

関連ワード (Clubhouse、チャット等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



Wow looks like accidental update of @clubhouse enabled in app backchannel & switch of side bar & full experience.

Seems it’s rolled back now but from what I saw it was beautiful!!

On stage > move to hallway > hit arrow > back channel popped up! @jowyang @GaryLHenderson

— Brian Fanzo ? Keynote Speaker $ADHD (@iSocialFanz) June 18, 2021

バックチャンネルのスクリーンはテキスト入力ボックスがなく完全に空白だったが、ClubhouseのCEOであるPaul Davison(ポール・デイヴィソン)氏が以前同社のタウンホールで語っていたテキストチャット機能の構築に取り組んでいるようだ。


And FWIW, @SpotifyGrnroom already has a backchannel feature, so expect @Clubhouse's to (possibly) look something like this.

/cc @ashleyrcarman @bryanmenegus

— Chris Messina (@chrismessina) June 21, 2021






画像クレジット:SOPA Images / Getty Images


Some Clubhouse users were treated to a surprise feature in their favorite app, but it wasn’t long for this world. A new UI element called “backchannel” popped up briefly before disappearing late last week, pointing the Clubhouse faithful to a new area of the app and generating plenty of chatter among users ready for more ways to connect.

While the backchannel screen was totally blank without so much as a text entry box, it looks like the company is working on building out the text chat feature that Clubhouse CEO Paul Davison previously discussed in a company town hall.

“…. I think that there are so many people who do DM backchannels all the time, so many people who want to deepen friendships and relationships with people and do all sorts of other stuff — I think this is something that we should have,” Davison said.

The Clubhouse co-founder went on to say that building the feature to suit the app’s use cases won’t be trivial and wouldn’t be happening right away. He also declined to elaborate on if the app would add traditional one-on-one DMs or a more open group text chat feature.

When reached for comment, Clubhouse didn’t dissuade TechCrunch from the assumption that a messaging feature is around the corner, but issued a coy statement.

“As part of our product building process, Clubhouse regularly explores and tests potential features,” a Clubhouse spokesperson told TechCrunch. “These functions sometimes become part of the app, sometimes they don’t.”

Spotify’s new Clubhouse copycat app Greenroom offers its own live text chatroom that users can access by swiping right in the app, giving it a bit of flexibility that Clubhouse has yet to offer. From the looks of the Clubhouse backchannel feature, it also lives in a window accessed through swiping, though that’s obviously subject to change.

(文:Taylor Hatmaker、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

[Updated] Waiting for Clubhouse Android app release date ...

Clubhouse is exclusively available for iOS and the release date for Android is unknown, however, these are the best alternatives you can try.

Did Clubhouse leak its own potential private messaging ...

It seems like the platform might be looking to expand beyond offering only live audio experiences.

Clubhouse is building a DM text chat feature - TechCrunch

Some Clubhouse users were treated to a surprise feature in their favorite app, but it wasn’t long for this world. A new UI element called “backchannel” popped up briefly before disappearing late last week, pointing the Clubhouse faithful to a new area of the app and generating plenty of chatter among users ready for more […]

Clubhouse Vs Discord? What are they? How are they ...

Clubhouse looks more organized and scheduled with rooms and clubs.Discord on the other hand is a real-time meet and greet with a discussion mode of audio, video, text at a time.

Facebook's Clubhouse Competitor Launches Today in the US ...

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Clubhouse working on the private messaging feature ...

Clubhouse is working on its own private messaging feature while Facebook and Spotify are launching a copycat service to take on Clubhouse

Everything and everyone should be a Clubhouse clone | Usa ...

Since Clubhouse launched and put all the worst parts of podcasting into one neat package, companies have been keen to cash in. Just think of the Clubhouse clones we’ve seen already. There’s Twitter Spaces. Who could forget Reddit Talk? Even Spotify has got on the trend with Greenroom. And, just yesterday, Facebook finally launched Live Audio… Read More

CLUBHOUSE is Dangerous app? | Cyber Alert | How to use ...

#Clubhouse #Howtouseclubhouse #Howtoinstallclubhouse #Howtoinviteclubhouse #Clubhouseapp #Clubhouseapptamil #Clubhousappdanger #Clubhousetroll #Sivaaruntv #C...

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Clubhouse will soon launch private messaging feature | DH ...

Clubhouse is reportedly developing its own private messaging feature at a time when companies such as Facebook and Spotify are launching a clone service | DH Latest News, DH NEWS, Latest News, NEWS, Technology, Business , business, technology update, Club house

Now not only audio, private messaging feature is coming ...

Clubhouse is constantly providing new updates for its users. In such a situation, this messaging update can connect more users with this app. ClubhouseThe

Facebook's Clubhouse competitor rolling out in the US ...

Facebook is launching podcasts and live audio streams in the US on Monday to keep users engaged on the social media platform.

Facebook Audio Rooms Rolls Out With Clubhouse-Like ...

Facebook Audio Rooms: Facebook has introduced a new audio-based feature to take on Clubhouse and Twitter. The new Facebook Audio Rooms has just gone live and seems to be largely similar to the trendsetter Clubhouse app.

Clubhouse working on private messaging feature: Report

New Delhi: Invite-only audio meet app Clubhouse is apparently working on its own private messaging feature, at a time when companies

Facebook is now cloning features from Clubhouse, the audio ...

Facebook is launching podcasts and live audio streams in the US. It includes Live Audio Rooms, its version of the popular app Clubhouse...

What to Know About Facebook's New Clubhouse Clone

Facebook's audio initiative officially gets underway with the launch of Live Audio Rooms, the social media giant's version of Clubhouse.

Facebook Launches 'Live Audio Rooms' Feature to Take on ...

Facebook has now released its Clubhouse-like feature called Live Audio Rooms along with podcasts for iOS users in the US.

Facebook vs Clubhouse: Fight Starts but Can It Be Fatality?

Clubhouse, the latest app that caught the attention of media people, influencers, and thought leaders like Elon Musk, has been challenged by Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg's recent service, Live Audio Rooms, is rolling out in the US today but it's unclear whether this launch comes with a

Clubhouse Accidentally Leaks New Backchannel Feature - TGDaily

Clubhouse accidentally leaked its under-development chat feature called Backchannel. This UI element disappeared very quickly after some users noticed it.

Facebook Podcast: Clubhouse, watch out! Facebook launches ...

The site will allow public figures with verified accounts in the US to start live audio rooms and invite anyone else to speak.

5 Red Flags in Clubhouse's Privacy Policy - Surfshark

Clubhouse has recently emerged as a popular and exclusive social media platform, but its privacy policy leaves much to be desired.

Clubhouse is building a DM text chat feature | ?️ ...

Clubhouse is building a DM text chat feature: Some Clubhouse users were treated to a surprise feature in their favorite app, but it wasn’t long for this world. A new UI element called “backchannel” popped up briefly before disappearing late last week, pointing the Clubhouse faithful to a new area of the app and generating plenty of chatter among users ready for more…

Facebook launches Clubhouse-like live audio rooms and ...

Facebook Inc on Monday launched its own Clubhouse-style live audio rooms and a way to find and play podcasts on its platform, marking a push into ...

Internet Freedom Foundation raises privacy concerns about ...

Indian digital rights advocacy group, the Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF), has raised privacy concerns about popular American audio-only social network Clubhouse. In a blog post, the IFF said that Clubhouse “should provide a Human Rights Policy and volunteer for a Civil Rights Audit". In a blog post, the advocacy group also accused the platform of … Read More

34 Clubhouse Dr #34, Cromwell, CT 06416 | MLS# 170412515 ...

For Sale: 3 beds, 1.5 baths ∙ 1708 sq. ft. ∙ 34 Clubhouse Dr #34, Cromwell, CT 06416 ∙ $235,000 ∙ MLS# 170412515 ∙ MOVE-IN READY! Do not miss out on the opportunity to own this fully remodeled town...

Clubhouse Leaks Direct Messages Feature Before Taking it ...

Clubhouse has leaked its upcoming "Direct Messages" features or DMs on its platform, which came in the form of the so-called "Backchannel" feature, which has a massive text box and nothing else. The new feature would promote new ways for users of the audio-only platform to connect more, and without the need, to setup, a

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リアルチャット恋愛ゲーム「プラスリンクス ~キミと繋がる想い~」が配信開始!

リアルチャット恋愛ゲーム「プラスリンクス ~キミと繋がる想い~」が配信開始!

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チャットW が2021年06月22日に提出した適時開示書類「株式譲渡契約締結(子会社の取得)及び資金の借入に関するお知らせ」のPDFファイルです。

"Nintendo Switch Online"アプリの"Onlineラウンジ"機能が2021年7月29日もって提供 ...

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C# - C#でチャットアプリの作り方|teratail

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"リアルチャット"恋愛ゲーム「プラスリンクス ~キミと繋がる想い~」が配信開始。リリースを記念したイベントや ...

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高い精度で日本語の自然言語理解をするAIチャットボットの取り扱い開始 |

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ビデオチャット☆*° | 若田彩実 オフィシャルブログ


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デュラララ!! - Wikipedia


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EXNOAは、リアルチャット恋愛ゲーム「プラスリンクス ~キミと繋がる想い~」の配信を本日6月21日より開始した。



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