ワシントン州による調査後、「Sold By Amazon」での価格操作に対してアマゾンは2.6億円を支払い、プログラムも終了

今回は「ワシントン州による調査後、「Sold By Amazon」での価格操作に対してアマゾンは2.6億円を支払い、プログラムも終了」についてご紹介します。

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「Sold By Amazon」は基本的に次のような仕組みだった。Amazonがサードパーティの販売者と連絡を取り、商品の最低価格について合意する。Amazonがそれ以上の値段でその商品を売れば、利益を分配する。ある意味、卸売りで大量に仕入れて転売するのとあまり変わらない。しかし、Amazonがストアで商品の価格や見せ方を激しく変えるその手法のために、実際にはまったく異なったことが起こった。


Sold by Amazonに登録されている商品の大半は、価格が人為的に高く設定されたままになっていた。

価格が上昇すると、一部の販売者は、プログラム対象製品の売上とそれによる利益が著しく減少した。価格上昇に直面したネットユーザーは、Amazonの自社ブランド商品、特にプライベートブランド商品を購入することを選択することもあった。その結果、消費者が「Sold by Amazon」プログラムに登録された商品に高い値段を払うか、あるいはAmazonで提供される同一または類似の商品を購入するかにかかわらず、Amazon自身の利益が最大化されることになった。

これは売り手にとって不利な取引に聞こえる。だが、より根本的には、ワシントン州のBob Ferguson(ボブ・ファーガソン)司法長官は、この行為は州の反トラスト法に違反していると主張した。Amazonは店舗かもしれないが、自社の商品も販売しており、問題のサードパーティの販売業者とは競合関係にある。そして、競合する2社が商品のコストをコントロールする密約を結ぶことは、価格操作の定義とほぼ同じだ。


それにしても、2018年から拡大していたプログラムが、独禁法当局が嗅ぎ回った直後にほぼ停止してしまうとは、何という偶然だろうか。「調査は2020年3月に開始し、Amazonは6月にプログラムを停止した」と、州司法長官室のDan Jackson(ダン・ジャクソン)氏は述べた。おそらく、単にタイミングの問題だったのだろう。





Amazon must pay $2.25 million and permanently shut down a previously suspended sales program, following an investigation and lawsuit by the attorney general of Washington alleging it was essentially price fixing.

“Sold By Amazon” basically worked like this. Amazon would contact a third-party seller and they would agree on a minimum price for an item. If Amazon sold the item for more, they would split the profits. In a way it’s not so different from buying a bunch of stuff wholesale and reselling it. But due to how Amazon dynamically prices and presents items in the store, that’s not quite what happened.

As the AG’s office explains, Amazon ended up increasing the price of the items to match other retailers, and prevented sellers from offering discounts. As a result, buyers were frequently driven to purchase Amazon’s own brands, which it could price however it chose:

Prices for the vast majority of the remaining products enrolled in the “Sold by Amazon” program stabilized at artificially high levels.

…When prices increased, some sellers experienced a marked decline in the sales and resulting profits from products enrolled in the program. Faced with price increases, online customers sometimes opted to buy Amazon’s own branded products — particularly its private label products. This resulted in Amazon maximizing its own profits regardless of whether consumers paid a higher price for sales of products enrolled in the “Sold by Amazon” program or settled for buying the same or similar product offered through Amazon.

Sounds like a bad deal for sellers, but more fundamentally, Washington AG Bob Ferguson alleged that the practice was in violation of state antitrust laws. Amazon may be a store, but it also sells its own goods, making it a competitor with the third-party sellers in question. And two competitors making a secret agreement controlling the cost of goods is pretty much the definition of price fixing.

Amazon disputed the AG’s characterization, saying it was all for the good of the customer and completely on the level. It also claimed to have shut down the program for “business reasons unrelated to the AG’s investigation.” “While we strongly believe the program was legal, we’re glad to have this matter resolved,” the company said in a statement to TechCrunch.

It’s an extraordinary coincidence, then, that a program that had been expanding since 2018 would shut down almost immediately after antitrust authorities started sniffing around. “We launched the investigation in March 2020 and Amazon suspended the program in June,” said the AG office’s Dan Jackson. Perhaps it was just time.

At any rate, rather than fight the lawsuit in court, Amazon agreed to a consent decree requiring the $2.25 million payment (which will go directly to funding the AG’s antitrust division) and prohibiting Amazon from reactivating the program in any way, shape or form.

“Consumers lose when corporate giants like Amazon fix prices to increase their profits. Today’s action promotes product innovation and consumer choice, and makes the market more competitive for sellers in Washington state and across the country,” said Ferguson.

(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)



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