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同名の新しいアプリで「Shazam for your thoughts(あなたのインスピレーションをShazamのように検索)」しようと試みるWeavit(ウィービット)。同社はボタンを押すだけで自分の考えをすばやくメモツールに取り込み、それをより広範な知識ベースのコンテンツと照合するという、今までになかった手段をユーザーに提供する。Weavitアプリでは、メモを連絡先、会議、トピック、その他のウェブリンクにリンクさせ、アイデアや思いつきを、構造化して整理しなくても、書き留めておくことができる。


共同創業者であるKomal Narwani(コマル・ナルワニ)氏は次のように説明する。「私たちの頭の中にあるアイデアは、いずれもまったく構造化されておらず、すでにあるノートには収まりません」「思いついたことを吐き出し、機械に整理してもらえば、後からその情報を取り出し、きちんと整理し直すことができます」。





Weavitの共同創業者、Emmanuel Lefort(エマニュエル・ルフォート)氏は、過去の銀行勤務の経験からこのメモアプリのアイデアを思いついた。銀行では、営業担当者が顧客に金融商品を販売する際、パーソナルネットワークの中にある潜在的な情報を十分に利用できていなかった。そこで同氏は、CRM(顧客関係管理)ツールに入力しなくても、自動的に情報を結びつけることができる手段があれば面白いかも、と考えたのだ。






Markdownベースの知識管理ツールであるRoam ResearchやObsidianのような、グラフデータベースを搭載した(あるいはグラフデータベースに似た)ツールがある中で、ナルワニ氏によると、Weavitはより親しみやすいアプリとしてニッチを埋めることができるという。これらの生産性アプリは、より複雑で強力である反面、特に技術的な知識を持たない一般のユーザーにとっては複雑で導入が難しい。これに対し、Weavitは、仕事や研究に関するメモだけでなく、おすすめの映画や子供の先生の名前、後で見たい特定のテーマに関するウェブサイトなど、日常的な情報を記憶し、整理してリンクしてくれる。

2020年、WeavitはFluxus Ventures(フルクサスベンチャーズ)が主導したシードラウンドで125万ドル(約1億4000万円)を調達。香港を拠点に6人がフルタイムで活動している。

最低限の機能だけを備えたアプリのプロトタイプは2021年から公開されていたが、同社はユーザーからのフィードバックをもとにアプリを再編成して、2021年12月に再ローンチした。つまり、現在公開されているバージョンは、まだApp Storeに公開されてから数週間しか経っていない。同社によると、新バージョンのWeavitは、最初の10日間で1500件のサインアップを獲得したという。




A new app called Weavit wants to be a “Shazam for your thoughts” — that is, it wants to offer people a different way to quickly capture their thoughts in a note-taking tool with the press of a button, which are then matched to other content in a broader knowledge base. Currently, Weavit can link your notes to your contacts, meetings, topics and other weblinks, allowing you to jot down your ideas and other inspiration without having to try to first organize those thoughts in some more structured way.

The startup’s founders believe this parallels how your brain already works.

“Every thought that we have in our mind, sometimes, is completely unstructured and simply does not fit within an existing note that we have,” explains Weavit co-founder Komal Narwani. “You just want to throw a thought out there, and you want the machine to do the organization for you — so you can surface that information at a later stage and have it all neatly organized.”

To use the app, you can either type or dictate your idea to enter it into Weavit’s database.

The app then uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to link certain items within the note to people, places, events and other topics it knows about. For instance, if you wrote down you met someone at a certain event, like CES, then “CES” would be identified as an event and linked to other content where “CES” was also included. (Weavit connects to more than 60 million Wikipedia topics to aid in these sorts of connections.) Plus, the person in your note could be identified and linked to their company, to past locations or meetings, and more.

Image Credits: Weavit

This automated form of linking makes it easier for people to build on their own existing knowledge as they write down their ideas. However, Weavit will also support using common tools, like the hashtag or the @ mention, so its users can make more manual connections as needed.

Weavit’s co-founder, Emmanuel Lefort, came up with the idea for the note-taking app in his past life working at a bank. The bank was tasked with selling financial products to its clients, but the sales staff wasn’t fully able to take advantage of latent information that resided within people’s personal networks. He thought it would be interesting if there was a way to automatically connect information, automatically, without requiring manual entry into a CRM.

At launch, Weavit isn’t yet at the stage of connecting its users’ content to others across a distributed network of some kind — like within an internal organization, perhaps; that’s more of a long-term goal.

Instead, everything recorded in your Weavit app is private and encrypted. (Data is also encrypted while in transit, we’re told.)

Currently, Weavit is iOS only, and only available to users with an access code, as the startup is still in the early phases of testing.

TechCrunch readers who want to try the app can use the code “braincrunch.”

Image Credits: Weavit

Narwani says Weavit could fill a niche by being a more approachable app amid other tools powered by or resembling graph databases, like Roam Research or Obsidian, which are Markdown-based knowledge management tools. While those productivity apps are more complex and powerful, that also means they’re more complicated to adopt — especially for everyday users who aren’t as technical. Weavit, on the other hand, could be used by anyone for jotting down notes not only about their work or their research, but for remembering, organizing and connecting everyday bits of information — like movie recommendations, the names of your kids’ teachers or websites on a particular subject you want to save for later.

The startup raised a $1.25 million seed round in 2020, led by Fluxus Ventures, and is a team of six full-time, based in Hong Kong.

Though the app’s MVP had been live last year, the app was retooled and relaunched in December 2021, based on user feedback. In other words, the version of the app live now is only a few weeks old. In its first 10 days on the App Store, the new version of Weavit gained 1,500 sign-ups, the company claims.

The Weavit team is also working on a web app and will soon launch a Chrome extension for capturing images and web pages while browsing, to make Weavit capable of collecting content from the web — not just your own thoughts, ideas and inspirations. An Android app is further down the road.


(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Dragonfly)



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