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オンライン採用は、第一次インターネットブームの初期の大ヒット商品の1つだった。しかし、より多くのビジネスプロセスがオンラインに移行する中、オンライン求人検索はただ与え続け贈り物のような存在だ。そこで米国時間3月16日、この分野の別のポータルが、より革新的で確かな技術でこの分野の既存企業に対抗するために、大規模な資金調達を行ったというニュースが飛び込んできた。リクルーターが直接投稿した求人広告と、サードパーティの求人サイトの広告の両方を集約するポータルサイトのTalent.com(タレントドットコム)は、シリーズ Bラウンドの1億2000 万ドル(約141億9800万円)を調達した。同社はこの資金を、国際展開を続け、このプログラム検索プラットフォームにさらに投資し、ユーザー向けの新しい製品とサービスを導入するために使用する予定である。

Talent.comはかなり国際的なプロフィールを持っている。現在、78カ国、29言語にわたって100万社の約3000万件の求人情報を掲載し、その範囲内で毎月2800万人以上のアクティブな訪問者があるのだ。しかし、このスタートアップ自体はモントリオールを拠点とし、今回のラウンドではカナダのVC、Inovia Capital(イノヴィア・キャピタル)がリードし、以前の支援者 Caisse de depôt et placement du Québec (ケベック州金融公社/CDPQ) と新しい投資者 Investissement Québec(インベストメント・ケベック)、Climb Ventures(クライム・ベンチャーズ)、BDC Capital(ビーディーシー・キャピタル)、Fondaction(フォンダクション)およびHarbourVest Partners(ハーバーべスト・パートナー)も参加している。この1億2000万ドル(約141億9800万円)の株式と同時に、BMO Financial Group(ビーエムオー・ファイナンシャル・グループ)のTechnology & Innovation Banking Group(テクノロジー&イノベーション・バンキング・グループ)から新たに3000万ドル(約35億5000万円)の負債性資金も調達している。

Talent.comの共同創業者で共同CEOのLucas Martínez(ルーカス・マルティネス)氏は、Maxime Droux(マキシム・ドルー)氏、Benjamin Philion(ベンジャミン・フィリオン)氏と共同で同社を設立した。同士はインタビューの中で、この資金を使って、消費者が探しているものにもっと関連した結果を見るための技術をさらに構築し、広告の反応性を測定するツールやクリックされた人に応じて料金を請求するツールを使って、雇用主にとってより魅力あるプラットフォームとすることが目的だと語っている。



現在、この市場には、Indeed.com(時価総額660億ドル[約7兆8090億円]、SimplyHiredなどのブランドを所有する日本の人材大手Recruit Holdingsが所有)や、2021年上場したZipRecruiter(ジップリクルーター)、LinkedIn(リンクトイン)、検索大手Google(グーグル)などのビッグプレイヤーがいる。しかし、今日、新しいテクノロジーと市場からの期待の変化を活用して、新たな競争戦線を導入し、これらの老舗企業に真っ向から立ち向かうスタートアップが数多く存在する。





「人材獲得競争は、企業が今直面している大きな課題によって、さらに激化しています。Talent.comは、雇用主が人材を調達し、採用するための最大かつ最も国際的なプラットフォームの1つになるまで急成長しました。このパートナーシップは、真の求職者中心のプラットフォームとなるための一連の付加価値製品を立ち上げ、成長の新たな段階を促すものです」とInovia CapitalのパートナーであるChris Arsenault(クリス・アーセノー)氏は声明の中で語っている。

画像クレジット:Patrick Strattner / Getty Images


Online recruitment was one of the early and big hits of the first dot-com boom. But with more and more business processes moving online, online job search is the gift that keeps on giving, and so today comes news of another portal raising a big round to take on the incumbents in the space with more innovative and accurate technology.

Talent.com — a portal that aggregates both job ads posted directly by recruiters as well as ads from third-party recruitment sites — has picked up $120 million, a Series B round of funding that it will use to continue expanding internationally, investing further in its programmatic search platform, and introducing new products and services for users.

Talent.com has a pretty international profile — it currently lists around 30 million jobs from 1 million companies across 78 countries and 29 languages and sees more than 28 million monthly active visitors across that footprint — but the startup itself is based out of Montreal. This round is being led by Canadian VC Inovia Capital, with previous backer Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) and new investors Investissement Québec, Climb Ventures, BDC Capital, Fondaction, and HarbourVest Partners also participating. Alongside the $120 million in equity, it has also raised $30 million in new debt financing from the Technology & Innovation Banking Group at BMO Financial Group.

Talent.com’s co-founder and co-CEO, Lucas Martínez, who co-founded the company with Maxime Droux and Benjamin Philion, said in an interview that the aim is to use the funding to build more tech to help consumers see results more relevant to what they are looking for and to make Talent.com more attractive to employers, with tools to measure the responsiveness of ads and plans to charge them based on what gets people clicking.

(The company itself knows a little something about having the right wording to get people interested in content: The startup used to be called Neuvoo, Finnish for “advise,” and while it was profitable, it wasn’t growing very fast, in part because it found that many people stumbled on how to pronounce the word and that its meaning wasn’t particularly relevant to the mass market. So when Neuvoo decided to rethink its name in 2019 and saw that Talent.com was up for sale, it jumped at it and rebranded. It paid $1.3 million for the domain, although mysteriously the rest of the details are under NDA for three years, so it’s unclear who was doing the selling. Martínez laughed and said no when I asked if it was Google, but didn’t elaborate any further.)

It is also investing the funding in more international expansion. Martínez spoke to me from Barcelona, where the company is setting up a new European hub.

Some of the big players in the market today include Indeed.com — owned Japan’s HR giant, Recruit Holdings, which itself is valued at around $66 billion and owns other brands like SimplyHired — ZipRecruiter, which went public last year; LinkedIn; and the search giant Google. But there are a number of startups going head-to-head today with these more established players, leveraging new technology and changing expectations from the market to introduce new competitive battlefronts.

Some like Deel and Remote are positioning themselves as platforms to help hire remote employees; others like Turing are taking the remote concept and focusing it on sourcing a specific talent pool: engineers. SmartRecruiters has ambitions to be the “Salesforce of recruitment,” an ambition others like Beamery are also chasing. Dover is borrowing a concept from another enterprise field (its buzzword is orchestration) in its recruitment platform. And Jobandtalent, Workstream and Fountain all have business models to target casual, gig and hourly workers.

Talent.com, like the latter three, is largely targeting markets that include hourly and gig workers, as well as skilled labor. Alongside its programmatic approach to job ads, its other tools for employers include the ability to integrate their existing applicant tracking systems and CRMs. On the consumer side, users are given the ability, in addition to basic job search, to do salary research, to calculate salary after deducting tax in their locale, and to answer profile questions to better tailor their search results. This will also pave the way for how the product will develop in the future.

“This is crucial,” said Martínez. “The job search is aspirational. Many are not qualified for the jobs they are applying for. So we are combining experience and education, and guiding users to what they should do so if they want to become, say, an engineer. We will know who you are and have your CV on our platform and we’ll say, these are the educational programs in that area online. This is where we will provide a lot more value to our user.”

It’s the play for a wider set of services to drive more revenue from users that piqued investors’ interest.

“The race for talent has only been accentuated by the significant challenges that businesses are facing right now. Talent.com has rapidly grown to become one of the largest and most international platforms for employers to source and recruit,” Chris Arsenault, partner at Inovia Capital, said in a statement. “This partnership is prompting a new phase of growth as they launch a suite of value-added products to become a true job-seeker-centric platform.”

(文:Ingrid Lunden、翻訳:Akihito Mizukoshi)



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