

関連ワード (Cornershop、Uber、中南米等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




この取り引きは、Uberの拡大志向が衰えていないことを示すものだ。Cornershopを完全子会社化することで、パンデミック下に人気が高まっている食料品デリバリー分野を強化できる。Uberは2020年夏にPostmates(ポストメイツ)を企業価値26億5000万ドル(約2920億円)で買収した後、中南米、カナダ、および米国の一部の都市で食料品配達事業を開始した。UberのCEO、Dara Khosrowshahi(ダラ・コスロシャヒ)氏は声明で、同社の食料品および特定分野事業の年間予測取扱高が30億ドル(約3300億円)を超えたと語った。


Cornershopはチリに拠点を持ち、2015年にOskar Hjertonsson(オスカー・ヘルトンソン)氏、Daniel Undurraga(ダニアル・ウンドゥラガ)氏、Juan Pablo Cuevas(ファン・パブロ・クエバス)氏の3名が共同設立した。同社は事業範囲をチリ、メキシコ、ブラジル、コロンビア、コスタリカ、ペルー、米国、およびカナダの南北8カ国へと拡大した。4回の調達ラウンドを通じて計3170万ドル(約35億円)を調達しており、Accel(アクセス)とJackson Square Ventures(ジャクソン・スクエア・ベンチャーズ)らの投資家が参加している。


Uberは食品小売業との厳しい戦いに直面しており、ライバルの多くはDoorDash(ドアダッシュ)やFavor Fleet(フェイバー・フリート)などのスタートアップと提携することで配達を行っている。




(文:Aria Alamalhodaei、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

Uber - Official Site

We're finding better ways for cities to move, work, and thrive. Download the app and get a ride in minutes. Or become a driver and earn money on your schedule.

Uber Increases Stake in Grocery Delivery Startup ...

Uber Technologies (UBER) has reached an agreement to purchase the remaining shares of Cornershop that it does not already own. If the deal goes through,

Boiling and ready to burst as Uber Technologies Inc. (UBER ...

At the end of the latest market close, Uber Technologies Inc. (UBER) was valued at $49.70. In that particular session, Stock kicked-off at the price of $49.72 while reaching the peak value of $49.86 and lowest value recorded on the day was $47.90. The stock current value is $48.12. Get the hottest

Uber Technologies Inc. [UBER] Is Currently -3.18 below its ...

Uber Technologies Inc. [NYSE: UBER] loss -3.18% on the last trading session, reaching $48.12 price per share at the time. The company report on May 19, 2021 that Uber CFO to Participate in Fireside Chat at 2021 Evercore ISI TMT Conference. Get the hottest stocks to trade every day before the market

UPDATE 1-Japan police probe Uber Eats for suspected breach ...

Japanese police on Tuesday filed a notice of investigation against the local office of food delivery service Uber Eats for suspected breach of immigration law. Tokyo Metropolitan Police sent a notice to the company and two former managers about alleged unauthorised work by Vietnamese nationals that took place from June to August 2020, a police spokesperson said, confirming a report from the Kyodo News Agency. With a third of its population over 65, Japan has become increasingly reliant on foreign labour, but the ruling party has been reluctant to liberalise immigration policies.

(UBER) - Analyzing Uber Technologies's Unusual Options ...

Uber Technologies (NYSE:UBER) shares experienced unusual options activity on Tuesday. The stock price moved down to $47.88 following the option alert. ...

Gig workers in Mass. escalate fight with Uber, Lyft, and ...

The fight centers on whether workers who use technology apps to seek jobs, such as Uber and Lyft drivers or DoorDash delivery people, are considered independent contractors or employees of the companies that make the platforms.

Uber Eats driver accused of stealing family's cat says she ...

An Uber Eats driver accused of stealing a family's cat told the family she thought the cat was a stray and says she gave her to a family at an animal shelter.

Uber's High-Price Grocery Delivery Bet — The Information

Greetings!It’s boom time for lazy people! Well, at least those people who couldn’t be bothered leaving the house to buy a bottle of beer or pick up the groceries. Delivery service GoPuff today struck a deal to buy Liquor Barn, an alcohol retailer, its second such purchase in a few months. Uber, ...

Hawaii Travel Update: A New, Locally-Owned Rideshare App ...

Travelers will have another option for getting around on their next trip to the islands.

James Uber Obituary (1970 - 2021) - Townsend, MA - Legacy ...

James Uber's passing has been publicly announced.Legacy invites you to offer condolences and share memories of James in the Guest Book below.

Walgreens Offers Merchandise Delivery Through Uber ...

Additionally, Uber and Walgreens worked together earlier this year to create a new vaccine scheduling option via the Uber app where Uber users in the U.S. can choose to schedule a COVID-19 vaccine ...

Japan police probe Uber Eats for suspected breach of ...

Japanese police on Tuesday filed a notice of investigation against the local office of food delivery service Uber Eats and two representatives for suspected breach of immigration law, the Kyodo ...

The COVID pandemic changed sustainability goals for Uber ...

The COVID-19 crisis and proposed legislation are fueling ride-hailing companies’ existing plans for EV adoption.

Covid impact on Ola, Uber lower during second wave ...

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Japan police probe Uber Eats for suspected breach of ...

Japanese police on Tuesday filed a notice of investigation against the local office of food delivery service Uber Eats for suspected breach of immigration law.

UBER to Buy Remainder of Cornershop, Expand Delivery Unit ...

UBER is set to acquire the remaining 47% stake in South American online grocery-provider Cornershop in an all-stock deal.

Japan police probe Uber Eats for suspected breach of ...

An Uber Eats delivery person rides a bicycle during an outbreak of the coronavirus disease, at Shibuya shopping and amusement district in Tokyo, Japan

Uber or Lyft availability for an early flight from MSY ...

Uber or Lyft availability for an early flight from MSY? - How is the Uber availability at 4 am in Metairie these days for an early flight out of MSY?

Uber Japan referred to prosecutors over hiring of ...

An Uber spokesperson said the company was "fully cooperating" and that the police investigation could lead to charges from prosecutors.

Uber Unit in Japan Faces Criminal Charges Over Alleged ...

An Uber Eats representative said in a statement: "Uber takes any unauthorized use of the platform very seriously and has taken a number of steps to strengthen onboarding procedures for prospective ...

Uber: Težimo da OHR u srednjoročnom periodu bude zatvoren

Ambasador Njemačke u BiH Margret Uber izjavila je da ova zemlja, zajedno sa ostalim članicama Upravnog odbora Savjeta za sprovođenje mira teži da OHR u nekom srednjoročnom periodu bude zatvoren.

Moment Uber Eats driver steals cat before dropping off ...

The Uber Eats driver allegedly took off the cat's collar off and left it on the sidewalk

Uber Eats Japan charged for suspected breach of ...

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese police on Tuesday filed charges against the Japanese office of food delivery service Uber Eats and two company representati...

Uber Eats Japan charged over alleged immigration violation

Uber Eats in Japan had hired undocumented Vietnamese citizens as delivery staff, according to an Asahi Shimbun report. A former Uber official in charge of compliance, who was also included in the ...

Trip Segment Values for Uber, Lyft Endure Rising ...

Summoning a trip is turning out to be progressively costly for customers. As ride-share companies like Uber (NYSE:UBER) and Lyft battle driver scarcities, fees for trips have skewered 40% countrywide, rendering to statistics from Rakuten. The upwelling is striking big cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago particularly stiff.

'UBER MEDICS' - Health Care Workers to Get Up To 50% ...

Popular American ride-sharing company, Uber, has launched a new service for the country's health care workers called "Uber Medics". The service is available from today June 22 through to July 22, 2021. Under the service health care workers at eleven hospitals across Kingston, St. Andrew and St. Catherine will benefit from up to a 50-percent […]

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9188.net_出售中_酷米网 - kmw.com

9188.net,出售中,转让,域名交易. 域名9188.net正在出售中,如果您感兴趣,请联系我们; 出售时间:2021-06-22 12:38

马銮湾新城一中南幼儿园项目将征收土地3283平方米 |厦门房地产联合网(xmhouse.com)

根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》《征收土地公告办法》等有关规定,经《福建省人民政府关于厦门市海沧区2021年度第一批次农用地转用和土地征收的批复》(闽政地〔2021〕285号)批准,现需征收海沧区东孚街道芸美村集体土地3283平方米,作为马銮湾新城一中南幼儿园项目建设用地。现将有关事项 ...


3d每天百分之百必出胆码 "坐着说话吧"池小河脸上 是温和 的笑容,"你昨儿晚上辛 苦了,还是坐着舒服"分析人士指出,"无协议脱 欧"意味着更高的关 税和混乱 的经贸关系其预计2020年前三季度归母净亏损4.14 -4.42亿元, 其中第三季度预亏1.00-1.28亿元,较第二季度 环比收窄3成左右 "晚宴吧。

滯留鋒面影響 今起3天南台灣防大雨 | 生活新聞 | 生活 | 聯合新聞網


马銮湾新城一中南幼儿园项目将征收土地3283平方米 - 厦门便民网




牡丹水庫吃飽逾四成 - allnews.tw

【本報記者陳明道屏東報導】牡丹水庫昨日十一時水位一百二十七點五八米,蓄水量一千零九十萬噸(蓄水率41.11%),六月二十一日累積降雨量八十點六毫米,昨日截至十一點累積降雨量二十六點八毫米。 昨日滯留鋒面帶來恆春半島累積雨量多,牡丹鄉前天八十多毫米,昨天至中午累積二十六點八毫米,山區雨勢明顯,牡丹水庫蓄水率回升逾四十一點十一%,明顯進帳蓄水容量一千多萬噸,估計供水八十天不成問題。 受到西南風影響,中南部都有明顯大雨,各水庫也有進帳,根據水利署資料,至昨日十一時牡丹水庫水位一百二十七點五八米,蓄水量一千零九十萬噸(蓄水率41.11%),牡丹水庫進帳逾一千多萬噸,水庫蓄水率也回升逾41%,二週內攀升10%之多。 中央氣象局表示,這波滯留鋒影響最顯著的時間是二十二及今天二十三日,主要降雨區域為西半部和東北部。水利署表示,會持續保持警覺性,盼降雨有效挹注目前尚未滿庫的水庫,例如霧社、德基、曾文、烏山頭和牡丹水庫;同時以不致災為原則,落實防汛相關作業。  

政府招商引资政策 2成首付 合肥肥东 繁华大道与四顶山路交叉口2000㎡ 厂房出售层高7.8米 配电200kva 有 ...

合肥肥东 繁华大道与四顶山路交口1200㎡ 厂房出售层高8米 跨度24米 配电200kva 独院天车10吨 有蒸汽 有燃气 可环评; 合肥肥东 中南高科合肥智能制造产业园1200㎡ 厂房出售层高8.1米 跨度24米 配电50kva 可环评

湖北选矿废水处理厂家 专注废水处理工程

湖北选矿废水处理厂家 专注废水处理工程,八方资源网云集了众多的湖北选矿废水处理厂家供应商,采购商,制造商。这是 湖北选矿废水处理厂家 专注废水处理工程 的详细页面。公司总部位于长沙经济技术开发区CBD电信大楼,办公面积700多平方米,生产厂房2600余平方米。充分融合中南大学资源循环 ...


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Uber Increases Stake in Grocery Delivery Startup ...

Uber Technologies (UBER) has reached an agreement to purchase the remaining shares of Cornershop that it does not already own. If the deal goes through,

Uber Increases Stake in Grocery Delivery Startup ...

Uber Technologies (UBER) has reached an agreement to purchase the remaining shares of Cornershop that it does not already own. If the deal goes through, Uber will own 100% of the grocery delivery ...

Uber to Become the Sole Owner of Grocery Delivery Startup ...

With Cornershop as wholly owned subsidiary, Uber can beef up its grocery delivery options, a service made popular during the pandemic. The company started offering grocery delivery in select cities across Latin America, Canada and the U.S. last summer after it acquired Postmates in a deal valued at $2.65 billion.

Uber to become the sole owner of grocery delivery startup ...

Uber has reached a deal to become the sole owner of Latin American delivery startup Cornershop, just one year after acquiring a majority stake in the company. The ride-hailing giant said in a regulatory filing Monday that it will purchase the remaining 47% interest in Cornershop in exchange for 29…

Uber to develop into the sole real owner of grocery ...

Uber has reached a deal to develop into the sole real owner of Latin American initiating startup Cornershop, unbiased 300 and sixty five days after…

Uber to Buy Remaining Stake in Online Grocer Cornershop

(Bloomberg) -- Uber Technologies Inc. has agreed to buy the remaining 47% stake in Chile’s online grocer Cornershop it doesn’t already own for about $1.4 billion in shares.Uber first took a majority stake in Cornershop, the largest home delivery platform in Mexico and Chile, in 2019 in a bid to extend its geographic reach and bolster profits by bundling food delivery with rides.The all-stock deal will see Uber exchange 29 million shares, including about 4 million shares for outstanding stock opt

Uber finally acquires 100% of Cornershop in a multi ...

Uber will finally buy 100% of the Chilean delivery startup Cornershop after in 2019 the mobility firm announced its intentions to acquire the Latin company co-founded by Daniel Undurraga and Juan Pablo Cuevas. will finally buy 100% of the Chilean delivery startup Cornershop after in 2019 the mobility firm announced its intentions to acquire the Latin

Japan police probe Uber Eats for suspected breach of ...

TOKYO (Reuters) -Japanese police on Tuesday filed a notice of investigation against the local office of food delivery service Uber Eats for suspected breach of immigration law. Tokyo Metropolitan Police sent a notice to the company and two former managers about alleged unauthorised work by Vietnamese nationals that took place from June to August 2020, a police spokesperson said, confirming a report from the Kyodo News Agency. With a third of its population over 65, Japan has become increasingly reliant on foreign labour, but the ruling party has been reluctant to liberalise immigration policies.

Uber finally acquires 100% of Cornershop in a multi ...

The operation for 459 million dollars was finally endorsed in Mexico in December 2020 by Cofece. June 21, 2021 3 min read This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process. Uber will finally buy 100% of the Chilean delivery startup...

UBER to Buy Remainder of Cornershop, Expand Delivery Unit ...

UBER is set to acquire the remaining 47% stake in South American online grocery-provider Cornershop in an all-stock deal.

Uber to become the sole owner of grocery delivery startup ...

Uber has reached a deal to become the sole owner of Latin American delivery startup Cornershop, just one year after acquiring a majority stake in the company.

Uber has Bought 100 Percent Of Chile Delivery Startup ...

Uber has arrived at a deal that’ll crown the company as the sole owner of delivery startup Cornershop. This development comes about

Uber to buy remaining stake in online grocer Cornershop ...

Uber first took a majority stake in Cornershop, the largest home delivery platform in Mexico and Chile, in 2019 in a bid to extend its geographic reach and bolster profits by bundling food delivery with rides.

Uber to Buy Remaining Stake in Online Grocer Cornershop

(Bloomberg) -- Uber Technologies Inc. has agreed to buy the remaining 47% stake in Chile’s online grocer Cornershop in exchange for 29 million shares.

Uber's High-Price Grocery Delivery Bet — The Information

Greetings!It’s boom time for lazy people! Well, at least those people who couldn’t be bothered leaving the house to buy a bottle of beer or pick up the groceries. Delivery service GoPuff today struck a deal to buy Liquor Barn, an alcohol retailer, its second such purchase in a few months. Uber, ...

Uber to acquire remaining share of on-demand grocer Cornershop

Uber Technologies (NYSE: UBER) is acquiring the remaining shares in Cornershop, an on-demand grocery delivery platform. According to a Securities and Exchange filing this past weekend, Uber will acquire the remaining 47% of the company it doesn’t already own. Cornershop CEO Oskar Hjertonsson confirmed the news on Twitter Monday morning.

Uber is buying the rest of grocery delivery start-up ...

The deal comes nearly two years after the ride-hailing giant took a majority stake in Cornershop.

Alvernia University to acquire former Giant grocery store ...

Jun. 22—POTTSVILLE — Alvernia University will purchase the former Giant grocery store in the city's downtown, a year after closing to shoppers President John Loyack confirmed Monday the university signed an agreement to purchase the property, at 500 Progress Ave. A sale price was not disclosed. Information on when the sale will be completed was also not available. "We expect to close at the ...

Delivery Is Trumping Deals As Sales Continue | PYMNTS.com

Uber Becomes Sole Owner Of Grocery Startup Cornershop. 1.1K. Cryptocurrency Bitcoin Drops As China's Crypto Crackdown Continues. 1.1K. Delivery Instacart Expands Delivery Service To Montreal ...

Tuesday's Pre-Market: Here's What You Need to Know Before ...

U.S. inventory futures jumped on Tuesday as traders await knowledge of the Nationwide Affiliation of Realtors' current house gross

Daily Crunch: Facebook rolls out podcasts and Live Audio ...

Facebook is taking on Clubhouse and Spotify, India is still figuring out how to manage its burgeoning technology industry, and everyone is raising money. Facebook wants your voice: Facebook’s live-audio service is out, putting Big Blue in competition with Clubhouse, a buzzy startup, and Spotify. In the wake of Clubhouse’s super-active early 2021, a host of Big Tech companies are looking to capture the magic that the startup managed to bottle.

Uber será dueño del 100% de Cornershop - Notiespartano

Uber llegó a un nuevo acuerdo con los accionistas de la chilena Cornershop para adquirir sus participaciones, convirtiéndose en dueño al 100% de la plataforma de compra de víveres. El gigante de las apps de movilidad, que poco a poco ha expandido su negocio a otras áreas, como los servicios de ...

Uber adquiere el 100% de Cornershop. Revista infoRETAIL.

Revista infoRETAIL. Un nuevo concepto para a dar cobertura a todas las informaciones relacionadas con el mundo del retail y gran consumo. Un nuevo medio de comunicación que apuesta por dar soporte a los nuevos retos informativos del sector del gran consumo en el siglo XXI. infoRETAIL ofrece a todos sus lectores ediciones impresas, donde se pueden encontrar mesas de análisis, entrevistas, artículos de fondo de especialistas, la voz del consumidor, perfiles directivos, los nuevos productos…

Uber se queda con el total del paquete accionario de la ...

La empresa estadounidense adquirió el 47% de la plataforma de entregas de supermercados

Uber Ambil Alih Seluruh Saham Startup Pengiriman Bahan ...

Perusahaan penyedia layanan transportasi Uber mengakusisi startup penyedia bahan pokok atau groseri asal Amerika Latin Cornershop untuk memperluas layanan. Sektor bahan pokok dipilih karena potensinya yang besar selama pandemi Covid-19. Uber diketahui telah mencapai kesepakatan akuisisi setahun setelah membeli saham mayoritas Cornershop pada 2019 lalu.

Elon Musk's Starlink: Global Internet Coverage By September

Starlink – president Gwynne Shotwel, said that the satellite internet company expects to be able to provide global coverage by September

Hold PayPal responsible: Why Is Venmo Suddenly Asking Me ...

From Slate: Has Venmo recently asked you to verify your identity with your social security number, home address, and a government-issued ID? If so, you aren't alone. Though the Venmo customer identification program first started in 2019, the company appears to have been progressively ramping up its efforts to verify users since the spring. If […]

#Uber decide comprar el 100% de #Cornershop ...

Cornershop es un supermercado 'online' que opera en Chile y México y que, recientemente, ha entrado en los mercados de Perú y Toronto. La transacción está sujeta a algunos ajustes habituales en estas operaciones para hacer definitivo el acuerdo. Asimismo, Uber espera materializar la compra total de Cornershop en julio de 2021.

Daily Crunch: Facebook rolls out podcasts and Live Audio ...

Nintendo responds to kid's request for nonbinary Pokémon: 'I'm crying now' - Yahoo Singapore News Daily Crunch: Facebook rolls out podcasts and Live Audio Rooms for US listeners - TechCrunch Samsung is 'reimagining smartwatches' at its MWC event on June 28th - The Verge Facebook's entry into VR advertising isn't going too well - TechCrunch This Sony OLED TV is perfect ...



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