

関連ワード (BNPL、The TechCrunch Exchange、マーケットプレイス、ローコード、新規上場等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


スタートアップとマーケットの週刊ニュースレター「The TechCrunch Exchange」へようこそ。





Appianは、第2四半期の業績報告に関連して、プロセスマイニング会社のLana Labs(ラナ・ラボ)を買収することを発表した。プロセスマイニングとは何かって?聞いてくれてありがとう。プロセスマイニングとは、自動化できる企業内のプロセスを見つけるためのソフトウェア技術だ。会社のためにRPAサービスを導入するのは結構なことだが、もし何を自動化できるかわかっていない場合には、完全な価値を得ることは難しいかもしれない。


AppianのCEOであるMatt Calkins(マット・カルキンス)氏に、ワークフローとアプリケーションの違いについて尋ねてみた。彼はそれらはほとんど同じものであるという。これにより、ローコードの世界をもう少し理解することができる。企業が本当に必要とするアプリケーションの数はいくつなのかと、私はいつも疑問に思ってきた。だが企業が自動化する必要のあるワークフローの数に関する同様の質問には、違う感覚を受ける。もっともっとたくさんの可能性があるように感じるのだ。つまり、より大きな市場の可能性があるということだ。


次にBigCommerceの話題へ移ろう。このオープンSaaS方式のeコマースプラットフォームはここ数四半期好調で、Shopify(ショッピファイ)のグローバルな知名度が高まっているにもかかわらず、収益の伸びが順調に加速している。株式公開から1周年を迎えたばかりなので、CEOのBrent Bellm(ブレント・ベルム)氏に数分間、この1年で学んだことについて話を聞き、公開には価値があったか否かを尋ねた(会社の第2四半期のレポートはここで読むことができる)。



ベルム氏はThe Exchangeに対して、株式公開は彼の会社にとって「圧倒的に良いこと」だったと語る。ユニコーン諸君、聞いたかね?


しかし、現在の人材市場とその全般的な逼迫は、別の意味でPaycomに影響を与えている。このHRテクノロジー企業は、一般企業が人材を確保してその後維持し続けるのに役立つソフトウェアを販売しているからだ。同社のCEOであるChad Richison(チャド・リチソン)氏によれば、企業は採用後の必要な手続きを終えたあと、人材を手放さないことに重点を置くことで恩恵を受けているという。



Splitit(スプリティット)のCEOであるBrad Paterson(ブラッド・パターソン)氏によれば、BNPL市場を狙うスタートアップにとって希望はまだ残されているという。Splititを使えば、顧客は現在のクレジットカードを使用して分割払いを行うことができる。つまり、これは従来のクレジットとBNPLの組み合わせなのだ(SplitItのCrunchbaseページはこちら)。




スタートアップの競争に関する少し前の仕事に戻ろう。Hustle FundのElizabeth Yin(エリザベス・イン)氏が、共有したくなる一覧を送ってきた。スタートアップにとって市場で主導的役割を果たすことの重要性について話し合っていたときに、私たちは主に、若い企業がさまざまな関係者を結びつけようと試みているマーケットプレイス空間のことを話題にした。







これは、ある意味で、スタートアップの世界におけるキングメイキングについての質問に対する答だ。ベンチャーキャピタルは、多くの場合誰が勝つかをあらかじめ決めてはいないものの、資本の影響は実際にマーケットプレイスの世界で結果を歪める可能性がある。さて、最初のVision Fund(ビジョンファンド)が、どのように資本を振り分けたかを話し始める前にこの話題はやめておくことにしよう!?



画像クレジット:Nigel Sussman


Welcome back to The TechCrunch Exchange, a weekly startups-and-markets newsletter. It’s inspired by what the weekday Exchange column digs into, but free, and made for your weekend reading. Want it in your inbox every Saturday? Sign up here. 

The Q2 earnings cycle is powering along, which means that your humble Exchange crew have been on the phone with a number of public-company CEOs working to bring you the trends and notes that matter. To that end, today we’re going to check in on Appian, Paycom and BigCommerce.

After that we’ll peek at fresh material that will bolster our recent dives into the BNPL world and startup competition. So, a grab bag today, and hopefully one full of goodies!

Let’s start with Appian. I got to know the company midpandemic when a host of companies were hammering away, building apps using its low-code tech. At the time Appian was worth about half of what it is today. (You can read the company’s Q2 report here.)

Since then the company has continued its cloud push, slowing shedding services revenues in favor of high-margin SaaS incomes. It’s not the only company executing a related transformation. But for our purposes today I want to talk about what comes after the basic low-code work that we spent much of 2020 digging into.

Appian announced that it is buying process mining firm Lana Labs in conjunction with its second-quarter earnings. What’s process mining? Thanks for asking. Process mining is a software technique for finding processes inside of companies that can be automated. It’s all well and good to buy an RPA service for your company, but if you don’t know what you can automate, you might not wind up getting full value.

All this matters in the case of Appian as the company now has process mining, RPA and low-code tooling to help companies create applications under a single roof. In practice the parts work together with process mining identifying things to automate, a workflow that is then taken up by RPA and other forms of automation — AI, human — to allow companies to better get their operations in efficient order.

I asked Appian CEO Matt Calkins about the difference between workflows and apps. He said that they are pretty much the same thing. This makes the low-code world a bit more grokable. How many apps could corporations really need, I’ve always wondered. The same question regarding how many workflows that companies may need to automate feels different. It feels like there’s many, many more possibilities. So, a bigger TAM.

Updating my thinking about low-code, this dynamic makes me more bullish on the software method if it’s more in service of helping companies digitize their operations and automate rote tasks than simply building more apps.

Turning the page to BigCommerce, the open-SaaS e-commerce platform has had a good few quarters, posting generally accelerating revenue growth despite Shopify’s rising global profile. It also just marked its first anniversary since going public, so I spent a few minutes with CEO Brent Bellm to chat about what he’s learned in that year, and if going public was worth it. (You can read the company’s Q2 report here.)

It was, he said. He made two cases for taking companies public that I wanted to share. They add up to faster growth at BigCommerce, though Bellm cautioned that it was impossible to disaggregate growth stemming from the following factors from other elements that contributed to his company’s recent performance.

Regardless, a few reasons to go public:

Bellm told The Exchange that going public was “overwhelmingly positive” for his company. Unicorns, take note.

Then there was Paycom. This chat was mostly about talent in two ways. First, Paycom is dealing with the same competitive tech talent market as every other company. But notably it’s seeing a tight supply of the talent it needs despite being far from traditional technology hubs. Paycom is based in Oklahoma, notably. (You can read the company’s Q2 report here.)

But the talent market and its general tightness today is impacting Paycom in another way: The HR-tech company sells software that helps companies secure and retain talent. Those businesses, per the company’s CEO Chad Richison, are benefiting from companies’ putting more focus on not letting talent go after they went through all the work of getting them aboard.

Also the labor market has become very similar to the venture capital market, it turns out. Richison said that today you have to make a choice on whether to hire someone after you interview them within a few days. Before you had more time. Just like VCs today are forced to cut checks in days instead of weeks and months.

Hot economy summer, or something.

The startup BNPL market

Hope remains for the startup BNPL market, per Brad Paterson, the CEO of Splitit. Splitit allows customers to use their current credit cards to make installment payments. So it’s a mix of traditional credit and BNPL. (SplitIt’s Crunchbase page is here.)

Paterson volunteered to provide comment on the current market for BNPL startups, and after chatting much about the Square-Afterpay deal, I wanted to get his take on why smaller companies are going to be able to survive behemoths charging into their market.

In an email, Paterson argued that a wealth of factors, what he described as “average purchase price, length of installment plan, industry vertical serviced, etc.” will protect margins in the space. And that as BNPL solutions can “extend beyond smaller purchases,” there will be room for startups in the space.

Perhaps the better question is how much more work there is to do with consumer credit and checkout. That sounds much more like an infinite problem space than just BNPL tooling itself.

Startup competition

Returning to our earlier work regarding startup competition, Elizabeth Yin of Hustle Fund sent in a list of notes that I want to share. When we were discussing the importance of being a leading player in markets for startups, we were mostly discussing the marketplace space, areas where young companies are trying to connect different parties.

In ride-hailing, that’s drivers and riders. Food delivery is even more complex, with delivery drivers, consumers and food-generative business establishments. You get the idea. Per Yin, being content with lower-tier market share is “generally really tough.” She continued:

The value of a marketplace usually increases as both the supply and demand sides increase. E.g., more listings + customers on Airbnb. More drivers and riders on Uber. Etc. In fact, in many cases, that is the sole value.

So, if you’re No. 3 or No. 4 in the market, retention is a big potential concern, because you have to ask yourself what will enable you to keep your supply and demand sides from defecting to the No. 1 or No. 2 player that has a larger network? This is why you tend to see consolidation of marketplaces.

For early backers, they may still end up doing fine via an acquisition to No. 1 or No. 2, but it may end up being a magnitude or two off from the outcome of backing the No. 1 or No. 2 marketplace. For this reason, if there are already a couple of marketplaces that have a strong head start, early-stage investors tend to shy away from backing a new player.

Yin also answered our question ​​startup marketplace competition generally yielding markets with a small number of leading players, and a dearth of other competitors as smaller entrants are chased out due to low market share. She added an interesting perspective regarding the impact of capital:

In general, yes, but investors also play a role in this phenomenon. Once a couple of companies get going, investors tend to pour more into those initial leaders AND others tend to shy away from backing competitors. And once money floods a space, it’s really customer acquisition costs that become an issue — CAC gets driven up by the top companies. (We saw this with the rise in food delivery companies). This is why you can’t really bootstrap a marketplace company very easily — you can’t afford to acquire customers.

This is, in a sense, an answer to the question about kingmaking in the startup world. VCs are not deciding who wins in many cases, but the impact of capital really can skew results in the marketplace world. Now, let’s stop before we start endorsing how the first Vision Fund disbursed capital! ?

Hugs, and get vaccinated.

Your friend,

— Alex

(文: Alex Wilhelm、翻訳:sako)

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ジェイフロンティア(2934)の新規上場が決まりました。 わたしの初値予想とbbスタンスについて紹介します。 事業内容(概要) ジェイフロンティア(2934)は、2008年6月の設立以来、健康食品をはじめとするヘルスケア分野に着目して事業を進めております。

クロスオーバーファンド: 日本経済新聞

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新規上場株情報。8月上場です。 東証マザーズで証券コードは2934となります。 (ipoについては、過去の記事をご覧ください)。 どのような企業なの? 事業内容: ヘルスケアセールス、ec事業等 いつ上場するの? 上場日は2021年8月27日(金)

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フューチャーリンクネットワーク(Ipo新規上場) | Takaさんの株や不動産などの投資の初心者のための「投資のイロハ」

新規上場株情報。8月上場です。 東証マザーズで証券コードは9241となります。 (ipoについては、過去の記事をご覧ください)。 どのような企業なの? 事業内容: 地域情報プラットフォームの運営等 いつ上場するの? 上場日は2021年8月20日(金)

【8/17~8/18だけど】高倍率抽選参加希望の方は急いで登録! - ホンネのソーシャルレンディング投資実践録

こんばんは!手堅い不動産投資型クラウドファンディング大好きSAITAMANです。 東証一部上場穴吹興産が運営するJointoα(ジョイントアルファ)では、新規会員登録者全員にAmazonギフト券1,000円分プレゼントキャンペーンが開催されています! =================================対象期間:2021年8月1日(日)~2021年8月31日(火)まで内 容:期間中に会員本登録まで完了した方へ「Amazonギフト券1,000円分」をプレゼント================================= このサービスは既に、ほとんどの読者様が登録済みかもしれま…


インドネシア証券取引所(IDX)は6日、電子商取引(EC)サイト大手ブカラパックが新規株式公開(IPO)を実施したと発表した。同国のユニコーン企業(企業価値が高い新興企業)でIDXに上場したのは、ブカラパックが初。ブカラパック株のIPOを巡っては同日、株価変動が一定の基準以上になった場合に自動的に注文を拒否するシステム(ARA)が発動するなど、需要超過が発生。公開価格の850ルピア(約7円)から25%増の1,060ルピアを記録した。 5日、IDXに公開した情報によると、ブカラパックは全株式1,030億6,201万9,354株のうち、257億6,550万4,800株を公開した。...


あのロビンフッド(Robinhood Markets Inc)が7月29日にナスダック市場に新規上場(IPO)を果たし、話題となりました。ロビンフッドは、若者に人気の株式投資アプリを運営する取引プラットフォーム企業で、2013年に設立されました。今後、ロビンフッドは、本当に個人投資家の味方であり続けるのか?

社外のプロ人材を活用!新規上場「サーキュレーション」の事業モデル | Strainer

プロシェアリング事業を展開する「サーキュレーション」が7月27日、東証マザーズへの新規上場を果たした。 「プロシェアリング」というのは聞き慣れない言葉だ。「雇用でも派遣でもなく、外部プロ人材の経験・知見をプロジェクト単位で活用し、自社の経営課題を解決する新しい人材活用モデル」だという。

【インドネシア】Ec大手ブカラパック上場、ユニコーン初[It] | Oricon News


米国上場後DiDiに制裁。中国政府が「データ流出」以上に警戒することは【尾原和啓×シバタナオキ ...


中国バイトダンス、22年初めまでの香港上場を計画=英FT | Reuters


【営業職】上場大手商社でのお仕事!★業界未経験でも応募可★<新規就労visa申請可/現地面接不要> | Pt ...

同社は上場をしている大手商社です。現在同社にて営業担当者を募集をしています。 大手商社という安定した基盤の中で、責任のある職責を担当をすることができます。 仕事内容: ・既存企業の営業担当者として、自動車関連会社に対しての営業を担当を頂きます。

中国バイトダンス、22年初めまでの香港上場を計画=英ft - ライブドアニュース

(本文中の誤字を修正して再送しました)[8日ロイター] - 動画投稿アプリ「TikTok(ティックトック)」を運営する中国の北京字節跳動科技(バイトダンス)は、香港市場での新規株式公開(IPO)計画

コンサルティング営業職【東証一部上場】大阪支店開設に伴い新規メンバー募集!未経験大歓迎/随時昇進(1093227 ...


【承認】モビルス | 分析大好きProf.新城の株式投資【ホイホイIPO投資術】

そろそろ今週から新規上場承認が出てきそうです。"これはいかん!!"と、あわてて先月末の承認をアップしている管理人です。… あはは f(^^;)

【株主優待(2021年5月権利確定)・配当(期末)】Takara & Company(宝印刷)(東1・7921 ...

株主優待ブログランキングへ※現在【高円寺のラーメン】食べ歩き(めざせ!「100店舗」制覇!!)blogを公開中です。ご興味のある方はお手数ですが下記【gooブログ・カテゴリー】にアクセスをお願い申し上げます。★高円寺のラーメン(カテゴリー毎の記事一覧)※小生は数年前より【楽天証券】の口座を開設し、今現在でも活用中です。主たる株式取引では【SMBC日興証券】の口座を利用しておりますが、「株価」及び「チャート」の確認にはこちらの【楽天証券】のアプリを利用しております。(スマホ及びiPadにて)画面が見やすいうえに銘柄の登録や管理が簡単で、更にはとても使い勝手が良いので大変“オススメ”です。興味のある方は是非とも「新規口座開設」のご検討をお願い申し上げます。♪(* ̄▽ ̄)ノうぃ2021年8月6日(金)に、「上場企業の...【株主優待(2021年5月権利確定)・配当(期末)】TAKARA&COMPANY(宝印刷)(東1・7921)

【承認】メディア総研 | 分析大好きProf.新城の株式投資【ホイホイIPO投資術】

そろそろ今週から新規上場承認が出てきそうです。"これはいかん!!"と、あわてて先月末の承認をアップしている管理人です。… あはは f(^^;)

クリエイター、コレクター向けの今後のnftマーケットプレイス ...

マーケットプレイスでは、「独自のメリットと課題」を備えた美術の従来の成功したアプローチを実践してきました。 ニューデリー:アートの世界が開かれ、同時にデジタル化が始まると、アートテクノロジー組織のJumbish は、アート ...

Amazonマーケットプレイスで返品を依頼いただいのですが、どう ...

Amazonマーケットプレイスで返品を依頼いただいのですが、どうすれば良いのでしょうか? しかも三ヶ月後(今メールが届きました…。)商品も自分が頼んだものなのですが…実際物が届いていません。返品理由で間違いないです...

イベントのお知らせ:2021年8/16(月)-31(日)@東京・渋谷ヒカリエ ...

マーケットプレイス内 営業時間等は新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大状況次第で色々変化すると思いますので、ご来店いただく前にその都度、渋谷ヒカリエの公式サイト上 でご確認頂けたらと思います。 今回のイベントは、この↑猫の ...

【マイクラ・マーケットプレイス】「Mlb Home Run Derby」の ...

MLB HOME RUN DERBYは、MLB公式のホームランダービーゲーム。オキュラスクエストのVR版が先日出ましたが、今度はマイクラでも登場です。 MLB HOME RUN DERBYとは? MLB HOME RUN DERBYのゲームプレイ 不具合 MLB HOME RUN DERBYとは? マイクラでホームランダービーがプレイできるスポーツコンテンツです。 MLB公式のようで、各球団のユニホーム展示なんかもあります。 1340マイクラコインです。 www.minecraft.net MLB HOME RUN DERBYのゲームプレイ 始まるとこんな感じ。 最初にキャラクターを選択。 公…

大麻のeコマースマーケットプレイスを提供するDutchie社について ...

事業概要 Dutchie社は、大麻のeコマースマーケットプレイスを提供する企業です。世界中のトップディスペンサーと提携し、ソフトウェアツールと、ピックアップまたはデリバリーサービスを提供しています。2017年にアメリカのオレゴン州を拠点に設立され、社員数は251〜500人と推定されます。

Role Of AI In Digital Market Place - ONPASSIVE

The digital marketplace can be categorized into various kinds. AI's usage in vertical marketplaces is significantly influential in terms of generating revenue and fame.

MNI Fed Balance Sheet Tracker - Aug 9, 2021 - Bonds ...

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:The Fed's creation of a permanent Standing Repo Facility cements measures put in place to avert undue market strains during crises. It's unlikely this will have a major Fed balance sheet impact in the near-term, with takeup of "traditional" Fed repo currently at zero.Future uptake ...

Virgin Atlantic strategies London inventory market place ...

Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd updates Indication up to myFT Daily Digest to be the 1st to know about Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd news. Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic Airways is scheduling to list in London in a bid to consider gain of investor expectations of a quick restoration in worldwide vacation. The United kingdom-dependent airline has been presenting to fund…

China's imports are reshaping the global aluminium market ...

China imported a further 158,000 tonnes of primary aluminium in June, bringing the half-year tally to 744,000 tonnes. When the world’s largest producer started tapping the international market-place early last year, it appeared to be a temporary blip caused by China’s rapid bounce-back from lockdown. A year on, however, and it’s becoming clear that this ...

Global Retinoscopes Market Innovative Trends, Driving ...

Market Research Place has published research titled Global Retinoscopes Market from 2021 to 2027, which examines the current situation and significant

Cách Bán Hàng Hiệu Quả Trên Zalo Shop Market Place ...

Contents Cách Bán Hàng Hiệu Quả Trên Zalo Shop Market Place - Webinar #4 | Kiến thức bán hàng trên các sàn TMĐT. Vậy là bạn đã xem xong bài viết chủ đề cách thức bán hàng trên lazada rồi nhé. Tag liên quan

Gastronomia do Shopping Market Place é uma ótima opção ...

A noite paulistana é conhecida por oferecer muitas opções para os amantes de uma boa gastronomia. O Shopping Market Place, referência em gastronomia, tem ótimas opções de restaurantes. Com uma rede ...

European P2P Lender Bondora Reports Decline in ...

European peer-to-peer (P2P) lender Bondora is reporting a decline in secondary market transactions for July 2021.

Nuvoco Vistas IPO subscribed 12% so far on day one grey ...

Nuvoco ...

0 Carb KETO Cheese Bread - Internet Market-Place

This Keto Cheese Bread Recipe is EASILY one of the best keto bread recipes you can make! It has 0g of carbs, and is made with just 3 main ingredients. Plus … source

The 7 Newest Meme Stocks Grabbing Retail Investor Attention

Meme stocks are often chastised for being volatile and high risk. But there are many companies here with solid growth stories and outlooks.

Monaco Market lance la première place de marché NFT pour ...

Les investisseurs en crypto-monnaie peuvent désormais diversifier leurs portefeuilles avec des NFT soutenus par des œuvres d'art et des objets de collection de valeur. VILLE DE ROUTE, Îles Vierges britanniques, 9 août 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Monaco Market lance la première place de marché qui combine la technologie des jetons non fongibles (NFT) avec des objets de collection du monde réel.

Cloud-Office Collabora Online: Firmly place images in DOCX ...

Cloud-Office Collabora Online: Firmly place images in DOCX and ODT files. Behind the new and inconspicuous version 6.4.10 there are some important innovations for Collabora Online. This is an office suite for cloud environments such as Nextcloud, which provides the word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software from LibreOffice as web ...

Due to increased demand and future trends, the IoS-based ...

The trade report from Reports Globe on the Global IoS Based Mobile Games Market aims to facilitate an in-depth understanding of the market’s definition,

Asana : Named #3 on the 2021 Best Small & Medium ...

Fifth consecutive year for Asana in the prestigious top 10 ranking ... | August 9, 2021

Dream Market Phone Number - DREAMUY

Dream Market Phone Number - DREAMUY - https://dreamuy.blogspot.com/

St. James's Place Wealth Management: Fairly Optimistic ...

4 hours PBOC sets USD/ CNY reference rate for today at 6.4840 (vs. Friday at 6.4625) Forexlive.

Mahasiswa Undip Gencarkan Lawan Covid-19 dan ...

Mahasiswa Undip Gencarkan Lawan Covid-19 dan Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Pemasaran Melalui Media Market Place serta Pembukuan dengan Mudah

What The Square Afterpay Deal Means For BNPL, FinTech ...

BNPL pure plays ride their debit rails, moving cash purchases online and at higher basket sizes. At the same time, for many of those purchases, they shift the volume destined for credit cards to ...

The truth behind Buy Now Pay Later schemes - Raconteur

BNPL sales are on course to account for 10% of all ecommerce activity by 2024, according to WorldPay. While it may be easy to imagine that BNPL is the preserve of younger consumers who live from pay cheque to pay cheque, research paints a different picture.

UAE based BNPL Fintech tabby Acquires $50M via Series B ...

UAE based Buy Now, Pay Later or BNPL Fintech tabby acquires $50M via Series B led by Global Founders Capital, STV.

GeoArm Partners with Affirm to offer 'Buy Now, Pay Later'

Aug 9th, 2021 - GeoArm has entered into a partnership with Affirm to offer BNPL "Buy Now, Pay Later" directly on its website for do-it-yourself security customers to choose from during online checkout.

BNPL: Just another proof of traditional banks' decadence ...

Square’s €29 billion acquisition of Afterpay earlier this month, gives Jack Dorsey’s company control over one of the best-known companies of the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) phenomenon, putting the…

The buy now, pay later model - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

‘The latest budget makes it mandatory for retailers to start accepting card payments which open up the market for BNPL, ...

Apple partners Affirm Holdings to launch Canadian BNPL service

Apple is continuing its interest in a buy now, pay later (BNPL) solution, teaming up with Affirm Holdings to launch a pilot programme in Canada.

Yes! Square's Afterpay Buy Highlights Buy Now, Pay Later ...

The companies aim to knit together Square's small and medium-sized merchant clients with Afterpay's larger retailer customers, like Target and Sephora. Source: Retail Dive...

What The Square Afterpay Deal Means For BNPL, FinTech ...

What The Square Afterpay Deal Means For BNPL, FinTech, BigTech And Banks. 2 hours ago 0 view 0. By . Share. Square's announcement that it's going to acquire Afterpay for $29 billion just about broke the payments portion of the internet last Monday. No one saw it coming, many considered it an unlikely pairing, and the premium Square is ...

Credit Intelligence (ASX:CI1) to launch BNPL OneFlexi ...

Credit Intelligence (ASX:CI1) has provided the market with an update to the development of the new buy now, pay later platform (BNPL) OneFlexi.

Apple partners Affirm Holdings to launch Canadian BNPL ...

Apple is exploring greater BNPL options. According to Bloomberg, the two companies plan to debut the new system in August across Apple online and physical retail stores. The new service will allow users of iPhones, iPads, and Macs to pay for their purchases over 12 or 24 months.

Buy now, pay later lenders have some swagger, but their ...

A flurry of deals for buy-now-pay-later lenders, including Square Inc's US$29 billion acquisition of Afterpay Ltd., is reviving speculation of a wider

Apple partner Affirm Holdings launches Canada's BNPL ...

Apple continues to be interested in buy now and pay later (BNPL) solutions in collaboration with Affirm Holdings to launch a pilot program in Canada. Apple is exploring more BNPL options according to Bloomberg, Both companies plan to debut the new system at Apple's online retail and physical stores in August. This new service allows …

Buy Now Pay Later scheme: How the way of shopping sees you ...

BUY NOW PAY LATER (BNPL) allows consumers to purchase something and pay it back in instalments at a later date.

BNPL giant Klarna joins forces with luxury label Yoox Net ...

BNPL giant Klarna joins forces with luxury label Yoox Net-A-Porter to expand its payment offering August 9, 2021 YOOX NET-A-PORTER GROUP, the online luxury and fashion company, has partnered with Klarna, the buy now pay later service to boost customer experience and payment options.

Apple partner Affirm launches BNPL service in Canada ...

Apple partner Affirm launches BNPL service in Canada

Credit Intelligence is set to go live with its latest AI ...

The expected launch of OneFlexi in September will launch Credit Intelligence into the lucrative BNPL market for SMEs. © Stockhead Australia Credit Intelligence Hong Kong Growth BNPL Credit Intelligence (ASX:CI1) is making further progress into its buy now, pay later (BNPL) ambitions, announcing that the acquisition of OneFlexi is now ...

ASUS and hoolah announce BNPL partnership - SME horizon

hoolah, Asia's omni-channel Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) ecosystem has announced a regional partnership with ASUS, that enables their customers to make deferred payments. This marks ASUS's first Buy Now Pay Later partnership in Asia, beginning at all ASUS physical and online retail stores in Singapore, with progressive rollouts planned for other markets in Asia […]

MoneyNeverSleeps: Starling Up, Monzo Down | Square's BNPL ...

Eoin Fitzgerald and Pete Townsend dive deep into the annual results from UK neobanks Starling and Monzo and what's next for both, before getting into Square's deal for BNPL (buy now, pay later) player Afterpay and how the integration will lead to a 'fintech flywheel'.. They then dive even deeper into their developing fintech flywheel thesis with a look into how Amazon and Shopify built ...

3 Reasons Shopify Should Buy Affirm - Sydney News Today

The company's BNPL products drive engagement, with 64% of transactions in 2020 coming from repeaters, who spend an average of $ 2,200 a year. If Shopify absorbs Affirm, it has the opportunity to unleash it across its ecosystem of over 100 million users and provide incredible benefits to its merchant base.

How did the Zip (ASX:Z1P) share price respond last ...

Are there any lessons to be learnt from how the Zip Co Ltd (ASX: Z1P) share price performed during reporting season last year?

Banks clashing with fast growing fintechs

If there is one thing that the $39 billion merger between Afterpay (ASX: APT) and Square (NYSE: SQ) has brought into stark focus, it is the contrast between the established banks and the new financial players.

Why Jack Dorsey's Square Paid USD 29B for Afterpay - Gist Vile

BNPL companies are so-called because they work differently to traditional credit companies. The reason they emerged first in Australia can be attributed both to "the inventiveness of Australia's retail and finance sectors" as well as a quirk in Australia's credit regulation laws.

Absolut perfection: A brief history of one of the longest ...

Absolut, the renowned vodka brand, was founded in 1879 by Lars Olsson Smith and is produced in Åhus, Sweden. In 1917, the Swedish government monopolized the country’s alcohol industry. Vodka was then sold nationwide under the name “Absolut Rent Brännvin” The name changed with intervals, and in 1979, the old name Absolut became Absolut Vodka. […]

Twitter founder plans Australia's largest takeover ...

The reason: BNPL providers do not collect any interest, but instead demand fees from the merchants and are therefore not bound by legal requirements for loans and are therefore not obliged to check the creditworthiness of customers. Name, address and date of birth are sufficient to use the payment service provider.

Square's Afterpay buy highlights buy now, pay later craze ...

margin journal. markets; investing; finance; business; retail; Technology; Menu

SOFI's Stock Forecast: Is It a Good Long-Term Investment?

SOFI stock has fallen over 25 percent since it went public on June 1. What's SoFi's stock forecast and is it a good long-term investment now?

Bnpl News in Hindi, Latest Bnpl News | India.Com News

Get latest Bnpl news in hindi. Also Find Bnpl photos and videos on India.com


2021-08-10 20:07

バッファロー nasne が受注再開。スマホを録画対応テレビにするネットワークレコーダ U3「cloudsmartch2」契約時入力で 初期費用…

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ローリエ→ロとリ コードキング→コとン であってる?

2021-08-10 19:51

【いいね!】【Fallout4 検証】コンコードのガービーをバルコニーから突き落としてデスクローと一騎打ちさせる(When Freedom Calls) 39152712

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2021-08-10 09:54

【いいね!】【Fallout4 検証】コンコードのガービーをバルコニーから突き落としてデスクローと一騎打ちさせる(When Freedom Calls) 39152712

2021-08-10 06:27

バッファロー nasne が受注再開。スマホを録画対応テレビにするネットワークレコーダ U3「cloudsmartch2」契約時入力で…

2021-08-10 04:48

コードレスになった?(笑) ローコードとかになっても、コード書いた経験がないとマネジメント出来ないよ。 これが、日本製造業が現場の方々を蔑ろにして上にうけるコスト削減とかに走った結果は、製造業崩壊(笑)…

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ローコードの後に来るものは?そして、何故公開をする必要があるのか? @jptechcrunchより


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