バラクーダネットワークスがSkout Cybersecurityを買収してXDR市場に参入へ
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Barracuda Networks(バラクーダネットワークス)は、ニューヨーク拠点のXDR(拡張検出・対応)サービスのチャネルパートナー向け専門プロバイダーであるSkout Cybersecurity(スカウト・サイバーセキュリティ)を買収した。
SkoutのXDRプラットフォームを同社のセキュリティチームとともに導入することで、BarracudaはMSP(マネージドサービス・プロバイダー)にリアルタイムの連続的セキュリティ監視機能を提供、より効率的に脅威に対応できると言っている。アーリーステージのcyber-as-a-service(サービスとしてのサイバーセキュリティ)スタートアップであるSkoutは、RSE VenturesとClearSkyから総額2500万ドル(約27億9000万円)の資金を調達しており、他にAIベースのエンドポイントプロテクション、Eメールプロテクションサービス、およびOffice 365モニタリングを自社のXDRプラットフォームを通じて提供している。
関連記事:プライベートエクイティThoma BravoがITアセット管理のFlexeraを2960億円で2度目の買収
「MSPは顧客のもつエンドユーザーやそのデバイス、およびデバイスがアクセスするデータを、ますます高度化する脅威から守る必要があります。このレベルの保護を顧客や自分自身に対して実現するために、MSPはビジネス形態を「セキュリティ中心」の運用に変えつつあります」とBarracuda MSPのSVP兼ゼネラルマネージャー、Brian Babineau(ブライアン・バビノー)氏は語った。
かつて上場企業だったBarracudaは、2017年11月に非上場株式投資会社のThoma Bravoに16億ドル(約1785億円)で買収されて非公開化された。Palo Alto Networks(パロアルト・ネットワークス)やSymantec(シマンテック)と競合する同社は、クラウド接続のネットワークとアプリケーションにセキュリティ機能を提供し、Delta Airlines(デルタ航空)、Hootsuite(フートスイート)、Samsung(サムスン)をはじめとする20万以上の顧客を有している。
画像クレジット:Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg / Getty Images
Barracuda Networks has purchased Skout Cybersecurity, a New York-based channel-only provider of extended detection and response (XDR) services.
The deal, the terms of which were not disclosed, will see the California-based cybersecurity vendor enter the fast-growing XDR market.
As a result of the ever-increasing attack surface as businesses shift to the cloud and embrace hybrid working, 80% of security professionals now say XDR solutions — which automatically collect and correlate data from multiple security layers to improve threat detection — should be a top priority for their organization, and 68% of enterprises plan to implement XDR in 2021 and 2022, according to recent research.
By adopting Skout’s XDR platform, along with the company’s security team, Barracuda says it will be able to offer real-time continuous security monitoring to managed service providers, or MSPs, enabling them to address threats more efficiently. Skout, an early-stage cyber-as-a-service startup that had amassed a total of $25 million in funding from RSE Ventures and ClearSky, also offers AI-powered endpoint protection, email protection services and Office 365 monitoring through its XDR platform.
The acquisition also continues Barracuda’s strategic M&A momentum, which includes the recent acquisition of zero trust access provider Fyde.
Read more on TechCrunch Thoma Bravo buys cybersecurity vendor Proofpoint for $12.3B in cash Zero trust unicorn Illumio closes $225M Series F led by Thoma Bravo Thoma Bravo acquires Flexera for a second time paying $2.85B
“MSPs must be able to protect their customers’ end users, their devices and the data they are accessing with these devices against increasingly sophisticated threats. To achieve this level of protection for their customers, and themselves, MSPs are transforming their businesses into “security-centric” operations,” said Brian Babineau, SVP and general manager at Barracuda MSP.
“The addition of Skout enables Barracuda’s MSP partners to deploy security solutions across their environments, connecting their data feeds into a unified, 24×7 operation for swift analysis and response.”
The acquisition is expected to close later this month, subject to obtaining required regulatory and third-party consents, and satisfaction of other customary closing conditions.
Previously a public company, Barracuda was taken private by private equity firm Thoma Bravo who acquired the company for $1.6 billion in November 2017. The company, which competes with Palo Alto Networks and Symantec, provides security for cloud-connected networks and applications and counts the likes of Delta Airlines, Hootsuite and Samsung among its 200,000+ customers.
(文:Carly Page、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )
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Barracuda to acquire SKOUT Cybersecurity - Cyber Risk Leaders
Barracuda Networks, Inc has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire SKOUT Cybersecurity, a Melville, NY-based leader in cyber-as-a-service software for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and provider of an extended detection and response (XDR) platform and service.
Barracuda acquires MSP-focused XDR platform SKOUT ...
Cloud-enabled security solution provider Barracuda Networks acquired SKOUT Cybersecurity in an attempt to foray into the extended detection and response (XDR) market.
Barracuda Networks sign definitive agreement to acquire ...
Barracuda Networks acquires SKOUT Cybersecurity, entering the XDR market with optimized Managed Service Providers’ solutions.
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Barracuda Networks expands portfolio with SKOUT ...
Barracuda enters the XDR market with the buy
iTWire - Barracuda inks agreement to acquire SKOUT ...
Cloud security and data protection solutions vendor Barracuda Networks has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire cyber-as-a-service software...
Barracuda plans acquisition of Skout Cybersecurity ...
Barracuda plans to buy Skout Cybersecurity to provide MSPs with the technology and manpower needed to respond more effectively to cyberthreats. The cybersecurity vendor said its proposed purchase of security monitoring and response company Skout Cybersecurity will help MSPs cull and correlate threat data as well as respond to incidents…
Barracuda to Acquire SKOUT Cybersecurity - ChannelVision ...
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Barracuda acquires Skout Cybersecurity to enter the XDR ...
Barracuda Networks has bought Skout Cybersecurity, a New York-based channel-only supplier of prolonged detection and response (XDR) providers. The deal, the phrases of which weren't disclosed, will see the California-based cybersecurity vendor enter the fast-growing XDR market. On account of the ever-increasing assault floor as companies shift to the cloud and embrace hybrid working, 80% of
Thoma Bravo-backed Barracuda Networks buys Skout ...
Barracuda Networks, a portfolio company of Thoma Bravo, has acquired Melville, New York-based Skout Cybersecurity, a cyber-as-a-service software for managed service providers. CAMPBELL, Calif ...
Barracuda MSP adds XDR and SOC with Skout buy
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CAMPBELL, Calif., July 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Barracuda Networks, Inc., a trusted partner and leading provider of cloud-enabled security solution...
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Barracuda acquires Skout Cybersecurity to enter the XDR ...
Barracuda Networks has purchased Skout Cybersecurity, a New York-based channel-only provider of extended detection and response (XDR) services. The deal, the terms of which were not disclosed, will see the California-based cybersecurity vendor enter the fast-growing XDR market. As a...
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RSE Ventures Announces Sale of SKOUT Cybersecurity to ...
Press release content from PR Newswire. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.
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Real time exchange rates, highly accurate. 933900 Special Drawing Right - SDR to US Dollar, 933900 XDR to USD Currency Converter
Barracuda acquires Skout Cybersecurity to enter the XDR ...
Barracuda Networks has bought Skout Cybersecurity, a New York-based channel-only supplier of prolonged detection and response (XDR) providers. The deal, the phrases of which weren't disclosed, will see the California-based cybersecurity vendor enter the fast-growing XDR market. On account of the ever-increasing assault floor as companies shift to the cloud and embrace hybrid working, 80% of
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Barracuda enters XDR market with Scout Cybersecurity ...
Barracuda has entered into a definitive agreement with Skout Cybersecurity, expanding its product line with an extended detection and response (XDR) platform for MSPs. The deal, terms of which were not disclosed, will see Barracuda enter the fast-growing XDR market and continue its strategic M&A drive, which includes the recent acquisition of zero trust access provider Fyde.
Barracuda acquires Skout Cybersecurity to enter the XDR ...
Barracuda Networks has purchased Skout Cybersecurity, a New York-based channel-only provider of extended detection and response (XDR) services. The deal, the terms of which were not disclosed, will see the California-based cybersecurity vendor enter the fast-growing XDR market. As a...
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Barracuda Networks sign definitive agreement to acquire ...
Barracuda Networks acquires SKOUT Cybersecurity, entering the XDR market with optimized Managed Service Providers’ solutions.
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News: 11-inch iPad Professional vs 12.9-inch iPad Professional: Is the XDR show definitely worth the expense? on iTechBlog.co - iTechBlog.co update news daily
Barracuda acquires Skout Cybersecurity to enter the XDR ...
Barracuda Networks has purchased Skout Cybersecurity, a New York-based channel-only provider of extended detection and response (XDR) services. The deal, the terms of which were not disclosed, will see the California-based cybersecurity vendor enter the fast-growing XDR market. As a result of the ever-increasing attack surface as businesses shift to the cloud and embrace hybrid working, […]
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Real time exchange rates, highly accurate. 7846 Special Drawing Right - SDR to US Dollar, 7846 XDR to USD Currency Converter
ReliaQuest Appoints Technology Veterans To Board Of ...
ReliaQuest, the globally renowned company in Open XDR-as-a-Service, has announced the appointments of Mike Burkland, John Spiliotis and John Fernandez to its Board of Directors. The strategic...
11-inch iPad Pro vs 12.9-inch iPad Pro: Is the XDR display ...
For the reason that iPad Professional debuted in 2015, Apple has supplied two sizes of its high-end pill. One is in regards to the dimension of a daily iPad
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Convert 340 LYD in XDR to get actual value of this pair of currencies. We use international LYD/XDR exchange rate, and last update was today. Online converter will show how much is 340 Libyan Dinar to Special Drawing Rights. Information about conversion of 340 units of Libya money to International Monetary Fund currency is below the page.
4455 XDR in COP - Omregn Særlige Tegningsretter to ...
Konverter 4455 XDR i COP for at få den faktiske værdi af dette par valutaer. Vi bruger den internationale XDR/COP valutakurs, og den sidste opdatering var i dag. Online-konverteren viser, hvor meget der er 4455 Særlige Tegningsretter til Colombianske Peso og lignende konverteringer.
790 JEP ja XDR muuntaja - Jerseyn Punta Erityisnosto ...
Tämä johtuu muuntamisesta 790 Jerseyn Punta-Erityisnosto-Oikeus. Muunna 790 JEP XDR: ssä saadaksesi tämän parin parin todellisen arvon. Käytämme kansainvälistä JEP/XDR valuuttakurssia, ja viimeisin päivitys oli tänään. Tänään arvo 37 100 ja 90 Jerseyn Punta on 7 100 ja 60-3 Erityisnosto-Oikeus.
5170 XDR in COP - Omregn Særlige Tegningsretter to ...
Konverter 5170 XDR i COP for at få den faktiske værdi af dette par valutaer. Vi bruger den internationale XDR/COP valutakurs, og den sidste opdatering var i dag. Online-konverteren viser, hvor meget der er 5170 Særlige Tegningsretter til Colombianske Peso og lignende konverteringer.
59999970000 EUR to XDR valutakurser (Euro till Särskilda ...
Resultatet av konvertering 59999970000 Euro till Särskilda Dragningsrätter. Konvertera 59999970000 EUR till XDR för att få det verkliga värdet av detta par valutor. Vi använder internationella EUR/XDR växelkurs, och den senaste uppdateringen var idag. Online-omvandlare visar hur mycket 59999970000 Euro är i Särskilda Dragningsrätter.
820 XDR in AFN kurs - Umrechnen Sonderziehungsrechte zu ...
Das Ergebnis der Konvertierung 820 Sonderziehungsrechte in Afghanische Afghani. Konvertieren von 820 XDR in AFN zu bekommen eigentliche Wert dieses paar von Währungen. Wir verwenden internationale XDR/AFN Wechselkurse, und das Letzte update war heute. Online-Konverter zeigen, wie viel 820 Sonderziehungsrechte in Afghanische Afghani.
260 SBD in XDR kurs - Umrechnen Salomonen-Dollar zu ...
Das Ergebnis der Konvertierung 260 Salomonen-Dollar in Sonderziehungsrechte. Konvertieren von 260 SBD in XDR zu bekommen eigentliche Wert dieses paar von Währungen. Wir verwenden internationale SBD/XDR Wechselkurse, und das Letzte update war heute. Online-Konverter zeigen, wie viel 260 Salomonen-Dollar in Sonderziehungsrechte.
2021-07-03 23:37ガチ神ゲー