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Amouranth(Kaitlyn Siragusa、ケイトリン・シラグサ)氏とIndiefoxx(Jenelle Dagres、ジェネル・ダグレス)氏の2人が、金曜日に禁じられてから72時間後となる米国時間6月21日に復活することはありうるが、本稿を書いている時点(米国時間6月21日午前11時)ではそれはない。シラグサ氏はPolygonで、ヨガのポーズをしてマイクに向かって人の耳を舐めるような音を立てていたら停止されたと語っている。


— Indiefoxx ? OF (@indiefoxxlive) June 18, 2021


シラグサ氏は次のようにツイートしている。「ASMR metaやクレイジーなヨガのポーズは、私の知ってるかぎりでも、他の2人の女の子が2000から5000のビューを稼いでいた。私があの悪名高いASMR metaを止めた何カ月も前からだ。しかも私以外のストリーマーは、未だに禁じられることなく続けている。私の場合、Twitchの怠慢を黙認だと誤解したのが間違いだった。秘密がばれたら3万ビューワーが犠牲者になってしまった」。

ASMR metaもhot tub metaも全員女性であるため、状況そのものもTwitchのコミュニティにいる女性差別主義者たちをさらに多く惹きよせている。Twitchは、女性のストリーマーがセクハラで追い出されることの多いプラットフォームだ。

I will always find it ENORMOUSLY IRONIC that the generation that fought “violent video games don’t cause an uptick in gun/violent crimes”(I agree), instantly turn tail & succumb to a bad take like “HOT TUB/ASMR GIRLS LITERALLY CREATE CREEPERS that plague other girl creators!”

— Kaitlyn (@wildkait) June 20, 2021

「暴力的なビデオゲームが銃犯罪を増加させた」という説と戦っている世代(私もそう思う)が「hot tubやASMRの女の子たちが変態的な犯罪者を作り出し他の女性クリエイターを困らせている」という説に尻尾を振るなんて、すごい皮肉ね。

プールやhot tubからの女性のストリーミングが増加しているときTwitchはブログで「他の人が見てセクシーと思うことはルール違反ではない。そしてTwitchは、女性やこのサービス上の誰かが魅力的と思われることに、反対するアクションをとることはない」と述べている。同社は例として、寝室における水着姿は「状況的に不適切」な水着は許されていないからルールに反するという。








画像クレジット:Gabby Jones/Bloomberg via Getty Images/Getty Images


Popular Twitch streamers Amouranth and Indiefoxx are the two latest casualties of Twitch’s ongoing battle to enforce its own confusing rules around sexually suggestive content.

Both creators were suspended following ASMR streams that pushed the bounds of Twitch’s community guidelines forbidding content that isn’t quite sexual in nature but is still too risqué for a platform deeply self-conscious about its advertising business. The Amazon-owned company declined to comment on the length of the bans or what provoked them, but pointed TechCrunch toward its rules on sexual content.

It’s possible that both Amouranth (Kaitlyn Siragusa) and Indiefoxx (Jenelle Dagres) will be reinstated Monday, 72 hours after their Friday ban, but both channels remained unavailable at the time of writing. Siragusa confirmed to Polygon that she was suspended after a stream in which she did yoga poses while making ear-licking sounds into a microphone.

The so-called “ASMR-meta” on Twitch, where streamers boost their views by whispering into their microphones or producing licking sounds, sometimes while holding yoga poses, follows the controversy around hot tubs on Twitch that exploded last month. In both instances, some Twitch creators believe that the platform’s rules are selectively enforced.

“With ASMR meta and crazy yoga poses, believe it or not I watched two other girls doing it to the tune of 2-5k views without any bans for months before I folded the activity into ASMR creating the infamous ‘ASMR’ meta,” Siragusa wrote on Twitter. “Those other streamers are still unbanned and continue to do it. My sin was taking inaction as a sign of tacit acceptance, and then blowing the top off the secret and hitting 30k viewers.”

Because both the ASMR meta and the hot tub meta were dominated by female streamers, the whole situation has attracted even more misogyny within the Twitch community, where female streamers are still regularly harassed off the platform.

In a blog addressing the proliferation of women streaming from pools and hot tubs at the time, Twitch wrote that “being found to be sexy by others is not against our rules, and Twitch will not take enforcement action against women, or anyone on our service, for their perceived attractiveness.” The company clarified that while a bathing suit in a bedroom might break the rules, “contextually appropriate” swimwear is allowed.

Twitch also acknowledged the complexity of its own difficult to parse rules:

Our intention with the Sexually Suggestive policy was to draw a line on content that is overtly or explicitly sexually suggestive, not to ban all content that could be viewed as sexually suggestive – but we acknowledge that our rules are not as clear as they could be.

Prohibiting every form of content that could be interpreted as suggestive would also result in far more restrictions on the video games and premium content that we currently allow, especially considering the ways that female characters are sometimes objectified or presented in a sexualized manner.

Its solution at the time was to create a “Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches” category where that content could live. Most of Twitch’s categories are dedicated to specific games, with most of the platform’s nongaming streams listed in the popular catch-all category “Just Chatting.”

ASMR has its own category, with 2.4 million followers, encompassing ear-tingling ASMR streams that don’t push the boundaries of Twitch’s rules with the more recent crop of those that do. So far, instead of building out a more thoughtful way to corral sexually suggestive content, the company is opting to punish anybody who it decides crosses the line. But it’s possible that could all change: Last month, Twitch said it was working on new policies to further clarify the rules on sexually suggestive content.

Unfortunately for Twitch — and for the female creators disproportionately affected by its uneven policies — the abundance of ear-licking streams suggests that until then, the company will be making these same determinations over and over as it tries to draw a line within a gray area of its own making.

(文:Taylor Hatmaker、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani) - Official Site

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Twitch is an American video live streaming service that focuses on video game live streaming, including broadcasts of esports competitions. In addition, it offers music broadcasts, creative content, and more recently, "in real life" streams.It is operated by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of, Inc. It was introduced in June 2011 as a spin-off of the general-interest streaming ...

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Everyone Loses With The Twitch Fart Meta |

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Popular Twitch streamers Amouranth and Indiefoxx are the two latest casualties of Twitch’s ongoing battle to enforce its own confusing rules around sexually suggestive content. Both creators were suspended following ASMR streams that pushed the bounds of Twitch’s community...

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Twitch previously said that being thought of as sexy was not against the rules when it legitimised hot tub streaming with its own category, but this is something different entirely. I mentioned earlier that there was some weird behaviour during the hot tub streams. I addressed that once the hot tub category was created, but it's worth repeating.



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