マイクロソフト、アクティビジョン・ブリザード買収の規制対策でMicrosoft Storeがオープンであることを表明

今回は「マイクロソフト、アクティビジョン・ブリザード買収の規制対策でMicrosoft Storeがオープンであることを表明」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (両法案、巨大企業、明示的等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Microsoft(マイクロソフト)は、世界有数の人気ビデオゲームの数々を傘下に収める計画に対する議会の圧力を和らげようとしている。同社は2022年1月、Activision Blizzard(アクティビジョン・ブリザード)を687億ドル(約7兆9400億円)で買収する意志を表明した。実現すれば史上最大規模のゲーム買収になる。


しかしActivision Blizzardとの取引が審議の対象になると、それが続く可能性は低い。2022年2月初めにBloomberg(ブルームバーグ)は、この買収提案がFTC(連邦取引委員会)の審査を受けるだろうと報じた。現在のFTC委員長であるLina Khan(リナ・カーン)氏は、過熱するテック業界の統合を破壊することに精を出している反トラスト学者だ。

MicrosoftのBrad Smith(ブラッド・スミス)プレジデントは、2月9日のブログ投稿で、規制当局の話題に直接触れ、あくまでも協調的な姿勢を打ち出しながら、規制当局の提案を受けて同社が採用する予定の「Open App Store Principles(オープンアプリストア原則)」の概要を示すとともに、世界で最も人気のあるゲームタイトル群を手に入れる同社自身の計画を発表した。




Microsoftは、一連のオープン化原則はWindows(ウィンドウズ)向けに作ったガイドラインを改変したものだが、Xboxにも「今日から」適用するつもりだという。気になるのは、同社が約束した中に、Microsoft Storeでの決済オープン化に関する重要事項が入っていないことだが、他の原理を実行に移すことで穴埋めしていくつもりだと話した。





スミス氏はさらに、今回の取引を巡る懸念のいくつかについても直接答えた。同氏は、取引が成立した場合でも、「Call of Duty(コール・オブ・デューティー)」はSony(ソニー)のPlayStation(プレイステーション)で「既存および将来の契約に関わらず」引き続きプレイ可能であることを確認した。これでSonyコンソールのオーナーが置き去りにされる心配はなくなった。


スミス氏は「Activision Blizzardの他の人気タイトル」も同じ扱いを受け、ただちにMicrosoft独占になることはないことを強調した。「Call of Duty」以外に、Activision Blizzardとの契約には、「OVerwatch(オーバーウォッチ)」「World of Warcraft」「Diablo(ディアブロ)」「Starcraft(スタークラフト)」「Hearthstone(ハースストーン)」「Candy Crush(キャンディークラッシュ)」など数多くのヒットゲームが含まれる。





もちろん現在のアプリストアの仕組みは将来の変更対象だ。現在、議会を通過しようとしている反トラスト法案、American Innovation and Choice Online Act(米国のオンラインでのイノベーションと選択に関する法案)は、企業が自社プラットフォームで自己を優先的に扱い、競合相手を不利な立場に置くことを明示的に禁止するだろう。別の法案、Open App Markets Act(オープンなアプリ市場法案)もソフトウェアプラットフォームが過去10年間追求してきた壁に囲まれた庭を取り壊そうとしている。両法案とも、2022年1月に委員会を通過しており、Microsoftのような企業に重くのしかかる可能性は高い。たとえ、アプリストアや他のソフトウェアマーケットプレイスを崩壊させかねない一連の変更がゲーミングプラットフォームを対象としないとしても。



画像クレジット:Anadolu Agency / Contributor / Getty Images


Microsoft is working to warm lawmakers up to its plans to bring a collection of the world’s most popular video games under its wing. The company announced its intention to buy Activision Blizzard last month in a deal that would be worth $68.7 billion — the largest gaming acquisition of all time, if the deal goes through.

The acquisition isn’t exactly ill-fated, but it’s a risky time for Microsoft to attract attention from regulators. In the U.S., lawmakers and regulatory agencies have largely focused on some of the tech giant’s peers, particularly Meta (formerly Facebook), Google, Apple and Amazon. Microsoft’s name doesn’t come up in contentious conversations about social networks, advertising or online marketplaces, so the massive company has managed to mostly fly under the radar in recent years in spite of its size.

With the Activision Blizzard deal on the table, that’s unlikely to last. Earlier this month, Bloomberg reported that the proposed acquisition will be reviewed by the FTC, an agency now chaired by Lina Khan, an antitrust scholar keen to disrupt escalating consolidation in the tech industry.

Microsoft President Brad Smith addressed regulators directly in a new blog post Wednesday, striking a cooperative tone and outlining a set of “Open App Store Principles” that the company will adopt in light of proposed regulation and its own plans to buy a cluster of the world’s most popular gaming titles.

Microsoft framed the new ideology as a preemptive effort to accommodate regulatory changes, but it’s also clearly an appeal to the federal government to sign off on the acquisition:

… We recognize that the emerging new era of tech regulation brings with it both benefits and risks, not just for a single company but for our entire industry. As others have pointed out, there are risks with any new regulation, and these deserve a fair hearing and thorough consideration. But as a company, we continue to be more focused on adapting to regulation than fighting against it. In part this is because we have been adapting for two decades to antitrust rules, and we’ve learned from our experience. While change is not easy, we believe it’s possible to adapt to new rules and innovate successfully.

The principles Smith lays out here touch on a handful of issues of interest to regulators, including a promise to not leverage app store data to compete against developers and a commitment against self-preferencing. The company also committed to not forcing developers to use its payments system or disallowing them from communicating with customers about better deals to be had on other platforms.

Microsoft says that the set of open principles is adapted from guidelines it created for Windows, but it plans to institute them for the Xbox “beginning today.” Notably, the company stops short of making those promises for the key bits about opening up payments in the Xbox store, though claims it will work to “close the gap” by implementing the remaining principles in the future:

We will not require developers in our app store to use our payment system to process in-app payments.

We will not require developers in our app store to provide more favorable terms in our app store than in other app stores.

We will not disadvantage developers if they choose to use a payment processing system other than ours or if they offer different terms and conditions in other app stores.

We will not prevent developers from communicating directly with their customers through their apps for legitimate business purposes, such as pricing terms and product or service offerings.

Smith also addressed some specific concerns around the deal directly. He confirmed that if the deal goes through, Call of Duty will still be available through Sony’s PlayStation “beyond the existing agreement and into the future” so Sony console owners won’t be left out in the cold.

“We are also interested in taking similar steps to support Nintendo’s successful platform,” Smith wrote. “We believe this is the right thing for the industry, for gamers and for our business.”

Smith notes that “other popular Activision Blizzard titles” will also get the same treatment rather than immediately becoming Microsoft exclusives. Beyond Call of Duty, the Activision Blizzard deal includes a deep roster of hit games like Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Diablo, Starcraft, Hearthstone and Candy Crush.

The console wars enter a new era

It’s hard to imagine that Microsoft wouldn’t leverage the massive deal to draw gamers toward the Xbox side of the gaming equation, but the console wars aren’t as relevant as they used to be — at least, not in the way that we’re used to thinking about them.

During the Epic v. Apple trial, Microsoft admitted that the company subsidizes hardware sales and doesn’t make a profit off of Xbox consoles. Game sales and game subscription services are how console makers actually make money, but hardware isn’t totally irrelevant: Much like the app model, gaming is all about getting customers into your software store and keeping them there. Making hardware people want to buy is one of the main ways to pull that off.

If customers are playing your game on someone else’s console, your competitor can take a cut of that cash — the standard 30% — but you’re still making money. For Microsoft, deciding how open its gaming ecosystem should remain is all about doing that math and balancing it against the expanded customer base it’ll maintain if hit titles — particularly those with subscriptions and in-game purchases — remain playable across platforms.

Smith acknowledged this reality explicitly in the blog post, noting that app stores are both the future and present of the game industry. “Just as Windows has evolved to an open and broadly used platform, we see the future of gaming following a similar path,” Smith wrote. “… Our vision is to enable gamers to play any game on any device anywhere, including by streaming from the cloud.”

Of course, the way app stores work right now is subject to change. One antitrust bill wending its way through Congress, the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, would explicitly prevent companies from self-preferencing and putting competitors at a disadvantage on their platforms. Another bill, the Open App Markets Act, would similarly tear down the walled gardens that software platforms have been tending for the last decade. Both bills made it out of committee in the last month and are likely looming large for companies like Microsoft, even if gaming platforms won’t be subject to all of the changes that could sweep over the App Store and other software marketplaces.

“We want to enable world-class content to reach every gamer more easily across every platform,” Smith wrote. “We want to encourage more innovation and investment in content creation and fewer constraints on distribution. Put simply, the world needs open app markets, and this requires open app stores.”

(文:Taylor Hatmaker、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )



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