

関連ワード (内藤聡、役割、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



長期滞在の選択肢を増やそうと、スタートアップ企業が次々と登場しているのも当然のことだ。Anyplaceもそんなスタートアップの1つだ。自称「デジタルノマド」であるSatoru Steve Naito(内藤聡)氏によると、2017年にサンフランシスコに拠点を置くAnyplaceを共同設立したのは、自分自身がこのプロダクトを欲していたからだという。

その名の通り、Anyplaceは、ホテルやレンタカーを30日以上ほとんどどこでも予約できるマーケットプレイスとしてスタートした。当マーケットプレイスは今日、60カ国以上、450以上の都市で展開されている。そして現在このスタートアップ企業、Anyplaceは、最新の製品であるAnyplace Selectの提供を開始し、オペレーターとしての役割に移行しつつある。この製品は、リモートワーカーや企業の出張者が「完全に設備が整った」ホームオフィスなどの家具付きの部屋を利用して、どこでも仕事ができるようにするために設計されたものだ。






確かに、サービス業の巨人Airbnbは昔から短期滞在に注力しているが、現在は、Airbnbのマーケットプレイスで長期滞在が増加している。つまり長期滞在の需要が増加している。2021年5月、AirbnbのCEOであるBrian Chesky(ブライアン・チェスキー)氏はYahoo Financeに対し、Airbnbの宿泊の24%がAnyplaceだったと語った(わずか2年前は14%)。さらにこのトレンドの裏付けとなるのは、Airbnbが最近、この分野の別のスタートアップ企業であるZeus Livingを支援しているということだ。同社は当初、企業の出張者向けの柔軟なオプションの提供に重点を置いていたが、現在はより幅広い潜在顧客層へと拡大している。



Anyplaceはインベントリーを他の市場に「積極的に」拡大し、機能改善を続けるために、シリーズAで530万ドル(約6億1100万円)を調達したと発表した。これはGA Technologiesが主導し、Jason Calacanis、Launch Fund、日本のサッカースターで(Will Smithとともに)Dreamers Venturesの共同設立者である本田圭佑、メルカリ共同設立者の富島寛、East Venturesが参加した。今回のラウンド資金調達で、Anyplaceは合計800万ドル(約9億2330万円)を調達し、現在は17人である従業員の増強にも充てられる予定だ。

内藤氏によると、当スタートアップはすでに次のラウンドの資金調達を開始しており「急成長とAnyplace Selectが提供する宿泊施設に対する需要の急増」によって、すでに「いくつかの投資の約束」を受けているという。具体的には、米国の主要都市、特にハワイ、マイアミ、オースティン、デンバーといった人気の高いリゾート地への進出を考えていると内藤氏はいう。



「彼は、どのようにしてJason Calacanis(ジェイソン・カラカニス) のような米国の有名な投資家からの資金調達に成功したのかを話してくれました。簡単ではなかったし、苦労もした。彼は、移民の創業者が直面する言語やその他さまざまな障壁を乗り越えたのです」本田氏はいう。スタートアップで成功するためには、気概が最も重要なものの1つだと思います。また、彼が望んだ製品を、彼自身が居住し、仕事をしている場所で作り上げたことにも感銘を受けました」。


そしてこのようにTechCrunchに語った。「Anyplace Selectのように、オフィス環境が完備された宿泊施設は見たことがありません。明らかに自宅で仕事をする人が増えており、そのような人たちは1つの場所だけに住みたいとは思っていないのです。Anyplace Selectは、パンデミック後の世界において、そのような人たちの標準的な宿泊施設になるでしょう」。



In this era of remote work, people want as much flexibility as possible to live where they want, when they want.

It’s no surprise that we’ve seen a flurry of startups emerge to give people more options for long-term stays. Anyplace is one such startup. A self-described “digital nomad,” Satoru Steve Naito says he co-founded San Francisco-based Anyplace in 2017 because he wanted the product for himself.

True to its name, Anyplace began its life as a marketplace that gives people the option to book hotels or rentals for 30 days or more nearly anyplace they want to. That marketplace today is across over 60 countries in more than 450 cities. And now, the startup is moving into an operator role with its latest product, Anyplace Select, which is designed for remote workers and corporate travelers to be able to work from anywhere with furnished apartments that include a “fully equipped” home office.

As the pandemic has raged on and offices continue to be shut down, more people have had the flexibility to move around like never before. Anyplace launched Select last year in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles and San Diego, and achieved a $1 million run rate within seven months of its launch, according to Naito, who serves as the company’s CEO. Monthly revenue growth of the Select offering is over 50% on average and, as of this month, its occupancy rate is over 90%.

Anyplace partners with real estate developers such as Greystar and AvalonBay to rent units, furnish them and then master leases them out at a higher price with its select offering. Each apartment has a “fully equipped office setup” and comes with a flexible-term contract (minimum of 30 days). They include a height-adjustable standing desk, ergonomic chair, 34-inch “ultra-wide” monitor, professional microphone, webcam, collapsible green screen, laptop stand, docking station and key light, among other things. 

“Every Select apartment provides the same or higher level of productivity as a home office,” Naito said. “Wi-Fi speed will never be an issue either, as all units have gigabit internet.”

Why would a remote worker who wants to try living in another city not just rent a place on Airbnb? The ability to have a house or apartment set up for remote work is not as easy to find as one might think, Naito contends — some offerings might have slow Wi-Fi while others might not offer an adequate desk or dedicated workspace. 

“Most current accommodations optimize for pre-pandemic stays. People really worked all day from their rooms while staying in hotels or Airbnb,” Naito said. “However, in the post-pandemic world, people are spending more time making Zoom calls and working from their rooms. So we are creating accommodations optimized for the post-pandemic world.”

Indeed, Airbnb has historically focused on short-term rentals, but now the hospitality giant is seeing an increase in longer-term rentals on its marketplace — evidence that there is increased demand for longer-term rentals. Last May, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky told Yahoo Finance that 24% of Airbnb stays were 28 days or more — compared to 14% just two years prior. In further evidence of its belief in the trend, Airbnb also recently backed another startup in the space, Zeus Living , which started out focusing on offering flexible options for corporate travelers but is now expanding to a broader pool of potential customers.

While Anyplace had just been operating a marketplace, it is now shifting its broader business focus to be an operator with its new Select offering.

“So, Airbnb is not our competitor, but a partner and actually one of our biggest acquisition channels,” Naito told TechCrunch. “I don’t believe Airbnb will move into the operator space, with their own inventory. Their strength is in the platform business.”

To “aggressively” expand its inventory into other markets and continue to improve its functionality, Anyplace is announcing today that it has raised $5.3 million in a Series A financing led by GA Technologies, with participation from J ason Calacanis, Launch Fund, Japanese soccer star and Dreamers Ventures co-founder (with Will Smith) Keisuke Honda, Mercari co-founder Hiroshi Tomishima and East Ventures. The round brings Anyplace’s total raised to $8 million, and will go also toward boosting its current headcount of 17.

The startup has already begun raising capital for its next round, already receiving “several investment commitments,” according to Naito, due to the company’s “rapid growth and the surge in demand for the kind of accommodations that Anyplace Select offers.” Specifically, the startup is looking to expand to major cities in the U.S., particularly to popular vacation destinations such as Hawaii, Miami, Austin and Denver, Naito said.

“People no longer have to quit their full-time jobs to become digital nomads. Before the pandemic, people had to leave their companies and become freelancers or small business owners in order to live a nomadic lifestyle,” Naito told TechCrunch. “But now, tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter are allowing their employees to work remotely full time…The pandemic has created many new types of nomads. So this is a major paradigm shift in the way people work.”

Via email, Keisuke Honda told TechCrunch that he could “feel” Naito’s “grit” when he first met him.

“He raised capital from well-known U.S. investors like Jason Calacanis and he told me the story of how he made it. It wasn’t easy, and he struggled. He has overcome the language and various other barriers that immigrant founders face,” Honda said. “ I believe that grit is one of the most important things to succeed in a startup. Also, I was impressed by the fact that he built the product he wanted, and that he himself lives and works in.”

Honda added that as a soccer player, he has traveled to many countries and stayed in “many hotels and Airbnb rentals.”

“I have never seen accommodations like Anyplace Select with a fully equipped office environment,” he told TechCrunch. “Obviously, the number of people who work from home has been increasing and they don’t want to live only in one place. Anyplace Select will be the standard accommodation for such people in the post-pandemic world.”

(文:Mary Ann Azevedo、翻訳:Dragonfly)



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