for the climate crisis.

The challenges to battery innovation

Over the last few decades, battery experts, automakers, Tier 1 suppliers, investors and others looking to electrify have spent billions of dollars globally on creating next-generation batteries by focusing predominantly on battery chemistry. Yet the industry is still grappling with two major fundamental technical challenges that are stunting the proliferation of batteries:

Ultimately, the winning technologies in the race toward total electrification will be the ones that have the most significant impact on performance, lowered costs and compatibility with existing manufacturing infrastructure.

Are solid-state batteries the holy grail?

Battery researchers have championed the solid-state battery as the holy grail of battery technology due to its ability to achieve high energy density and increased safety. However, until recently, the technology has fallen short in practice.

Solid-state batteries have significantly higher energy density and are potentially safer because they do not use flammable liquid electrolytes. However, the technology is still nascent and has a long way to go to achieve commercialization. The manufacturing process for solid-state batteries has to be improved to lower costs, especially for an automotive industry that aims to achieve aggressive cost reductions as low as $50/kWh in the coming years.

The other substantial challenge to implementing solid-state technology is the limitation of total energy density that can be stored in the cathodes per unit of volume. The obvious solution to this dilemma would be to have batteries with thicker cathodes. However, a thicker cathode would reduce the mechanical and thermal stability of the battery. That instability leads to delamination (a mode of failure where a material fractures into layers), cracks and separation — all of which cause premature battery failure. In addition, thicker cathodes limit diffusion and decrease power. The result is that there is a practical limit to the thickness of cathodes, which restricts the power of anodes.

New takes on materials with silicon

In most cases, companies that are developing silicon-based batteries are mixing up to 30% silicon with graphite to boost energy density. The batteries made by Sila Nanotechnologies are an illustrative example of using a silicon mix to increase energy density. Another approach is to use 100% pure silicon anodes, which are limited by very thin electrodes and high production costs, to generate even higher energy density, like Amprius’ approach.

While silicon provides considerably greater energy density, there is a significant drawback that has limited its adoption until now: The material undergoes volume expansion and shrinkage while charging and discharging, limiting battery life and performance. This leads to degradation issues that manufacturers need to solve before commercial adoption. Despite those challenges, some silicon-based batteries are already being deployed commercially, including in the automotive sector, where Tesla leads in silicon adoption for EVs.

The imperative for electrification requires a new focus on battery design

Advances to battery architecture and cell design show significant promise for unlocking improvements with existing and emerging battery chemistries.

Probably the most notable from a mainstream perspective is Tesla’s “biscuit tin” battery cell that the company unveiled at its 2020 Battery Day. It’s still using lithium-ion chemistry, but the company removed the tabs in the cell that act as the positive and negative connection points between the anode and cathode and the battery casing, and instead use a shingled design within the cell. This change in design helps reduce manufacturing costs while boosting driving range and removes many of the thermal barriers that a cell can encounter when fast-charging with DC electricity.

Transitioning away from a traditional 2D electrode structure to a 3D structure is another approach that is gaining traction in the industry. The 3D structure yields high energy and high power performance in both the anode and cathode for every battery chemistry.

Although still in the R&D and testing phases, 3D electrodes have achieved two times higher accessible capacity, 50% less charging time and 150% longer lifetime for high-performance products at market-competitive prices. Therefore, in order to advance battery capabilities to unlock the full potential of energy storage for a range of applications, it is critical to develop solutions that emphasize altering the physical structure of batteries.

Winning the battery race

It’s not just performance improvements that will win the battery race, but perfecting production and cost reduction as well. To capture a considerable share of the ballooning battery market that is projected to reach $279.7 billion by 2027, countries around the world must find ways to achieve low-cost battery manufacturing at scale. Prioritizing “drop-in” solutions and innovative production methods that can be incorporated with existing assembly lines and materials will be key.

The Biden administration’s American Jobs Plan highlights the importance of domestic battery production to the country’s goal of being a leader in electrification while meeting ambitious carbon reduction targets. Commitments like these will play a key role in establishing who can maintain a critical competitive edge in the battery space and take the largest share of the $162 billion global EV market.

Ultimately, the winning technologies in the race toward total electrification will be the ones that have the most significant impact on performance, lowered costs and compatibility with existing manufacturing infrastructure. By taking a holistic approach and focusing more on innovating cell design while also fine-tuning leading chemistries, we can achieve the next steps in battery performance and rapid commercialization that the world desperately needs.

(文:Moshiel Biton、翻訳:Dragonfly)

Amazon.co.jp: バッテリー


バッテリー一覧(製品情報)|ジーエス・ユアサ バッテリー - GS …


バッテリー・バッテリー充電器 - 通販 | Amazon.co.jp

自動車用バッテリー、バイク用バッテリー、バッテリー充電器の販売は、オンライン通販Amazon.co.jp。 配送料無料(一部除く)。自動車用バッテリー、バイク用バッテリーからバッテリー充電器まで。Panasonic(パナソニック)、BOSCH(ボッシュ)ほか、国内外の有名ブランドが種類豊富。Amazonモバイルスマートフォン用アプリもご利用いただけます。

バッテリー基礎知識 | オートバックス公式通販サイト - …

バッテリーはエンジンの始動やエアコン・カーナビなどを動かすために無くてはならない大切なパーツです。最近のクルマは電気を使うパーツが増えているため、バッテリーの重要性と負担はますます高まっています。 バッテリーには同じ構造でも車両にあわせたさまざまなサイズ・容量があります。

バッテリーの型式と選び方|ジーエス・ユアサ バッテリー - …

バッテリーの型式と選び方についてまとめたコラムページです。ジーエス・ユアサ バッテリーは、自動車用バッテリー国内シェアNo1(グローバルシェアNo2)のGSユアサグループ企業です。幅広いラインナップであなたのお車に最適なバッテリーをお届けします。

価格.com - カーバッテリー | 通販・価格比較・製品情報

カーバッテリーを買うなら、まずは価格.comをチェック! 全国の通販サイトの販売価格情報をはじめ、スペック検索、クチコミ情報、ランキングなど、さまざまな視点から商品を比較・検討できます!



バッテリー - Wikipedia

バッテリー (小説) - あさのあつこ の小説、およびそれを原作とした派生作品。. マーチングバンド の中で、 マーチングスネアドラム 、 マルチタム 、 マーチングバスドラム 、 マーチングシンバル などフィールド上を動く 打楽器 の総称。. 楽譜 において、2音間の トレモロ のこと。. ヘヴィメタル・バンド、 メタリカ の曲。. アルバム『 メタル・マスター ...

カーバッテリーの種類と外径寸法・品番の見方 【通販 ...

バッテリー品番の見方. バッテリーの規格は数値とアルファベットで表されます。. 左からバッテリーの性能を表し、容量と、始動時に一気に放出できる電力の大きさで区分された数値です。. 数値が大きくなるほど、バッテリーの容量が増します。. 次のアルファベットはサイズ区分を表します。. 短側面の幅と箱高さで区分された記号です。.

パナソニックカーバッテリー | Panasonic

パナソニックが誇るフラッグシップカーバッテリーシリーズ。. アイドリングストップ車、ハイブリッド車充電制御車に対応。. caos lite(カオス・ライト). 大容量で充実した性能を備えた充電制御車対応バッテリー。. circla(サークラ)シリーズ. アイドリングストップ車充電制御車に対応。. ミドルシップカーバッテリーシリーズ。. XEX(エグゼクス)シリーズ. カー ...



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