

関連ワード (Didi、Instacart、Y Combinator等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


数カ月間のベータテストを終え、Y Combinator(Yコンビネーター)は共同ファウンダーマッチングプラットフォームを公開した。そこでは起業家たちがプロファイルを作成し、自分自身のことや共同ファウンダーに望むこと、たとえば場所やスキルなどを記入することができる。システムはその情報を分析し、ニーズに合った候補者を何人か選んで提示する。言ってみれば共同ファウンダーのためのTinder(ティンダー)のようなものだ。これまでに4500人の共同ファウンダーの間で9000件のマッチングが出来上がった、とY Combinatorは言っている。

Y Combinatorがこのツールを運用するのに適した立場にあることは明らかだ。このアクセラレーターは、Startup School(スタートアップ・スクール)という人気の無料オンラインプログラムを開設しており、会社を始めたい人なら誰でも、設立に必要なリソースを手に入れ講義を受けることができる。スクールは190か国、23万人のファウンダーからなるコミュニティを作り上げた。このため、マッチングツールの提供はごく自然な流れであり、YCパートナーが新たに芽生えつつある才能を早期に集め、情報収集する場所としても役立っている。中でも、このマッチング・プラットフォームで出会った2つの会社はいずれもY Combinatorの2021年夏学期のメンバーだ。エコシステム万歳!

私の第一感はこうだ。このツールは、気が利いていて需要のあるシンプルなツールとして人々を結びつけることができるだろうが、意味のある形で運用していくのは、みんなが思うよりもはるかに大変だ、YCのように著名で実績のあるアクセラレーターにとってさえも。この後、このツールに関する提案、というよりも私の希望のリストを書いていきたい。January Ventures(ジャニュアリー・ベンチャーズ)の共同ファウンダーであるJennifer Neundorfer(ジェニファー・ニューンドーファー)氏と話して彼女の考えを聞いた後にまとめたものだ。



この記事の後半では、IPO前の会社で起きた珍しい幹部のシャッフル、最新のウェブ・デリバリー・テック・スタックを深堀りしたExtra Crunchの特集EC-1、およびDidi(ディディ)を取り上げる。


Instacart(インスタカート)は、予定されているIPOを前に、Facebook (フェイスブック)幹部のFidji Simo(フィジー・シモ)氏を新CEOに指名した。食料品デリバリーのスタートアップは最新の評価額が390億ドル(約4兆3040億円)で、現CEOでファウンダーのApoorva Mehta(アプアバ・メフタ)氏は取締役会長に就任する。


注目ポイントはここだ:上場直前の重要な幹部シャッフルは稀でありかつ疑問符がつく。Instacartのメフタ氏は自身が10年近く前に創業した会社を公開する直前に現職を去ることになる。そして、The Information(ジ・インフォメーション)によると、シモ氏のCEO就任は、Instacartで長らく続いているFacebookの「人材漁り」の最新事例だという。同誌の推計によると、2021年にInstacartは、エンジニア、プロジェクトマネージャー、リクルーター、デザイナー、およびデータサイエンティストの計55人以上をFacebookから引き抜いている。もちろん、シモ氏の新しい仕事は、Facebookが最高ランクの女性幹部を1人失ったことを意味しており、すでに多様性に苦闘している会社にとって見っとも良い話ではない。


画像クレジット:Nigel Sussman









After months of beta testing, Y Combinator has launched a co-founder matching platform. The platform invites entrepreneurs to create profiles, which include information about themselves and preferences for a co-founder, such as location and skill sets. It digests that information and offers a number of potential candidates that fit those needs — kind of like Tinder for co-founders. To date, the accelerator says it has made 9,000 matches across 4,500 founders.

Y Combinator is obviously well positioned to execute this tool. The accelerator offers the popular Startup School, a free online program with resources and lectures surrounding how to start a company, to anyone who wants to start a company. The school has cultivated a community of 230,000 founders in 190 countries. A matching tool is thus an easy jump to make, one that could help the partners there move even earlier in aggregating and eavesdropping on nascent talent. Notably, two companies who met through the matching platform are part of the YC Summer 2021 batch. Yay ecosystems!

Here’s my hot take, though: The tool may appear as a neat, in-demand and simplistic tool that connects people to each other, but this is far harder to execute in a meaningful way than one may think — even if you’re an accelerator as famed and well known as YC. What follows is a list of suggestions, or rather wishes, for the tool, put together after I spoke to January Ventures co-founder Jennifer Neundorfer for her thoughts as well.

In a blog post announcing the tool, YC addressed this last point. “You probably shouldn’t marry someone after just one date, and similarly, it’ll take more than one video call to decide whether to co-found a company with someone,” it reads. “We encourage matched co-founders to meet and, when appropriate, work together on a time-boxed trial project with clear expectations and goals in order to vet co-founder compatibility.”

All in all, I’m rooting for this because, well, who wouldn’t? As Neundorfer puts it, “founder matching tools are an interesting way to expand the supply of founders and diversify the base of founders.” It just matters that the tools are built with diversity and accessibility in mind.

In the rest of this newsletter, we’ll get into a rare executive shuffle at a pre-IPO company, an EC-1 that digs into the modern web delivery tech stack and Didi. You can find me at Twitter @nmasc_ and DM me for my Signal for tips (no pitches, please).

The Instacart shuffle

Image Credits: Instacart

Instacart has hired Facebook executive Fidji Simo as its new CEO ahead of an expected IPO. The grocery delivery company, last valued at $39 billion, will transition current CEO and founder Apoorva Mehta to executive chairman.

Here’s what to know: A major executive shuffle ahead of a public debut is as rare as it is questionable. Instacart’s Mehta is leaving his original role before taking the company he founded nearly 10 years ago public. But, per The Information, Simo’s new job is yet another example of Instacart’s long-going “talent raid” of Facebook. The publication estimates that in 2021, Instacart has hired at least 55 engineers, product managers, recruiters, designers and data scientists from Facebook. Of course, Simo’s new job means that Facebook has lost one of its highest-ranking female executives, which is not a good look for a company that already struggles with diversity.

Speaking of chief executive drama:

The NS1 EC-1

Image Credits: Nigel Sussman

Say that subhead five times fast. The latest EC-1, our deep dive into a company from origin to execution to challenges ahead, is all about NS1, which launched with a plan to disrupt the core of the modern web delivery tech stack.

Here’s what to know: It’s a key read even for those of us who aren’t the biggest nerds on IT and enterprise infrastructure. Why? Because the story talks about how a startup competes in a matured space full of well-funded Big Tech companies and VC-backed heavyweights — and why the need for a reengineering of internet traffic isn’t a niche one.

The breakdown:

And finally, Didi

The Equity team had an especially amazing episode this week — and I wasn’t even in it, so you can take my semi-less-biased word.

Here’s what to know: The most interesting part of the episode was the conversation around Didi, and its impact on Chinese companies listing in the United States. Regulatory problems have a way of lessening investor interest, and Didi isn’t the only example that we’ve had to point to in recent weeks.

Other things in the show via Alex’s notes:

Around TC

Across the week

Seen on TechCrunch

Clearco gets the SoftBank stamp of approval in new $215M round

Dispatch from Bangalore

Mmhmm raises $100M, which is a fun thing to say to people who don’t follow tech

Why former Alibaba scientist wants to back founders outside the Ivory Tower

Seen on Extra Crunch

What I learned the hard way from naming 30+ startups

VCs discuss the opportunities — and challenges — in Pittsburgh’s startup ecosystem

Startups have never had it so good

Pakistan’s growing tech ecosystem is finally taking off

And that’s a wrap! This is my first dispatch from San Francisco in over a year, so if you’re in town, happy to be neighbors yet again 🙂


(文:Natasha Mascarenhas、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

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Y Combinator led UrbanKisaan garners investment from BASF ...

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Moroccan Digital Trust Startup, Damanesign, Secures $450K ...

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Vonage JavaScript Client SDK v8 Released » Developer ...

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New $75m growth fund by Icehouse Ventures | Voxy.co.nz

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NRAI Recordsdata Further Complaints With CCI After Zomato ...

NRAI Recordsdata Further Complaints With CCI After Zomato Says Issues Are 'Misplaced' - TieGlobal Media

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Watson.is - Apply Today! - worldsciencejobs.com

Get updated with upcoming 2021 science jobs on watson.is. Find your inspiration to grow your career and change the world!

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Instacart reveals top ice cream flavor in each state

July is national ice cream month in the US, and online grocery platform Instacart has published a blog post highlighting each state’s favorite flavor.

WAS I BEING BAITED..? | Instacart - Cornershop - GrubHub ...

Would you add your own personal items to a customer's order if they asked you too in place of a tip? Well this was the request I was offered in this ride alo...

These Are the Most Popular Ice Cream Flavors in Each State

Is your favorite flavor the same as your state's?

Frenchwoman Fidji Simo leaves Facebook for Instacart - Archyde

Instacart founder Apoorva Mehta hands over the operational reins at a pivotal moment. Driven by the pandemic, the young shoot that allows traders to resist the ogre Amazon would have generated $ 1.5 billion in revenue in 2020, up 50% over one year. And the American press is buzzing with rumors about a possible IPO before the end of the year.

Executive order targets 'big ag,' other 'monopolies' to ...

Citing “abusive actions by monopolies,” including “big ag,” that “lead to mass layoffs, higher prices, [and] fewer options for workers and consumers,” President Joe Biden Friday signed a sweeping executive order that tasks more than a dozen agencies with enhancing competition in the US.

Instagram - Wikipedia

Instagram (commonly abbreviated to IG, Insta or the gram) is an American photo and video sharing social networking service created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger.In April 2012, Facebook acquired the service for approximately US$1 billion in cash and stock. The app allows users to upload media that can be edited with filters and organized by hashtags and geographical tagging.

Popular places to work | Jobcase

Instacart. How to apply to Instacart. Popular positions at Instacart. Instacart benefits breakdown. Kelly Services. Kelly Services employee benefits. How to apply for a job with Kelly Services. How to be successful at Kelly Services. Lowe's. How to apply for a job at Lowe's. Lyft. Worker benefits offered to Lyft drivers. How to apply for a Lyft ...

Fellows Fund Gathers Top Minds to Fund AI Breakthroughs ...

MIAMI & SUNNYVALE, Calif.-(BUSINESS WIRE)-#AI-Motivated to help AI researchers and engineers successfully launch category-defining companies, 10 leaders in the field have formed Fellows Fund.The platform expects to support a half dozen companies this year by, among other things, facilitating talent acquisitions, customer introductions, and spearheading investor outreach.

Footwear News: Who's Amazon's New CEO, Andy Jassy ...

Founder and longtime CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, officially handed his reign to Andy Jassy last week, marking a new era for one of the world’s biggest companies.

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How Driscoll's pivoted from recent in-retailer to recent ...

Think about shopping for fresh produce. Didn’t you usually shop in-store so you could inspect the goods before buying? But that changed in 2020, right? In addition to buying non-perishable groceries online, you started looking at fresh meat and fish, vegetables and fruit. And yes, that meant a COVID-19-accelerated pivot for traditional fresh produce companies…

Française wordt CEO Instacart

Nieuws - Française  Fiji Simo verlaat Facebook en wordt per augustus de nieuwe CEO van het Amerikaanse bezorgbedrijf Instacart. Zij maakte al deel uit va

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Need some motivation to get in shape? Or maybe you just want to earn some extra dollars? Here are 21 legit ways to get paid to walk.

The Canyon Bakehouse Tastecation Sweepstakes • Free Stuff ...

https://canyonglutenfree.com/tastecation/ A total of one (1) winner will be randomly selected from all entries received during the Sweepstakes Period (the

PepsiCo aims to build on surging Q2 net sales of 20.5% ...

PepsiCo’s net sales surged 20.5% to $19.22bn in the firm’s second quarter, zipping past expectations of $17.96bn, thanks in part to increased consumer mobility boosting demand for the firm’s iconic beverages at restaurants, events and across channels that cater more to on-the-go lifestyles.

The most popular ice cream flavor in every state - Uromi Voice

National Ice Cream Day is just around the corner (June 18th to be exact), and just in time for a celebratory scoop, grocery delivery service Instacart has revealed the most popular ice cream flavors in every state across the country.The results are based on Instacart's own data, accounting for thousands of different ice cream products from all across the country and uncovering which ice ...

Twitter & Facebook On the Hit List After England ...

LONDON- Twitter and Facebook are being censured over a failure to perform sufficiently fast to handle a wave of racial abuse indicated at Black colored England footballers.

Remote Lead Grocery Web Product Designer - Virtual Vocations

A grocery service is filling a position for a Remote Lead Grocery Web Product Designer.

Big Lots Appoints Gurmeet Singh as Chief Technology ...

COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 13, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Big Lots, Inc. (NYSE:BIG) ("Big Lots" or the "company") today announced that Gurmeet Singh has ...

The Group hires aftermarket veteran - News Break

GRAPEVINE, Texas — Automotive Parts Services Group (The Group) has hired Jason Scott as executive vice president, vendor relations and product strategy, for its purchasing team. Prior to joining The Group, Mr. Scott spent 15 years at Genuine Parts Co., where he held a variety of management positions, most recently...

Merkle Raises Its Commerce Game: Tuesday's Daily Brief ...

Plus a recommended read: Google's Sundar Pichai in conversation. The post Merkle raises its commerce game: Tuesday’s daily brief appeared first on MarTech....

TOP best beer

Will Instacart deliver cigarettes? What states allow alcohol delivery? How do you get beer delivered to your house? Does Amazon deliver alcohol? Does Uber deliver Complete Reading. Heineken craft beer. Simon Johnson. 0. What beers are owned by Heineken? What makes a beer a craft beer? Does Heineken have a brewery in the US?

Digital Monetization Update - July 13, 2021 - Publir

1. Goggles’ New Feature For Ad Targeting In Mobile Games (AdAge) Google partnered with AdMob, which works with game developers to monetize their gaming apps with in-app advertising, to introduce a new feature called tROAS. The new capability allows developers to find users who are more likely to engage with in-app ads to better maximize...

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Coca-Cola comms veteran Joan O'Connor joins Subway - News ...

In her new position, Joan O’Connor (pictured) will lead Subway's public relations and corporate comms across EMEA as the quick-service restaurant chain looks to expand its footprint across the region. She will report to Louise Wardle, EMEA vice-president of marketing. O’Connor has spent two decades at Coca-Cola, latterly as European...

CanadaVet $5 Off Your First Order With Email Sign Up Jul 2021

HOT! Click through and get a $5 discount on your first order with an email sign-up.

Ocado Clone : Carry Out Your Business ... - inoru.com

Ocado is a very efficient application that delivers and meets your standard of business activity. The need for Ocado Clones is rising as most household women want such an efficient grocery delivery app for their locality

DiDi, the Uber of China, Went Public in June: Here's What ...

DiDi's prospects and risks. DiDi had a challenging 2020, but its long-term prospects look as exciting as ever. Management estimates the global mobility industry -- a market that includes ride ...

Didi Warns of 'Adverse Impact' After 25 Mobile Apps Removed

(Bloomberg) -- Didi Global Inc. warned of negative impact after complying with a Chinese order to remove 25 more apps from mobile stores for violations of data security laws.China’s cyberspace regulator on Friday banned downloads of the services for “serious illegal collection and use of personal information.” They included the enterprise version of its core service, as well as apps covering finance and delivery.Didi’s U.S.-traded shares fell 7.2% in New York Monday. That adds to a rout that beg

China Removed Didi From App Stores, Accused The Company Of ...

Just days after Chinese ride-hailing company Didi's $4 billion market debut in June, the Chinese government removed it from app stores and accused the company of violating data security rules.

China Removed Didi From App Stores, Accused The Company Of ...

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: To Texas now, where the fight over voting rights took another

Xi Elevates an Obscure China Regulator to Take on Didi ...

Didi ultimately went ahead with the offering, raising $4.4 billion in the second-largest debut by a Chinese corporation in U.S. history and setting in motion the crackdown on its operations as ...

Forget DiDi Global and Buy This Top Growth Stock Instead ...

The cannabis industry is nowhere near as risky as stocks based in China are right now.

DIDI Stock Forecast and Price Target (DiDi Global Inc. stock)

Close price at the end of the last trading day (Friday, 9th Jul 2021) of the DIDI stock was $12.03. This is 7.31% more than the trading day before Thursday, 8th Jul 2021. During the day the stock fluctuated 10.76% from a day low at $11.06 to a day high of $12.25.

Meituan makes the most of Didi woes with quiet relaunch of ...

Meituan looks to take advantage of Didi’s regulatory woes by also including other small players in China’s ride-hailing market on its app.

Didi crackdown: China tech stock performance is now flat ...

Chinese tech firms have been hit with tightened oversight on data security and overseas listings.

'Chinese Uber' Didi falls nearly 40 percent from peak on ...

Shares of Chinese ride-hailing app Didi have plummeted more than a third from their peak after debuting on the New York Stock Exchange just two weeks ago as the Chinese government prevents the company from taking on new customers. Didi warned investors Monday that a crackdown from China's cybersecurity regulator — which revealed last week […]

Didi Backer Temasek Optimistic on China Amid Tech Crackdown

(Bloomberg) -- Temasek Holdings Pte remains optimistic about prospects in China even after two of its major investments there were sideswiped by regulatory crackdowns.“We continue to look at the growth opportunities in China,” said Mukul Chawla, joint head for North America and technology at the Singapore state investor. “Our stance on China remains unchanged in our optimism.”Chawla spoke after Temasek posted a 25% return in its latest fiscal year, the biggest gain since 2010. It holds more asse

DIDI INVESTOR NOTICE: Investors With Substantial Losses ...

DIDI INVESTOR NOTICE: Investors With Substantial Losses Have Opportunity to Lead the DiDi Global Inc. Class Action Lawsuit

DIDI: Should You Buy the Dip in DiDi Global?

DiDi Global Inc.(NYSE:DIDI): China-based DiDi Global’s (DIDI) shares have lost roughly 33% since the company’s impressive stock market debut on June 30 due to a crackdown by China's regulatory authorities. But can the stock rebound in the coming months on its market dominance in China’s ride-hailing service sector ? Read on for some insight.

DIDI INVESTOR NOTICE: Investors With Substantial Losses ...

The DiDi class action lawsuit alleges that, throughout the Class Period, defendants made false and misleading statements and failed to disclose that: (i) DiDi's apps did not comply with ...

Didi regulatory crackdown drags Hong Kong tech stocks ...

A drop in the share prices of Chinese tech stocks listed in Hong Kong dragged the city's Hang Seng index to its lowest level this year as investors digested the fallout from a regulatory crackdown on ride-hailing business Didi Chuxing. Food-ordering app Meituan fell 7 per cent while internet groups Alibaba and Tencent lost 4 […]

The cloud over Didi has a silver lining for its rivals ...

Didi's regulatory troubles have led to a discount battle between other ride-hailing platforms, allowing many users to ride for free.

Will ByteDance Be Used Against Didi in Court?

(Bloomberg Opinion) -- The fallout from Didi Global Inc.’s New York listing at the end of June have generated securities fraud class action suits. If the U.S. lawyers behind those cases are looking for fresh ammunition to use against China’s ride-hailing giant, could they find it in ByteDance Ltd.

Didi Backer Temasek Optimistic on China Despite Regulatory ...

(Bloomberg) -- Temasek Holdings Pte remains optimistic about prospects in China even after two of its major investments there were sideswiped by

Shareholder Alert: Claimsfiler Reminds Atha, Didi, Rkt, Rlx

NEW ORLEANS, July 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaimsFiler, a FREE shareholder information service, reminds investors of pending deadlines in the...

Rivals rush to take advantage of security crackdown on ...

News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication

What Didi Tells Jim Cramer About U.S.-China Relations ...

In the video above, Jim Cramer tells Action Alerts PLUS senior analyst Jeff Marks what Didi's (DIDI) - Get Report treatment in China tells him about the state of political and trade relationships between the U.S. and China. Didi's U.S.-listed shares fell Monday after the Chinese ride-hailing company said the...

DIDI News: Berger Montague Investigates Securities Fraud ...

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--(Newsfile Corp. - July 13, 2021) - Berger Montague is investigating securities fraud claims against DiDi Global Inc. ("DiDi" or the "Company"). The Firm is investigating these allegations on behalf of investors who purchased DiDi securities (NYSE: DIDI) between June 27, 2021 and July 2, 2021 (the "Class Period"). If you purchased DiDi securities during the Class Period and would like to learn more about Berger Montague's investigation, please contact attorneys Andrew

Parivar Anmol Khazana - Wednesday 14th July, 2021 | Raj ...

Parivar Anmol Khazana - Wednesday 14th July, 2021 | Raj Didi | Rajeshwari Modi????????????????????????????????????नारायण ...

Berger Montague Investigates Securities Fraud Claims ...

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--(Newsfile Corp. - July 13, 2021) - Berger Montague is investigating securities fraud claims against DiDi Global Inc. ("DiDi"

COVID-19 scares banks, flight Virgin, Didi - What's ...

COVID-19 scares banks, flight Virgin, Didi - What's happening in the markets? By Investing.com. imsicoinexc 5 mins ago Economy Leave a comment 1 Views. Related Articles "We are starting support payments of approximately 420.5 million liras to our producers today" Author iDealData.

Didi - Blood in the water. - Radio Free Mobile

Didi has 90% market share and most of its users already have the app meaning that it will take a very long time and a lot of marketing in order to make a real dent in Didi's position. Furthermore, Didi will be defending its position with everything it has as it is in a fight for both its market position and its market capitalisation.


2021-07-15 15:53

あとありがちだけどY Combinator. λf.(λ)(λg.f(gg)) 昔理解するために夜中に散歩しながら脳内簡約したw これは遅延評価戦略を持つ言語なら評価出来るけど、そ…


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