関連ワード (Kleeen、ノーコード、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
ビジネスアプリケーションのフロントエンド構築は車輪の再発明、つまりすでに存在する技術をまた作ってしまう作業であることが多いが、企業によってニーズがそれぞれ少しずつ異なるため自動化が難しい部分でもある。Kleeenはこの問題を解決しようとする新しいスタートアップで、最近のデータセントリックなアプリケーションに適したユーザーインターフェイスとエクスペリエンスの構築に取り組んでいる。かつてベイエリアでUI / UXスタジオを営んでいたチームが始めたこのサービスを利用すると、ウィザードのようなインターフェイスでアプリの定型的なエレメントを作り、企業のデザイナーや開発者はアプリのカスタムエレメントに集中できる。
米国時間2月23日、KleeenはFirst Ray Venture Partnersが主導するシードラウンドで380万ドル(約4億円)を調達したと発表した。Leslie Ventures、Silicon Valley Data Capital、WestWave Capital、Neotribe Ventures、AI Fund、エンジェル投資家グループもこのラウンドに参加した。Neotribeは150万ドル(約1億5800万円)のプレシードラウンドを主導しており、Kleeenのこれまでの調達金額は530万ドル(約5億5800万円)となった。
Kleeenの共同創業者でCPO兼プレジデントのJoshua Hailpern(ジョシュア・ハイルパン)氏は筆者に対し、自分が働いていたスタートアップが売却された後にフロントエンドの設計とエンジニアリングに特化したB2Bのデザインスタジオを立ち上げたと述べた。
Kleeenの共同創業者でCEOのMatt Fox(マット・フォックス)氏は、同社のプラットフォームをすべての人が何でもできるものにするつもりはないという。
Building a front-end for business applications is often a matter of reinventing the wheel, but because every business’ needs are slightly different, it’s also hard to automate. Kleeen is the latest startup to attempt this, with a focus on building the user interface and experience for today’s data-centric applications. The service, which was founded by a team that previously ran a UI/UX studio in the Bay Area, uses a wizard-like interface to build the routine elements of the app and frees a company’s designers and developers to focus on the more custom elements of an application.
The company today announced that it has raised a $3.8 million seed round led by First Ray Venture Partners. Leslie Ventures, Silicon Valley Data Capital, WestWave Capital, Neotribe Ventures, AI Fund and a group of angel investors also participated in the round. Neotribe also led Kleeen’s $1.6 million pre-seed round, bringing the company’s total funding to $5.3 million.
Image Credits: Kleeen
After the startup he worked at sold, Kleeen co-founder, CPO and President Joshua Hailpern told me, he started his own B2B design studio, which focused on front-end design and engineering.
“What we ended up seeing was the same pattern that would happen over and over again,” he said. “We would go into a client, and they would be like: ‘we have the greatest idea ever. We want to do this, this, this and this.’ And they would tell us all these really cool things and we were: ‘hey, we want to be part of that.’ But then what we would end up doing was not that. Because when building products — there’s the showcase of the product and there’s all these parts that support that product that are necessary but you’re not going to win a deal because someone loved that config screen.”
The idea behind Kleeen is that you can essentially tell the system what you are trying to do and what the users need to be able to accomplish — because at the end of the day, there are some variations in what companies need from these basic building blocks, but not a ton. Kleeen can then generate this user interface and workflow for you — and generate the sample data to make this mock-up come to life.
Once that work is done, likely after a few iterations, Kleeen can generate React code, which development teams can then take and work with directly.
Image Credits: Kleeen
As Kleeen co-founder and CEO Matt Fox noted, the platform explicitly doesn’t want to be everything to everybody.
“In the no-code space, to say that you can build any app probably means that you’re not building any app very well if you’re just going to cover every use case. If someone wants to build a Bumble-style phone app where they swipe right and swipe left and find their next mate, we’re not the application platform for you. We’re focused on really data-intensive workflows.” He noted that Kleeen is at its best when developers use it to build applications that help a company analyze and monitor information and, crucially, take action on that information within the app. It’s this last part that also clearly sets it apart from a standard business intelligence platform.
(文:Frederic Lardinois、翻訳:Kaori Koyama)