

関連ワード (Cashify、インド、スマートフォン、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



現地時間3月4日、その課題に挑戦する企業を助けるためのスタートアップが、新たな調達ラウンドで1500万ドル(約16億1000万円)調達した。ニューヨーク拠点のOlympus Capital Asiaが、環境セクターに特化したファンドであるAsia Environmental Partnersを通じて出資した。初期の出資者としてBlume Venturesを迎えた創業5年のスタートアップは、これまでに4200万ドル(約45億円)調達している。

Cashify(キャシファイ)は、オンライン、実店舗、および無人端末で名前が示すどおりのプラットフォームを運用しているスタートアップで、ユーザーはそこでスマートフォン、タブレット、スマートウォッチ、ノートパソコン、デスクトップ、ゲーム機などを売買できる。ただし現在プラットフォーム上の取引の90%はスマートフォン関係だと、CashifyのファウンダーでCEOのMandeep Manocha(マンディープ・マノチャ)氏がTechCrunchのインタビューで語った。





会社はインド最大級のeコマース企業とも提携している。Amazon、Flipcart、Paytm Mall(ペイティーエム・モール)などだ。これらの企業はCashiftyの下取り・交換ソフトウェアを使っているだけでなく、同社によるデバイスの現金化も利用している。Cashiftyは受け取ったデバイスを修理し、再生された商品を顧客に販売する。



同社はインド以外にも拡大し、人材を増やすとともに自社サービスの情報を広めるために投資を増やす計画だ。「Cashiftyの経営チームは、強力な消費者向けフランチャイズをつくり、OEM、eコマース企業や電子機器小売業者と関係を築いて消費者とのあらゆる接点で存在を示すことに関して理想的な経験を持っています」と、Asia Environment Partnersのマネージング・ディクターであるPankaj Ghai(パンカイ・ガイ)氏は声明で語った。

画像クレジット:Nasir Kachroo / NurPhoto / Getty Images


Tens of millions of people each year purchase a second-hand smartphone in India, the world’s second-largest market. Phone makers and giant online sellers such as Amazon and Flipkart are aware of it, but it’s too much of a hassle for them to inspect, repair and resell used phones. But these firms also know that customers are more likely to buy a smartphone if they are offered the ability to trade-in their existing handsets.

A startup that is helping these firms tackle this challenge said on Thursday it has raised $15 million in a new financing round (Series D). New York-based Olympus Capital Asia made the investment through Asia Environmental Partners, a fund dedicated to the environmental sector. The five-year-old startup, which counts Blume Ventures among its early investors, has raised $42 million to date.

Cashify operates an eponymous platform — both online and physical stores and kiosks — for users to sell and buy used smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, laptops, desktops and gaming consoles. But 90% of its business today surrounds the smartphone category, explained Mandeep Manocha, founder and chief executive of Cashify, in an interview with TechCrunch.

“For consumers, our proposition is that we make it easy for you to sell your devices. You come to our site or app, answer questions to objectively evaluate the condition of your device, and we give you an estimate of how much your gadget is worth,” he said. “If you like the price, we pick it up from your doorstep and give you instant cash.”

A few years ago, I wrote about the struggle e-commerce firms face globally in handling returned items. There are many liability challenges — such as having to ensure that the innards in a returned smartphone haven’t been tempered with — as well as overhead costs in reversing an order.

Manocha said that phone makers and e-commerce firms have found better ways to handle returned items in recent years, but they still lose a significant amount of money on them. These challenges have created a big opportunity for startups such as Cashify.

In fact, Cashify says it’s the market leader in its category in India. The startup has partnerships with “nearly every OEM,” including Apple, Samsung, OnePlus, Oppo, Xiaomi, Vivo and HP. “If you walk into an Apple store today, they use our platform.” For consumers in India, if they opted for the trade-in program, Apple.com also uses Cashify’s trading platform, he said.

The startup also works with top e-commerce firms in India — Amazon, Flipkart and Paytm Mall. The firms use Cashify’s trading and exchange software, and also rely on the startup for liquidation of devices. The startup then repairs these gadgets and sells the refurbished units to customers.

“Essentially, whether you come directly to us, or go to popular e-commerce firms or phone OEMs, we are handling the majority of the trading,” he said. Even if a customer trades in the device to OEMs, or e-commerce firms, these companies sell the device to players like Cashify, which serves over 2 million customers in more than 1,500 cities.

The startup plans to deploy part of the fresh capital to expand its presence in the offline market. Manocha said Cashify currently has dozens of offline stores and kiosks at shopping malls across the country and it has already proven immensely effective in brand awareness among customers.

The startup also plans to expand outside of India, hire more talent and invest more in getting the word out about its offerings. Manocha said the team is also working on expanding its expertise to more hardware categories such as cameras.

“The management team at Cashify has an excellent track record in building a strong consumer-facing franchise and building relationships with OEMs, e-commerce companies and electronic product retailers to be present across all touch points for the consumer,” said Pankaj Ghai, managing director of Asia Environmental Partners, in a statement.

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(文:Manish Singh、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

Cashify Store

Cashify Store

Cashify 3.4.1 用 Android - ダウンロード

Android用のCashifyの最新バージョンをダウンロード. Buy and sell outdated electronic devices

Cashify raises $15 million for its second-hand smartphone ...

Tens of millions of people each year purchase a second-hand smartphone in India, the world’s second-largest market. Phone makers and giant online sellers such as Amazon and Flipkart are aware of it, but it’s too much of a hassle for them to inspect, repair and resell used phones. But these firms also know that customers […]

Cashify - Sell Old & Used Mobile Phones Online - Apps on ...

Cashify is a smooth, smart & easy-to-use platform where you can sell old mobile in just 60 seconds. To sell a smartphone online using the Cashify app, you can get a price quote for your used phone instantly. Browse through our mobile listing or simply search for your model, get the accurate price on minimum effort and sell the mobile phone right from your doorstep. How Cashify Works? Cashify is designed to be user-friendly and help you sell used phone quickly at the best price. Here's how simple it is: 1. Download the app 2. Select your City 3. Go to the mobile phone category 4. Select your mobile brand and model 5. Answer a few questions about your old phone 6. If you like the price quoted, click on "Sell Now" 7. Pick a date & time for device pickup 8. Hand over the old phone to the pickup agent and get instant payment Why Sell Your Old Mobile Phone On Cashify? If you’re wondering how to sell your mobile phone for best price, Cashify is your go-to platform that brings along the following key benefits: Instant Payment We believe in instant returns. Cashify delivers instant payment at the time of device pickup. You can opt for any other payment mode, such as Internet Banking, Paytm Wallet Transfer, or Amazon Voucher as per your convenience. Risk-free Security is of paramount concern to us. So, when you sell used mobile or anything on Cashify, you’re not required to post any ad that might compromise your personal details. Similarly, every device sold to us is wiped out completely to ensure full data privacy for our users. Quick & Convenient Cashify is all about convenience. Selling any device on Cashify takes just 3 simple steps: simply install the Cashify App on your phone, run your device through an automatic diagnosis process to get a quote, and place your request. Smartphone Diagnosis Cashify mobile application runs complex algorithms at each step of smartphone diagnosis to finally provide you with the best price of your old phone. Our algorithm is quite efficient and quickly runs all the software and hardware level tests required to calculate the best price to be offered for any phone. Free Pickup We know how annoying those hidden Terms & Conditions can be. That’s why our pick-up service is absolutely free and involves zero hidden charges. Refer and Earn We believe that having a friend pays you at times. Therefore, we have a refer & earn policy that entitles you to earn points, every time your friends sell their devices. These points can be redeemed as money. All you need to do is share your referral code with a friend who needs to sell his/her smartphone, which he/she will have to use to initiate a transaction of sale. Buyback/Exchange Partners At Cashify, we have strong business relationships with all smartphone brands and other leading E-commerce companies in the Indian market. We are the official buyback partner of many of these brands as well. Amazon : https://www.amazon.in/b?ie=UTF8&node=15909053031 Chroma : https://www.croma.com/lp-cashify-tandc OnePlus : https://www.oneplus.in/buyback Samsung : https://www.samsung.com/in/offer/exchange-info Nokia : https://www.nokia.com/phones/en_in/buyback Vivo : https://shop.vivo.com/in/sp/vivo_exchange Are few to name alongside Paytm, Apple, Xiaomi, Huawei, HP & Dell. Doorstep Screen Repair That’s not all! You can even use our 30-minute doorstep mobile screen repair for your broken phone at the click of a button. Log on to www.screenpro.in or simply download the Cashify ScreenPro app and get screen repair with up to 50% discount. Apart from mobile phones, you can also sell laptops, tablets and gaming consoles online on Cashify.

[Funding alert] Cashify raises $15M from Olympus Capital

1 日前  · Cashify, the refurbished smartphone marketplace startup, aims to register around 100 percent growth in business in 2021, riding on the increased demand for electronic devices. Online marketplace ...

Franchise Store - Cashify

Cashify not just ENABLES you to SELL but also, BUY, ACCESSORIZE & REPAIR your smartphone, so that every time you… THINK SMARTPHONE, THINK CASHIFY. :) A look at our Store Contact For Franchise Enquiry ...

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Cashify Enterprise Solutions for Buyback, Mobile Exchange ...

Cashify Enterprise Solutions offers Buyback, Tradein, Mobile Exchange and other enterprise solutions to customers Overall to help them achieve their business goals.

価格.com - スマートフォン 最新人気機種ランキング【2021年3 …


【楽天市場】スマートフォン本体(スマートフォン ...

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ドコモ スマートフォン(4G) | 製品 | NTTドコモ

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スマートフォン | スマートフォン・携帯電話 | ソフトバンク


価格.com - スマートフォン・携帯電話 | 通販・価格比較・製品 …

スマホ・携帯電話といえば価格.com! iPhone、Androidスマホ、ガラケー、格安スマホをまとめて比較ができる!通販価格情報・スペック検索・人気ランキング・クチコミ情報・新製品ニュース等、いろんな便利情報も満載!

スマートフォン - Wikipedia

スマートフォン(英: smartphone 、日本での略称「スマホ」)は、モバイル向けオペレーティングシステムを備えた携帯電話の総称である。 現在では一般に、折り畳み式を含む従来型の携帯電話(フィーチャー・フォン)等と区別されて使用される。

スマートフォン(Android スマホ) | 製品 | au

auスマートフォン(Android スマホ)の製品一覧。人気の新機種・新製品の機能など携帯電話の最新情報をご案内します。

スマートフォン・携帯電話 | 京セラ




スマートフォン(スマホ)とは - IT用語辞典 e-Words

スマートフォン【smartphone / スマホ】とは、個人用の携帯コンピュータの機能を併せ持った携帯電話。従来の携帯情報端末(PDA)に携帯電話・通信機能を統合したもの、と表現されることもある。単に高機能というだけでなく、汎用のOSを搭載し、利用者が後からソフトウェアなどを追加できるようになっている機種を指す場合が多い。

資金調達 - Wikipedia

資金調達(しきんちょうたつ、英: financing )とは、事業に必要な資金を調達することをいう。 資金調達という用語は、政府組織、民間企業、個人事業主の事業などについて幅広く用いられている。 「資金調達」という用語は、広義には



資金調達方法には何がある?資金調達方法35種類のメリット ...

資金調達方法には何がある?資金調達方法35種類のメリットデメリット | 資金調達BANKは【資金調達の専門家】が銀行融資・公的融資(制度融資)・ビジネスローン・不動産担保ローン・ファクタリング・手形・助成金(補助金)・出資・株主割当・ベンチャーキャピタル・エンジェル・資産の売却・リースの活用など、様々な資金調達方法について、図解して丁寧に解説しています。資金調達方法の解説だけでなく、「資金繰りを改善するために何をすれば良いのか?」「融資審査に通らないときの対策」「資金繰りを悪化させないための収益性の高い経営方法」「起業直後でも利用できる補助金・助成金の取り方」「銀行融資を受ける交渉のコツ」など、実務的に役に立つ資金調達方法も紹介しています。資金調達・資金繰りに悩む経営者や経理・財務の方必見です!

資金調達の種類、方法、メリット、デメリットまとめ【2020 …


株式会社と資金調達。知っておくべき調達方法とは | クラウド ...

公開日:2020/08/21 株式会社が資金調達を必要とするのは、創業前の設立資金と創業後の運転資金や設備資金です。資金が必要になる理由も、事業拡大やセーフティネットとしての機能を期待した時など様々です。 経営者であれば、いざという時に備えて資金調達...


資金調達freeeで. あなたに合った調達手段を比較・申し込み. 複数金融機関等の中から、最適な資金調達手段を検索・比較。. freee finance labの独自試算に基づき、審査通過可能性の診断を行います。. さらに、事業でご利用の銀行口座を登録いただくことで、試算条件が自動的に改善していきます。.

創業・起業の資金調達方法11選! 起業に使える資金調達の方 …

創業・起業して間もない場合、「資金を預けるべきか」を判断する信用情報が少ないため、起業に使える資金調達方法は限られています。 そのため、事業計画書を作成して審査を受ける必要があり、審査に通るかは「事業計画書の内容」で決まると言っても過言ではありません。 今回は、創業・起業に使える資金調達方法を11種類に分け

資金調達 | 起業・会社設立ならドリームゲート

資金調達という視点でそれぞれを比較すると以下のような特徴があります。 まず、都市銀行・地方銀行は株式会社であり、株主利益が優先され、利益を最大限に追求する経営形態となっています。 これに対して、信用金庫・信用組合は地域

経営者なら絶対に抑えておきたい10の資金調達と必読記事 | …


中小企業経営者が資金調達で困っていることTOP3、3位担保 ...




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