

関連ワード (Yext、検索等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Yext Answersは、企業が自社のウェブサイトでより良い検索体験を提供するためのサービスだ。そして名前からも想像できるように、本当のゴールは消費者が求めている答え(answers)を見つけることだ。

「検索クエリに対して、リンクを返したら負けだと思っています」と最高戦略責任者のMarc Ferrentino(マーク・フェレンティーノ)氏はいう。





そのテクノロジーを紹介するためにフェレンティーノ氏は、Yext Answersが大統領の歴史に関するページをクローリングして「2回弾劾された唯一の米国大統領は誰か?」という質問に正しい答えを返すところを見せた。



画像クレジット:Getty Images


Yext Answers allows businesses to provide a better search experience on their own websites — but as the name implies, the goal is really to make sure consumers get the answers they’re looking for.

“If we deliver a link [in response to a search query], we consider it a failure on our side,” Chief Strategy Officer Marc Ferrentino told me.

Ferrentino said the company will be able to do an even better job of that starting on March 17, with the launch of the “Orion” update to its search algorithm.

Yext will then be able to pull answers directly from unstructured pages on a business’ website. The key, he said, is that Yext can “extract structured information” from an unstructured document — whether that’s a webpage, a blog post or a help document — rather than just searching for keywords. So instead of simply presenting a link or a “blob of text,” it will offer a “rich snippet” that actually answers your question.

Image Credits: Yext

There’s a good chance that you’re familiar with something similar from Google’s consumer search experience, where the results often include a widget with questions and answers. Ferrentino welcomed the comparison, saying this will allow Yext customers to close the “experience gap” between Google’s search experience and their own.

To demonstrate the technology, Ferrentino showed me how Yext Answers could crawl pages about presidential history and then return the correct answer when asked, “Who was the only U.S. president to be impeached twice?”

Or for a more commercial (albeit slightly meta) example, he showed me how it could answer questions about Yext’s technology. As another example, Yext says it could search a bank’s website to answer a question about the difference between a 401(k) and Roth IRA.

Also worth noting: This change won’t just improve things for businesses and their customers, but also Yext’s nonprofit clients, including the World Health Organization, which is using Yext to provide pandemic-related answers online.


(文:Anthony Ha、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

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Yext, Inc. to Report Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Results on March 3, 2021, and Announces Virtual Investor Day Provided by PR Newswire Feb 18, 2021 9:15 PM UTC

Yext brings more answers to its site search by processing ...

Yext Answers allows businesses to provide a better search experience on their own websites — but as the name implies, the goal is really to make sure consumers get the answers they’re looking for. “If we deliver a link [in response to a search query], we consider it a failure on our side,” Chief Strategy […]

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Yext, Inc. to Report Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2021 ...

Yext, Inc. to Report Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Results on March 3, 2021, and Announces Virtual Investor Day

Yext, Inc. (NYSE:YEXT) CAO Darryl Bond Sells 1,000 Shares ...

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Yext, Inc. (NYSE:YEXT) CFO Steven Cakebread Sells 7,500 ...

Yext, Inc. (NYSE:YEXT) CFO Steven Cakebread sold 7,500 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction dated Tuesday, February 16th. The shares were sold at an average price of $19.38, for a total transaction of $145,350.00. Following the completion of the sale, the chief financial officer now owns 42,267 shares of the company’s stock, valued […]

Yext, Inc. (NYSE:YEXT) CAO Darryl Bond Sells 1,000 Shares ...

Yext, Inc. (NYSE:YEXT) CAO Darryl Bond sold 1,000 shares of the company’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, February 16th. The stock was sold at an average price of $19.68, for a total transaction of $19,680.00. Following the completion of the sale, the chief accounting officer now directly owns 35,374 shares of the […]

Yext, Inc. to Report Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2021 ...

Yext, Inc. to Report Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2021 Financial Results on March 3, 2021, and Announces Virtual Investor Day. NEW YORK, Feb. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Yext, Inc. (NYSE: YEXT), the Answers Search Company, today announced that its fourth-quarter and full fiscal year 2021 results will be released on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, after the close of the market.

Yext brings more answers to its site search by processing ...

Yext Answers allows businesses to provide a better search experience on their own websites — but as the name implies, the goal is really to make sure consumers get the answers they're looking for. "If we deliver a link [in response to a search query], we consider it a failure on our side," Chief Strategy Officer Marc Ferrentino told me.

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Yext, Inc. (NYSE:YEXT) COO Brian Distelburger sold 10,000 shares of Yext stock in a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, February 16th. The stock was sold at an average price of $19.37, for a total value of $193,700.00. Following the sale, the chief operating officer now owns 3,263,610 shares in the company, valued at $63,216,125.70. The […]

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Yext Announces Advanced Extractive Question Answering as ...

/PRNewswire/ -- Yext, Inc. (NYSE: YEXT), the Answers Search Company, today announced its latest advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithm,...

Yext brings more answers to its site search by processing ...

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Yext brings more answers to its site search by processing ...

Yext Answers allows businesses to provide a better search experience on their own websites — but as the name implies, the goal is really to make sure consumers get the answers they're looking for. "If we deliver a link [in response to a search query], we consider it a failure on our side," Chief Strategy […]

Yext Announces Advanced Extractive Question Answering As ...

Yext, Inc., the Answers Search Company, announced its latest advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithm, extractive question answering (QA), also

Yext brings more answers to its site search by processing ...

Yext will then be able to pull answers directly from unstructured pages on a business' website. The key, he said, is that Yext can "extract structured information" from an unstructured document — whether that's a webpage, a blog post or a help document — rather than just searching for keywords.

Yext brings more answers to its site search by processing ...

Yext brings more answers to its site search by processing unstructured data TechCrunch | February 18, 2021 Yext Answers allows businesses to provide a better search experience on their own websites — but as the name implies, the goal is really to…

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2021-02-21 20:54


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アドレノクロム、Googleで検索を過度にやると ネット止められるんだね?

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2021-02-21 14:17

夜分に申し訳ありません。 初めまして、検索よりお声掛け失礼致します。 当方Dグループ1セット予約予定なのですが、?⇆?で交換していただくことは可能でしょうか?また、併せて?をお譲り頂くことは可能でしょうか? ご検討いただけますと幸いです。 宜しくお願い致します。

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2021-02-21 13:16

はじめまして。検索よりお声がけ失礼します。 まだ可能でしたら是非お願いしたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

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